10The Champion,80Milton, 0nt., Wed, .lly 18, 1973. 1 2 H IC. O PERFORMANCE UNLIMITED 1968 BUICK LE SABRE 2 DOOR HARDTOP 350 V80a 'osssos, power07steer7ng3p700 75a07301radio,0 3011 MUST BE EN-A REAL BFAIITY $1895 1969 BEAUMONT 4 D0CR SEDAN 6 cylinder autornatic, 43707070.ro13lLosodo white 10011tires, ra0,o. F918790 in Nwo Suri, 57000:îow-1 ooîOOOl g black 112707 rLo 00DSB72 A VERY SHARP. ECONOMICAL AUTOMOBILEJ ONLY ...$1795 1969 EMBASSADOR D.P.L. 4 DOOR SEDAN V 8autoosati, hi 5ca i 27 17151017730170033 ve7'07717'g includ0n g-f ac or'y air corditi î73o' n abrad n3 0010 1 17~ s 000K123. F71111 O 00017 11073010 ONE 0F A KIND DON'T MISS IT $1995 1970 FORD MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP 3Sf V-8a1,1omalic.F00ou e ,0hile 11 -7 raio030,0 e r Slons MîostGsey, ooîfh Blueo '_ yi ini O o Lç05SH70,1 Ti IS HAS OEEN A LO007111 0 0E O070017 AR 3e 1 Ilý UW ad on these guaranteed used cars, page . . 12 'Todlay's Paper" We'Il give you more for your cor SEE US TODAY JACK RI1CHAR DSO N CHEV - OLDS L[TO Ca ..701 R.S07013 77 ac- nt 10050ts ind straw to SI W.0. 1 ,. 305700 f711n, 0 4l1101291 C0LLECTING egos andPouISSO 4 5 minutes mhUd cha808' your 891881 ,rs Sffîs O G0ooearFO3707,f1ee1e fn 002 Wheels io O01003 5d7 475 o i $2395 771103postonîs a0 D'ci. 4Typîs, bd recepIi01105 ne Ton Stake No0 07453J 201 peed 17257 0î015311's- ca,0dua $0125l BOOKEEPER: .NoS T 40 30 A eal ri for lodays Eo he 011700121179 Aoo k ep isgq 7ay7oll 270 $3,1 95 -li ae c Laurentian 011-l No 705 0 Ifl St 001:1 097MER SERVICE 350 V 8, auonl o wer 907070S270,3 .0500300 , do white wa 1 1, 700501 0,800 Fnsîhed ni 0. ,00 0,10 77250075 $2955 1968 BuiCk Le Sabre For oosoedan,350VOî,-tonrt, Fin 1 0113730717î100lo w0h1 black 177117,07and3 017 koni op q 1073Pd1-th7power $1?895 1971 Voîkswagen Fasthack 202,12810 110 .No SL 041 $2155 1971 Buick Centurion 4 DOOR, AIR CONDITIONFF) 4009102h1 rch09.FnisEed 1in0M37,7a Turquoise -th -0717307173 bak cloIOlîfteio andblack -yl '.O 0035071733750'7351 climateoon0o10air '73 70.077 0 p ,730700. UwsM F00 rado, 455 V8 engin.2., ail4 Uo .1007 .700 appo111150211f8L, o No. ,'D0 962 M U S RFES E E N J1U3S01L1i:K BRAND NEW $39995 Use Our Conenîent GMAC Tme Payment Plan N*(llM(Vfr 54&e 388 Main St 21. mîoton 878-2355 CO0 QODINUTOR A-p1.77:1770731-g.5f 5551 70 0203î73 position7 as a -sone ser57 ic0 , o0o0t0d01',7270 f., 7,0s 1arg e7ell k. .7.1 EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS Required 0f' NigEf 71007uS ofLîse po 01117. Sle207 0509107505 App ly t50 Maple Lodge F2100 LSdý AIl> PeTsonnel Dept LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now oo 700 0train1 sghl 001, in