6 The Citampion, Miltce, Ont.. Wednesday, Jcne27, 1973 &. ___An _ l c- tu BOYS'AND GIRLS'haseball leama from Mlichael Gilli. seven croc communities played in the Rcyce take at Hornhy Miner Bail Tournament on with managea Saturday. Three of the Hornhy Atome, Henderson stars in Juvenlie win Steses tIneicattapatcdat thre httereccd hcteda apta. a dobleand aacsingi e adaag Milton Jat ecatea tasas6-2 a ti tact- ticaitle ita c gae payed tact Ttesdcy at Mitatta 'ac ceatatada Mlton gaitatif tata gcd tacet mth threeecaaaaaa tth-ecrt atttat McTecc-h sateid. litact itattat cath aeaner lMittiaaaatttatt- ced (aegttt tecla-ta-attatt had atbaehi( toactatforathtat three rusos tteaaderecaas tripteaaa the fiath itacata c k -tta- a-i at a mortae rcasa taataaaaaag tarlst scorinag wackihettathtett tiatasbibaht taualiteu eaabed iCre. tait ,,,teabgtth inttthe thad ad cia oig c ta t taa6ratca- t ie ýa eftatn aseancd altt a ctai havetas-atde a data recsatat tatas tast gatata-at te yeaa t-att tata -taat-atoi e e t ror ttt-tdesnsattttthotta ite ak-tc aitacatatt ati tan %alateat [ive tthaes Mlatatapta slitsaucga jutaat-att a-c ta taatata tat ttc-t tata t Bekar's bat helps Campbellville fie iCmphiiaaite ctibctetat iandtt-tt-t t.taatttheti.atile piayed atto a :tdawtai att i es tacaahtitittttteacta- tthte si[h dacat tat Tucadtatoatne ta ont baaaiec 'etattacoat ag ecat Bobh"Par" i etthee aca-ha1-atý iat tteh tri ecpaaca distacte ft atatlacptettatte -toetd taait'etee's base ht chat cacas g ap sac tes hatcaae attent c a-attsecontad tataEtata steahagaoutarecanandaicaaht sinatge atsttordit ontatctiataat oanilaaoneiattea t ea-dwpeinattt atttttttce on iltatttt tace llt ptches cttaced s tata ckt- tout escnandcakd thtt ade itekita eatthe Camtp- Watedam tah1ttttccdtin tacttttttectact-t.tla trieantt d therdthcdtt a tattt'-ttNctts atthoi t-)sigtesc iaahIt -cc hoalta ta J3-0 attlit a t tt e t th a att stcta- McGee tops hitting on the Hornby club tIaonbenh> lts sFastbait ta-m an t attt ta es attit tefit itta set deteated Paterma triatt c itataIttas Mlcttgh bcd taitabats as taus tural Foahail Leagar came tacitriepaa)tahe pltaeatat caserd tce Taecaas eght hac ta ces hnl Moitaes Cocta cenathe rote tatr Horbatesh. ciconeaaacaoaa Morite r taes aaabted tatstce 1ste lits ccd threce as.cecrby ila tata tata imtasie fopr a scerd sac enostaatil- tans acd 1-caatc ittdttiaatth M ee hitto one eceata atoutatftar i e a >. ttct rae the a Tee hits aap itateaba' bahttes. hattacc Sica iitaesy-staerd atcerit thtiacaficier Vtiec(acas camne AI Few stars in Hornby win A]t- acae.aceat ptttetat performance ta hetp aaeshs liea c Fattalclub hdeicat Georgetowns la t te c gcme picyrd Manacy cgbi. SI t ttt itt a- t c tt Io-at c-t tita mas tai tata cetnanctt td tai atpptacg aaa tcters kthaa ta uach tacs-h tatta ta- titagatta supporeatetasa lIita-a att.. uaticet athrtasitlesain Tor, chip time soon Mhp eo alhuit p cnd ah taoprcictredeaa Ita cee iaKer, aid Mitonataatcittl Itnatatc Casasat aaeeptsd the leataetato M.SO aaonstrctiona tasdaýtetaor the matteras. wc a sa-ta cc-t est to c t ta t e s t a il t1 2,500 attend farm market An estmaird 2,00pa opi( cttesded Maltaca s h ceat Macri tSatorda. Ecrca tat pesrsetereg theatagia atictak Sti eeteaneeccaJa-treat-atedt Satuedcy. dmaeg thase recerta ttg data. mee Ivan RichardsonaaaftGuelph, Mes. Cacgai. Mcc sMahet 5Cahk Mes, Violet Scotat, Mcc Ielllitea Lyens. Mary Hutshtcsac. hStla Hefeemon. Mrc A Dioacca Mes. Georgett-c ,Pe.att-.ai ý The Haggaes Tmac ccd George Lengdc prosdcd moscaliece teatnment fcr he caet arpl e a ndttA a-atc a te anda c cat at -i- ats i cal. iKdaccat tati t-1 tat, andttat 1 w 'tIuletAlStata c-att r-t-ttt-t tttt-ont t , dtoauitlteai lh m : nee natta big 1.