Il Tise Cisampion, Milon, Ot., Wednedap, Jane 27,1f973 A GALA AFFAIR lant weak ai the S. & H. Sunoco sation on Mata St. încluded clowns and pretty girls. A happy cuelomnr Les Houle is surraoded hy Dabbie Rtnkin and Cindy Biederman as clown John Sauve pump tae gat. (Photo by S. Casaina) Conservation Week Cabinet ministers here for breakfast tuabinet muasaiea Geoege Brue Tai falaowinfthbreak- Keee. MPP toc faltan Watt and tat ina Sna. IdFP far Hatan East Satueday aftrnaaa mi ialde a's in a vparcaaibreakfat a 2 pm cannsnstruon and asapaertOfCnservationrhee demanstatian ait frian Park. beieg clebaedeaom June 25ta RanvLaeaand, aqoaticdirrvtor a tul 1n tise lialn ilegsnn Keisa. ai teavis ail tise an- waerased ieeestrd intseisasicsaofeanoing. Thse fun begins ibis Satueday Tiatsaite afîrnon. the ioevsn, Jn3ai 830am. ai Mauttsbeef Widlbfe Centra miii ilaiinaata Posi Besvg a be bostivf a Causish Fînhiof beaet ' appetiie and caminetaisin Derbyeront 3ioO9p.m. Prizra miii ualisg cs'ibr. an vau cati tain be awaeded for tisrstcatchsf oste Fnvx oi tise Brave Teait Club tise afternon 'sk iiainegaiaap taishe Milton Planning Board briefs At n mentig of Milton Flan- plants ise Hand Cisemical Iodas- nivg Bardaais ariise baed: trins oa op ta tise sodividoat _Leaened uis adtapprnsnd inspecter Tise latter mas atsui , rvesei'atiosaplannof respndsng In a qoer fromt subdisin foe Vîiaria Wood Mitn Planning Bonard. Il mas sinaniapeesn n egpibnrbvod nird ai teaat 215 irai tsould tan :aster fate in lise soatiseen pari proasdad brimera a visamical ftise satvsespality. plant andi ovy ntr building. PWs adidsd Mdltonneoonsi bad Ligeeed lu rneaa peaparty -Was advisod a vomber ni ai 22.1 Mstni Si. ta aile- avacantpiiamnsgamadh rd1 disis' stice la bc r ered presnn peopoard altrnatives for and unrdasabacrtoe aparf- thre 50KVu'Hydre Transmision -Learnd lheDeparment tramn Middlapra ta Ficher- eaeved is lind Rrie aing sA meetringtt aisncfildin Mil- ha ve 'tsverttdRera ton Juiy3 and aecnd st Aton saasadbmitetren Jol '. T ra mengs in ai hal b a toi chviaa r exvplosive bld. Study APONMNT public image latin I'ssty Board ai Edtsatstvcosadredaaumsr ssfreasmnndatisns maderby the Festesise's and Eapradiiare ati metng Tisuesday. T'ise bosard agreed sisal wtse flis ee tier Platn Eduaaion ýes isad sas asnertctmsngs and sncirs'stion peabiems. tise s'ars'esasstsrtbecmmisav Ths' boaed dissussrd holdding tisai aseIniî% snowspapr attia ha-' an ssppaeiovi ta paisi sets , tleit'atatslltfrss'Itia it e ilt rceent fr rier s'ssvadeeaiss [esom tise cnet nisssvssatsssva and puic relatins lasd Ptf Tise bosard agreed s, niera ,sassaals astis tise pressanderadiot station rseporters tomas ti gond srelatiost thi tise medsa. titises recnssmeeda uiona n stareesl etded uaYs tss open up bettes ie fcomncto iss'tees tise sruatees and tise prsinci pain Oý F. McCuasg, prsdenf of MaEaasg t nuanco Limlfed, as ploasod ta annoonce abat Peter McCuaig toila ho nasitd ath hlm in the asean. Polar mon edtaafed le Msttoet and af Oilia College. Fier eaeettp groduted tram Matbatirr University le thele spatial course oftqualification for an is nrante agent failotosea a pa n le rou dopoimann tts t onal t esuane Company le Toronto. Pater miii ha pleased tastiat pot se planfnn note Omagh Annual ByNMes.CeeU Pator= The annuai congregatioal pirate for Omagh Presbyterian charchta o heid on Sunday June 24, folioming churchworship and sacrament oi communion A smorgatbord dimn ar s ,essd nsthe church batement to about 60 cisdren and parents. Later the sont carne out aod a fine sports program, was followed iisrough ai Bon Centre Park grounds. Thse convenern wore Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gilluas, Mrs. Clareoce MeCann and S.S. naaintendenta Me. and Mes. Caltar Marshall. Peines were aiven ta ail the litile flt for racen, prenchooteen church pîcnic is happy day for ai fiit, Seia ta Lynne Cote; nia ta neena year-oid minad race, Douglas McCana; baya nanan ta nino yae, David McCann; seven fa ne paeold fiait, Risasda Myrs,; Sitar icbig lo ais ai[ Myers; sater ballan caaiasl, J. C. Marshaill and Lauria Myes. effaona tpaon, John Myeen, ima minute race, Clarence Patteetan; hammeeing tait won hy Giadpea Wataon for tisa ladies, and for tae gants, Harold Watson. A candynsceamislewas held and an aiteetoon treat oi mateemelon ait mode for a happy pienie. Congratulations ta David McCarn an receiving the Jafirey Jansen memoriat citinennhip amard ai Pecey Maeey Sceel for grade 3. Miss Beverley Ror of Toronto mas a vister woith ber grand- parean, Mr and 'is Robrti the Colia Marshall resideas.a' Me. and Met. Fed Branofa Derby, England are holiday goat for thee meats mith tise John Wiidgoona iamdly, Fors Lina. Met. Wiidgnnsa and Met Brama areanintara andisavanit had avisiiiforvea yaea. Me. and Met. Lloyd May, Roy May and Mita J. Burton ail oi Mina, aina matis Me. and Mms Craif Raye and iasnilp had an anjoyakia lima on Fatiesee Day Jane 17 mush the Roman foesiiy, Fourih Lana. The Prai eoanty atnal geaduation bsanqutand dance bî'ihed Lit nsie C'evtreen tisa i1igs ti'. 