Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 5

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Professional hockey ployer Lawn bowling I. * There were ail neta tatners ai makes nus home in Milton the regaiacMetday ntgkttsession alatan kniitg le tke mens dtvttttan, lBtuno By Steve Cassina Crradetii iak top hattereBee Tom Matia f the Tronta watt iaiiaaed by Hiarald Pappe Trrs in tke W.H.A. haa relarneti and AI Mata-ar Ahier MtîPaddee a Milton, iis ime la lice -. ttihe lades' tatanet' ttihmd Nne yeasagtt. Tomtapayed ittr ta it har,, iantd, ',,t tahe '. mtt.,eajor ieidgets îtt the le' atitai Mitai') ii i,tv lok1kr ,L,,v,and\wi lln i'aramtit rtbt taday lehr tae lw bwln paiyng poaessotalaihockey tacor<in tAfiic t baîaltstg ain he 'aliitne.ataasni'tt,,tt ht'm' Ott ac 0Trnahne aa.. ~ aSaturda'ight twhiate Wiliami armeciy Oiaaa Naianalsin jethe '", 'Wtiods and CitiiBro'atat pragreesing Wri d Hockey l., eadiesirntette'sivisioan. Asttaciation, Ladsc asneTamt A tram iaaiadtag Arcite accamuaaed an împrettttîce 47 C airnîs, leteDaans and Isahel points framthie ctghi wtng .».Oa-'i l ti bihdtemesa psiion. ....thg oetam "'-r a Tom, alangmwitk hic iaaeiy taie cmeiini tetvleSt Wendy and tet hreen year-eld * i day. daaghier Kart, heagi a e kaatte aon Wiiw Ave. inthe W impe ttbdivictett haek intt Siepeabr. Cetttideing he watt piaying for tke Otama ieamn ai the ime, tiia eaad he retttideced aicange. Heever, Tam ayc thai the playeca had heard the leam I I ,'H migki b meaîng la Trante an fiarbaak as iaetiail.1' " " ' Tam taid, "Wr igared the ieam waa meeittg inToretoeThe prtceecwece gad aiitheitimeattd ta'rer nt fair ront Trante, ta me heagiti the kbause." Whett acked haw he etjayed litatng te Mtoin, Tom reptîed, "Wr enjcy il here, we'ee hrgtntng le like imr and mere. t eiang la a golf canser, me enjay tke neachy packtt and it' ic eadameleme. Tke ihing t, people arereai fieediy aeaaed here" Watt Memnnlel Cap Tam put an hkm rai paie ai93jý shaite nhts hame lameai -f Taronta ai the age etflatte. He n e* piayed hie firtcirgaciard hockey tahen hie mac ightin the Trante PROFESSIONAL HÔCKEY PLAYER Tam Martin miner kockey lagne. Lihe maey aon i 7mntb id daegbter Rari bannite it a a gond pareni, it laîher wuma osaid 27m mahe a skating ich inthe front baseball . . . wit a golf CLUB? Tam pinys Witb the yard carry inier. Tamsany neng1lybaseti Trante team in tbg W.H.A. andi receetly hais tahere irarned tkair. bugt a berne an WilOW Ave, ie tbe tawn'nes erac- At 16, Tam as deakred hy the diviaien. Trante Maie Lealsanad piaycd lac the North Yack Leale, an (Pheto by S. Casint aliiiîatrd Jacter B tram. The iaiiamtng yerelhe piayed lac the taheahie ignedwmtih Ottamaw a cin r am and ptay lBastoa. taha v TarontoaMaehes anditheywon tke the aammee ai 1972. gataeti)a tatca"' e vd 'rer htrnaiat Cpththmk i l h uinîg hicceakîreyeae, Taom tstatonertwoasuper-str hîghrvi Janiar hockey hacar te pîedaupcamreimprectiae fhguresc. hnd. Thece arr yiayeet te the Canada. Ilmaanamaonderethry Hertaaaaehrif2gailsanad OL. ahaaaaidn'i malletta mac. then y aa ccatsdr cameofai