( tawlIiaa-teamaaaca,--hkend ta, 'rltat wc i artee eight ta-taiýtet-avas ac ht pet t goait tt a t tatayeac Lasi Io tina - ta t 14 final WE'RE OVER THE MacArthur ... Con.tnued frott Page 1 comradeship mt ber studerts. Often she wouid laie a special interest in a studet's proilemi andminit imt fr speciallitelpt 8 arn itefore classes sar1ed Ater 38 pears in the edocation business, Mrs.MacArthuar loks back ta hec caarh at Gait as 0 1'asc tatit tate girlsaata i le fine. daisag the day. afttcc chat andainhreestsigs. They came ta mecftrceseeythang. Onc tratsng that insittonthe -apecintendent advised Mes. MacArthur cf a teange bu cstviabetrohtoir sie had earned. "Dceg thee yeas ycase been litre.tcone girltasecun amay, -the soprcstendcnt said. The aaiecSharp tcu an ad gond scnseofhcmor thattsancler respect as au edacatce sam hier becatate vc dris hnctseas "the ifttceccoth- mhee site munsicipal politias. onsertitea Sitetraistwnacsasent an Nassagac'eya Cauncil 165and ta. Jeff Hertz and Murray tatrod p ta Reeve sn August af break frcm practice te chatI 969ý A tght ta hase legtlatton ýr illScreler fo tac aicaechabulttatics passed, r~~~~ Bi crue.Itie ta krep Nassagaweya (Photo by P. Ford)i atact ancroiat atncd the ightl te gesceciip have gccd cepeesen- catacforthe twnship aece Trafalgar camngtheilady eeses ager Ca..Sbsse r cahiscia peahieg i a mtasasipalittes ereaiyeacn age, undehave a tas mpcsed on caci totn under ay !,f extactietateesai taken ftecea tonsatructioncfaai f calgesartqaarea eeeaiitctaan cccid Sqareace1t,000iattSquare fittbht- aectcd tttThat manten 1966 cacecsa andaofiaceaaeapiec ad jatcrcsety the tcshas at the cotetr o attneacd hFctasnhaacecnrraity. Ss. s tac-caderecoatstcon scsMasActhce looks Atabidtngpetmtitfo$2e85aea0 ataccrtcrtttt as ateaciter. ta cotuctiontcataasmaaaed cihatsoaceaecscetain ftue hat tit. estaptie evlp-tr i itaehthe innovateonest ing licconilex reg<t ccd gvMaitcetb liiacalest saittendersc or t aac edtyandMlo i b varionac phtasestafcionstrucatio etatt n omo oue tadhrrci et cttd attrhontheiaot-t Thte eeae dcatd sehadeelt tacs. sceasndttciteettt.crisr Ntdetdedccaawhereetirewccld vcesccat-re drcccsast we c rh -ttfatatetaccdcun at afin TenaeStetcg etrcttce, Thtsbualdintagatahleseadtattor hicadtdoneaofliereeai stirs tc cupacata s (Otehr. As eaeeacbhut ttcle i of acta Tite eTton satoaino attc agatea a tC iei aiko Btatk adea ctatca-thah ou tacttpirtatst Sheenotes . tc cias aybeeaaincopposittton tAdectat adttctys a v te tgat taa tbat etakes i isattdctedaatteete iitctg adtttevftacpeape tchbytasr cpacsetat etcmpiea lit sSet acls ottaacha-tathid homes. achira-aeenect-i i tuda clthat lced ihece mcisl let altctyadt aitcch b muta-thantacepace tcstand. reua- 00 q ut -tc carce test tttthe Tiarsta oulstd hbac at ppctccily t ate, tahttcttsacrseancd for people titare thae thoer mit ,tre aepest-scpc at' cdesace atteasraithy ttt hcy a home ie [o itaetr apac allotations. Nacaarya. 