B4 The Champion, Miltn, Ont., Wednesday. Jane 27, 1972 "Socrilege" to d.stroy It Wants Bruce St. School preserved Ediors Nafe:T. A.Tam- "vy" Huichinon, oQÇ a retirec i 'sllSoo lawver i no i i0'. 'la in chether or ol an 0ebe remodelfeîf and used for anv cîher purpase.nIr.Hafohonso cas atrsteer a( the urchlin thet erl.o 1920's and tasavie, the foromer Mary tica<chdd. faughf foroseveal year allthe schcal.In the fllaong vovrohaîrd artil,. se fels chy bcfelmbthe crolury- nid ochaci chcald he preervred fan vaterasy. THE PAT 1 THE PRESENT AND 1)THE FL TUF.fE By T. A. flnnvinnan. Qfi 'lorre are a Ira people c our, worldabcodont serin to he1 happy. aunlesbley arr plling lhing cpcrtlearoog toerndccv. Tbere are othersc.ouorse, wo a seen hebccontent in ceero1ng taingoS ali cwnIroogh ds-, rrparor o devao Thesr Ico graupo are tint oernoîrdn preveet n,. thea 10h, O hicon- ao nc010the poost ioneprsrt Achiororcor-of cthe fashaov SOitte or naolinereol 10 theno The1 aurd "pooerty " s o[oinorhe vocrahalary, Wr shoald he pleunrd that hre arreosone whoare cteresed on the puol Thev khoc theifroda- m in sorcesofoSthe pasi have sone imprance. Thro deroor van- ocfderabe satisfaeion in (hinhoog about those slones. in the prrseot time and tltey grt muavt pride in preoerrooc hem 1for uure generalîcos Illi regretfultibai sonne ooar lown counciltoand ctcrnolhave. in the came o rci s.elmn ated coco taingo in Miton obtrh Sad aolir colo the paci boistoro- cav. clralI and archilectur MIot Wedoroday eoenocgc 0in Jane. Iberer ouibcbeloard 00n P'arliamentO Hil,00.ange gterai yeflo. grantso. gecaccand the orrasional coere No, Orh Memheof Parliamecîbae ot rersortrd Ocphyoooal meîoodsofto peesoadong eah toh cer oftoi re pons ofaIvIra .The cceeOc 1te fotlacns of Ihn Parliameol buldings, and theocainar he, annual soîtbaîl games bel- eern the Membres and the Ccmmcns ProecerloStaff and the Preecs Galleev. Overceight and oobane bods e occed tudivebnead losng 0r a osne-rlon or mode lot ombere dccc O c ood base. P'onts nS cndee ce peviege are eised 015iy 00ev o baller "naus" hal Obrd orohr %asa bal and theumpre 'bvocc- Tc date co-ove bas tloovorda $100 renard poled bc Milonoo Fre Arra Commottîe tto oveks agv. bal "ccme iorvcaltion" oso bervngathered in te case of the Killeode bridge ire tires. Fre CloorSA.FE('irmevîcsatd ccmro'tten have passed on so "belplul"iformation lot oc h ibKSridr brdge ,and the informationobas beeon assed oo r ihn Ooolngsov O'olce birpaiit nietvi cholcesvrothat areaofto NorhBurlîvglov lTotdae rto arrestsohave beev made *'jine lires Teltire areacmmoitlev othih Cansamers' A sscivation oS Canada remivds o'oooccrrobaî caler o vos ccly ho- oosotoorîoul slsentlforeremnooocgvnoovgro-oop stvns nextiraticrles hbuti c alsonthe ooly cr onett sorober flammable cote poioncus IELECTRICITY s Our Business s Dont te oaTinkeoeo moltt,vletiit i Cl an expert fo a :HNwCrts 0 AadtîoatOutltst = *Outdoor LightS I ELECTRIC l , 886378 ail> 10our ottig cvttornsofci oday ha.