14 mhe Champion, Miltoe, Ont.. Wedenesday, dune 27, 1973 FOR ALI VOUR REAL ESTATE NEFOS Phone: Maurice Beaty - 878-6418 Representing Canada Trust Realtor Halton and Peel Ditision 60 yEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE MemebmatSCToronto, akuile and Bampton Real Estte Bards 100-YEAR-OLD SCHOOL HOUSE Stî,ated o a , acre, thîs rignal shaui basse ps-vides the of .lootrt for the taesiy. Ejoy the extra large, ti-ghi living ross xth braadiaom and a Sage treplace, spacio s fasssîy roor and den as the mains oaa, lth a 2-pieva for added cvsm fort. Upstairs these are 4llage bedraoms. The easeisi4,e 16 tat, samplete with irepiace, dressng ro and aashraas, teilities. Ail reasonabie atters carsidesad. cniail Lawrencve 878-9543. INCOME HOME avcoue HomeeLveir aid brick home ais Main St. inMilton wth 5aparteent adrsa . A fridganrdstae inali aprments. The 3 apartesents cnd 7 raaess are vurspietey tun îhd.Wiireaileyoasr12 percetaon yar invstrrent. Prase for tsther infarmoatio. Deseil Lawrece 878-9543. FARMS 153 act-es aits buidings $1,100 per acre. 99 acr es, vaat lasd asking $1006. par acre ait reasurabie tt rs coasiderad. 35 acres svaantland apens la aller. Cli u ssfar gaud tarma ereages. FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE SERVICE DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 8659 chut* srvices ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA main st. et Jaeses St. Mister: Res. C. A.Hiser, B.A.M.045. Orgaistand Choir Leadier: Mes. Harod Magee Ssnday, Ju17 1, 1973. Sseseer ivees. Unious sersives t St. Pesi's dsrîsg the esorth ut Julir Nursery tasîlîtias. GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RC H Miltas, Otario. Retas. Res. R. W.Poster Organist: Rbet F. Argel Ssnday, JaIy 1, 1973. Trisity 111 800 .e.-Holy Cesmasios 10.00 a.es Soir bacharist asd Srmons 1000e.es Presry Chsrvh Shusisnd Nursery Thrsdcy, Jure 21h l00a.ces oir Caesmunio. Yoiarecalaysaaivasrocat rase Cuch. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A loaaiassees ly ut The Petevustel Asseeshiies Wketied Rd. ced Stay,25 Mitn Pasixe 8Rev. M.Chrstanser Tel ý8782064 Thc Lrds Oct Sunday, July i. 1973. 9.a5 a.es Srdey Svhusl. 11.00 aesOorig Worship. 600 pes Famiy rayer. 7 00Pems Eseniog Ev ergelistic Serve Frday-Feesiy Nght. E sait va te Lrdouse God. and aurstîp ies et His fust sfl or tHta s huir Psalm 919: MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N.878-2022 Chrstiars othered is the sareaoutthe Lrd JesusaChrist. Lrds ay Sssday, Juiy 1, 1973. 10.30 a.es Breaklrg ut Bread. 12.15 p.e.-Sî,sdey Sshsui. 7.00 p es -Gospel Sersice Wedesday. 8 pes FPrayer adBible readisg. Wlt AreaWeivnme Ta Thase Sevices. Be rot decel xed; Osa ls t aoskad: tesrsetscoar ea mensoweeth, thet sait heaie reap Ga.: 6.1. CHURCH 0F CHRIST Ns.5SSdroad and 4th Lioe Tratelgar Mîister: Aridanosseil 878-605 Susday, Juiy 1, 1973. lu.00 .a -Rible Svhuui. Casses for ail ages. 11.00cm.-Motrirg Wrship. 8.00 p.m.-reachirg of the Gospel. ST. DAV1IS and NASSAGAWEYA PR E SBYTE RItAN CHU RCHE S Res Dougas Lowry Suinday, July 1, 1973. Sssdey 10 .e.-Cuesbisad sevcset Nassagaaayc Ossrch least ut Gaeph Lise on 15 Sderuadi. BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ESBYT ER IAN CHU RCH ES Mîrîster. ea W.R. Leis,.A,B.D Sunday. Jsly 1, 1973. No worship services durisg the muts ut Jsiy. Joint aorship services t Oescgh t 10 ca-s.darns9 esuth us Asgust. TH E PR E SBYTER IAN CHU RCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Mîsster Rex JohsMMurray Orgacist Mrss L.iiisbiaes Ssnday, July 1, 1973. 