Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1973, p. 5

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Roof run fest The Champion, Mit Campbellville wins squeaker LowvilIe in first place avarLancira- i..k 1-1 haven't lost a game yet Foistu thr-,evriT s-s.ssu- the t patv e i Canphs-liinsis-Sundsyt ufeno n the tieatent cas feast the vttlage [ans have ceves secs. Fostinately Camphcttnitte1 weeetheinnrs hy ascorecof 2. 21toner Leaside 'Menvietos-posas Coophelîittes third in loir days andgane themta seanons' record i of fine iss and three tonnes. 1 Ohioîsly the pitehiog for hothi teaoss ff a ot to he desircd.i Noce of the ighl pitehers (foirs cachi es-ceffective in any osay. fiarnet Mitchetl, tBay Tonetîli, Boh Lec and Etose Dccdgc tnstcd in that order for Coosphellnstle mth Dredge getting redit for the in. They altned 1runsoffî20 hits. They stsu-oot nenen ' oatked tt and it toso batters. Wytse, MeBide, Kama and 1 Fteury osre the Leasde pitehers1 and they attoosed 22 cons off 23 its. Thy strieh-oot six and alhcd fine. Big fimsslg Leaide seod oncein the first kit in their hatf Camphellciltc nord nine asthey sent t3 men tn Big tourne y af Palermo Patermo BoIt Ctuh mstt hont is third ansoat fasthatt toacnament. ament. a tm-day allais oith t6 teams, this echend t Patermo Park. Lomitte, ossner inthe to Peios yacn ilthbckbaekto dfeod ifs ttte agains the host Patecoso ctub and othersn froos ahitte, ftcectsnsttc, Nottama, Badcnoeh, Bnrook, Grmshy, MssissagaJarvns, Port ocr and Miton. Fnategamctgoes at815Sunday acd esides the mnnîng team, a mntvatiahle ptaycr amacdmstt he ginen, Admisson is $t cach day. atocday and Sooday. The Borcat Forent Region is the ac g est forcit regioo in Canada atdss ehasatecsncd hy thc pesenne of Whte and Stock Spruce. Puoshn sqoue îsnuot a nm recîpefucThanksgiving dessert. Nethee c nloomtive necessaeity someshing yoo find on astsoad sack, andcsptashc ontykbegan n atee. The McGirecs have heoogkt theos into the mesting r, ntins Ocsny and itty Mcflusse as-e1t420 poundn idividedhpytmoi otmwetie. The ancyramsarecsomne ofltkee anotice holdi. In a uspi squecze the oppnnent suffers pessing ktmecn tise acksides id the koys, in a locomotive he finds himnef being smashed into ihs patsi thihcsnug iCamp essds-, hecli-livscs-st uguseseiOn ieispheu secondooakcit 10-1andmwhcc opposisst Lvassde goutwso in thc third the the game home tcam came rsgkt hack in tons andE their half mith fnur ta kîild the the in, score op te 14-3. Eaeh team scired in the foactk and Leaside picked op threc in the fifth as did Campkettnilc ta make it t8-7. Leaide really gît rollingnthe sixth and senenth as they scoced fine rien in the ose inning and ninc in the nent mhite shtting Campheltnitte oit. At the end oI the scnenth tIse team that at one pointkbadlkcntloninghby tt rus-innmcccnom eading 21-t8. Leasidc mre ns-ctess in the esghth kit in their hatf Camp- kettnittc came ip mith tour ti take a 22t1tead and then chut Leasid ot in the ninth. fleamatin eighth tn the deasostisc ith Ceosnt ted off mith a athkiut a stike- nul and a pnp-up bail hios stitt on tient mth tosonît. Andrems then singted and then Dccdgen nsingte deove home Cements and sent Andcews tn second. A thcooing groander attomed Andrews ta scr.Tnnctinsîngte dcnne home Dccdgc ith the tying s-on and Rick Mitchelî's sin te, his hifth it ofthe afternnont, rdcn Evansmîith themwinnsng s-on. Foc Leassde Barry Smith it tmn honme-euns and a ingle. MacDonatd and Osbos-ne each hiadt a dnuble and toso sngtes, Panteesa, Knight, and Sheppacd cach iftmu ossngtes. Koma homecdLeonad doubtd cott doohted and Meidcoand Fleury sîngted Mutchell lrads Rick Mtchetl ted the Camp- hcttnitte ttack mith a doble and THROV toue sngtes. Dun Hcacnq it tmo ne o i is doubles andîmvosingtes, Petec Andcews doohtcd and sicgted Benny, mîice, Wadc Sehas- and Ray righti Tunclii as-h hooscsed and and oti sngtcd, Rch Cemnent sngted ing Tt( twiceLoris Faggsvssand Garnet Mitchett hth doohtcd, and Etose Dredge, BohLee and Ray Evnsn singtcd. Litter Fvtnutcs D0popsince 055ti-itte managers, ffick Ftceuey of Fnsestsy thectos-nhcktleoftise ring. A spashonuaty endnthematcfs- onecof the keothees fattn nn top of theuoppnntent, and generatty gels disquatitied ky tise seecec And if theyrc not dinqaalified, the Mefloices atmayn in. Blame meales The hethees are 26-ycae uid idcnticaltmsns. Ocnnymcsighs 700 pounds and itty meighs 720, These eound sconditionncame abhuot as esuittofu a cane ut tieman incustes sic iheis-1 