-ofioIok ilphlc(ýgrapli, focee Iree r nrgane 1'fileorro buidholding, ocoropord antol recenilîhy or rcîevmc-lMaayorflean Broihas dlooppered fi) poofe a sie 0cr alarge buildong. lie huilding. for aoocoooberofoS varc.oseredasoa bocycte choop foyOlISe Petioferu Oý Theorirevvbuilding autihe car i Charles and Mary lis. bas leeooeoleooiohed For a cong fiie il as oonedby AI Cham- Sort-, woooerci asottavoor ofthle : ['iotool tramoeovgrandotond os ,oy Agtoicuturai Grouondo.,a'hoeb 00000 otcooiilud 100 voptsooy ai hao ainesocvcbas been replaoedlt a 1,00.0(00)cstruocte oshovh ic ne- oopoej).v ver>o'evo tec epiooin 4. 'Sot beioucthoome oS the att Dr.vNI.E Iiooc'ind. ai the ooooter oolCharesand Maiot l oolotodooatoprodeoteor sonieovstores and Site tîttilon and flor bildngogio largeflioocertttg tovvoloca pprarrol iroooîtthe spc Cocoww"fn. Milton lcoi anIlo atori t ie n t go 'rn-es dsloppear Ian T o contin-ottv to Sctloss. e, ooooo tovlrotoo partiladrmooltlicn o- T'le ol oid00er ofth 0e Tccn liaiS hao goose. llite large bell n fiettoer uacîccngat 7. 12 nooc anootS, lîlovfilienoonotbell racg,.i ooaocioogooItorsoonesteevbants looclooe choloattd partahe of (tiliGorgo- lltttîtreei. te looooo lertbo liloed tapas., a ltî] tvbtitro ootalic putird 0he .00 0000a,00 ) l'le T ioOl wtot difrn Y lioteser. ahentheIbo oospre i octoesofthetnopto Alex-nder ieom lSaoviSloov.the protestero octastvgbos tcne l'arty dierencor aresct-Sasidr anod oaiocool 0000vto rvtol . A Quoe, NaOoolisict 001 bt a hooe run as c v-l sa tCil c, oit , el a.,a Neo oolasod1 To00 (O as pootrlo 'Te pople of Canada a Il br nrcad ltIo on bal oberrelecird iersnaiv anîltdoore boit yodt (aib.We cpnrd the o- (ce nit, os'iotceCloor Staff 21-3, anîd cleaceoloplbe f'rss;leeo 19-9. Anod the neopleof iaOIilo, coiS Or prooad tobot al Obor thoînore abe",lb-mberlrîo-dintoi ese vI toýasscond sltrng coglol tilSrc oood rtt ring tbrd- gotervs lie Mtttitotr dopart- nettonbbeal tf he o cand00 tau r trtoototolg ctuootvpaltts oite v-riSeOcretsard ailvrte ih tir, nitoihe pao0 ceo nmotolb h',nooalc have boobed ood trs oee ile bridge avd sel them aSre ttbte-. oer ithe pacl ec ooaoicepartvienthas bevochrol tooopeithe brdgfordamagrc l0000 il,i fioloooooo l"', 0.0 0' fi Theot'osoo to grc onoothe oorto llocvsicde oMain St.arr ooooloa tîeîtoory A large, spread- A SCALE MODEL 0F THE constrocted by retired Miitf Hutchinson. A former truste, the proponeota of k eeping fi tmnk b Mtons storied past. model and former principa "Mr.Educaton. abab b anc il ci ,c, th e effors cifsWarrent Ail- beel;0mttroo octoo00 otanîl ho.cMieneccclplay-'realize oîog a tîglot scoîdbase acd tAotoot ti profiool'taibda %%tidtîtg aheavy bat. v Cacada'c vro-locotre 5051'Fectoto'alttvldls Softorlîtrlei cîhargetfthe olobroîoîvo l('( snwofcal peîooeoolaryslem. tblrroleai Thetocooutivlmlcniu icg boird base. aO c at qotîoun-ît, var 'tilcot Rerrealol herooîîocgootlbrvooalevcrtorl 0'ttoîee ottoer the dredtoo f lac vciorv'teeîtl offiia.hc c ttru tr oaO 'solcpoa ttîtoedalî-lcordrrdlo0relurn il.t drcorlo Salwl pno .ohn tlectoold. a Tory tît-tîber tbe ev-ecI trootîtflIC.,01finte h ngest toîme I . rnsnete lrealPopo Loor Local piiot dtîloe voglol doiothie flion rd lot theWes Oof toie0vPeace To er. t.rneNalpo'lcbte bs w ins race 1)î P cdraroot ptoherevcrr ot tîilotniltlîrîro lartcr, one0 -tmoto orkîooo Sasoach- oi otiIîloretoomecnlots aioîn5, ewn loil eo- ooly 00000 :il ,ncî,-,d. woc the0e concd