THE[[AE51 1ENJCITY AND 1_'Ijnternationai FM~ EQIPIENJ 5HOW, CANADA *, &PI1 ow jn g Matech Mf 9 EP[GJ[D ON THIS WAN FAUN MA(HIN[Pï O[MON51STWIN 8V EPEMBR 4~ 91.GEP1N G 45?.1.?.94 iRISNFPM.G9GTW THE 1974 INTERNATIONAL Plowing Match and Farm Plowmgn's Association, to lay plans for the big match Machinery Demonstration will ho held in Haltos County exected to attract 250,000 visitors. The site is the next September. Last week a committee from the R=ison Farm owned by Craig Reid on 15 Sideroad in Ontario Plowmgn's Association met on the site wvith Euquesing, juat west of the Ninfh Ling. Local local police, telephone and service company aignpainter George Swann had erected the sign a few represgntativgs plus several memhers of the Halton days hefore the meeting. (P'hoto hy R. Douens) Want farmers who wiII host city youngsters By Cathy Lcoby Theecountry apptears lu hold a gromîog tasclealîn for cily dmeiieru Ihese days. The Uehan- Rural Exchange Program le- fends fa replace the fictiue con- cernieg farm and cily lite u'ilh To enoure lhe success ut thîs program ovrmill ned the sup portaif rural tarm familles lu art ashlusis for the urhan youh. The respoesiiliy uftihe hosi farue famîfy wiii he lu include the uchan youth in the farm 1fil for one mccii su thal h cor she mii eeceivr a srus insightîntolthe husinessnoffaemiog. Before each group istahrn outIn thetfarms, theyu'tilfi te part te an orienta- lion nessin tu prepare them in a generalovay and alsoto ase anc questions they mac have. 'Make pepler ancre The tirehan-Rural Exchange Program is an ideat upporlueiiy for Ontario farmers tomake their telium urhanîtro amare ut the presrni agriculturai situation. fI wilaise peoîde an opportunitc tue uehan cug people tu x perience tiîday 's rural uay of ilte Make checks for Spruce spider IOn Robert Stokes gordre hoe Be carefu c ou read The speuce spider mite os a toty the manufacturer 'o directiîons iosect ahoutfthe sîzeof a piohead aretfuly for hehkoms thehlmita- which sticks joîces from the tioos of his produet. needies and evenfuaffy turne themn broan. To test for ttte preseoce of ihis iooect, the home F e i e gardeoer shoufd check luo tretsF e r d regufariy to see if fiee spider fo mehs coooect o'ith the oeedfeo. There aeemaoy geoeratioos offo a t fhis iooect in one season andt io i Feeehusnrides wii he procided ot uocommoo tu hase hath for Mittoo fotles Batorday Juor 23. mafure iesects and udevrtoped The rides iitthe courtenyuf eggu at any one time. Tioy red Milton Chamher ot commerce. eggs are laid at the hase of the The Chamnher agrerd to suh- oeedten and mithîn a fem meeho nîdize the hus operafion from i lime, the eggn hatch and feedîng p m fuîp.m. su that utder peopte hegins. wo othermîse coutld of attend f0eveiepment accneeraten h fto seoa ao tohluht meafher therdefeop- threnatyCetddoa no r ment rat eof these tnecs -Gar dnPrycu os. cefIerates. The rerommended ciiultllOit conrtrot for ihis muect n iILO matathion appfied as a spray fa MITO the Irees. More fhaîî imu ap- trust if days apart. ý ANSWERING Another insecticide is dimethoafe (Cygn 2E). This c SERVYICE chemicaf is very effecfive and Î need onfyhbeappiedfoli hepre" *C05(yENT'IAL Iree once ie one neason. If the i'JOtUi population oflthis îesecf dues noft *PaO5O IZED marrant a chemîcaf spray, h!n confrof measure for iis 8 02 onsert ns washnhe tee ih a cccccc c D. 0.T S.L A p pr c v e a 1 istru zt LOW RATES! Cati and reserue a nem Chevrolt Impala or 0f