4 T'he Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, June 27,1973 IGooding buys Junior club 1nomes Bob Lee as coaich Il.ii,,. , ["l a da onttr lîîîg îtert n the Oltit,,, CotinentlFlyerthe (1(7 junior hockey cluh. Godong han beev tncolced o'tth junior to sevrrl yoars andyiuyedvar- fosrae i io hockey hetore that. Details of the transction bavon) hbeotdsclosed hiut club syokeswao tiares Funk (nld The Champyon Goodng had yur- chased al[ hut on hare. ohch F'unkhohlds. i,[, ho k hola tor the yast (etc yeurs, ooted (ioodtog oould ho wahing the detosos Hosatd themoce wus made in hopos ot a soccestol hockey cluh. Funk sod theclubhpolicy would hieto go ojîhoot imports. He satd hie and Gooding fetilt as poss- ie 10 do this if tho bout use wr made frmw ployers cowtog op from Milon wtnor hockey toaws inthe own Secen fimports Last year the clubwas ailowed cocon imports. Tho nowhee ni boys trow outstde the area on tho club han hoon a critictsw tfrow yeaeo The onoon hope tho ooo ylcywolîl hoost croods. Croods a) junior hockey gantes in Mlton hace doindlod ocoo the pas) (ou yearsn ttlhoy hace îeaguo about toue yars ugo The no-twyort poicy won'1 retrit t(ho cluh to luyen ling in tho poltîtal hoondartes cf the on. They cas draw trow sorroondtsg uceus and since Geoorgetown tolded, hace droon snnoe players ttow thal (000. lood minor ysein "We hune a ceoy good ioor hockey ytew nin on and oe ooacag:gilt octk, oi lul i00e cao dco c hs y orientattttg the cluh Icoards Milton playoco. Wr w anta ilton npto(ted clubh Funk salid Io heepîog nlth (ho poicy ut emphastn on local talent. Funk announced Boh"Pie" Lehan heen nawed as beadcocach oft(ho hockey club ton (ho ccwîng youo. Enio Sclîsîooî odll anott Lee in coachtog duies. Both Lee and Sebisitol assted coach Bert Brown ast yeao. Both are0con side-e d b, ho knooledgeahlo hockey mec. Lee gradoated (rom Mchgan Tochnological University wtth a B.S. dngroc n Busnwess Adminstrationin 1972 Ho ut- (ended Mchgan Tech on a hockey cholarnhiy. Ite playod goal (or a nuwheofc Milton mor teawn and had un ecletjunior hockhey cre and encelled cn college hockey. He had a trycut oîth (ho Atanta Flumes buolbhs career there a terwtnated whenheo as hut oîth a pochandsutteeod eye damage, He layed goal. Jr. hochey dot The newooners have planoed a dance and July Ber Festival for July 7 al, Milton Areca. They ntend to sereeheor at Mlto cluh ccst inscrihod. Duetog the ovnong Jack Reeesoilproctdewmusic for a dance aftheetinh Ju(y 7 han heen doclaoed Junior Hockey Day in Mlton. LOtti ccc (ho club han heen opeeatod ky an eooruf(ne 0,10 anywhere trow tive (o 12 memhets. Gallinger Mototo il ontinu (c sponsor t(eho hckey club. BOB LEE Supporte: Mtchell. Ca by lubnttte7 ofithe mote year playet Mtchell tnntngs lir chut otcak strock-out 1 but ore batt and MoKenz dttes (or il strucboot s Cuwphellv leadinthle s the dawag Ceentowa oGarneti (hird wobt grouvded t oas torcedc Houons'dout scoredo lireilge ol