ao- ligJ epno, loSfor or otootGuebpoAipS Xr liaISreco-otiv vo, cto sIli S totdspttabiv n Sto ood lier vo, poItot Soctooco the îîlovvlsof h onr, îbat BOvel oi haotrîrotagît lîod li loliu otbrrr rirvîrd, 9.99ic9ivoescrore nith bruI Dsineteîditictllack (ialb 05mile rare, liog a i'Cesoa 172 vtc(rdtocoîg and okil. Ocn- 'Olovo 0 $.0 c. 100000' tr grooral*v itomoîrd 10 'Tom and Oarbar., lirotîlîrrîc avhOog muscles ad chin sntlc llttotvhouscaoncscondîolcth a ore ambihtionsupress 99 oeoctta Itidon ouople gal1er or ghl brider dod obo tto otocobor di, iS t Elra lm na inai the0 fO looo ili amOttaînaIlb Atîlt 01000 cioes nejyb The cluiooeoe wson al frion the îlt i lvogto 1 Salvation Army or,, nhve rcfibleoc.idea. PICK-UP TRUCK 'otiootcbiooi)gelintouloch l nie. plracvctop btvaitcolto'yr,îî EVERY TUESDAY oog otvtOOai 36.akhoorr Eoot, 877-8522 (lako lb 00440220 UMMER DUR ENDS SATURDAY ýUR ALE JUNE 301h UNITED 00-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO IUiw1 -1 Bronto St. Milton 878-2391 It ALCOHOLICS e ANONYMOUS Il MEETO EVERY Ir onrc, Aeqvao HOOI NG A PROLEM' DROPIN AL-AMON W Met s eery Thuenday Grane Angffoan Parish Hall M.,. Street, Miflon. Do nou bacon eatv colOn adeinkino problemj ctzna gymoaooum oresports St, b en ouiboyofthl1e colkotog inrt'iotitvqt1oier, Thte 00010 L.et 0vSforgerlaott tirai objection.frecenlyiy n Torontc, a grcap of lamyro reeaed alundto moeannild trame huoldong Ia a0sie amcng obysrrapers, or) University Ace. I say, miih ail sonceroly, 1 lorloror the demalillot cf tue nId publie scOcal moll he an acl cf scrtlege. Af fection I believe I am reilrraong the feelingsof E dgar Fasler, mhc oerod as orhmol principal 1cr a nacobreoflyars, and aivo 1he feelingoofia large ccmhee toI Iroohers and ony pupils. Among the camres cf [base wo atlroodrd or graduatrd co finid ocasy cho bave dostingotohed lhemoselvesin professions,and in h0e roltlcai. business, edaca' kalandeculturallile toi u cuctry. The large.,overfloiooog rcd ch attnded h official clcsng ceremay.ton arany noght, io an indocationoftoIhe affection and attachaoent beld hy ocany lo th1e nid, socne sehcol, Let as preserve t0e buildocg, tr1 otfor carselvor nl, Oct 1cr lbcse cho cill uvv s Restrlct cutti Hallan Cnunfy Cauncîl han passed an updated by-fao cacerong fhe cutfing f ree5 in the conoy. The bfao forbids the, cuffîog of trees onimo fthey reaeh meanurementn fhat are specfied in t he hy-faw. The hy-law mabes provision for a fine of $500 ar lhree mnanhs in jaillfor everypersan ccnvaîted of 'ontrooeng the hvlaa u votif vo-o- OR YIà -M R EL ring of trees pravisions af the by-faw and be paid on an houri ybanjo and caf ted to worb as reqored. Generally the rmetrcionsin the by-fasn gonern fthe desfructian cf f reen by raIl ing, hoa-oing no- cîher nas f Neyer mabe the mistase of lbmnking thal yaa have ta use dollar cogns ia order la cyill $Oce$$f The Credit Union does it again! 