Canada! Weekend training 2101 For application and0 interview, atty 0epartirrief The Caradian hstituteof0 Tr loosTaieTraining Lsd. Or 7ai141 864 '381 tFus50ef'îTrarî5Canada Transport Training)1 TWO MECHANICS R EQUIR E ) Top rate fo r 0500 Apply Service Man7ag27 DATSUN OAKUILLE 1110 KILN OPERATORK Maio, Osoîlo and King9 212 and Barfoss, Bell 2122 Pînoe one 0Mrs078MarionoHill MEN AND WOMEN SChool Bus Drivers FOR SEPIEMBER A. M &7.0M ROUTES IN9M MILTON AND For mre nfrmaio Cal 3 Superintendent 9290,120 î5imeOî2lely for o: 'suite 292115021 building9 if J'Milton. Apply oinoîiit11g 50 Box 253 1The 02112012 openin9 for a7n experience TUNNEL KILN ,e SUPERVISOR IrGood s021iry plusoS 0021i50 Ou21,1,00 people 01s17 1150 appIy- Milton Brick Co. MR. P.BARNEIT es WANTED: R ETAI L SALES AGENT We 19qA152 a Salns Agen 1 w tho Milflton re2 Psoloî M' Tk :0:501 0021 721411 oufI 40007209S osme0valk27 Wp o PTomotion, Nuo nve502 GONJ:BEEBE 110Jam0es S ,S, .1 Hamilt1on, Ontro, CARPENTERS Apply 02700011Stru fores, rear of Fîf Wheel Slop, JCf. 401 ai 25 Milton. 42c WILL d fo l0,75 in7Myhome,3780 1 b1 r"10007din Cu.im7r7Servi c e, HELPERS & 3023 wor ad htlea-, nlng PUGMILL IORSE boodeclreawab-,MALEIbl20k P9099 Camp-! price, 878 4297. ucln rdy ,,Gep C-2189 tl Chsidrens pet. P12280 0ay 0121115 aif 0kville -phone 8 78-2029. 070-Cf12 1406 unaescit.7. c210 FEMALE grey cdog 70110 18589f COINS WANTED cli aher nerv9B 2202 13 Please hone 86-2462 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN0 THE ESTATEOF ALBERT 8iDWAI9O KENNEDY. 00,' 80 000 194 AMBLER A7121,021, HOUSEKEEPER for So111sf21' 99 AAa,0 St. W Mltn1is-est oe8.8 7 15 827614. perience, mut8 av 29bl2 1370 29 C12 131 re2120028 0221 00boxNo.252 962 CHEV 1Impa 2005 10laEU0015 2. 11-j--"9C C radian Champon l ton.0,101 Hardop, 8 U010et125,0.o2038 1%6 C 9070convertible, P.S0, 22011250 552151 7705 1.ke28 on20 fai, $500 r nearest 01101878 PART TI15E 0212 for o0018102 87067alr6Pm 912 1318 29 C12 1324 mitea 4 w,,2012 710820 nSWe O U SED CARSH't AT RICHARDSON 811 CHV ODS BOYS AND GIRLSIo WE'RE BIG ON SMALL Routes avaîlable for See ar diplay delivery of The Seorspecial ipo Canadian Champion 7070107 I0 it00 osovert, OPERATORS H70771 05019001 703 3702f BA. Mmbe W,tin s'oo 0,f289 217lcarts. 0007, I. nd3007sL ,, 1 uIdiQ8 8 44.28210.2202 9 0770 PSITONS010213 '0 TEkIflEDN ANTI 00,10, in0Country 2 CAL11 MU ,STEWARI 77917 in 9117007Il Pay ail 7001bills. THE RECONSTRUCTION 0F ELIZABETH DRIVE b02010.59254934. 2001177 315 37eshreRd.F. P. Barneff, DUE5te h ,320057070,10017 -Coombindebfo. LI-i-beo70707703Erc Mlo BrickCo. a ,0077002or5thewe Mlfoo o oîOa reprit. AND SIOEWALK CONSTRUCTION ON MILL B,ýn Sfeeles Ave, W. 0)u7 053 'y10 q.