2 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdap, June 27,1973 O Y f n s K lo c m She needs more children for retarded teenagers La Ano Lynde bas hbre itgees crosord tIsaI appeoimatels 120 Miltoioi .,tîil tidrroi beoirs $2 ogouiiio daoca,iîihy bridas Regstrationîî lor the day camp progrant otihe Miltîon Porks and Recreatio Commutter bas bren slow hecaose Iis yar 'sIe ment opltu 20 Il as $2 at yere The r0500 fr te rincrease i the change in location romn Rotary Park ta Camp otthe1 Woodland Traits on ibeSixth Lîne, Nasagassrya The cml nif bussng andhprcr ofimîtifor 1 luoches bas asrd the regitra- lion ie t a lesel comparable ta day camp rates in Toronto and Mssssaga, Lu-Ann said. Il enongh ebtîdren registre by Friday.lfour imoorrbksessions o 40chitdrrîî eacb arr planord lioe the sumrineîcoths. Eacb sessiniwillhave aiheie suchas lodias îor piocer île. Aso in cluded ii a sessions arre oser- îîîgbi campolîlfoe a special rsrnl. trips ta MSarîoland. Ont araîPlace, Centre Isandndila parents' nîgbi Itashows mhat the campres do. Each day, fliccampeýrs mlI lraverRotary Parbata.m. and habahilactierand quietgames ,n te îîoenîngs. Thry hcîng Iheir os nnches and are procided oihmîlbtin the alrnoonlthere oill bcarts and craits, classes in naturrand camp lore, canoeing and smimming. Lu-Anc. herseti o lb lise ycaes day camp coperîece, iii bacc ihreallier leaders ta betp ber, racb sprctatiing in one area. The leaders are atteodîng bhereOms trainng camop fismveb,and Lu' Ano especîs them 10 come home wilh lots oflsemîdras. Alrreper and day camp dsplay wil Il e sel np in Rotary Park on Snnday, Jnty . so parents and caprs can srrsome o the Picnic ends nursery yeari The Tînkerel Nursery for Physîcatîr and Mentally Han- dicapprd Childeon ioponored by the North Hallon Association for the Mentalty Retardedo monnd np a erey soccessînt second yer mth a picote ai Acton Park on Thursday. June 14. Therermas a gond tùcn-ooi of mothers. brothers and sbIsres, sotonleers and ibrîr chldcen, o 1th a total of 12 chldero and 24 .tdults enjnying the sonny day. Thrsomrmhat cooltheeeeded doms about nana roabtîngthie childrers tago adding in the lobe white the ad ts sunhatbed. Ses, McKroir, moîher o popit Margarel An, trealrd esecynne (aiicream cones andhenre leasing, asors ere distribtoîdt (ai]tIhe chldeen. compliments of Chartes Sabere, Samatea,1 grandiathrr of annîber stodent, Lisa Kean A gondîimemwas had by att. painting, batîbîng. mood coltînfi tiotinscannersalrlymilt be gtsen and eqipneicthecaiiprsoîiltTheniri.iiriiisplaN oîtt e open HER CAMOES on dry landn dont eginler for the Parksî L._Ano Lynde may ner get foesvr to 12 yer onds i! FYiday. now, and if enough children ond Recreation Day Camp, 4tu bWater. Registratio e is $20, ond muai he in by (Photo by P. Ford) Motorcyclist killed car, bike hit head-on A Ca mphrltcolte masnîs Bite St. Miltono blîrd Tuesday rorni n to fat Is latier Ohtietti wek as liedronshis motorcycle pases fer n the car, homralerrbu fsleîgoîîîofeb ork uoobrpoicrsaîd. ot asommer lob. Wilsuto as tcyung oi Saindy Laughton, 18,of tltO2 ars-e rom Gents Ai Campbelltvîtto dîrd wsotir e lisOrObr the accident1 motorcycte anti o cor sollidetiPoiceuu.sid no charges1 lmot hradon, about hala i !le a. South ni Fise Sdrroiad ont Nassagaeas FlIb lune. MultInsOPP reporîrd.ir antia fellow quary worer Krun Rosir ni Campbrlsutte ere drîsung Men Ibnr mnlnecyclrs boume aller moeb mhen the accident bap-B pend onlthe crst oahill. lic \AJillIBe C mas a otient at i lton District Hîgh SchotI Driser ni the car, î3Vear out Michael WistonofouiApt. 