ttsird ttc 27 aihere Accaedicg tram,. The pinyres ihetatrives SL lts irammate iriai yr Betan ta Tant, hia hîggetiatrihaeisr ta eratînhe valiier stctat mach Girnne the great Tranta Mapils hotai"I make piayc and tace diireeai- irai deccemen ac captat goaals. Tkry ay tac gai a gand Y'tiTtttayac that thatata andathersctnciadrdiirad Park 'hthaut 'minottha gead a ira gars atiihave Iht rg the ait-star Nem York Range skate.l'Iltreve cre te gaasamttmr ia the acarfure drlenccmav. Jerry Meekati hcaavrFIm nofastacieaaeh:' "The tratatca'î aliaedtttpay captain ai the BfaloabShre and The 25 yrar-aid goali crng. the saaries i piay lueea gare T r r y C a lrry mw h o a m a ae r e n t y p a y m a k i g ig h i în ge r h a d a k n g a n y tm o re . T h e y'e ian g aamed "ttktihryae th e ihesoanertxcelient mrdeaofadatre ta ta have ta stap the ac and the WiA yaaong popeietererndidtn a aciy aay ia ta, merge. Thet'it u L 1nie1967i-68 esataTommwas hckey caree."Itmaaidcayithat haaertadoailsinon.tFiligveiltouar captaîaaofthe Maeiies acd payed yaaaaiereeahaaid dekineey wrmactrc. i the W il A. iv t thre gamen tee the Mapir Leais th re cattng. Neyer mtad aitittad ta steat piayerv teaont the Gar ai the iaîatt rciticg latdltg thcptcham nc,that NuIL"- mamntiat it hockey carrer mdli came, Anaiker imporant Theerare ta payee Taur, th fr tacarerd in ihatfirs:tihitgt'stia grtanedacaciand Martin tacha aptmare thae gamneaipvilccctanai hockey. istahe ideat ay ic ta gri a avy Mathers.They' varr Grdme aere Birai ht ta artment itefola achoaashtp." Iiaar and Bahhy [flaitHackey geal Thcpcktaaaowmmatrdîin Tata, is an edacaird mac fansmiijpolice a peculaathtag. htt acta home. hitasel lie gadaated ram a Bth saperstars arr naa' paytag titere paytng anc ycae tee the Ctrade 1ta lie Batsînce eca Chuapi-Itt'titk Have v ttareaif Caaada ainatttam, be stadytag ai Yack Untversity ftchnetsgyt i'vetreît and trned pire and atnerd the Tulsa tamard Btt B. A. and Bascoam- a taper hockey ytayer. Bahhy cluahin e Centrai Leagar. That pirird a yrar and a al ai Hliaetde thr Wtt A Prape a aain 97, le ac deakred stadien vatareut uttIotasrr htm. ir hyi'Detroattand piayedtaa yeare lagnres imnecgr sah agentletman. yaa cataat',ay inte BeDetroatt rgacztaitan. anc Ttttn fcnt the caibrerai hockey evaughabaout tac gay Attera yeatin tkeCentraiLragar and in thr W.HiiA tfa e c nd AganrieOtawva,.S,000 tdseaatud Ai 25 Tata has antraceltient * arereeahrad oa i .Bita Lots or action in Buieiehadl ltgamnt praitiras andkis knrcaopeeain rit tatam a-Ch a 1taiyakscar butil tei appt ecthe tramtttve - Hornby tournament Totoradfgr ete Bita n Cagod supporite ntara. isU~ suppart ilmiii Bp thr tram ahîch awywt l h rpia h e iBit srek Pig k pivhfo sre ap" v oai h tctaird naliloray a l]am t e iony1- ntefnlwy I i eed nwot hauna.mdet adduîrindch ari.pik Tkr mat ara4an0inepei te Be 1mtedai Cames.urGienm Wîr tiîmeatain teac agrd am EdW 9elmver Litie a-g acd ri e ykea ak anag vilbe ERGTW Wîntiam, aadgHackandea ci e. u a therewmser nan ita Bcdatmi WillimsWîamus mtrnmng Bath Se eli Bcawis e13- dlei ysBaCk tat S g I II SU E Tm GORETW