Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 25

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Faderatlon protests faim land use pollcy Fltty directors of tbe Ontario .,I Noting fufrmers Fedeatin o Agrculure this amendonent ie nul Federotton n s arkulure made, thn Federation mont op- a rcbe unp Quee sprocark tan the bilt. As inritten, tii bilt aebpnutn Iupoica thingo ta tarmurs, ine governemes tnd-uuu poitrine but dutes t or arin and inturunt off nociuty, btdn The turinois, represenîîog notigtfortoarmurn' Fderiiaîo ui. u The priicipti of coipinsptu th i pcec, mrachid to iWtiiiet Ontario shown their disappiout ut Bitl 128, C'uiiri ot Commicec, the The Planning Ail. The bilt wbîch OntaioInlsittel ot Agiotoginlo. witt be the roher lu ailftu am nd the erent Gulph conterunce landuse egiiatin inthe on Urban Growtlb ton-ue hlsgintsond lean -The tngintotion mont bu pinc anh. dscn udn omunded lu provide suluclud teiuLugintuture. orinsane the provincn wbeu tive- "ThnFedurotion ofAgiculture stock and poultry fermers woutd mante Bill1128 omundedî tpemit bu note trom odor comptaints," the gooernunn ocompensoîe Hill bld the government's tarmeru whonu tond vatue driops Runoorcun Duontopino Coin- bucausu oi tond-une tlanning. milIeu. Furmeru nbould not nuffertauen The protusting turinos is o due tu a decinion iba mil beneft dumanded a tarin puticy Ibut ijî att Ot nocity" noys Gordon Hill, unobtu a tanner inkone tond es Prunidunt ofth ibu ri e lo onbd m tond production, lu bu Feduerutn ni Agriculuru. able lu cornua living toc bimset oead bis toniîyý Cutting hay is important fil Shuron tenuie Tbe Ibird meeting of tbe Aclon 4-H Field Crop Club moi beld on Jue 18. Il mus o joint meeting initb tbe Ballon 4-H Field Crop Club, The meeting mus betd ut lino tarins. Tbe finit tarin visited mos the tarin ni Don Lindsay. Mr. Lindsay sbomnd and demos- strated bombhe inanaged bis boy rrop milb tbe Henston Stockbund. Mn. Lindsay aine totd boin bu operuted bis buni tarin. Nusi tbe roup vinitnd tbeiarn ut Re and Laine Eltu. Loi-ne Etu ebosed us tbe Harvestore silo ulthIeir tain and gave un interent eg bibk os bo muwa Childreri Lowiville Tbree dozn ltle cinîlors ruine 10 ee tbe usinais ut Jacb King'n ftanescr Loovitie last meuh. Tbe moning and ailernoon kindergorten classes ni Foirviein Publi cho tront Imb yeae-eed trip 10 nue mbai goes un, down aI tbe tarin. Tbe rbitdree disrovered Ibul mîib coines trom o coin butore lbey seu il in tbe jog, and waîcbed Mr. King put un a mitbîng macbine and ion the stable dieseer. Ite be bu se lbey tnoined Ibut wbite and broin rbicbes tuy mInir-coud eggs. Tbey aise, sain lino slandurdbred boises bepi by Mis. King. Fend raite bay Mr. Kingebhomedlbhembhowbe used o peiner sowIn eul moud in tb. imptement sbed and tbe yougntern pusbed sume boy doms 1 tbe raille Ibruugb tbe boy cbutes en tbe top ofthIe barn. A boy ride 1mbk Ibein lu tam- ville Park inhere tbey aIe tbrir lunch. Mr. and Mrs, Kingbuavi Grade cows af Ashville By Cuil Faesse The Ibird meeting ufthIe Hallei 4-H Holstein CuIt Club wus huit Moedoy. Jue Il ai Asbvîttî Faim. Milton, Tbe leaders. Jet Nurse and Burt Stemor oetcumed tire 40 meinber: penent. Burt Steinart Iben ment use tbeltype classification srore cri Botb lrudersnris c unoredcwee and wnetbtrougbltherord asî bold wby bu taulted ber in lbh orna bc did. Tbe memburs pi-uceeded uni scured lino coins eacb. Th memburs' score mure compare witb the leaders' scores asd lb offîiia grade ut rocb cous. Th club tbon mus nbumn tbe colt bar obure Ibere mus a sor yearling bull obîrb, bod just be groded 'oui-y gond' mbîrb es score ot 85 lu in. This ns me abuve average as uety about fu crucel ot HoIteitîs grade Ibi &vae Reid ctosed tbe meelie and tbe club enjoyed a lunch i douIs and teinede. ber Putturnen tbunbnd Gerorge un Joe Petteîterio, omners ut Ast tille Faim ton Ibeir bospitotit: The next meeting milI bu butd i Tumersiem Faims, Enqomsing o Juty Il Fay's ELECTRIC COMPLE TE ELECTRIC SEROVICE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE aELECTRICAL CONTItACTING OELECTRIC HEATING *WATER HEATER RENTALS 878-2048 FREE ESTIMATES builtlandlthe dvantages ofttnis type ut silo. Barn meeting Ailer Lore EIta tîninbcd totbieg and onsmnning questions the lub belld Ihe rent ufthIe meeting inside tbe bain. Tbe main topir for the nigbl mus tbe impotance ni rultieg boy ut tbe rigtrstoge ofinaturiy. A quit mus ginen on Ibis topir and tbe correct uneiners gises. The meetinginanitherloed. Mes. ElIeanod Mrs Lindsay neiced luncb. Lourie Pierre lbuebed tbe Liedsay'n and Rla's and the memburs sbomed Ibeir upprecialion en tbe usuot moni- l Visit fasrm sevirut sibont groupo vîsitîng rvery sprieg. Geeerutly grupo froint doinloin Burtinglon arc the mont tomerons. Onu lttle girl inbo guI in the way ofta coins toit. obnirsed tbe coin bad bei on built-i oty Take part in semninar in Guelph By MacArmtstrong tluring the ee oftJune24-30, over 904-Hmeinbursfroinal] poils ut Ontario ol bu Pur- iiialing en tbe Provincial 4-H Leadersblip Contuience betd ai tbe University ut Guelph. Atiesding loin the rounly (district) of Haltn mitI bu Leab Leslie. Actos hum the brion 4-H Colt Club and Morg Robinson' Georgeton tom, tbe Att Breeds 4H Doiry Colt Club. Persna[ tîrntopiaunt The objective ut 4-H s mhe persuna] decetopinut ofyoug peuple. This cunterenre is par- tirutarty designed tu betp detigales deuetup tbh leudersbip poienitC ibiuugb participation in leadersbip and duîty prugiain roiniitîres lur the duroîiuii ufthIe meuh. ,High test ePtuoîbrube Sueunne Hrbikmn apuiebrd Hoîlein ioiS il tb( à bcrd ut H. C. Reid, Milton, bat r recely rumpteted a bîgt d Rtecrd ut Pertrmanri le production lest. e As u tice-yeari n 05 duys ni n wimce-daîty mîlbîng, $bi r piouces 21,861 Its. mitIt rus n Iuining 960lbn. ft, average tes a0439 per cent bultertut, wbîrb is i IlBrd Clans Aserage ut l86 peî r centtfor iiband 22percent fo n lai. Sbe is o daugbîer ufthIi Excellent and Clans Entra sire g Seiting Rorbinun. The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, June 27,1973 811 ~Etiamaro PÉ p HALTON JUNIOR FARMERS honored oingte and member of wtnners; Earl bobr top bowlers with an awards night MeLean, most improved bowler; Rîck dinitor und dance ait Ballinafad hall re- Britton, winning team; Earl Burt, high cently. Among thse trophy winnera were, average, and Bill Robertson, winning seoted, left to right, Bars Britton, ladies' teom. Miasing were Rick Rutledge of the bigis triple; Donna Hamilton, member of winning team; Mary Hamilton, ladies' thse winning team; Wilnsa Ella, ladies' lsigh average and Robert Rutledge, higis single ond winning team member. men's high triple. Standing, Ernte Alexander, men's higs -H. Cotes Photo More, better beef goal for new research centre lnrreosed denoand for bnci un surid markets, rising tend and prutioruosis. ondbhe nendifor expansion of Oniario's bnci en- dusiey ure sue ufth bchallenges ibal tare tbe ei Etora Ontf Colie Rieercb Centre. Tu bu oltîciaiiy opened Juiy lb by Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Minîsien ut Ageicultue and Food, Dr. W. C. Winngard, presidceb t ofbte Unisersity of Gluelpb, asd Hon. James W. Snum. Mînisten ut (iseronmenl Services, bbc Centre wiii protide the dola srccsory lu beep Onlunio's beel îndusbry groom!g. bbch burt îndasbry is sitl ob bue shole Ontario ecunuint", sbaies Mn. Stert.e "Wn bave the lusd, cuimule, burbnulogy, and tivscrt expertise bu maintuin and rnpond tbe beet induslry. The parposes ufthIe nein beet researcb centre une bu pruvide bbc beel îndusbry mibb bonIs tue exponsion, ibeneby inrreusng reu ons os inveslmesb, and develupîng a butten peudurb tue the Ontario consumer" Uner cotttrt The Elora ResearchbCentre will bheupeialed bybbe nuiversityuof Guelph, usder aruobtroci ogre ment wbbl te