ningle. llaksilleti Savnovttb hy tH, ,tch( dc:. le drov ((alil s oo, fonce a c c ut Cantybrl icctcg tand ta sectnd he td hy nomosayrb gc:ucdrr ooo tbrougb the O(ak- ptchivg h> Garnot villeîtrdhbasomon.Both unr amphltcllr lîpyod a 000 sacrfîceone base and thon 76 in 13 inongsin one timer Dredge groondoil to (ho octng gumes oI (ho shotisopobho threw wo(dly hmef Id o Sunduy trhtng to get Garnet Mtchell t vient (ho encire 1 (hoplate, ir Campheillte, tic vlle:lragavtlied it op 5S5,as ikllooer the last sxthon ncrd ove ic (ho top f (ho idhlil (hem ht(firns (tlth. doards stogleil anil last (mc I li, t.ho (letgarde grouuded (c Mitchell runsofftttcgbt its OHechith reo oo second to force 1:1. wu(kod threoand Edoards but Heurn drcpped (ho otr. Crrieo.Edourds îrow o Btbwmenoere saveiftced otie sbrod thebourliîg oundhe Edoards scored o tabsilo Tboy alto'ed aontinfold oui. is cil 14 bîtso Thoy clomoot konorr oevnandowalked ise. Campbells((lo uect ubead (or cîlo(ojmpd int a 4-0 iho(htrd ((moton (ho gumo ohen secnd. dc(g mcs(of itc kClomov poered ahome- ig o (b twocout 000 oser (hoetghtfiteldl fonce t(c lhed, 0001 (o secondmalle it 6-5. Oitsboli'n ntnge and t(0 Forthe (h rd omo in (ho gomo en Bîcb lMitcheltlOabsilo (tied it uy ilelegarde ( ho pitchor, arnet openrd ho sesenth otth a sngle ou(asecond. andcvinttloscond as Conrad colleon rt anil (ird. sîngicd ti)f Mtcheis glose. lie thio droso in Clemont oas sucri(icod tctbirduand sccred1 Mitchell and thon bhon a tsacrifice by n make it t-O 1Dreilge s sngleo Thts conpleird (ho corbng1 ,second oc thr throm oniltihr lth auttbugb (takvîtte ,cred oc Fuggton eh a manon co brd in (hoetghtb andin t ho :ttb Caompho((ntlle durngbrhesao srechiott mon Tirgum ott ient and second to (ho 0:01k. thtrd in (ho leventi:and (trot in lidil t) c ht song ttg ho tuoith intthe tp:ofithet:urth. Btch Mitchelttpeoed (ho ed. Lawrvncer os tbottob:(cmhall ci (ho 13h otth a er andl henc urrets sivgeon((tcHent. atter tîng sv i e t, (00 and o 1: tudoon a sacrfice but, tr or ho (ot ftied butod hothe all hgh. It drcpped nted 1or throocore.firvse he hod o he chargtng Ivlecame bock t(n lob 1e ((ont hasoman and re bo((::m hait of (ho 0erons Oas salo.Dredge latte atolad; arnet osactced bttbmnclng and vgiled (tand ent s: uc,, taggosngiotthe let ev Ri):ob Othotî's tIol ctonerdrtsing homo Camybllsilc t rîunccd Preston h< a score of11-4 on Satuoday ailorvcot:: Prtnnas (bey avged ot oîghtev bts tand weailoil by eîght Prestttn Boy Torellitcent att (ho uay 1r Cuophellillte ui(ooîog eîghit bitswhitbe strthîng otix, oa(k ing twotandl bttng one huIler. George More and bothe Cough(tv sharoi (heo mouttid duies for PrestoTbry gave op et ecen rmsoffuit1(thts.Thev strukouat sx aod oa(hed oe Camybliclir ctutly won the gamtein (ho (tst îovtng choc iken scored i i me(os. lan dottbed, Bkar stsg(ed, Puggion ou, nute on an rrur. Andreos stogleil, Chester alakedl andl Moore sînglei, ail in (hofirt. Tey scored anohr in the turth