Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 15

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ûaîupîoUEditoriat Iage Altheegh ragioanigasernuentnioal nimation i rom o municipol bon been the subject et reams et office enly te be reterred teoa publicity in this and ther ceunty regienol centre, in semne cases sev- papers, we suspect fein residents ral miles away. reaîly usderstand what it is al about. We'ne heord ne complaints We suspect tho full impact et the ther thon teese from politiciana noin systeofetgenernment wen't and municipal officiaIs. We con ho tot until residents are in roceipt ely assume the people are happy. eftfax billa or until they seek We hope they romain se. There are a lot et nein peeple is fein and thore are seme who have4 heen bore a littîe longer. The teeme et the JuIy 1 Cemmusity Day, being erganized, is te give everynne a chance te gel tegether1 and have anme ton in the park. 1 Name tags are boing previded fer ovorynne and the events that have heen planned are casual. Pîanned for Rotary Park, it is o kind et drop-in-onytime-osd-stay- as-Iesg-as-yeu-wont event. AIl oges are boing Ieenked atter wite swimming and inotor safety demenstrafis, f ree swimming, bosebaîl by the minera, loin priced hot degsaond sot t drinks, a bond concert, firewerks, tennis tourna- ment and ether ovenfe. Tho sword-winning Haltes Ceunty film that shows neenes et Halles Ceunty iscîudisg Milton, inilI ho shein, the cemmunity oestre building sieil hofeicially epesed, local ontertoinero are cestributing thoir talents. Everyn is inelceme fer al] or ony part et tho pregrom and ergon- izers are planning os inelI os they cas fer the unknein nsumber inhe might attend. If the waether io foir it might ho many. Nnw is the time te break eut the Conodian Flag and wang it fer the Dominion Day holiday. Il weuld he a peasant surprise te sec the streelo, dnwntown and arnund the fown, clrfully hearing the countrys flog t its irthday. We would caution you not to go and expect to be entertained with- eut any effort. From experience we'ne foend those who get involved enjoy it more thon these who sit bock and wait for it ail te happen. F1rem what we understond if some- one wonted te orgonize anme other octinîty they ceuld prohahly carry it Off. As the town grews there are few eppertunities for citizens te get fegether on o cosuol hasis. We are reminded that.the millienaire deneleper William Toron, who is 00W president of CHMC, when -he developed Kanto, 12 miles outside Ottawa, rcfused te allew household mail delivery. People hod te walk te the pool office te gel their mail, but hey met their neighhors and tlaose chats neerished the develop- ment et a reol cemmunit. Ltos hope Cemmunity Day nilI prenide anme opprtunily for ail the reidents et Milton te get tegether in o friendiy way at Rotary Park and expand and build on the kind et community spirit which is still in evidence. Growth wenft detrey thot spirit if citizens werk aI maintaining il and t knowing their neighbor. isg theuoaeds of miles, attending dezens et meetings and superaising the legisatien and dehating with pliticians, we suspect he deserves that relaxation and we wish him o pleasant sommer. If io depressing te see the extent Philos obi ts ofdmaeondals con inflitiaI Il, np music reom ond fer seme reasnn î.