Wiiamsnhydribyal mtave itingl eand ata ednhaMîs Leiet apeeipliam kînnng pbuetIM M SC formance Mike ent ait the may oncthemoarcdandaleuckaout17 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e W ARREN eppanect as leammate Jîm _____________________________ Bcotti cpplird the atiîng pmer mth a triple. dublrand mn base eaaIamsHE Cee. n ale actlntaGuriet p h -"AY,JULY 7,1973 *JMCE kateretta leadîcg Bs Hrnky a KEN ANE tramnita a 72 aîctacy. Harold lac Blanky and Garpherana JUNIOR HOCKEY W came an a hame ai n the ntredîaie gicle Bll, Actan lîpprd ky Hreky te the R N tast inîcng tahen Kalky McClureB A tram a 15-14 viclary. Gen MILTON ARENATH '92 MILTON tO.00 t.ttttAo0a m ander L. 80 ýFAM IL' TELEPHONE AFTERNOON: JULY FUST GARDEN S SERVICE EVENING: Dance le Jack Reeet e andtis bichaestra : ONFIDENTiAL $6,00 pea- coaple B1PRBONALtZED Ceiti Ballet Tcesa- GaIingertN The Charlea, BartIe's U n81 -2O O rice1 FredriclCs, Murray Haodte RA The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednnrcap, Jane 27, 1973 5 Seven familles join local camping club Three teamsç in first Latnmrhcthe T-8alii cagne thaLwe1Bnten Aeuta Wriers deleated United SteeliWeckertt25- l0a and 1km I.A.W. deleaird Eialey Phelrm cy 3-15. la the IJA.W.-UJ.W. game dauble bittert tee UAW. tarer litvct i eahci, Faeey EFils 'ai i a- t'c rr Lîh evaij 1hsBîv Hiedarnat t fo le the .A.W. Elsery gante dauhiles BmrLIAW.tarer Bd hy Rb Nemeit. David 5mw, Steen Jentae (2), BittlOeackh, Jay a-cash ai), Grrg5îimnaned RbhGeeth. Tr ple bitters enmccRab Nemeli and DaidSion, whtie honrun "Gi camping clu n tridtg anc lamily front akaiir.,accaedîng ta Marice Caitan. Gnty ikre mare tamitînt rarerreded ta arder ta atain a charter mîîh the Canadtan Fanttty Camping k'edrratîaa TBr Ca-CF Bas BethrshBîy ttî,gitat thr cubs thraamihaa(theBv counatry The big t'amtping et rat citt ta swis a coaad a cne raast ta br BetA ai i.asa'tPark ic arenvia a n Aagast 1tai8andC19 T'le prapasrd Milttan campytng ciluit mhtch a ii be afitit ird tih i'P' if i rrere arr ie reCiter ill bcmmiBeertigagainai a Bhe Legtaa iait an Jaiy 18 ai 8 pmý Aytntrretted catpet ae aecomcoataiatend. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON OPTOM[TRISI 218 Mate St, Militon 878 3673 Wt"tr",t-dta Slvata MOI IONE UPER aM@DIFIED O CAP RAER 50 LAP HOBBY DiV. ON.MJULY rRACK OPENS 4 P.M. RACE TIME 8 P.M. .RAIN DATE JULY 3...0 lE F@LL@WINO OREAT DRIVERS -IAMPINE * TOD GIBSON * NICK ROWE CONIAM * NORM MACKERETH * JIM MULDOON ENEY * KEMPTON DATES * ANDY BROWN )REWS * ED BELL * HARVEY LENNOX HOME 0F "CARLING POINTS AWARDS" -.oI PINtCIE3JT Kw>. I mile east of Kwy. 400 689-6512 MILTON 878-2952 Onideace people may he gled ta keer thal aliempin are hicg made tla omma camping clubi Mlton. Wcdnrcday evrnng. a meeting mat belid ai the Lcgîaa liait and tatn aitietjimerd the e Bttiý,t -vt iii ',tttv 2 c'hallengei AWWivnacîtac',,tat 'ai tiS.W.mtisEitry, Sea't Mtaday t AW. yaysRtaay. Tiata G6 ta L 'T P U AýW. a a t o 6 Richaedsaev a a i v 6 yýs.W a:a i t t Rtaary 4a:a i a a Eisiey a a 4 t a

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