The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, June 13, 1973 C7 elv 5 speed Fuily Synchromesh The hot 11W.i import Brand New From 1499.86 SERVICE ON AIL MAKES & MODELS Large stock ot parts & accessories 9 Montgory Lane 7011> 1/2 B Biock W. of Martin Milton&Mi RaIIy Stripes Exhaust Systom ... INCLUDED ... 1973 CORTINA G.T, Okay, so he's spoiled ... After ail it is Father's Day June 17 - Let's say we spoil him somfe mare - Wr' _..vSfl iram FATNERS DAY SPECIAL G OLF SH OES Reg. 19.95 to 27.95 GREAT BUY Milton Piaza 878-283 Streetsville 826-1434 for installing prsoast concrets stops 1Evflavces the beauty avd value of yout homve 2Evperty installed wititool ples ofcevment and avd or yocvî palins avd Iaovs Nc waitivg for concrete tc cur-e, no t csf problevts Iran Raitings ta Match DECORATIVE-SAFE PERMANENT ESTIMES ETA811 878o68e MoaON-SLIP PATIO SLAIU Gives the protessioval tocch Adds ectra valce to yocr home Precision-made cvder pressure Made cvde rtnt-ifilEhvdracf 1 presscîe-HYDRA-PtEST s! obs are permaet-they resct ftostdamagte. Yect choice cf sice and noies,. Safea&round the pool-thev're nev-slip. FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LT». 22 Onstario St. S. Milton fAcresa ire., Plsal If you wish ta buy, "or If you wish to seli GIVE US A CALI for compiete information GARY THOMAS (Mgr) KEN MARSIIAL DAN WHITE ROB COULTER WARREN CRAWFORD JOAN THOMS -00 ' t WMon Tou Shop Riohardson's Fezers nov)es Frde Many sale items ans of a kind e FREE DELIAERY a EASY TERMS AIR CONDITIONERS Have just received a new shipment ot 1973 Iawn mowers tor ove now. Selecteon is great. 20"1 CLIPPER LawnMow&erwatth Engine No. 545-192 Easy spin recoi gets you off to a Igood start. Eceptionally efficient, i sooth n un n,teasy tooperee j e tino tu -lt blade-perfectin balioncd for sale quiet 00mratI0 j t slc lean speeds tîasv eencin * Satety lock blade dlth-g vos ycc mavximuvmv blade protection. 7" n \ .5- WhveIv-adjustable frov, 15 3. Salet flioalIoci, vhnoce plated handle cn't si p cul of postio.Heavt auge steel deck- extra deep design lot quck non- clogging discharge. 04R SALE Fa-l Price It Guaranteed ap rn Chrysier Cash Carry s-17 250 MAR9TIN ST,, MILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA UNITED CO-OPEtATIVES 0F ONTARIO Bronte Si. Milton, 878-2391 Sunny Manufacturing & Lighting Ltd. 878-4111 Toronto 826-1223 3153STEELES AVE., WEST, MILTON Pn-np Repairs-motor Sales & Servive- DeC. L 501ing DisclOS vsvA.f E..l,~ Li.htira FW B. Fitzgerald InsuranCe Need Insurance . .Why flot give us a cali Milton, YcsnMdepene, lnv,-nseAget Sne 934 area folks have been doing 216 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2326 just that for nigh on40tyrs. Miton GalrdenS Take Out Servce ... Bus. Men s Luncheon 128 Main St. Milton Fast faike Out t273~1 Fr-Set 1-2 A.M. service 87-531. Sva12-9 P.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMQIa nottipLi 11ST111111 Silvia