îkî'nteî itotaia it i tttsiitse tee high ocheol music reem is a atii populor largeS. We conS eunder- 'l,îkntîtîî o ntî lati th easoceaof stand the attitude et these ahe a"1l 1;'Ieio k..i shea opr weuld he se destructive. Ib there It'l oiî,i iai aS snf ep somneene he Idoles? rTihs'tttnttttyead.t sthe futanff + + + 'fiSc, tiatatIti ryaa, a the grenoino What does a fellont like Parusa- toutle'.tine't mentary Secretory Arhur Meen deû T<kntttantttIoliae, ittafladi, gasen peii when hesfinîshed the ditticult tank ke1ta iil b fnielntliy.il istheSncad t et shepherding regienol geaern- laîîîîîeaa ment legiltion threugh? Hes fktiSa' tîtîte tii tita, i a aoan ot tae hoping le get in seme fishing and TaSeinti(ctiieSr, ftînt, S te pine ai relaxing this sommer. Ater dric-atnaa JUNE 15 GRADUATION MONTH for students in senior prepare for the challenges of high school life. In this schnols in Milton and district, a month for yeor-end photo, some of the 1,000 students and parents attendis s'pa cramming for exams, losingeresentations and Stewarttown Senior School's graduation party We- wind-up prties. We wish ail the grade egt graduates nesday are pictured on the laton heside the achool. well as they end their elementary schnol learning and (Photo by R. Downsl VOL. 144- No. 9 MILTON, ONTARIO, WCDNCSDAY. JUNE 27, 1973 This an. as 1 ianonnd pnaiously, is aile agSî Englinb ta a pivain seboaf. Sl wao ec fiScracknai inocbîng, aoîde frmnSdengaten and emosic, andShe taogSf a Gradef13nfossso sit oa oocîncb. Sn woaned bond ai il. Buothie tein an nie aa omniing don .Eseny day osben f gotbone fom feachine 150 siodenfo.f biadtai)endonn a tio-ouroonoalogue aboof ec "ido" and asai tbny'd ooîd and donc fodoy.lfncn in a aShile lid fny tai gltinao orpbnac aboof waSai y -"ido" Sa dý.Oaîd aad donc. Sotil ifoas liSe fyîng fa sfop Oentaiatfin flt galiap. o ifS a pince a0f fbnad. dl She birsof the ceoabe 000 wasannînid abot afeasofibheO.sho gave promisenof bcmîang ncolitanf liait Sy oben cbanaa. and Sec innate immccctin ta ien peopn.oshe as ableioto sltblha clone and fnîedfynceltohSpasdbneeysinglenone Sc leSage ldof fIna c She fiie She fot day of seSotil canin aond. h aoaa tina tan asoib ceattend osh'd pobobiy nevsean anoai hem agate. an oiy aa compaaive snangens. Tfisi c atttnt aibf appeno ta inoat leachers , o Soealy liSe coangatena. espnctaSly asen is a gnadoati.g niasso Teeîis gnnnay amaîo lafasntSan the lastcdayoilascbaal.Teatodnnt> aaddenty nai(tniaf'a tSilastidaytin iitgtscbaal, tannin anc afîte appinn ieS on t iein livsa The feoncheiddnly eaSieno St îlot ta the fot da, thiaf scamadeilonc agaiawiSoftgmng anoondfthebetd.iand (balftic ta a pnnfty gioid loti ofiidaý Sotni Ste yongntnns ane c cîafiy saaîd oien id canana pon tent[bai ant leraombilical cad basbeen est andithe geemi i ladondsatine taoaswaw theiactiOccasîonaffy iberenancters olneyoose lady aanfed fa bnaas nShe ucept Citas did yen fef asben yoleS Shigb amlaaafSnanf-bnobnn. usotnbeeevtah e rel.cassen."Gt.IlS oas tSe ap- insta tay if my flie" A anc ain,.te lostiday aiof cbaa ooaiiy pnadoce.aa feelingaofbindnnsn and ecanget o, -,Hae agaon aoncrs.a" aadfthe emafanan "Wido. Yoiato.Sec yo Snte fbu".lie. if theynre gadoang. -Crimeandaseousoben yao'nnbhome fnaa etliege." TSny ooooiy daline. ftcnanase, the flngen yaao nonS. tSe oea dcad agoio ao aloninncd bc Sec gond iswlnaacfasnngdaa TSnh os p .atnn oaod dane the frnn. oaichnd Sy 35 SaslîSe pairs ai nynn. nanS par ofithî'ehhadbicbdîin a