wken Be rss sîogied, w00)t::o tibrd on Bkr, hunse ht acd scntd onanvintieldout, Freston came opowttb twocin thir haifot he o fuoîhilo and Stewart singied and ush's hase it and twoo hrowiog er utoed both 0000 (c score. Tmo io oith Campboiltct(e crosoed (ho plate twioe is (ho sîth on a con- stcut(vsintgle hy louons, Bokar, antd Paggîcn nd ttihbre sn(ho nîothîon an erorandsiogles by Evans, Tonoli: andl Mitchell. Toit httn.a ou(k. andl buo (tolonrs coocos gace Fronton thot, (tout two rocs in (he othtîo of(ho Ditottcarcs bi) a doubkle anil (broc sngles iftr Caopheltct((e ,iti Woile Bokur bang ocultour singles. Lorts Faggiort it thre stngles, Boy Evans dobed and stogird, Ken Moore andl Boy Tîoibt c acb nîngleil toîco, and tttck Mitchell asnd Peter Adreos bîti ton hase bts. POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL OqO od. M-.ei.Io Momo-O EOgOOotOg 621-75800j hALO ____ 62 W01e . North Mtchell woththo onstg ron Snsational catch Thero oero wnany great ftetdtng playn nn (ho gamo bt prhaps (ho mostnt aina Peter Andreon' diiog, omor- aling catch oIt Bisbops ((y hall in centre fteld. The catch ondod the ttt(h tnnng fce Oubsiloe and lotia ronner stranded on tbtrd. Gerge Cheter toek a it ooay trow Hall otth a fine roning cacin the eigktband Bck Clement robhod De(egarde of etra hases oben ho tookhbin ((y agains) (ho (once in (ho ntoth. A Paggton tuc Booms (o Evans double otan oas nnappiy eoected andl got Mtcll(olt f trouble io (ho n:n(h.Rigt ielder Sarrcwfo1mw (Oakslie pt (ho game inoex0tranngs ohen ho came rom noohere to pull in Clewents' drtve in (hoebotom oi the vîolb. D(on Harsnohuaidouble and toc nînges led (ho Cantheliniloe attuch Btick Mtchell, Elmer Deedgr, Lotns Paggîot, usnd ptcher ((omet Mtchell al stoged totce.Rck Clement ttomred andGeorge Chester and Boy Evans botk sîng(ed. PootnoolonThe 010 000 Cumphettiiion senenth ina o and eîghtb oitîoul aa bsn Tbry are 000 frmly entronchod in secoii lpaceitnrieotins and tbree tonnes, bhbnd Lisodas ohchhbas a nîneoînonios record. Brttngton il0in (ird place and Oakvt((e is foartb. Camybo((oîl(n p(oyodwotihout bard bitttîog Wade Bekar wo sprutned in ankie vn Prestos (ho prentoon day. Cuophlicies nos) homo game isat230p.m.on bonday. Joly 1, otth Fronton supp(yng theoopposititon. Itotil(hthe ftnal meeting ci (ho eason cf (hono Mtlton Mnfmtc Hockey otîuivs il dtscs t theto regulur meettng tttnigbt tWed- oesduyî obeilteret hotl avother regitrti oc dav, due (o t he smali oowherrregis(ie-ctodate. (ly a4Moo boyhae registeroil tut tue cîtwyaed wuttb709(last yeue John tbfLean, peesilent of MMilItA. adas manyuas 25 cuobe regnstered(tnyrar. Ho bold The Champton. -Wr cou(d uderstand oby (ho econr itoti ddv( regstere.but tIbm hace bren prtwarily (heocnes t kat hace bees rogttertog. Wereas (he cnes oho shoolil knoo heffer are calling excttesbhoesto regtster late. Il's (rustrattng. (ate t' ((frcsleating John also sautd, -Woddto gel otw sqaohoabot (ho e ice i price, howccer.