32B. 122 MILTON Discuss plan for new store complex Milo Planning Biord mutl be desirabte. seek dein it ion o shat Const:: loirs a oighborhnnd shopping tshopping croire cntre. The question conte onder iinly iree orighioirhood shop- discussio Wednedayiohen the pingicentres sill bealloo'ed in bord dcssea proposaior thatiareaolofland allhere Cloverlawn lnvsslnrs.sdoser- have bren designoîrd 000w laoso ish to establish a14-store compiex aite corner of Ontarmo The board niiird the Closer- Si and Sirotes Aver on development could pose a tirallieprohlemnon SteelesAv'e.i Meoiber, agrerd to ser f hi l i rmcmdesroped, proposai oould constiiole a orighborhood shopping centre N, decisioo oas made ai the peio-lo aig aazosingchange. board imeting Wdnesday, Illoas oolrdihau ithe rposa]lSeetarv Ross Peraeoillheîing oas tubc cossidered i seighbor- inOaeport un the mtter aller hood soppingenr i ooldn' discossing ilscith consultants. NOTICE Kilbride Publiea Ubrat KiIbrido Sohool SUM.M f ouRs WEINESIAY EVENINOS ORLY 6-9 P.M. (aTHE WINNER XYOPTIMIST CLUB of Miton 50 - .50 DRAW For the Month of May, 1973 . MR. E. W. COULSON R. R. 3 CAMPBELLVILLE Contibutic us unuet. Wilson , a outoaued Auts hales happoord. hove bren ror aaoy camp pro grams muarTe, in concert Four s1dm: string qoorlets irom Keiso Music CenrermilI B.A. DEGREE gise a free poblie concert Thr degrer of Bochelor of Thorsdoy esroing, Jone 28, t Arts Home Economnico Erîndate College ni the 1 Unisersity ni Toronto, Erindaie WOO conferred upon Miss campus, Mssissoogo Elizabeth Norington, The concert ni chamber mua, doughter of Mm. ond MIS. mut bb elditioRoom 202 onîthe W. J.Norrîngion oi Pretimînary ouiding aI 8 p.m., ~ystal Moungin Form, and there itI be couree aoailable Milton, ai the June 7 aller the prormance. Convocation of University Madr op of students îrom many ni Western Ontario. Lic io points in Ontorio as meIt as nîber o home economies provinces ni Canada, the qoorlets gadute of foshion and mîlI be performing three or for tetmo i C too moementofi major morbsteils a nrla mbucb lbey hase bren perlecling Collrge. She wilI continue n bheretrre-mebuintensive hem studies for o Msters ochoot, bing beid Iis pear aI tbe Deger. GOile campus nifibreridon Coiregeontirbhe drectionuofthe tameti Otorti Strng Qoo te Eacb quarteconsstof ni vilns onesvolo and one celo The KErndale nconet stOr first ni breerepublieconcerto hy the sodens.The ober pr formances are Satw-day, June30, ot St Joh'sUndo Chuecb Oak- vle, at tp.m and Sooday, Joy 1a Oakvie campuonf Sheridan dollege, 3 pm.i norial Donations Sratefully Accepted By DISTRICT HOSPITAL ons go towards the purchase of hospitai equipment. ATTENTION *squeslng R.sldent Public meetings to reveal 500 KV ydro rathways MILTON Tuesday, JuIy 3 at 7:30 p.. martin si. school BAMPTON Thursday, July 5, at 7:30 p.m. Cmitrol igh