Ser fine car No Mileago Charge tilden bonbous menti mater credif cards JACK RICHARDSON CHIV-OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIGHWAY 25 S. MILTON or 878-3812. hc imîingmwilha farmfamicyfora period ut une meeh, and as a resait. deveiop a greater ap- prrcîatîun forlthe complesîiîes of food production ander presesi agricilturai conditions. Ancne inirrestid te par- ti cipatingi n ibis excellent program may contact MissCathy Lashc. Olntario Minîslrc ut Agri- culture and Food, Milton (878- Much time needed for top soul Bc Sharon lesfir The second meeting tif the Avion 4_H Field Ceop Cluh was held on Mac 21, f973 ai 8 p m. ai the home ut W. Lashc. Tom Parher valled the meeting tu ordr and the 4-H piedge ovas read . Cluh leader. Ninu Eraîda, led the discussin us the importance ot oit and lakîng a soif sampie. Me. Beaîda aiso poinlrdut hum t faakes 4,000 years le produce une inch ut valuahie top sot. Leah Leslie totd the gruup hum lu go ahut tahing a soif sample. Boh Lashcfînîshrd upthedscussion on suit. Tom Parher ciused the meeting. Lunch was srrved and therhusts wrre thaehed toc having memhes attheirehome. The Champion Milon, Ont. Wednesday, June 13, 1973 C,5 ~trn pîou Fa rm Page Esccrpment, parkway Reception June 26 "fao much sacrifice" says president of OFA "The provincial gaveremeni's land-use plans for the Niagara Esca rpment aed the Parhmay Bell tBysle m rieging meiro Toronto ask farmers lu sacrifice fro mach," nays Gordon Hill, Presîdeel, Ontario Federalion ot Agricut lae. Hitl i s a Varna hog and mhite hean farmer tram Huron Counlp. "Wr support land-use planning hu uloaflthe farmer's epense," he says "The provincial goueromeel sayn if miii loch land 010o fair- m ing_-thes fohs the respon- sîhîiity 0010, the federai govere- ment to make sure farmers caon muhe a living off Ihis land. Farmers cantntfsurviveîifîhev aregovernedhbysuch hypocriry. "Another major meakes ta the goveromeel's refusai lu compensate lad-o wners for Iris h Young Former Is special guest Ifs Cathv Lashi The Jane meetingofu the Acion 4-HCaif Cluhmwan heiduon Mon- dac. Juner4,aa8p.m. aiBcotsdale Faem, omnedhbvMr. and Mes B. G. Bennett. Ahout :15 memhees. cluh leaders Runsell Murrac, Nino Braida and BobLasho. and 12 visitors attettded thiemeeing. President. Beeci Melcneec, valiedithe meeting tuorder and led the memhees in the a-H t'iedge. Tom Parer intruduced îîuehostneorthreoeening,Mr, and Ies, Bennett, ouvert. Emerson Clarhe, manager, ind Gerege Bîdiec, herdsmau. Bill Lashy ni Bailycvruy Farmns, Coigan. a foriner menoher and leader ut the Avion a-H Cati Cluh, g aie a tce demonsteaton A Oas the fugr lo i h Re-s oece kaen hefrire the officiaI pIaciogo.a s gîveohby Bil Lasho. .%oento of Canada Bar Sooachhamee isirudued Miss Brtha Harhnessof Couty Autrîm, leeland, une oi the opeciat1 guesis tur the evenîng. Miss Harkness bold the geuup about their Young FarOers' Cluh, hoovoheoas chusrn toc ihis trip and the leatures ofher trip tu Canada. Karen Pierre presenird Miss f achurss millo a a-H pin as a mumenlu ofi her isit iii a 4-H meeting wnhite iii Canada. Cilb leader Nînu Braida in- trodaced Me. Wîthruiv and Mr. Baîtey,' memhers ufth1e Kîmanîs ut the Kîngivay. Mr. Wîthrou' gave a short but informative tlt Cathy Lashy explined the OleanRiiroi.Ehanerogram and askrd for the co-operalion and participation ut memres and leaders. Cathy Lavhy led a discussion on the "Marheting ut Feeder Cal- tic" This mas fuilomed hy an