-iLOesroel $If; ts (rar. Lgion wins IICRI over Monros in A-Ieague t_____ Lastcoo tin A lbague actton, Ciemoento Paot aod Wai(tper toppeil Optîmîsts 16-7, Logion easd bMaro Pzzera 8-6and Optitoints il(a(od MoCuai lnrasso 136 In (ho Legton-Martos tome snge btoers for Logîin ocre (bris Versirate. Mark Yîîrk,-, E. Lee, Juthn Turner. Rbîî Piccini acn) BnhToîss. whieJuy bant-co hi) for a oubleh10andlMark 'tiie it a trîile For Otrossintgle htters ocre (vag (Gilbert. Jîm Smiîth, Johtt (toper 0:1 tiopr(ch. Jto Cartwrigtyihlo JubovCypr andl (oug G(ibert it doubles, Legotcrocotnod ptmhtog (rom Mark Yîrbuand Loy Pittoatrtck chie Marte recoînod tirs rom C, Cuto. PdILeprtcb, Scot Brnes, anîd Jerry Itta Gam es etoueok wiiise Legtoo agatnt pttmtsts on Wdnesday, Cemeots challenge McCuaag on Priday andl nent Monday Optmst afanst Marins STA0NDtINGSn Tratv G W t. c P Logio 5 J i c c Ciemensn 3 2 (1 t: 4 Oi(mos J J2 2 O0 O Marîcn 5 2 :3 i J MbcCuaig :1 O0 i :1 t: Balloon team batters almost undefeatable Volo Balloon continuesnt dominate sentor pay in (ho Ottottol girlss ofthalfougue. AnaWillasconneced for twoof tho teuwns four home rmss ohen Yel(oo Balloo frouneil Milton Bon Ltnen 238 Yel(oo Blloons hatng power bas to ho (he slory of (ho beague. In (ho (ast fhree guwes lhey have played. 92 rons hune ho on soored including 13 hometoons. The feaw gtcofttcawmuch s(ooernfarf four weohn ago howeceo, oben (bey (ont teopentng gawe to Hilton BicsLUnes 17-16. (((ber Yelloo Balloon homeru htt(er ntlsloee's gamwero Jachîr Graham and Jane Bird. Marte ttorning also bit a double anil a singlo. For Milton Bon Uones EllenGoodinguand Sady Lewits h,( (0<1snglesn ccor (ce four tf (ho teaw's secen bits. Inltheîbr snnor action, Milton Lau-n obtpoeilMton Bus Linos :78.Lyno Couions hat Oas bol asnche conooctoil for toc home ronu ndahbase hîf Lynnbashbit loue bowrrs, toc triples anda sngletinbor uni two gawes and bao bevowo (ho four cf al i - chers. Teawwalec Pafnî May and bunun McCuluw ualso hteil homeruns in (ho orror filleil guor. Alfhogb Milton Luon only bail 21 bî(s lhry sccred 38 Intermediato Scnres Trafalgar Fonds trefeheil brîir ut noîngdr euh (c tour gatttes wtnro by defeuteil IllîcttlChtcbon Queens 11-8und Kcugts Cîraceen ((-12. Il oas a trotti effort for Trafalgar wben tlîey brait(odn Qoeons.Tbrre ctt nohoe rocs but 11 players shuredil18 hil beail by Lauoe ('tact* acd Corete Grcats wott tre singles rach. Kulby Eakins bîl a triple and iLsu Wilson bad heoncly other extra hune bitt ith a dltoble.Fcv((mdcs, Lana thîisnt Kathy Cbuchwuch, Lcorri Tttttt (beleeStark antilrr Shtacnttceacb bail (oc buse hitfn (iyLswison d Chrystal (ttuchmach eacb bowored slltough theto Knghlns Cleaners lt:,torafalgar 18-12. Ktw bheyberil. Cth(y tlavhiock, Joan tCrrudeltî, Murg Pennon, iioon Armttrncg, Brtly Bunersfock ancd Cindy Marshaleachoîing(ed acnd Sandra Brdeti doobleil for ho Iteuners' (0 bîts.Martanne C:tnultclîandl Cathy Clluban doobloil