1dc'theemwhcm. A :36spac pcarkiglotaaihe tbc tîhece tliatatticatacy lourd. proiidd fr,çusonirsaifttc Wit ircpatiticai futaetis cecatt ia-tbuilting whitie 1'trae acaertattt. oetee iiuMes. -ptc->as MptyetcttgttltaAthritpes tc sd mue ha itedttttiatigFulton Sttttht arttanctiqueara obbaitaiat uinaaattg atctttthae a taathhecadber iate hashacd tttdtea-tacnstton Api lite r.theareejayrd is nat caitaithe hggeat del iasc Whteir ica tcaArthu o cec gaecriet esdtap." pan o6gomin hrbusneesas ae *0 P cn o n C cl Isued HOUana HOURS- Closed Satcrday 9.30 c.m. te 5.30 pm. 75 Laitecitce Rd.E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 8453621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON TroP! Milon aad District Unit of the Canadien Cancer Society is pleased te annouace the 1973 campaign goal et $8.300 bas finally heen reached- curpasaed. an facu. hy $300- Our sîncere apprecialion te those who served as captains and can S THANKS TO vassers and lu ail whc donated 10 the 1973 campaign. Ycur efforts and dollars miii help mitit cancer research and aid local patients. Sincerely, B. C. ïMacNab, President. Mrs : K. P. Marshtall, Campaign Chairman. MILTON LIONS CLUB named its 1973-74 executive Tom Richardson, junior director Marlin Sobie, senior recenlly and they were inducled in office last week by drector Gord Hadley, firsl vice-president John Jensen, Past District Governor Fred Zorge of Georgetown. In lien lamer Peter Van Wouw and third vicenpreaident front from lef t to right are past president Howie Peter Steger. Absent were secrelary Geoff Snell and Scanneli, president Blake Charlton, PDG Zorge and senior director Floyd Brown. treasurer Grant Woodall. In second row are tail twister . (Photo hy R. Downas Vandalism stili under investigation Paliceatrce catlit eestagalas tac iMlIce Daclici HHaghuscheet hrerchiancd ccedliaam ahch cusedl$2596 damage tact meeh. Aica scsdained mc J. M. ltenysSchooetand $I.daadmge cas dater thece. Thecely macd pattcer gave, mas tilact they arrectit anessigctacg Uneanocle mrergvasatasusc peCsa A cash ai ther amai vaccdlisms hav cc saerdatathe pat weeh. atique dealer ahe s taachasg tatecard ta ceadngaou et a ttiuesan collaiecta 5 t heas. Tacricand peccceeadacg cai aise occcopy mach of hec liuetame. che said. RENT A CAR FROMNE -W METEORS G N STYLE For Carefree Motoring Pleasure... For a Day! a Weekl a Munthi a Year' Drop in and see us. Our Economy Rates Include, Gas, Qil, Insurance -SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES - GA LIiE lieOR LI I GET YOUR SERRE i i Ji ~Chraites Buttemate Style-24ozlae -11w 1 SLICED WHITE BREAI 4..,,.95,1 BARBECUE Oib LIGNIER FUEL fio'290 -MACARONI orSPAGHETTI 3, -.99 Seits P eone Vac Pao Primeo WIENERS PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 41, -z-990 65 ~ ~ VECETABLE GIL 1,99 Neen 20 Beltiess Flushabte Fete nine Napkns FnieRcieS atBBabies 066y Please -wit pak FREEDOM o 3 1. Fc9al issnsue '9990 *fuo iss5ns9 Alen's-Reg. Il Pkgof 5-31/4oz ks. - Nem-tno.pitg. ORANGE CRYSTALS a 75c Ze000 BISCUITS 3 pg890 Wl SELL ONLY RID OR ULUR BRA ND MEATS Frensi Lean, ani-By lite Pies, Coieetat'5 baeet Pcked-Cryovac 1/2's - hhLoinLean PEAMEAL BACON 'l1 .19 COTTAGE ROLLs 79c.PORK CHOPS Fresit, Leana, Meaty Feestt Lean, Boneles PORK SPARE RIBS 59 1 RUMP ROASTS $1.57 9 Freeh, Lean Fresh, Lean Fres, Lean RIB TEAS ¶.29WING STEAKS$1 .35 CHUCK STEAKS 91?e Fresh, LeanMeatyBetFeshLean, Meaty Fresh, Lean GReUNe CHUCK 19". STEWING BEEF 89 1 BRAISINO RIBS 89 FRESH PRODUCI AND VEGETAULES Fnens Nn t 1Ont. Fiecada Juine Saeet RADISHES 3 bnià Oranges 49*, FehN O qNew-CaiforneaNo.1USA GREEN oNioNs 3bcs.POTAIGE CUCUMBERsFeg Ont Y Ontlnos P esit Ne. 1Ont 'Large &ntt LETTUCE Head 391b Lomons49 S t750 Yeitnea pe BANANA. ADE1 IE SPCI IN FETTO6M A T UR' W EEV TEGTT I MIU0 T UU11Ef T I TIS -9' s j Pl --- - . t t t - 1 t -C'ergn=