22. Maien sabout 550 gtesta gaiiaered loi, a delassana but iaehey su per cateed bp Cboeeh ai C rit ladies. Sevanteen gradoatro, i6 mat and one lady, a haaand andmife tram, reeivnd tise U.C.G. siOntaria Undarmater Caunocîi diasof certîifcain. 16 meaba oi teamningftor teoba diviaf ara reqoed and eaeh mat ha qabtîed ta diva sin mater ai teasi 12 irai drap. Thay mat rriea thair eqaipment and put il an ander mater T'sis inctadan ibair masa, lina, scaba tank and weigsi bail. The training director and intracne a Ries Roman, Fooeth line, and peesirot Dasta r'h,sanpssi)ii ofsNew 'rosnto be ai Farcis Soand for the comna weea end for andar mair ex- plaration and have pianord many mare rapeditiono for the nom- mer. Thona inlerestadl an lise sports are malcome ta attend any uf thate eveits. Biethday greeling s go fa Met' Marie Kuetan and Met. Ruth Oeownridga. Cosagratlations la Bill and m-to <Sae retcratina their Hoover Constellation Canoda's most popalar vacuom ciconer ard ilflots on a ctssion of air, e Carepsea handlensrves as tard toragr. 0 Entra trengai tard vacip on pion. Ultrfecosa (doubaleosfrofvs mon't ksak ne fray. Positivr loch oneleanor. * 10 secondtaag change. Haadsnvtr toocs thn diri. Large tapon ifp disposai pair taag, miiu u tnt anfil baO isful BOEtarsian manda -tsaht mainisi anodiard duaatminans, ratird rim for greatr afreagta, nylon positiv sontfh. 0 Crtoaateog and fimer naaalr. tam profita, ftll amioci. Liffer pither, non machina avion raiollrt * Gtaroefend for ane tait year. À Hoover Professional Style Hair Dryer Our nom Hoover talon style hisor der as modern in design, tops an performance. * Faldn dama fa tat ban alan fot poraoiitf and nilorage. Canvnaint carrying hardie. 0 Adiustaise tramt 23" fa 2f' framn basa. 0 Large end roonmy hdaommodises toronna ratiers, 161 air hales for maximum air .irculation and fonter devina aime. bao throogh isco fonr devina tannas. nFate tempenfoure settlngs, col ami , mediu and odbt. n, Pmer manieurs sef. Power table 40" long. *Ptgs la an tnp of mater nonrlag. nclnae dm at ntatiments, dram sonder, dîna sander, cuaa le tarost, baffer. May bo tard wte deynn hale or neparnfeip mlta nmltvis an Hooj Electric Smartlp stpled in occerted hp lostroot nIMO matt clament tabris qainhie and safrîn. *tteans Guard -proarofs et Autmai Ic reset - mif ch ketfir bais dry, sisa Ont ansatis allyp Ho Coff e New design stainlesa steel ard hardie. eStaniens steel sns Oas longer. n Easy grip hardie pmtrsnga plentoro Indiafr lObat toits " Keeps canat af"d " Complefey immer 10 oap capocitn * 21 j H June Bride NS Hoover Automnatic Toaster Style mush ctasslc aimpticifp in gteaming chrome mush Ebaeay black paneis. * Crlnp modern nîplita et Tonsts one or mare nilan t o ne lime. Tonats aap beead. . .even tenoon. * Extraalalh "paptap" for easp toast ramonai. * "Front" tamerina vantent tan Instant rel nase. * SIlde-anfîne stadeseetnor. si Easy ta clean erumbt tran. * 18.95 lient medding aannveray an Jane 30. Gai mcii wiaheo ta Fraak Smiitt ni Rendate mho la in the Toronto Generai Hospital folimiaf an accident on TtedyJne 2i miton bis car it yju eoa n tihe Fiftit Une. Mr. Smitha had baient viaitiof as mas Isis contons Titaenday with itsi dangitter Met. June Letoan and tamite. Mr. and Met. David Taylor ni Mimico were aneekend g nata th thbnseaenotsMr. adl Mes. S Fsassa'e and sseshîpped at Omnagh 1' byteses' (l isc on June 24. Me. and Mr. Sam Finnie Sr daugisiers Liiat and Lydia, oi Milton, Miss Joane Mitcell oi Campbeiiviiia, Me. and Met. Aiea Finnie and baby Lynnette wee weekend vinitea muta Me. and Mes. Sam Finnie Jr. and tamiiy ait Danavitie for Faibeens Day. Me. and Met. S. Finale Se. creeaird iheir Oint medding anniveesarp Jane ta. rer Kettie stasniest teel, s blacka base and ngs mater fa a bail scnldiog of hads. tsof anrst over eMaker teataras gteamsng body msth black base de and out atayadstrier, ARDWARE 136 MAIN S. j MILTON'