pîtostas-y gtands ohen they mes-e, O0 Thcy s-sean wmectine in high1 e and Elrn-s- t ua,,gs- si<d uu sbîînIls îirl pas ielvle e s lso the- li-lsug iu u Oingius Thoc- ipîtchers ut the end ni sday enenîng. The neni hume m ith Fleury takine the tapnis ut 2.30 p.os un Sonday. Ds-edge getting es-edit for Jîne t7 mith Preston sopptyîng I the opposition. WING THEIR WEIGHT around is in g the MeGuire tosins do well- yleft, is 720 powods and Billy, in a mere 700. The gigantic twini ther wett-known wriestiers inctod- te Love Brothers witt headtine a - Pis-km Pete has het n ter symoshof utthe Dntas-îuo y Associatiun sînc t961.t 1Il sehuo t ai50supuods The Ms-fires wmut he hcudtinîng tchecciistinc hbitl u Mitton Arena Fsiday, Jonc 15 ai 8:30 ith the Love Brothessmhi wilmctIvaun Carpentier und Dieu Caruso. The Ms-Diccs mîtt rate un Sud SilCueman and the Suheoian Bult,. o sca duînty 4000 onde hiosseif, Soita720lh osmun sups tiusay hctiu su yuu on Fiday, dnt muecy, hec fs-endty. Sciure the match Fsiday the Ms-Dois-es iii he ioos-sng Milttunun iheis- mat- ched set f mini-ikes. mecting people. Lnms'sttc Doco-Maties took a (unes hold ons foot place in the ((ss ,utg tourc atsuhsll 1,cuugwuusou(ey becarnvthe oly osdetcuted icuso in the ioague. Jacques Paquette won a pch- isg duel agonsot Soetsngton Hall- day Homnes os a 3-0 tiff. Paquette fassdtiland gaveoupsixo iss wrestling card at Milton Ai-ena on Fni- day evening. They also expect te visit Milton prier te the match and you may see t hem putt-putting a round tewn on their mini-bikes. Losing pitcecsGceoge Lecdvoy gaveu ouey se hitsuand faned msth Lomile capialisoue os Boetosgton eeuers. With tise ou(, Doîg Coeeedale asd Dave Dates eaeh singed. hubsequens Bactington esrocs and Sta Kng's doobte eomhsncd to psodoee the three Lowestte sons. Once again Lomnstes defence wasantron and payedcccro-ess hait. Qusslk start Lomnîttle eontinoed theis- quis-h staet that thcy hase shows se eaeh game sn far thiss pr y seosng forceos agasst in- hrooh in thefissiinning. Thcy eventuatty heat Sssshroo f-4. Stu l<ssg -i.s be lb. Ion, Ont., Wednesdoy Jonc 13, 1973 Disug C-erdale and Dule Su lb sh hou 1, hai abg niht ui the and a s-nvl.t ad ubflOt sige litiN os-ut kedup thce niund 1 hI u-s lsluu ugf;i ý Ir-- bug bb ,Li. u huIlst hot sOui-tp ïo, thusrosu ui ta tuent hase.(usbedsls-sh-s scus-cd us Dais- Ssouibs sngle- Murray Dawo-,n ssuscd (base onar ror(euvoh Si anud Dawssocsorstsun-i)ns--utis- singlts hi tissusarsiandsci aves Whit-tuctd. lsvunitle s-cored single tusin the tonrd and fPub us-nngn tis brooklupcbduccd so us n he u iorth oa ulis, vneccs-vs-uandua sgle- hy Gordl thihyn Again nsu the south Bnvhchsomineuu-or ustd pis-bs-s und ssgegi-bu a- \sn.-sssssi P. k tsus- 1s h -ni fia- giss u- eg sdu isus-nogssx ugucsgh issslissu39ssng-ngPbi,,cttr buýýs ssuui-i's-ad liassusotfs s i ue je u F iissdtssnuai fus-btup 1eIlssnai bsAsil Cbadpuns i d fi, su hi-,luihues Pacifie s--sus ll'botisuiuciAcsbahld Me ssss- bin 79 Min. to We.9 -8 Coospte (ne of boats anti ootoîs s thies. & Fes9 -9 C d i s a vf o s i m r r i a e d e n v r y S a tu r d a v e9 - 3n Don't have pur day spolild by posky mosquitoos i95. Use "Soram"l Eloctronjo Repeller if REALL Y WORK(S.0 o iae a Dr ives mosquitos aosay like crazy hy means of high frequency soond which is not aidie tb human ear nor is f dangeroîs, operafes hy 9 volt hatfery t ocluded). Ideal for fishermen, campes golfess oaters, gardeners plus many other uses. il f reuII works ard isgusaed $14 pl ALL STAR WRESTLING MILTON ARENA FR1. JUNE15th 8:30 B ROS. IVAN CINO CARUSO C ARPENTIER (Canadien Champion) McGUIRE BAD BILL îwmuS vs COEA 70f lbs. each BOHEMIAN BULL ROSATANI "MONGOL" 0 vs vs BILLY DANIELS EXECUTUONER %w w ým OUUJÀ&rBM Wrestlers 700, 720 pounds to headline Friday card Nows the trne to paint your swummingpool And St.Clair has the rght paint ...at the right price -White$ a b , .,Lý S Lake Blue Pl", t s-29 *Aqa C GAL. -, s-4. St. Cair i die paint and paper peopleXe> é 19 stores to solveyour Decorafseg Problems and sa ve You money FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING NEEDS... 1-_MILTON PLAZA (416) 878-2629 SATURDAY,JULY 7,1973 JUNIOR HOCKEY DAY MILTON ARENA Licenccd 1.00 p.m.tfa .00 arn. mdcc L.L.B.O. AFTERNOON: JULY FIST GARDEN EVENING: Dance f0 Jack Reeves and his orchestra $6.00 per couple Colti Buffet Tickets ai- Gallinger's The Charles, Barflett's Fredrick's, Murray Hood's m eAlY ýN BUDGE TERMS IST ýt q4me

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