obilo otingles 0000 ncattered hy Trafalgar toao- mates Ltoa Wilson, Lette McNeil, Corto Gervais, Daon Juhh, Kufhy Eahîns, Lefitta Nadatin, Kathleen Declîn and ((race MeNeit. Queeno othit Milton Putles 16-12, (ho Fillies outscored thew (t4-12(0o rowain in second paco hehiod (ho Trafalgao (00w. For (ho Fillies, its came froc Befh Godfooy. Kelly Cans, Kiw l(iddel(. Joi, Whistle, Penny Hilson, Rohin Snoo, Sandoa Tonelît und Cathie South, The only home rus oft(ho game oent lc Chiches Queo Martene Shulto. Toawwates bous Hobey, Lydia Suhon, Lana Ellinon andl Kim Gritfith also connecteil for entra hase hls. .jnoro tomes In the gawo ceingt(ho feoest bîls. SI. Claio Paint oulsooreil Kleen-A-Wa(l 15-1t. Kleen-A-Wall oas ltwtted to fivehtls wth toc cf thew going t Bonnie Bacerslock. Lianne Whistler badl the onty etra hase bit oilk a double ohile Kari Watson andl Carlena Du(y registered singles. SI. Clir balfern spread out smoe hase bits for (5bruns. Pafli Keane, Ltnu Moreauoanil usan Blair accoonord for (on bits ohile Karen Lelin, Karen Stringer andl Karen McLaugkli n 000k had Plata bwobe once again defealeil Peggyns. (kist me (0-13. The twoc raws met in their opening game and PlaaBoke won fbat one in an eooifisg ptI chers duel, 8-7. Etra hases for (ho bookers came frow Nancy Mclllraitl and Janoah Nadaltn oifh triples andl Karen Vtrbery, Patsy Ltte, Brenda tlyun andl btacy Pitillipo racb hattei twocsingles. Kerri Muses cf Pnggy's dnahled andl singled ohite Dehbie Gervais, Joan Bennett, Suan Smith, Leslie Watson, Gait Watsnon, Poggy Lee Fion anil Lee Ano Wlson singied. Milton Board of Parks Management and Recreation Committee DAY CAMP PROGRAMME LOCATION:Scout Camp (North of Town) DATES: Beginnittg JuIy 3d progr-amos are sohndoiled in four-twooonek 11,00 pelods (Registrations fort *00 wmks are prof ered AGES, t712 ycuts (Bonys and Girls) STAFF: Teained Leaders FEE, 520.0ortwo wooltn. Fecinclados transportation, miIk for lunch, one oenitht stay, 000 spocial nomit. TRANSPORTATtON: Moedays ta Frldays thn hus Ioaoes Rotary Paret0 0 anm, returns ta Rotary Patk ot d.ttp.m. (approo I PROGRAMME:Itcludes mtusic, nature Io, camp cralts, games, swiwwng, ook outs and 5007101 oeets. NOTE: (1) No rainouts, we havec litits for raiy day (2) No Camp on Cîvc Holidlay-Aug. tth. Garnet Mitchell does it ail for Campbellville Registration down Where are ail the hockey players? Preston errors help Campbellville GREAT HOLIDAY SPECIALS UILTO IUd1MAINE an SPTT 25 ComrilS.Mitn8862 Regular Racing and the ever-popular HOBBY DIVISION RACING FOR THlE RED CAP $10,000 Long Weekend - Juty 2, Racing Red Cap 100 Lapper Gates open at 9 ar. Time trials at 1 p.m.* Race time 2:30 p.M. ALL TOP DRIVERS POINTS FUND EVERY SAT AT 8.00 P.M. FOR INFORMATION CAI.L JOHN CASALR (BUS.) (418) $25-159 IRES.> (416) $25-7884 ~ - or 0OUà SOWENMANe (411) 315-4320 CANADA'S FASTEST BANKED 1-3 MILE OVAL 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _-wmwuai