10 c.m. Saeseer arias sr csdurlsg the mots ut Jsiy t St. Pasi's United Os rcs. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHU RCH Coesmerci Street, Miton. e78-606 - 878-3542 isserles astur, r. Wiiiae FuSter, Otario Bible Collage. Susday, July , 1973. The Lrds Day 9.45 .es Bible SChousi 11.00 .m.-Morsing Wrsip 6.50p.m.-Susg Service. 7.00 p.m.-Eoanlng Wssshlp. Wdnsdey, 7.20 p.m. rayas and Bible Stsidy. "Lt sener lts theHogase et thc Lrd cith thanksging and intn -118Coprta ith paise.- MILTON-- PRIVATE SALE f- irst fimeaoftered This charming, compieteiy reoovated tour bedruom home Is s itaated in quiet residential area sorrosnded by spaciaus gardons. Estras include garage, braadiooa & draperies throughout, electric heatieg, modemn kitchen, den & separate tormai dining ruam. Fioished basemeet. No agents please. By Appointreent 878-2594. 0 VCR-- rH,-\ 60%o SOLOI Don't %L riQR BUY KiO\Al D MILTON 4A0K E EXET Attrative hreebedrom, 'tr-lev L loe t lke plac, 4 c ad 2 c. athroOstNish AE. laundr raom. Garage car ortpaediEwasutda a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~OOT UeuiNl adsae o.Pi EtseIa 5270-2992 dAnnrametlly braoom, tlI divicloed b ase, hmeft, comltemoadrcapted, argesadleds G. AE OHNSION [D mncmltl Anctn, Ontarge d res MEMBER OAKVILLE REAL ESTATE BOARD 86b52 DON HAMILTON LTD. Real Estate & Insurance Box 1147 Listowel, Ontario OFFICE RESIDENCE 1-519-291-3500 1-519-356-2558 250 ACRE FARM rn Grey tawnship- baek barnsusctabie for bet u- 60x, corn stareys for 8,OtRbshels of crn, 8 ruus br icl nharle ith moadern vurseriesscs. Thisls anece lient cash crap tares or beef tar, n cd has good drainage In open bottom9 lard -envelet buy et $65,000.00. vail Jack Arends 1519-291-1788 226 ACRE OAIRY AND 8EEF set xp -ail aarkebie xcii dreîined lard, Ist set ut buitdings set sp for dairy xitts 67 ics, stable cerer, bulk tank, 3 sillas ith ceps - ueiReders, 3 bcd. ruses brîi, horre rex y reroxated, 2rd set of buildngs set xp for beet, 2 silos xîth caps and anloaders, feed lot, 4 bedroues brick horme in excelet vundition. This sea territiv teresaiet ecvellent prive. sali Ker Svhilinig i 519-291 2848 10S ACRE BEEF SET UP-reanin ail wurkeble sightly rullrng land, neser taililg strears, large bern set se tor beet, sla 200x 70xîith cap and unluaer, 3bedrxmsinsre husexlitrmodern Survenierves, prived te, sailt 8 50),000.00 sali Ouxe Siespsun i-519.291-3458 200 ACRE DAIRY AND REEF SETUP, 195 acresutf xurhebie land, large beet barr aith taed loaetumetix teecdlg systeas, 2 "ilus alth caps ard sriuedess, rex diry bare alth stable caser, pipeline elikesad tteched xeshsuem, beautiful 7 susse brick hume wlth ail the atres. saliDoaug H-amiltan 1-519-35&.2558 Sessd for Frac Fanes Catalague. ACTON OFFICE 5 Mili st. E. 519-853-1821 URGENT WE NEEO 1. Listings!!I Wa'rcssanly sold out. Bsyars aalting tan: -Base Lard -Sesil holinlgs -coMlo -Rosses lSsb-disisiur end uldas type humese-cuMts and district) -Industrietl We neca 10,000 sq. fR. leseedietelyl -Refeillisp tu 60,000 sq. fR. raedcd ruai. 2. Salas Represestatlses -Wrkuenyouroxr -Ersingsssnilested -Constant eseragerlel help CALL NOMIl 86b52 Mounties loin program for Community Day Sufl. The Mouties arr couing ix Miltons Csaasniiy Day- Domainion Oay velebrutîxus on July 1. il vas announred ihis assis Conirmatios vus received ibul representatiresof the cestury old R.CM? xxald be atiruding