-I 1310a199010015SRETWS Il le, O , 'y " A 2os o3 fge OooIoosMlo.0f402 050C101090 CALL: SMaled Tendersl' it70111 212021o8by the oodeslgned u2110 ( LCRCHt ae et RIE ATE t akile JOE REYNOLDS 7.00 on 0Mi1191 072108723445. EXTA100707IN072 2PRE IME Lea 72Mlto b8wee INCOME MORTGAGE TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1973 EXTbc ers laA ITICOMENi Y oUR SPanabETIe me? 373170 0,10 bfl SERVICES EENCED 7287072 o 1801, 75 100711717 031 o tan, 5Free d4912110 No obIlitonS If you are 63c1201322 639-1043 111183 Os) deak ndtnritlngM lSretW s.11:235 u ranh-Lescoox ph one15--2 58 0350527-4557 Hamilton Te2890211 09115.ss o apox 70 i o ap 63,121299 il mr25010on1MiII Sreet 0West. Tw 8792158yAuus It Part lime Position A opy oiff the081015 o cumentsa780812111din9lansl7and172Il01277 A vail a ble S aio9sehs882SI9EoiS08009,3d BOARDe1h In iat Augus for711 101119 g 30 0278 ofthe0e noder'o1o8100 date. F3 BNISHED O9000for r189f BU IN SSEaof, 1800 st e1 7088000ompan1118b a onîified chequor S'bld > Centr117 1002120. Business witch boa rd uperator urru~î BUIESOPOTN od, made payabl o the Corpoaion of TheTowofSAtoO, In geneman. 8783551 the 50015o S 8of 5.20. 820121321 -Receptionist 1I1have a store insMiltoo, Vacant.Idel for servie type To Io8227edîRl 110082'1700280 F0158 05 01 . 730 0f'r 19 0011099 shikfts 11 toilose o000f tira i111 in 5058 or o01021 80811128. 11070Reni. Must R. V.ANDERSON MBo.rFUSHR, .M.CT gentleman, lin051110 s00 rg0 req91301edSiEhordexe en2aveood 1f8150020 91128011 for doing lOIs? The store 18 ASSOCIATES LM-O LRADMINISTBATOR 8782016. oked. y rSîo8odoeie preferred 1 . L10101180180021. 0013190 IEER 1CRPOAIN0 VooSo 0770THE 105090OF ACTON MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Phone Tooto, 7835422A4900LANNERS 000MILL. STREET EAST EO SITTIlNG oohn sOo,12812for 87-2383 Th01 vv11It - Box254 194 WILSON AVENUE, ACTON, ONTARIO. 7205525man, 358 Main St. 27 To arange n intrvie. e02Canadîao 0Champion1TORONTO, ONTARIO 242l i4164972 Ma M 3A8 7A 82c12 1301 $2195 1970 Plymouth Road Runner 2 Door Coup 383 V78. 48911110 Hu tires w0th A50erica 70:10 bl a oO buooO2f 1971 Frd O1 300VB ngine, 4 S rear wh0291s Lîo 501ferprisin9f01508 1971 Pontia 4 Door Seda ai 10,cincoletin5 r 01d12O 0 l 07770 laeo8.OMfon, In fhe um0 aion for cash.020EBLAKELOCK LI9RI999,l' Tonshp9of EosqooooIg, in th Counîy of 421507, Ref i red fig -, ne pidSorserHossss' OSSsoî p415sss775 F.,s,ss deceased. )olér ,GodCon ,MiiSes MILLGROVE Moouo S WP or LgIn 1dustrial aga919811022812129ALBERT WE BUY ALL COINS D"S EAERS orComercalDelveres E 9W0f EEDYeslai 21 DEALRS fr Pino Mvingand 0f R.R. S, Milton, 1nfth2 For 1411081 1informat2ion w70111 No70 only 82.00. Tables Di85smnlll09 Township of E4258011, IRe provded for firs175. 