quarter, and. alter o oby. onninlîlgabinetoombie, presci tan oiS a andi.ianly inop0nd grit. Sua, iSea She Sads anc cbong tSein niaaa pesîdet. ai tSe beganning oaitSe ea,1assure the efacant nana stanofai "tltnn's ntiing mato th e job, nacept lit oulentthSemnny tanrntyChibtmnas and nad-ai yean gibo " i aaes 15cm a bit. bai Otiseeeano. labnfîna erecîpînat of damzna, aitgolf alis, a Satile of god witn, a satrt desabset, a aan chair, andaltniana Second Section tollil fiacc av hastng lotioinand emoictalc and tollf 1nenor un Thiscynan. f doidnS aeca hone tonnaNo pncut1 Ootapleananftonuprise. Loot cli. f1ibad!titS toc fon -ycan Grade Il, a tii do it fSc lackcd thogh. Mrfnnneoepaindaaid "Marn Siilny. ibis a. tanro. lac bengnuch aintc tnachnn"'«Nitta gotid tntcSer i'tnd .foitaa nien.Ad spabngfamer, i aoneaaof thn sitpletan d iceat apeectesno haf îfliao spnstinga pnacticaltabn.,foibis wsagop i'd tangind o ifS ihe fait, f apennd tndnîg anti bock. Na jokn Tanee asa a andsocne littite bc fin- bsrataolat ponaso ond pnoynna f1 aSasebi ic^ti be a paiterdauggestiantSat i nedeai Sat. and oa cil fiaîgbfiy oana Tin1f îpennd atae thnn pacbagn. b sanrtaindan tnnafnmatchThis sa fancy tvte ai ciganettenlîghinn So polli antai atickiot iofa ittînnond Sancl. ta ciikes a finit andiyoSavea long atcbSbklgbt. Sl uould Sn gecat Sic a pîpn otooken, t'ffoouafnty, if ocldaf oonk aben f ttidilîpicall. Mininne Sad tmmd il iliaci0lt eIta, n aappig i, ao ibacatigb icthaiashe'îloand afltful.Sn(inad ta gel il inîg fIaneinnad oaa gnnnedinoth hosca(aatdnciataa'bnaaun cootdni't l,,acci,thectSîougat Oa iSene.anit tttnttnllndattmetltatf1ncotltak itSack ta AS aiall ttttng, ita hein bos itean ad inte.Btoit'soacingttbo k t ataaortin Stîdaoit tSneelîtans yîoa lhum Sbi. nana ttaogltoarcnainacSnn .atd isastliing tt at'fiy atnannhavetut nceao aninnt gld aîtiuad aatoptd crollit the nd of OUR READERS WRITE: CanadoWeekjune 25 to July 1 15". EEIi UNIIAI .A 110111F liEnT Dean Sa, I regrel1i asoni able ta rnd te eddao a n ibe May 23 edton cannernaiag eting aide bonday as o day ai eai benane 1i as on actifon. diiboog 1 i ddt etad ill'niaSl fan setificeSnday aide on a day i reai Wynbodn'fdbnnenetoide,ooac a befnreeMdltnnas obaof adildut annn te asab out filerc Soeies 1noni thelbcSoabentg i cnony. thewaoy le wasfananyfbang. gefo oaci niail andfbhnnpatsaioanifon the bonb ooying "OSaI o god boy aoi1, ibaf i pnnided off ibis ioor yneif.-"Wcnvstoap tofbhink enoogSaiofsSnnhebeav aSl con rchnecond povsioansconfrnto Wbnn 1ti bicSfail, 1 ase noibtern- noe Soi fa beieeibt Gad pcasadnd everyf bng i ase No, l'oi nt the Mastainncent 'Sondan obsecve'ilate asaid, bt l'il sappart esenyneffort1niofsne bondayobocada a dyofai eci io seneying fno e Srcr tr othIm caay Sondoy acîag ontfafneome! theno at ni,efeth neeccdtyoiboingnf flensasa ogon istana apenad eenoadn oreiacopen ft aoa fbe day. bof ctliiidas it bove ta e danng a fineseiacîdeiforchcbnbain onangaî 1iopprcnioicyoconsndangoacnpyaoffbao fa MPF Jîe Scea, buf i aoina Saco eceny pennannoomenting on fbis bas e riebi fo avanc 15cm aeaso psbliîbd n oc papal f1 opecpuoodl peane ado ia TitanS tas lac vour andcnofondicg and Sncnnniy, Bain11:3, Caphelisile finît Su A)RE W5,' intarwces day liatSe rdio an cad ontîteacit pape abîtottfheterrible fanS iof auor~at fi pa'enia woalice itatSe lange ctiaca ad tonsaacaaaosae nitldrenapatînîpate ta apanfngnveni.a blulthe Juantan cci