Shooi ACTON Frîday, Juip 6 at 7:30 P.m. AcionHiiScoi S Canada îDotOi SDANCE SROMA SOCIAL CLUB ne WSteeles Ave west of Hîghway 25 Milton SATUR DAY JUNE 30 8 pm. toi a.m. S FREE FLIGHT TO ITALY PiousaianY otheprizs-OoePeinno music 91 S THE ROYALS Moderrimasic tor poor dancing pleasame EVERYONE WELCOME FULL SUPPER SERVED Nienes Tckes hon Mohbes n a nu 7inaance 7.5 at tedoo Se iieoo 65 on transpoctation and anobere SMtons supplies. Sel precedeiii Ocgantnees especi the snmmec camp program wllmîinmz ohrcirs ofi eressio n i he aidolescentis, lb rîîîîghoniistnt stimuslation lhrongh the sme months. il mtaiso gise parents sonnereliief. "Wr bope Ibis c1jetmiiset o precedent toc tubeur day camps ni ibis Ond," saiti Miss Cohten. "Daiiy cecords mutl be ept oeacb camper and mode availahie 10 pacents and schools in the bope thai a tollow- up program can be carcied on." AIt fiton conselioco, brsides tbeic training ai Homber, bave aitendeti o six meeh training period in an Onario tiospital, andoalihave donenouneecmncb n thefiîeld ni mental ctardation. the Peel Y is hripiog the proirci by peoding teansportation roch day lrnm Missssanga 10 the Kelson camp-Y booes r brîsging O0 ehîldeen adon 10 the lCiel Ns',îosîTp ohoi ',as loa id l Kels., The progi ani. îrgnîersex- plain, milt insotor bebastor modification foe althie teenagers iovotved and mili ansst ithIe nie o soctalination tbrongb acttsîlies socbas swmming, arts and cra115. naturce[oer, Ibeatre, aechery and dancing. Learning more about retaedaiion itI ls betp thr fiisecounseitnes in Ibeir ca rrer nifssnring mtb Ibe retarded. Eacb conseiir wit be paid $90 per ee orebmeis or bec eigbt weebs of mneb, foe a total o $3,600. Another $200 oitI be speot Hill is chastized for election plan Seee Tnm Hilllet.0 bîmuei in Manneil whn indicaied conrn- tor a verbal atiock mhen hn tld milie mnrk shouid tbOn counny cnnncii bn moid prenerence in electionnering. relioqnîsh bis position os ao illisttas nnounced pans inrun membereni tbe internatinnalas maonr ni NnrtbNaltion. lonwi ng mnatch cnmmiiiee cuehe flel the plossînt 'Iiaichandithe regional eeltis îsîîîld coi'fit. i NÂiIASO lN Tl iii 5115 Hetotd couoty conithe oulnd osant 10 do a gond job i be stayeti Consomers' Assonciation ni on thn commitien, bolt eltibe Canada advises traveliers 10 moidn' t bore 110e enop o 10 ood onehincinaied drinbing devoie tnO i bal h parlîcolar mater andi iceti drinks, par- lime, iiaryn teopicat coiniries. Sseey 0000e Saidnoperîrd trut nnd nier Warden Mes. A MacArthur onenoketifondts are aisn suspect. cbastized Reese Hi and CAC natinnal beadquartecs is suggesied tbings motd be in a tocateti ai lit Gnucester Street, soeep stale i att membres quit Otawa. cnomjlltees beranse the mnck ennlitrd mib eiclioncm paigns. Oabitie Depoiy Renne Teery A "iing fandi ieaening"ex preiene rmeiaily reardeti adoescents is the gnal ni tise yonng Toronto ocea studenis lrotn Homber dottege oho wîtt .