118102 F21502î, deceased, ho00died COLLECTIONS, 40 percent1 off forCoutoserv S1ice and 089on or2aboftthe2 229h ,y of F 0. BOX 731 On, Hamilton-Guelph 4707. Low Raes Decem ber, 1972, are 851708 8t ed 880 a18100121' OAKVI LLE, ONT. 28Mi.Sof 01CaII 878-5222 o0825020 he undersigned on OR 168-051 1-S549-3B64 or h29or th e 000day of ask0or theCoin 7309 ISCt August 93; ofheîos the estate2will bedisfîIbufed abe ai te HAACA. hout egardO ofheir cI2Ims. Gun Shows SUNOAY ALLAN J. NICHOLS, JULY22,1032 On 207rySreet, Aclon Comm5uîity Centre. THE CORPORATION Milfon, Ontario, Solollos' for fh2 Ad. 9.5.t0295 0OF m50istr1ao 00812 THE TOWN OF 77c12 (5) MI LTON 1 Ontario TENDER FOR Town of Milton Sommer Music Lessons Mintro The Highway No. 25 LOA Regislern11,oIfr Miisryof dusfrial Development OA & Accord 0in Government 022120 1Tenders 70111b, IMPROVEMENT Phoo, 18t2B7 Services '15l 30dh011d8î81gonNOTICE - SALE 0F SURPLU S THURSDAY, 'TAKE NOTICE EHAT: MOLLIE MacGIREGOR B IG AND UUT251 . The C001101 of the BUILING AND UGUT 2,973 C70poirilion 9of1the10ownof SCHOOL 0F DANCING CONTENTS, FOR TOHE c1Iontution 8Milton10098l10fd as8a Local Modrn Jazz (EXCLUDIN G ALL iOf San 'ta 7 Sw70eî8I5provement a 2W12150212, ChIl& AdulClasses CONCR ETE ANI[ 22s1i1,COIe ooî 01127872150Ra Ballet -Tap -0Highland2and 24 fpyetr i itCntuto n Bre MASONRY WORK 0F ' sl..9020 n00 GreenCe185141101 011 2182 Info. 878-9788 BASEMENTI Miton, Afiance Road 211d the2Col. STUDIO, MILTON LEGION 029 n1no711 O To oolîoloo701 'F30A 6790100nrg8 12001020utl3: 1100 p.. Local c0078185of127910911152521 55 2 he coS of2he001k 18 0î1 Timon f01 îîof 30" C0on2l2 Sarlf2îy 8519,2,30,oS 700,00ch 44,128.291 TUESOAY. AUGuST 21,1973 1Sewer;2, 135ft. of27' o o Onpaîd 87 the fo thIeeof Farm H00e Cof10î90e SaniIIeISe e ;,Corporation.flThe980l2i tl 290 ifs contents, Iexcudo lg 1,150 Si. oS 12" Concwre per acre 58 $2,753.28. The 12'0x 5' Wall ient,500KingSft.1 0Il 81210528917501121777and,301.0129202128285055 81 8 079 020332 0 01 l882011 2 0 oIle Iron Wa121502119,20 x paid in T1702117 211942 001 30Mapleut Detent011 Cenre, 6' R2s11oed Concet o x in899 ial1l150n11. 17 F GL NELE, lke ew, H.y. No. 401 and 25, Milton,1. Culoes'î. 100 fi. long; 202il.oSl hos tat G erE. 88 2 1 . Otario.012011el,221191and2 4,00Q Il, of 3. The 28i502120 1112of the 0002f 3680The F2150House U79921 1020 worklis Twenty yea21 CAMPER tSf2521 Sf270006. structure2110ils Contents A 09c o 01125'4AO151p1y01018 100100udedo a lent70,f7 floor.Sha0211 8212500020 So5 the1site Odoues 7f0590 130119 752118 120 on1 04938113, 1973 al 873021007 181521 12pm. inif 405119(xcudngail 2110 899051102îo18s fer Ithe 7:0o'clock p.0.2al the Town 1972 SPRITE C0202f, s o bismet)wihi sxt 0 ) hCnslig n 180uon erig cmpans gis & Ie bx soveadda rm.da ysro lî1th2e teoS 20 0n500110of820.0070E1707,I I b theprp1os8d assessmentSSor 1 fi1o., i,5E5709h175,i,00029î01102. 