IThe Champio, Milon, Ont. Wedoesday, June 13, 1973 Nighthade Jîmsou Weed Thorn Apple) B7..B...[........ Safety Corner laurjo t i k aPufi the honev maie e i ra opho t3o3haot 3330 lti plants. The popular C'hritslOfolioepo the tois,3ta, is IiiT3 fir ari'd unig iaOe sa letha 10323 oaoluid wo h Uoo o.,onoioo'li tit 3aso eut ofth1e plant 00061 dte. Mooneed The otiIoigeouof a3 .i plants in the hck %lad egetable gardeOoishoubabisrhtl.aiO onnonIit3TTused n b ikig nd ookig. of course isnol to,sut theiooTUIde TotaTToTomic aciOdOnficlttay Oe'OOtlTTe intheOrkidneon odoooong datoage 3n33 .ai0fiuad, .itoities areeo 330,313336033 ailiplnts 00000 fron0tOPO y Mayappie oOTdTi ohidppoOho, n ia> nibeon the30,0.d ,o iteaoh ofodren oper to (,ior 3put in te0033mi31333333pator berr3UFtloimmony used as omi ut sofoi.ulo3d otniioied0,'ic*coti 30los roltplans ni ohonTi33333.ptsof iiTko3ori plant spte iesIpart of adanger0o patis golýed. a phoioî-iii sh13,0,10 Upooooo3'ediimedately for aîd%î'n' l'li loalpoison 33333333I c3'otr u'T33î inoo e asource of adv'ice l00'33p313 tiri i33i no(,i333,3333.3 3'333333'3'33333333g.for oToe pants c33330 in 0,333r-33' 3jii 33033 3,3w,3 33333 .l.oogo' f30000'of3the olgso3'tietrau diTTTTT miiO T3333 a O333Tid b: ni)3 33 coin 3ooheoioo3i3 3p1,33333333..3333333 3o3,,T To'oIUToiioo' Oitepia Pla3f3 io FO lit BultoeiT ups P..( OtiOPtoMe. 033 p3.33 io*tooot j3030P3 313a> ,esanimoe sey injure le sy,3'i 3t 0P0 AS parts, Fatal. intense dgestive Laurefs, espenoally dstarbannes andi Rhododendron, unripe Oerren nernous symptoms Aaafeas ASl parts Anomemaf tirtst, dis- forîrd sght, delirium, incohrene andorna. Cttotîosncause of pisnig Has pronetl fatal. Plates isn ded Areas buriîg oithe ridutft andd tongue Berrles Bloe, poople coo0, resembling wid grapes. Coais a singe seed, ('rue wnid grapes non- seepts) IsMay 6e fatal. O.tin .îoouo Apple, loliage. 'onains aI ols 1 roots ctivetaxieppoooiples, prima iyin 0 te Pootf Children ofien cal the litho appie wîth no il etieit, but sPer0l appiPo 0000 cause diaiorhea. (frnarnentaflPants Seeds Sid 10 severe ditgestiveo Pods upset. Man> ohiltiten Opppes FataliDigestivePdis- tupances andttiervous symptoms. Al parts Fatal. Produnes Mauses da n d omitiltg, deresion, difficult brahng, prostrationt andncoma. Bernies Fatal. Foliage more Foiîage nuin IOansbernies. Death is usaally suddefl oitittet warisg symp- i oligo' pioîid that remuos oyanide ohen ralen Gasping, roitemnent, and prostration are comnsymptuets tat oten appean minOis Bark, Chidrru hane sulered Sprouts, ausea, wrakness and Foliage. depression aller chrming the harO and Foliage, Afects Oidsieys Aýorns gadualo Sysoptuets appear onip aller srnra daysuor eeks. Takrs a large amousl ion puîsotîng. Oidren ottould not 6e allowrd to ohewon aOS 000C Ail inGrL, Chldrnohave heno oopnsiaiîy puusoneolhyousing pienes i oos f the pthy stenis for blooguns. Nausea andi dgestieaupset. RECENTLY HtRED as program superviuor-secretary with Mlton Parks and Recreation Commitîpe is Debbie Kelly. A gruduate of a two year course at Mohawk College, Debbie wili