informative tati hy Laurîr Piereevonerringfthe "Hstory ut Catie Transport". Thiemeetingmaslthen deciarrd adjuurned hy the presîdesi. L.unch man servedhbythe hss Carol Sumnervîlte thanhel Mr and Mcs Bennett andithe staff a Scotsdale on hehaif ut ail those i aittendance. Sonnehardmuods lise Pavpaw0 Blac um and Sassafras occur iCanada naiaraiiy oniy ina smaii section in Bouihere OIntacio J. R. Curne OPTOMEIRIST BURL INO TON MAIL TELEPHONE 632-7788 overnighl drops npropery vale ichre land uses are changed. Cerlaiely, farmiers should nol havelto fuel the hbili for uamethîng Ihaf miii henefil ail ut sociefy," adds Hill. The goveremesi's claims that compemsation 5s ton coslly are rejecfed hy the OFA. "Wr have already submifled a muehahie proposai for compensation ihat mîli nul cosI une dollar uftlau revenue. We cannol accepl such a mrah excuse forîinaction." The Federalion alsu crilîctars the plansfor nofselîng asdeland slrîcly for Iiveslueh and poullry produclion. "A land-use plan that haroncere for farmers wuid npec ify cert ain areas mhere liveslock and pouilry producers couid fine mîthouf heing confie- uaiiy harasaed hy odor e m plains.s" Building permits up Building te Nassagawrya Tomnship inexcreding tant yeae s raie hy ahout $0,000. huilding inspeclur Terey Gallamure reporird ihîs monlh. tuuring May peemîls vr tsnued fornrinenem residnces, fine residenlia aitrattuns and additions. tmo privale garages oneonemagrîculfueaihuuilding and une addition 10 an agricultural huilding. The lofai costruclion in May was valard ai $377,10W heinging the total odat t f1,0500. LAW N-BOY ODepnobabln Prmced From 104.95 See fhem noue ait BOYNE GARAGE Highway 25 South of Milton At8Britannia Rnad 878-3912 Iawn and gardien atractor. Performance to keep yoS ahead. Service to baick ySuUp. 7. 8.,12 and 14 h.p. modela give you ait the power you negil lu alay ahead of luwn andl gardon murk. Euery machina la 1009h. depeedlahie ..und me hach fhemn up milS parts and service! Wide uarîefy uf allachuenfa lot cou uae pour MF fruclor ait pour 'roono. Consider the world's Iargest maker of traclors first Corne out ahead on a deal, too! Corne in now! Milton Equipment Co. Ltd. 3163 Stiole, Av@. Milton 878-2121 for A. MacArthur Musical trihaîro iroîn peeseri, and turmer students wîtt he a hightight ut a recepion planord Toesday Juse 26 lu tionur Mes, Anne MacArthur un her Mes MacArthur isrelîeîng thîs year atee 37 ceres of teaching, 27 ut those yeaco in Milton District ffîgh Schuotl Frtends are uegaeivg a giauteeceptiouvin hrhuur alu8p.m. .une 26 mnlhe higo schuot auditorium, and invitfations have gone ul l lhuusands of pesent and formr studeels, f eilom leachrs parents and triendu. Everyone cunnecird mîth the local hîgh ochout from 1946 lu 1973 is icelcume tu attend. Mes. Enîu Sctîvîcai un hehaif of the former students and George Hood un hehali of the pesent studrels. arr amont the organiersn SWElm FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Y ou r Sil'eil Oea Inn BELL BROS. MIL TON When ail they do are MUIFFLERS do they REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CAR? Mudfooe.$ - Pipes *FRONT END a BRAKES *SMOCKS e TUNE uPS *Miltas Esso 440oMain Si. Multor. Ont. 878-3641 *R&N Texaco Service MiItone, Ont. 878-3342 *Sestinel Gulf Service Station 433 atenies Ave. Milton, Ont. 878-4311 *North End Datsan M.îItn, Ont. 878-2471 " Bonin's Esso 5 Mai eS5. Miîton,. Ont. 878-533 * Clemnents Molots of Milton Ltd. srcote SI. Molton, