The Champion, Mîlton. Ont. Wednesday, Jone 27, 1973 87 W.l. ladies plan picnic for July CAPTAIN DONNA PAUPSTI daughter of Mr. and Mms. Fred Pauput of 313 Elmwood Cresc., Milton, is Director of Nursing (Matron) ut Canadian Forces Heudquurters in Cold Lake Aberta. She is beiog posted July 9 toi the Canadîun Forces houpitul ut Kingston Capt. Donna Paupst posted to Kingston Caplain Donna Paupst of mmii i-bctd loi- a Fligbl Norses' Milton wiiiboitranslrod Jury 9 Course lbt tbe U.S. Air Force. [rom ber pont ai the Canadian Ths course cossisled of six Forces Headquai-lers bospîtl in weebs on lbeorp in tbe Fligbl Csld Lakr Alla. o tbe CFB School ai Gosier AFB sn Aiab- Hospitli n Kinston.î aioa and 12 oseebs as a ce Capl. Paupsi islthedagii-i-of momber osibh an air ecacualion Mi- and Mos Frod Paopst îoi 13 sqoadros ai MarGaîre Base i Elmosood Cresc. and isosahing NewosJersey. heo carr of nsisngîintheCania- hoad alooyeaoîtournofdoîy dias Armod Foi-i-is an inter ai RCAF Station RoiSclilto, lOrs esling one. mac posted tu tbe Searcb and A gradoaleo i lic si-bel ofi Rescue UiaSea Island, BC. nursing aii Toronto, Westoro ter irst aio evacuaionloiposas Hospitl, site gi-aduaiid hi-it, a momtorabie ose oshen a sop- Unicersity ofWestern Ontiaiin yosodiy ri-nie 20 minute trip 195 ihîa dgooi-in Adiistira- [rom Soa Ilanîd toi Pal Bay on lion and Chirai Nursing Vaincoocer Iland esded fixeand îBScNi. The ioiiowiog i-cao shte a hall hoors rater. Tbo plane bad ioinrdltheacmeorcesandsincei iandîog gear probiemus and osas Iben bas been bopîng about Cao-iisly able lu land aller the creos ada and osi-oseas ih poistiigs to manuaiiy iooshred tbe oshenis medical oniis ini-odig Tr-enton, (Andlbraoasbher fioslday of Rocbcliite, Si-a Iland, Goose duiy ai Oea Island!)i Bay, the National laconci- Modi- AI Cîîid Labe site is Dionclor of cal Coolro in Ottlawa, 'dose, Nursing (Marron) and respon- bouches Goomaoy. Kingstonv and aie loi- the adminstratin of ail Halifas. In 1971 si-e lor a s oig h il arna moslbs intensive cari- i-oui-s, ai Kingso o hoMrna Winnipeg Gooi-oai Hoisyitl, thon Kvco mas poslr 10 Coid Lake. ti-r parents arr ioobîng fo- Flighl coursr mad to soeingmore ofonna, In 1958 chile servîng ai RCAF ot lbei- possisg harO tu an DOlt statioc Ti-i-onî. i..îyi Faopsi aii base. Instîtute renews memorîes pioneer Pioneer liresasrrnood in the Iis in lime osilI osly remaîs on memories ol35 mmbei-sand muis friesds nf the Nelson Womos's Fresestalions osere mode 10 losttule Orion vi5 11105tho Mi-c N. Richardson loi six ynars resioied homeof the rbaie George us ioeasure- 10 Mes. D. Wes- lreiasd, Guolph L.îne, Boirlioglon dooo e oetgle His daugbleo. Mi-c Morio Buh. edding ansiversary; and 10 oselomrtborooasdon M10.. Marie Bush loi-bec duclod an întoooslîng Sumoi- tli lbeougb tbe iarm ri-cdono Sho oplaîy espliîed ils strui-ture had boro Home made muffins, lea buili it 1837 and ber gi-eut hiscuis,tea and colte wee grandlaibor, Josephi lreiand. had sorsrd by the commîteas purchasedîbhe lusd in 1020 living Mos. J. Vansicbielbasbed aii for in alog cabn. an inspiring evening. Ail assembird un theospocînus liinigroom for thehistorieJune meeting oslb Mis. G. Campbell presidiog and Mcc. Jý Tapioc as secreiary. Eocb presrit art- sosered the rotin cal] ming a local poison osho toit an imprint on ber commusîlp. Peine on rashies Mms J. Brengon reami the financiai uccoun andlMis. G. ticCormack gase a report nf the District Annuai bell ai Knoox Presbylerîan Cbuocb, Actos, stalise tihait Mos G. Campbell bai on second prie on ber olmeal i-oohies uit ho baSle competîtîn. Alio, the Nelson renolulion hlair beco accepteil opposingthe oposîng ofstores loi- Soodoy relailîso. irsý C. Pegg gai-e the "Tbougbl for the day" oui places aI historie salue anil tirs. Frani-es Day broughi a bok for ail 10 vîeos. "Key toi HuIlon's Arilbmelîc, as 1820 Edisburgh Edilon,- purcbusod in Bai-lord. Hisutori flms Mos. Marie Bush eotertaucod the groop by soomng B uritgon's Cootonnual Film. "Eyen cf Meny" depîcliog the vant fruit anil vegetabto areai, produced at onetfimie; the varioles tbrivîng mihîs aI Zitonirman. Loossîtie, Nelson (onceow aso Hosnabsiîiei, Taosiey, anil Dakota; uniqoe aru-biri-iore on promisest buildings. the radial liarîbola foctiid the îîcimoî foi passengor transportation bel- men Harnilton, Burlinglon, anil DOvillin othe peurs 1004 190; andl the mernoton of o few profioest resdenin osho have ositoneile the passîsg nI the olil t the presnt anil relatiig mucb of M a J P Il 0 Sweet Adelines e£%ntertai n lOy Dloocs Melansos The Miltot, Senior Cîtizeni, Club beid theti- mootly meeting in Knox Cburcb bull on Wedoesday The meeting mac openeil hy prenîdent Chartes Bounsali. Secoetary ies. A. Peddie ceand the minutes of the rast M eeting andîbhe chai-mon ni the sarînus commiltees gave hreur ci-ports. As i osas Senior Citizen Weh. members oseee reminded nf the asoual hchb soi-vice nib h Ard onthergroundsnofR. Corp on Suoday, June 24. Lamo parti9 Tbe club aiso recoîseil an in citation 10 attend Hahn Con- tensiai Masor's Lamo Party- on Salaoday. Juse 23. Mis. Florence Rutherfnord played the hîolhday 0000 toi- ail Srs. Ihose ceiebraig Juno bîrlbdays. FasI Fiesideol Elles Haobolîle unlrndoced and oseicomed the -Soeel Adolîses.' -lady bar- beroboppercmundor tbe direction ii L.yon Brown fromt Gabvilie. Thome Song Tboy begas milb Ibeir Ibeme song,. Hai-monize the Worid" anddsang manyold favoites, offert unnîtuig Ibrîr audience 10, l oi. Mis. Mi-Faddes ibashed tbe choir on bebal ofth Sbeno iîiîens and thr esesisg coin- sioddimtti a luncb. hicoobeard in tbe sabosay, ose 10anto another - Maphe mes airont perlent, but lbey're tbe lient oipposte sex weove ol" RALF'S BACK Tuesday, JuIy 3 with TWO hands "Next time lil, use my feet" --RALF of MILTON PLAZA HOUSE ofHAIR 8820 Mr. and Mis. S. Marshall and fleur foi' ihiidi-v ai-o ni-o ,sidi-ol- ai 3i73 Wiliiii Aie Thi- lai-shalls coino froni Ciioksîllo mi ose scelcome trient tu Milton. Happy bîribday nîshes go toi Inan and Dianna Corsnofn 20 iîe Si. Joan celebi-aled hor iirihday yeslerday (Jane SOi and Dianna nelebraled her birihday nMonday, Jone 25. Birlhday wishns gn tu Larena ZIlian ot 7580 Tremain Rd. osho celebrales her 16ih hirlbday today, Jane 27. Mr. and tirs. Don Gibson R.R. 6 Milonoseie isiled lasioseekby tirs. Gibson's sister, Min, A. Pepper frnt Edmosnn, Alberta. tirs. Peipper is the Mal-on of a Senior Cîisens home in Edmoton and enjnyed atouroof tiallon Cenlennial Manor during ni- stop. Mo. and Mos. J. Short and Iheir Ilirne childoon0 aie neei saI 800 Wîlloos Ace. The Shorts bail lios Barrie and oso oelcome flhema toi cou00 Congratulations and bonI osishes go 10 Bill and Rose Coi-p R. R. 2 Camptieilcllleoshn oeieboaled Ibeir 701h osedding anniseosa-y yeslei-day iTuesdayi Jone 26. Hoppy Birlbday tu Michael tloning of217 Pookosay Dr osho celebralo. hils birthday on Saloonlay lune 30. Mr. and Mrs. .H. Rosenhonos and theio lhoee sons rocentip mosed 10 769 Appli-mimd Ci-is. linos Oshaosa We isolcomo the lamily tu Milton. Happy birthday wîshes go tu Ted Windmolle-. R.R. I Miltn osho celeboatos hîs birthday on Foiday Jone 20. Happy bîolhday osîshes go 10 -Eddie - i, 159 Wiliams Ave OI l s-i-iaii-. lits, hîîihîay, oc lhocsday, Juco 20, Mo. and Mrs. J. Hall aoe nom residents aI 776 Appleosood Cons. lTe Halls corne lins Slreelsvilln and ose mol-orne Ibes tu Milton. Special tirlhday osishes go nul tu10 nI o Millon's Senior Cilizens. Fi-ank Thornpson ot 137 Thomas SI., foi-mnr mapor andl noos Millon's lirol official "girl osaîcher' celetooales bis blolhday on Monday, Jury 2. Charles Boassaîl of 150 King SI. presidenlnoflhe Miltonlenior Cilizens Club celebrales his birlbday on Banday Jury I. AIl theoes bl s osisbod fo nihIern Joan Calibne ot Edmonton, Aiberta, speol 10 days recenlly, vsiîlng osilb ber motheo, Mis. Eva Ford, of tbe Hallon Cen- tennial Manoi- Valerie Ella, daagblerofn Mo. and Mos. Ken Ella oI Honby is oooing as a slenogiapber ositb Casadias Jersey CatIe Clob on Toronto. Sbe o a gradoale of Milton District High Sobool. Studenîs nf Mrs. Sosan Ptiillips gave a piano recilal Tboosday aI J M. Desyes Sibool. Siodenîts also otteoed cînlîn solon and a i-laimol del. Tbiose labing part in the pi-o- gram oseoe Andreos, Jolian and Graeme limes, Anc and Laora Aîbenbead, Catby and Sasan Blaîi-, Jobn and Mai-y Laarses. Jane and Joan Bousb, Mai-y Jase and JudyHassai-dCharlesand Maoreen Pbiliips, Ailan Haiser, Wasda Moogoil, Lisa Woîggiesooi- and Susan Feos- Mrs A. Brillon nias hosioss tu She spnhe on the snnrk nf the Mounlain Union roanch ofîbhe Wl. and orgel members Iu Wl.T'Mepresidenl read a pem icballbey cnuldito bnsi n and welohiiied ail herhip andinspire otiersoi A pi-oui- oui hi- i-Id ai thi- liaiin othe oi- of the Wl i, ii "I'iX,. iui, ti ti, i ni', ,, t hie m,m-v Mi1 lil îq, i l i i ii. Ii oii i icisfi Nliiiii ha,, i-oiiihii- laçil litliokod, vas reai Nlooihro-ansoioi'd theroll cali Mi- Ke-nnedy. Csurosy hy lolling inhich year lhey joined si-nii Mos. Chishoîni Ihai the Wl theihislonsand ailonhadt Mis. Glen Campbell, second part m oarie ihis a nonces sico-pi-osidenl of the Hallon lais- meeting. Mos. Campbell tricoas goesl speakeroand si prosevd itih altoken of oos inloodooedtiy Mis. Langton. procialion. 