1 A. DEMAND DEPOSITS lmthdrawable arny timel B. CURRENT ACCOUNTS CHECKING - ACCOUNTS lUnlimited ncmher otf57% cheques freel C. SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS Minimum $200 Teren minimum 10 days icomponded daiby) D. One Vear Two Years Three Years Five Years DEPOSITS 8%/8%/08'/4%08/2%/ Rate sub ject to change withoot notice. Minimum amoant $500. Office Heurs Delly 9.15 - 4.45 ,Thursday & Friday Tl 7A1.5 Siray9a t 1P 87-33 FrInorainCo i 88-3 '/2% oo 4' ogîtrve grec lordebhe front cmngngoxendehansacfbtee (Il)), il 1aý o\%l aaSor prescrit generosion on Mltoas r, t'it ti h 0000 oooitool lot If tth îîeprooo.oIf toi l ba,tde i.010, 0,00000 "00v.1 oo 'looooo il to i o too'10vso c b îthe lloto chit ctootet 7,î'îole utiulo laar bcd ai u Thc tird ttracive r e-1te cect idoth0e Pcst Ofier, lrd vs d rnchesoîrfrotof cthe whîch recroord the loctng ratre i aofloC nomerre. la, ibenagh acd attentionscf OBilRandrîl fr aT cambere oftyears,nsuecumbed c cilh themidenongof Martin St.tluf roable large trucks, molb 160s cheelt u, bhe becorner. a. The loeb-lcng loue cf hîgh 1 pone I vers. wchbgreemon thep socoîbeast side cf Maso Sti dappeared umaemwayfor the Imperool foil gos station. Lik iob o bpasuf f cnve f al Ihis learong dcmnsý acddoggongaop, f lhonb [ have then righl ta aokbiOs question; Whal f are ce preseroong in Milton, Oc i lnklhe past iibthe present? A The fte cf or aid 510cr publier ochoml buidings bongs in tIe balance. Mcney seem tc molli- vte he dscussionn If the aid I schoci cas in the Unted Sates,. would br preoerved,rergardîrs oloosilIf ovisite cames ta Mil- t iht a rs e show himorI ler, wiclibas historie valae? Aa shart lome aga,socme mdernistls nrid cateminale the lfe f the ld cable cars n lac Franciscc,.i bol the cars are till ronnong, regardlessof inancialiloss. In my travelo. I have oes manyhbuidng chchhave been peserved fcrasomiaiedbonlory, culaural hnnledge and fan IOn ecîcymenl cf people. England. Sccland, lreland, Wales, Bruce St. Schoi han been E'uroîpeaoo caunîrins, Mexio and on1 Iawyer T. A. "Tommy" the tUnited Sates labe peode n e of the ochooi, hes one of chaS lhey con choc violines and he nid school standing an o relaîn 1r the encymnesi cf Iheor Tomm ispictredwithj rspective people. Tc mention Tommyis pcture wit his ony mwot esample,lrefer ycult ni Edgar Foter, Miltons m o malbuildngs n the Ucoted (Photo hy R. Downsl Sates: 1. The sonall fostol ffoce buildong, Icaird mdmay bel- oen Miamand FortlMeyerson the Tamoomi Trail. Disperse 2Th letwon Ibe irstSaishocptoln festival torlore the llecclaiocnory Wor. M any uses 1lIatt ooinomyintesive funds lier frte preoeroaiocl of our oodoochoci Mycolfelaufhloin NllttiCoioiiii'N ervie l and 1oerved oncthe schaal Clishe c irfna eting illard 50 yraro agc The building '1lioorcdoooooo glol tt tow o n hall.proieshtryficnb 'olroîbercoometl(ooolopeose ftnds paerocootorhst as Il conesr and avepadridIlIoloîdohationsutaeos Si .1ciitor-ooinllona Mlon OptiOc necan suggesî snanyooses; a Si~~~~ ~~~ tot1 ooolooe oloO ithary'onoauditcrium or corh- .,, irCdtsadNII l ot ig avcomcdaon 1cr senior "Some information" given on tire fires PLEASE Ir NOTE THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGEI PICKUP MONDAY, JULY 2nd S PLEASE REMEMBER 01 Collection Normally Made on Monday [WiII be Made on Next Regular Pick-up Day For Your Area y] P.S.-. Plastic Garbago Bagu are unaifublbt uthe BRUCE McKERR, Town, Hall for Only $2.50 for 50 bg More Sanita -.MoreConvninmt to Use. Works Superintendent