taio Ministny of Agriculture and Fond. "The Rioro beet tarîltîies miii bnlp us ansmer a numnbur ot berd management and teudîeg pro- biems toc Onlunio's bcnt peu- durer'.," sys Dr. G. N. Mowb, a bref researcb scienlîsti n the Departmnbof Animal and Pui lry Science. Ontario Agriruttunut Colurge The large nîngle unit mii altos reseurchers bu centralise bhei siadies and espenimesîs. Up untl nuis, murb ufthIe research bus bren disided but- Ibe te Arbett and Guelpb cam- p un stations, neiîber ofutaIb, large enougb lu carry oui tbe aide range ut stodien ptunoed ai the nein Etura centre. The targui research unit wl arrumodule on increased oumbur ut cotle and mabe cumporisun sludîrs mure cuti- able, mbîcb is particulartyim perlant lui leedîng and nirn mental enperîmenls. The Eturo toriity protides bounng toc apprusimotrty 6t0 bead of brut cuttle. Haugbty ball ufthiese mitI bu teedlt catie, mib bue reeîoinder comprisinguaco-cutt uperulion. Tinelve uprigbt, con- creu silos wiii protide storuge lui cure nîtoge, baytage, bigb muisture coin and other grains. Tbese sitages are einpbanized on the leeding studies. Suive probteins "Tbe Etoru Oeuf' CaIll1e ResearcbCentre iou.rserb luriiity desîgued lu sotte prar- tiraI probteins, Dir. Musai peints ouI. lu fart, the seporale sections of tbe research tacîlty con bu cumpared lu burt opee- alions ocros tbe province. Fui exampîr, smej uth fbeteder cotle miii b rai sud ina o stottedflon r ants, eîîber flty esctsedor openituonesde. Animais on tbe coin cutI unit arr tu bi culicd yiucciiuiiduona drytot. In lubure, about bao uthe tedr catIe required by the Eturaunittllbuproducedibth coin-cuit operutius Iben ted Ibroug to staugbler and carcass evatoalion. The uullonk lue tbe prutince's belf induslry is brigbî. More CAR WASH ' Bison you titi up, (12 galions or over) or take odoantage ut our REDUSEI PRICES l 812 gallon titi up, car mash 50 cents a an. in 7 c.m. Mou. tu Thars. d-0 alio tit upcar ash i 59 O.u. lu 8;30 unM. Frtday 4-8 gllonfili p, cr was $1. ai&.. 1O6 p.. Satarday 25 cents Entra Friday, Satarday 10 onm. lus 5cm . Sunday and Sanday Bell Bros. Ltd. 409 Martin St. Milton, Ont. information reudîty avaîlubie luo~ the beel producue and greuler J conperalion bulseen eeseurrbetu- and lurmers oie mu u fb oth < important goals ofthbe Era Beel lI Caolle HeseurrbCenr iJ. R. Curnd G OPTOMETRISI BURLIPOOTON MAL TELEPHONE 632-7788 &T. MOORE INSU RANCE 854-2271 leg e Prout pie grnv Gree itio Sials youe on paf- Madeom inn led conoorne lu tandred 1.10 Prvo lo ODriveway'Curbing Lotus Design Orionun). keicugruss 12' o i2" moule anIse conteul, usents mnils lu quîckiy build a nominer J tt Sel in a peivacy srmnand place Grayoienen o distinctive polio 5 s 5 x u6 1"x1":4"85e '2.10 ideal for fencing LATEX PAINT Blaoktop Sealer REDWOGI STAIN INTERtOR EXTERIOR e auOr a n rtc Yo Gd ashi fc.Ea y o s uhite $3 95 l.Jtpu a nd spied au 38 Cohue o5 5G.588 otu Voue Home Impenuemeol Cente aonvenhont Iooatmon Milon îUMBNÀER ';l ' 7Main Si. E. Milton 878-235 1 FREE DELIVEIT D. cm)j -am) -(MD Massey Ferguson Uawn and gaqordn tractors. Ready tel start when ySu are. Just luen the bey or give a sleady pull and you'rc rcady lu go! Dapeodlabie olarîs un 5 alwuys ready mudets loin 7 lu 14 h.p. for ratiobla performance inv neoriy any mealbari Simple. allorlass oparalion suons limeaund work. Wa bacb up coary machive wîlO poils uod servira ..obcausa w mnom lcy'ra dependlabini pMç Consider the I ' world's largest maker ~" ' of tractors first .We're fild to talk when you are! Milton Equipment Co. Ltd. 3163 STEELES AVE. MILTON Sidewalk Slabs lduai lur sidewaiks, patious, snIino poil airons. eOsil 24' s 30 i2I S2.10 878-2121 BILLIS AUTO BODY 269MAIN STREETMILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 Connpiete Collision, Body Repairs & Refinishing. Also Custom Appliance Refinishing.

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