15001ION 05'0 237 dao cbon- ;Sful ap- Adams Revised rates w I apply te ail hydre bis issued on and after August 7st, 1973 We shar o îfelcinigs about spiralling i-osto that have becs attecting every coninîodiisand servce;-ossich includes lotsof tings sucb as lxwrfns rnsomrsain andilabîîriss Triaitisoshy ethave liin siicgioisanly oîanami he hghstleverlofserice cîîhout giin roci iound toi inflalionary pressures. Elect-ricity in ail lis applications stiIl i-omaîns the bigcst bai-gain in the iailI budget. MILTON HYDRO RATES I'ii.sooi Re% isid RE-sIl)yN rIAI. --Ei-M,,,ithly Fi-si 0 hK.W. ics 4.20 4.5 Nini 01 itK.W. Hirs, 00 210 Balancei ofi tioi ocoomptîion i.15 I.25 i{iiiIl)l- HIAIL .0 Block O PR SElaE Mei-.,id El-i-toi. Waler Healiol. 1joti K.W. Hi s. 95 i ils Minimtumt MIN HI.Y hitl S.--lercs - Muînlhly Mort à0iKW.Hrs. Ni-si 9070 KW ic B0alance o K W. Hco. Gi-oetal Seri-ce[- Minitouat Lh-i- aiE Wý K) per K W, 2.ui- pi-r K.W. e-SWhKW tuner 50 K.W. 4 2 4.5 Oui 2.1 1 05 1.75 50 .73 $int per month 0.25c pero rnoh pi-i K.W. Ibo " UNIFORMS " MATERNITY FASHIONS Shoppers World 499 Main St. S., Brampton S416) 457-6144 increase, rates are stili0 *: 1......i- ý ,ipecnt- 1 MILTON HYDRO HILLCREST UNITED CHURCH had a record attendance of 350 people ut lthe murriage of Rev. Lynne Adamo andGary Curtin, Joue 16. Mr. and Mrs. Curtin left for a two meek hoogymoon after which the bride miii retoiro to her duties au miniater of Bethel and Hilicreat Churches. 190 2ý ov 3.50 Wedding Curtin - Margaoel Elspetb Lynne Adamo and Gaoy llabcocb Corii w000 maoied in a candieigbl, dobleering ceremosp osîlb tbe sacrament of bnipcommoninal Hilcies Unied Cbocbon June 1Tbebride isbhe miniseoi-othb Hornby Pastoral Charge and the groom ils an insesîmeni olices osilb Canada Lire. The bride is tbe daogbîeoio Mms W. B. Adams asd the laIe Mr. Adams ni 12 Norden Coescesl, Dos Milis. The groom's parents are Aodooy and Moore Carlin nf 53 Smiibosood Di-ive, Inlinglon. Tbe ceoemony osas performed by Bey. Dr. F. G. Whiteof nthe United Cboi-cb Division ni Mission n I Canada. Goganisi Hon Kiosmneier poepared speciai oi- o theosedding and bis ie Kris was asoloistosith the combîsed cboirs ni tel and Hîlici-esi United Cborcbes. Do. Catberine Reid ni Torosn osasbhe maid ofbosor, and bes mon osas Martin Tayloo of Mîssîssaaga. Tbe boide'sbrobeo Jobn Adamns, tbe groom's honîber Ronald Curin,and acousinnîof h bride Ronald Heathoseoe uso-s. Foiioosing a Weisb coslom the bride and groom enlered tbo cliorcli togeiber osîlb tbo choirs and the bridai parly. The bride woea pinS sappbîro ring 01000 10 ber bp ber molbe- Aller tbe service, tbo 350 goosîs allended as informai rvenisg receplion intheb cborcb basemenl caooed by the ladies and yoolb groop nf tbe bsn chorches. Aller a toooeek trip trougb tbe United States tbe coople osîli reorn tu te manse ai lorshy in Jury. Special glîrsîs oscon grand- moîbeos of tbe boido and groom -Mrs. H. HecathoflStiringanid Mrs.C. Babcocb ofLindsay. Mos. Mary Masosell ofl Horsby made asd decoraled the oseddisg cabe. Beveral shamers and disneo parlies osere gises too tbe bride sd groom in Toronto and Misnîssauga. Hîlicrest and Betbo] cburcbms eacb poosesîrd tbe brideosilb girls, andMr. and Mi-s Jobslo idoolands of Honby hosted a rebarsal paly.