îprroîradassttmp program a( Klsiîiîonsorsalioîi Sea lis Fundeti bp a lederat Oppor- tonities foe Yolb geani in the amontonf i$4,000, the fune stodents pion for Imo teeb day camp sessions ai Keiso witb 15 mentatiy riartird adolescents aged 14too18o eaco attendinq eacb session . Ibis is the irtsproect ni 15s ind tocretrded adoescents. Lesiey Cohten, Scenda Dryait, Barbara Demar, Michael James and Wilson Qoro arr ait stodenis n the Speciai Cace Counsrtting" course aI Humbher and lasi Frbroary toi tbeir heads ingethbreto plan tersommer OFY peojeel. Il was one ni 4,334 poroets pcovding sommer moeb tc36,152 Cosodians mhicb the tedecol gonecoment bas ap- prosed. Tbry Cou therproet "SMILE". Two camps fin osoJuly 3 the in- sîcocîes nnli bing hibr i ist 15 adolescents icnm Mississooga 10 the camp ai Kelso. The peject is bocheti by the Soth Peel Association foe Ibe Mentally Rearded and bythe Peel Coonty YM-YWCA in Brampton. n tact ni imrfda+ca Residets of alton intecested inrntering the Heitoge Halton Art Content sboold picb op or mile foreneory torms by Salue- day. Interesttin the content is repred as beinggood ib more thon 20 enlered nom. Cash prions are asoiabte in mour dvisions, adoît malercolor or oit painting, adoît photngeapby. hîgb schooi wtroontor pbograpby and public ochoot matercolor, oit or photograpby. The dîspiay and judging mîlI labe place Sept. 15 or 16. At a press conferenetouWarde Anne entris may bc porrased by the f Scuba Coume / Milton thîs surmmer ,!Recognized cert 8786011 HOLIDATS The office of Krantz Fuels mm li be closed for holidays from JUNE 30 to JULY 20 For delivery durung this timne Cail 878-2587 Weekdays affe, 5 p.m. 878-3272 or 878-3208 Sisnmimes: Smn Thru 10w-s. MILTON Fri and Sal. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m ,h,28 i29 s.30 s.sa- 30_ ý.Mw M*vm JuIy Sun. 1, Mon.2, Tues. 3 GONE RACK RAGE >NP CHARLESTON BLES Con rColor SarrngGeo. C.ScottAduit SarrngGodfreyCambridge Wed. 4, Thurs. 5, Fri.6,Sat. 7 "B0ELl VERANGE"1 Starring BOn Reynods John Voiga PLUS CARTOON No Matinee for the months of July & August cnunty andbhung inregîool of- lices. Jadge pictores The piclaros mili hie jodged on the ay tbey depici scenes ni bîstorical interesti 0nolon, socb as lomoos homes, buildings, monuments, etc. At the same conirrence, Mes. MacArthur onnounced plans 10 publîsb a book or anthoiogy ni tories recalling early days ni tiollon. She insited cooniy pres and individoats in Ihe coonly 10 submil stories and reroiteciions ni o hisînricol and bomoros soture 10 ber aiNaltion Coonly Administration Buildtng, in care ni Neritoge SaltInArt ConlesI. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION boihorid as Second Clans Mail rossalitrtinono f e9 HOME OR ABROAO THIS SUMMER - READ A BOOK fAn ont imied numhne ni booksmeforsmmur reeding map b. borermnd neJoip 23rd to Seplemeu STOCK UP NOW M ILTON PUBLIC LIBRARýY, $modal DignosrSpc > J Cream oni InutinSoop oe Joie Chef Satati, French Dressing S Baiseclirgonia Hasem ilS Pinnappin Ring Creamp Whipped Pniain ne French FPes Stramberrp Snom Pudding mth Sauce For Roservatons lions 878-906 Lido Restaurant hffon uCh/ana aagld CanedionAàoénd Fuil Course Meas-Steaks-Chops-Fish and Chips Home Made Pasiies-Light Luniches Spoati#iiziog la Take-Oai O,4eg Free Dslivery or Piok-Up 10% Off (iMnimum $5.fiueup. in toOn irmiSontl) HOURSo Monday to Thusday il a.m. io 12 midnight Fidayoand Sotumday il a.m. to 2.00 o.m. 4 L - - - i- - t Interest is shown in Heritage Halton q t j