tbe festisities in Rotary Park, ai thse invitatiosnIof he sponsoring0 groups. Wrkarn are rurîsetosuam pirtiox co, the Cooîasoity Croire bialdingsO ihbahs bren under construction in Rotary Park. iv an efort lv hase il ready fovea grand opning during the July 1 Special stage Th LreScos Band will bc ovibandlforiiseuannaaisband concrtland anxutdxor raised stage is beîsg prepared for iheus tu pay frva, iin Rotary Park. Locaienierainers will alsx br adding ibir talenss 10pruvide rsenonetsrtainarni and aeaiserssofrvancil and the parks and recpeatiivn oaaîiiee are evesaîlird ta serve hot dogs and sxlldrinssatbargain prices. Tas shxvîogs are piasned of the flmesHatos Cously-Tbr Mas snd lise Exoi the vvaaanity rom ivcluded in tbe e isuilding, Waier salrly ilas viii alisr cssreenrd andson muniripal dîspiays are being organiued. Nae lug badges are beng prosîded ib e hope rîsitvrs lv tb Pa rk yl vear tibea abether they arr oea sesidents or sm vhs have bess ibe vxaaunîty a lttir longer. We're ansxas tu hasve people gel lv bna earb viSer," chaîrman Jia Kerrr Iienga chair Tber wlibe pientyxofariity lvii on the tennis courts, on tise hali diaasnd, in the pool and in thevcoamuniy roa R essose of hic tise rganîzrrs hase iansed cars Irous the park fteispday lx inur herr are us Ira hazards as possible. Souse ovisîreet parking areas are iv b86 aalabie hut vtîsess are urgsd lv aaik il possiiserand bringlaxn chairs. Orgunissrs arr hoispng for fine veather but il rais forces cas- velation. the esextl iii Mstaged lise vexI Sunday. Fîreearks ovsr the aili posd xiii vvnrisde lise days acliiiîs. Il's a gvod vppsrtuniiy lv eseet Irîevds asd neîghbhrs. lv have sxaefun isltheparss and lx esixy voaaasityIîle i Miltos,- chaîrusan Kerr suggests. 86 RiAl FýIAT 1: 1 JACK RICHARDSON CHEV OLDS LTD. 878-2393 - HIGHWAY 25 S. MILTON or 878382 Toyota Community Calendar What's doing in Central Halton Arona! COMMUNITY DAY, Sunday, July lst AT ROTARY PARK Special events from 1 p.m. Annual Aerial Fireworks Display rn the evening. JUNIOR HOCKEY DAY Saturday, JuIy 7th Milton Arena. Atternoon: JuIy Fest Garden. Evening: Dancing ta Jack Reeves and his orchestra. See how much car your money wiII1 buy at M , - M-- to a Bucket or Borrel of the best-tasting chicken in town . .. . KCtuko reý dkicktm irf ckicenVwàitLa. main and commercial Miltone 878-4171-2 FROM 1495 SCOBIES TIRE SERVICE 53 Base Line Rd. 878-3222 ALL OUR WORK PULLY GUARANTEEO 1 ýý, ý[At ýýTýT 1 8 f, RI f STAT i 1 8b REAL ESTAT 1 8 b REAL ESTA 1 86 RFAL [STAT Revis by-Iaow Miltus Planning Buard sbuuld Souse useusers acre vus- coasider rerisang thse ans cas- verse aut the pesaibity of isg hy-lues lu alloa usunufautur- baring a nea firus buyte Rare. ing ounverais relief frus parbing bousse and use il fusreaususufas- restrictions carreetyin torse, tarisg purpase that wuuld eusplay Mayo BiauRes sa t atboard 400 or 500 people and eut bure useeting Wednesday. sulficient parking space Mayo Bet ntedcarent Meushers agreed erenwaura- Mayr Bntsoîd ussnthoseshould pride thepro- regutaions rrquirindusinial pryîforparking butîîbey firmslvoprovsxlrparigsps ou.v.idntlhe ...ipeiled iv pave Thesîîîayîîi psîisîl outxi-1.11 l' t'l5)Yli stanc5evssherrass yasy 8500 , Serrrlry Ross Pearen vas parking spaces aay hasve c insrsted todraw upan aaesd- peoidrd foruabout 30eusployees in islax lus the 86usd lu osn n warebouses. rside tthr Jsiy useeting. LOW RATESI No MmUage Charge Tildes hasours Most msajor credît yards.