work in a dual mile, She will acf us secretary and wîli be involved in developing prugrams especially for women and girls. Programs that will be considered for the faîl ronge include Jazznastics, fitness programu, arts and crafts activities and basket weuving. The programa offered wilI reflect the interest shown by the community. (Photo by B. BurtI icuupion WRO DOES IT ~ECTORY EARL G, BLACK ALUMINUM Windows & Doors W.J. KL3SKI KAISER ALUMiN[oM SIDING Porcih E - 1 .-el 001,,3. 000033093333 FedeTai Industries of Canada 8450318 UHF/V6F SPICIAL 00003 0030 30 003F Dan Arbic Antennas p'- bý1l 1 -d 1-1- OPFN T & el, 1 VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 119 2MI BICYCLE SALES and SERVICE Supplyîng and installîflg FLOOR COVERINGS k CLEMENT &SON 80103,94- 8782194 FLOOR COVERINGS *,,I, nsta;ierT 3 o, o, 3 e f3 330or ih3 d 3o II 3 0 Telfer .dJMDER IocMa- Stree E ,Mlt 878-2351 clict B EST LESS UIJlR COEI'VINGS CARPE S 03n,p,. PeerTOOs 003303 r CEUMIL TiLO 330 MainlUt. Mîlion 878 3435 F eepa ga i rear 3 o fOstoe. 2.1uracleaW SALES and SEORV033 BICYCLESromOOO~ E7~005 CENTRAL CARTAGE & MOVING Oprated yHpouue Scanneli . CaeTie.ienOuTserv300 *"oe3aal crtue D-o3p, iatbed, van 8783351 dit DRAP ERY BROADLOOM R eady made Drapes il sf00 Fn , oTO0030,0 FLL8780670TFOR HOME 1033 ELLSMERE 878 3316 - Iýi do a LOT US CUSTOM TAILOS DRAPERIES 0' e>fpetT3-11 -t Oppe,ns to p eîOOtl Cali 878-2513 Today lUnie Draperies Mion Plaza &t I *l I P ACON I Dead Stock Remoiaal L0c. No. 29071 McPHAIL ELECTRIC *0 COMMERCIAMLîo 1 878-9513- 877 5795 BLOCK LAYING CONCRETE F'oons SdeutiOs Pal305 re EstmtHORNBY Pho O GREENHOUSE, CLAUDE 878-6397 Upsoii S T BOB 853-0477 Caîl 878-6438 i NEW CONCRETE 7108K Fooes tesh tIpo 3203030300and0oaioOOOOL Free00Deviy CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS ETO. *REMDELL1N KEN BAILEY 878-6853 * ITCHON 00,03 1,r33--,3878 3003 BANITIOS *00000300 COU S [ID. I-nptime ACTON PRECASI CONCRETE & SUPPLîES CLIFF BARNES *SepTo TnkS 8789135 *03h erCooeooe Podooos d *330 00Se-Pp- 853-1529 d] fiCOMPLOTE OLECTRTCAL ý MiN.11M ýNSTOLLATION S 50033010 -YorJOnesway Dealer Safety DO o ng Schooî Power Choring Eqonimnt or EARM BUILDING S3 I[ Ofa d R rot,s3 PHONO OVENINGS 332.065 Waterdown 689 1086 M Har ' s, 303030330 5033 0303, 0,O ,o ai H nn ipO 878 445? GENR' M GONERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 0,,0 03o33 ts-ihc-tac 878 3534 Reopral 033 33030 &,,Ad 033,300CeTOnol Odeonolo& ""30"g RON ISNOR 003320003TAPINU JOE SEELEN 878 3337 ci, T HONI Remo 03000033 OaPle IO DE RNIZE YOUR KITCHEN 111 I 03011,3 plaT ".UMDRER !00 Man s t EOM,3on3 878-2351 o t e DSAe. MILTON LAWN and GARDEN SERVICE ,.Oodscapin5 SodOolT Fred 33 La.. M.oTteT0300 P,.p J00 WILSON 878-9070 PATIOS Io rd 0 03,33a, aorat3,o O Flant O1 Tne al nsap PETER SCHNEIDER 878 9545 0c3I ORpaTOoS 0,03030 Homors A00Onda 12NooT to 5.30p.m Toosda y WednesSOoy 00030000 Friday 300303o 30003m O nodRo Th-îdap Feday 6 30P- 1o93003 M IUFJI()ruRIIlIUI EST JOHNNY 'ToEw03C3030rand TreasuP03 deîs Anythoîlo ispeoini ofBl oi3tg, 03-0,003333 Pang o.oOOd Co,,,mtt3eofAdi05330nt n .o psoallipd a003 3eoo O fficel3o Sn So eeiso13e0826 3902 Sewage Plant3880613 cSpray Wos Yard 8713933 'q .0,0e 33303dP 3033F loe 08780925 & f 8786969 MILTONCo iZ,-ýERVICE Ul O NEt00919 Arthur A. ohnson. QD. MILTON- 218 Main St. 878 3673 dn t H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Optcians Teýd.l, 6 818-3944OP WeekodS. 