Oe oa ende ta atttil tons tiisi felt staconnibhaiiban atntsa ttt !pnnsentnmona pocfang 50 litath e attimlionrooatfnndcd au ittrtaamulagSfn'a soamne,anbaiiaor hce ai" lWen aaothenlai(f Son yas i iere ou arsa or ieyon ime fa eip out ilins on agasptiannasn bey carry ailt lij'ait n ae tutein cptiting esena'? fOn. li htiate, tilt Ca îathe fot lion yo n a d orLiMltait ao tinaony aopncfa I*mmcnaonettsa,iattend,l1 f uner,1chee, iSchn congraulaionc sue((i, wa bn aft tani e, asen sler ei gaonetasandtake tbeoand cheee athitn.I)aî'i yo 15mb fey aoeid lace fa fcevo lev" Roîyand Maniene Young, 254 Sydny St., Mitna We must work hard at our unity lin Isbalichen The cancaaser taon pufta hSmcalie nkates ond bnoded ean oranManfrenalinole oskatngacasn Canada ta 1967 was n t s av ofoaobing Caadaoabhppy Cenînnaa * Tbof o aoncwaof ai yng Cnodo hao soamibngh iaig about. Anaoddasay. bt na onS bban on.Monstaonsanc pcoably ocdcnfly Canodmon n m oc tbooghsbuSt efdam hba chabncenfaoow oc feeinga. Canado inenSinm o pinon,.ffect jota scnSanchane ooftandupoand bcnaonfd Cndînobaencccc Seennvrsntanna Soag asngoandmbccc ismocbmernimmla nboeoefeciin bt ai h e oeedane. Canada WeS basnonaappnascd foramat. Agaaduiliaacaeofdomng yaonning, an She bdnSkec eling uonIli an ocso i aosecandnnflect onaaergondiafone. b mn an apportnny ta foin Soodn s tiS mhe Candiasanad tshoo ihe asaid and oc selesnnbmasoanba nabotCanadait ien(bof ntadfod ai ng Cnad'a ooty forcgandoranimgihepeablnoatIo iberwesowas onen Paoisn s a pooiie fbang. nai a ncgafseifeebing. Wesholdnreeogeni hof Caada bacpebeof ninyoandsunden standngobhiaraeouniqueiibfinscountry, Cnd soanoeasyncountryfoanieaot ganeen. Wenare wide ofgieib, livinginibhe cbadoasofas ecy antiansioe giani. Wc bacc asltorai and egionl nsetinsinnobnktend fa cio the asi-onni flo. Biingoals is a ieS accef bofti dues nef etake foc easy snity. In afbee asnds, beansce ni ose pecular on cbina.a. onmus oni asabad ai aacaaultySHad nbomsfaouniieo, oinig abotaou daydoanosand eing gaad donan aens ssetal ta a bnoShy cmnfny Soitase nned men ian ibot Oe nednceennfondsneaoitasnstoa entefbosn afbeabouf tbe promiae ai CanadoOe need tai Se nonnallycon aiind. Cnda shome. Wenedfopnofent ils vrsic anod pconfbte potitnaf 'i'liaa te question fa the Wocid and lsafea ta the eonne 'Conada, Soas locky con tob ,e nnyng tenbntaaofasoantrdn ' W hase tiens laSlle n 'oaaacaotrya'bulIi prefen hi coalCanada bulaadns and Canada haa Nthf Atettnanansnna and driseSBriaishbala'nc, Fenach frsnnb andaeanosacamat oanynacrs Wn haeaconfluenc f nultocea naiben tbacanOtiad cnfangrataon, Lefusabnpod oanaada. La4sasatcSt tttak itastandtfat ang thennaions of the Santd LciusabcSotildes, mmmd iytandersa C'anada Wcnkîiagomdastanaingplace. Philosobits _______ On Ediibh Seape l'li t- irpeaaaon toastlIconefiSmloe st taoantiai ataelf; mf ify tanve vona niict ane nat able ici liteai .o e l Kcepfile smpeaomd oatcbmng foc a nan in yonroian Ler oniiihnsansd baea gaad hobby nearna o e stsfbed. a kind tboigo Wosn'li iogtfuof ai ld ta liSt tbe cr al fIcemne doy aI o taon? Cbidrna aced moadclnmorec bac fhey need critimec ta-s tua e tutti a tuuantsor tuaolise ta lin Thea5morenawon't uailinheaili. bai l' n( omi tig inci Iorsnsnotlinoedayo Teeîsoaniyaoneasayaof bomagenedeof nadnccc. and ibatis o fadslikeSeing ced. Pages of 20 years 090 frontiataeda'ootI 11- an.data OnaiaTuindeafi hlime atopn at ityt nnctnd f5)gisee