10lAde upon retA17 of the 20001907 of acre ne-730200000851500011 78 94 6c3111Frh011tcuasma edcuet i S oniin esrm.s01 any other05 085331 AInePI 9from Niagara 82 70t011130 daysofOSthe2tender:, 005012101 w00ch0 921809 SmS,0 C4a0 m077, 2f80 Repesenf2fl3e, 345 Park Si. Eanfd01 085 , ,11hi18Ch i byla $50, 97892637. elephone: Dundsa627 3505'.05020i20by 209151120 ATED AT MILTON July 09,,12 13061008549 made2payable 50the Tender 0Documents 5027 81 Cor'poration1 oSf the 0070n1of 100, 1973. 17 FT ouRAILER wilh 2rig 2.b 5100 fr.nte Mi nisry oSf8Miton in the amount of J.MCGEACHIE. ,oveanOofief 0Ele0t2i1150P115 tS e,,o,oes,' Crk. brksf2070 7, and70mirrors, R92oral1 tfice,0 , 345 ar k SI.7c ne97ires20eeosin good 00W , 0011028,Ontario. On101089902 9ai315 p i condition 7803227,,, 5el0p112 050028 0 27 3515-501 f2110enders 2 20 2110 miiiiiuii 121533801000 crdd publicy b th NOTE: Forî urther - inf01 CoAOiI oSf5the 070T o SofMilton mation regar di11g 10,8 Teder, .7 the C0310il Chambers8. t Ward Brownridge FOR RENT 9122820211 oMr. E. Van1Astine. Tenders AllI021182928820fd o 1 -ENT TRAILERS M00:oirîy oS G0391950291 5heCoporaliosso C0118151119 Lce208Auo0l0r2 APACHE HARDTOPS SrvcI2es, D.n937 35n5aio472'742 502 Woîdoîschek ad Fr-iet 850211110218A Cîsi0prnt Cof thettloî2 OpO2IPhone 878-6730 VP9R~ITCAMPING 8050 f I10 Tenoder, 5m20e The Consulti11g Engineî8 Appîoas -AiITypes pyable o the 112200121 oSffor the 70010are2RB V.8.t IRA ILERS e 500Tndf. Tis0005092ll194 Wlson 55Avenue228 , Toronto 538 Bronte Rd. c relurned to unsccRssAul Ontari, 005003A8. 53idder9. 5021. For Complete 82 7-1865 Telws raytne C Tende w IlI 905 e con si02î00 tho 1050981010117 550021 07n0Servic Aftr 5 p.. and weeends _le_ r.20I.'IO frms cwe pIfltIen AfîI 550.11070dk7b8 51 thepî ini20011f0101ofedChrîs A. Sohouten liG922111502RServices. 7Mr.0b.Besl MooîAUCTIONEER Te01901185 2or11712Tender05 75Mr. J. McGeahi Slsoa,9y 2 n2c2ss2rily accepted. Townî Cloîk 2 80 117 8 Town of lMillo n Sales conducted anywhere1. Hor* . VAN ZANDEN 251 MainStre at Te.8827 .1 NEWV REGIONAL MANAGER Milton, 112OnTl.a78-57 TENIDER OPENiNG NO. 176C12 R.R.3Mi Itn011,-011.t Luvv RATES !T30 701 05 sIs and 2nd I THE CORIPORATION 0F M*Ufl MORTGAGES THE TOWN 0F ACTON CUPLEIN58 22702222esil SoîoIO8 Wilfssoif iSy ONTARI 1 - 41. WANTED