10 a- Io 6 P- 60007TRAFALGAR 6060 BIT ANNS1A ROAD AT MIILTON OPTICAL Dspensing Opticians Ocolosis prescriptions pTtoTtptIO & accnUalely ittinO 69 Mai n St., Milton Hours 878-4961 Tuesday .30 530 Wdnesdap 90.30 53o Thursday 1 00 8 .00 New s U mmer hours n et letjue 15 dc il GIE VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTRACTOIR INTER IOS OOXTOOIOR F033 N0owtoiFieeEOstîTOlcO 878-6137 Box 134,MIloF do TO Pîaoterîng & Stocco 2ATT Topos ot Stoînon N-eaister, Repaors, Co- C., Ionqs Uldershot Pi Osteroou Cu. all oIleO003 -BROCHUR ES -BUSINESS FORS *WEDDING STATIONERTO A Conpet Desgn and 878-2341 Dîlls Printtog Ii/ & Pobliohing Co. Ltd. 19 Main St.Milton. Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE RENIAL PHONE 878686f Milton Fabrîc Centre 12iMartin teeo Ser , ces oadRepaîrs on a,, maes osewoin machies ACTON Term inalWa rehouse 33ds003330 & Dottistin Soage Boned dSoae PooS oo & OlooerpoMoO3eus BOOERAUE SERVICE 853-2320 Actot 364 2841 Toronto Nct For te coeopee TRAVEL EXPERIENCE Cal the agents Iwho've been there Millie, Claire & Tricia Sweefman MISSISSAUGA TRAVEL Business -822-3750 Home 878-2235 I-lton Water Haulage 878 5306 R YDE[RS WEED CONTROL and FERTILIZINO GooenmnoooîLîind 111 1,6980, d CHARLIE S WELDING Weing Repairs0 Portable CHAS.SPECK 878 5365 cdicIt Il BUS SCHEDULE MIL TON and TORON TO 2. MiloT13050.., 0315 am0, 4 20 o" .03503a -830np..--6.030 A,0 Mion l3O a , 3 MILTON ndEIT000NES CALTaoed ITCHÉNIER MI 2.TONaonS H AMIL TON Lv.o -8.55 0a.- o-500 PM IL TON 000 TUEL PS Arp Milon -73 p- Da0330 xeopl Saloîday. Sop dap, Holiday. o_ Sa rdo nly.TI a_ Sonday on Hoiday. b-Feday. T _,, Thons., Sot Onin LONE STAR WELL DIGGING Speciaizin n3033" concreletlt A33 3033modern eqifpment. 150330035 Ouperoonno 744-6836 KITCHENER IlIl WINOOW CLEANING Forofree Est eltes and Top Courpîmos Service Resderl003Orl Call 878 4686 d WINDOWS 5CR EEN S R EPAIRS 878-6011 Soitf PoI,o -d0ossio anove 33 E-11-1m VOTfi3Itin3 Sysînnis HYDRONIC OANNY MARCUCCI 303333 & Fsh,IgLooe DURACLOANS LARPET 0*FoTy InsulrOd CAL L853 26 -FICS. NUSIE NADALIN PLOMBONG & HEATINO TILE SERVICE :R OnoiTus lîd0 & Otdoun si ee& UP O S E Y 0Fe ikpRrlElectrît Co. Ltd. ;RPAIOS. NEW 20000 ONU Ai typsotwali&tloorPfile *Gales CREST HARDWARE SERVICE nates$6 5000 an our Maîntenancetria ServiceOJO,333 003 ALTERATIONS Iestalled. * oon, ,videlr 136 MiSt 878619 10 pte87 79 Fe.0 Esins N OO sa o. 878-6388 3133Base LnO Rad, Mitn 878-2917 q78 3987 CATHEA CONCRETE 87860031 Oc 7779 D-TF tcIf do Il ct dit do 130 RESTORATIONS ETO. dc IF PETER MoILLWRAITH 250 Martn St. ,Tell and seli your services in this directory-phone 878-2341 8865 dot 1 SEWING MAC PAINTING and DECORATING mizzam iý f dc-if 1 muzaum 31NETS )UNTERS dc tf