lauionaofatihti ie taon National Tlinatre Servicea IAT ai oredd 'Ccaanacpe instalaionsam liai mue 25 fOntiam a inc ung autata lantangi an ad llsatngs'ttn posas-atentaMitoan s'laya914.tRai ta nm'il i riinag imita mekaS it t 1 <cro srviaesas ibauthem-nmamuoati itaIle- bcaosc-leed ticOS"i T andell Moraeitha s anc thindmut aitonmita ntit12 nch pipelinetatas uSe priaga lu Ilista a las eeanaasopIenlmeS aatla'onlias îtnfayedhl ýeccit lia aitnais, [liat aia Mire titan 1,200 ptititt IT' ut'tuttI Ii' an u as i lsanoltc- N denalattutIligua1* cultsre fit-i dtam afid ai lia' fia lit mI ii.o suiycnatceaa"feuli aaneta9aM-1t onee rurashamilalden ali a(]iai o tua ptaýan d hsim frca e' chaion mue ailt anball]train Iali i l auh ahaow. odgcd lia'Sica samcwge n Tta NI Su l'aecan, M -aima )inalad aIric S;I, aunki.le n hampionsblih-aSpca' acatI ftmaad Campblson Muaat ia trtln Campbielltli Zmaaannmaa. Diamage esttitmated! ai luai04a 1'aaits'd tait,t a atietrukonS el pacaoena a ouIldnchas, auung Miltnnretsaiae inida\ aight mmnl nraaalidan theaouihtaafatmaaThe licks Oaa amaned Sa Murancat fhmke malNi titi ,50 years 090 Token (rmceininse ni TbeCanodaan Chamepion, Tinnendon. Jonc la. oaa TSnnc aa aheai s thaamdnnaamacaîîtmu Miltan an Tborcday aftencumelfatîe Ioacc partefoaagaasya andfthecistiore ai Eatuocotagdnatok the foaait fa s'slaae and iaiiaased the panS ai ana ahush toa ploce aSsait33yeano aga Iflcarpped(ail She mouaionandnnaonled thSecnd ine. Eoqusong. Largnensýr pooepatcd and bell mn dîffirnceadinecins.tAts dlha Iotrl laceta ounaSer ai apple tt-na one noacbcd andoumed . AtiMount aicntanna thebce bos as aoofostSn hlibassig and therofciad annioaafield. Thebulding 000 daoognd Sn face. At the 'SianNalil faaano a onedtfourfet front lis ondatnandhbadhl'\damaged Thecdefetofithe Dcu ogîcaernatme font Mandoy'o cicciaaaaoaes'mnipat-d, liai fendis htibfoulad Se saapcd os ilauas Oine ofnthecbmfcaseoof tbeiiP'tI coi asotbeesavgancecoiithegasccnoceit tine geeadly ancenoedpraoicaldeS and TbecgeadooagaoxencasofSMacdonald Hall iaab ploce m ioncsen Caalon mmdl campusn.Jann22. One ofthegnadutiaesoas bbc Hoe-oobcc Dfiapiama , and un addition rccca'd tSe St, Jaohn Ambulance lfîaaa Nursng and PintAid Cefcntetsafn 100 years 090 Tabefn tenaibe solTbe 'cancdian k'baetpinn Jonc 26. 1ni3 ileace ptnooed tbalean iat thbuailding ceerundonel lic lin credmitSailieflatt1at ton ccac Sad C'aopbctiaileand uSaitutn anticipationof thenfuturei.taneofathe placneobuildingo acreng pianndaout d buiaddingo bavc Seen rcnaaundnddhe appeananne of the,îiNisîa ,'as rila omil te sii igntailamar a iisuitc ti utaa id aaaseentatriuhaidngamhi tan Satoedaa a bsneliaillataSwa puayed iataesn eSvenaummaeofami 1<liai and flic Seafinanluoaiihum onet m tah ie gcamaalafthltern TheS\ci aaachlaa e asy iae5 O88I2 'Seanrewee euteoie flusStimena ta Eoqocotag aad Sasaagaoct a tatn-S. and gnaincnniaali ad tanemardnathnit< taga Tbe guanooo cama tuf 'Mondki. vnaast bacc affectaSy dcomnul omîthe n loona ,4of,toltn.muait amatI ai et'ai ai m nalloan tSeeentag ai Joli i The pnaneds wilincappttndfoheSnpsteaof S lamng ofall rait abdeltit lub nnunag ta the building. Tlie ActntaSanad alit Se Ifao enpaamd ngondlaatSants hat uSe art, uicama mu Staituaemli' ui,aumim ail h atutftaat sson a ,totmntui l,,,'ait ,aaatman mut lifthe n at' il iuttu iaa mm Il T'HE CANADIAN CHAMPION ýe

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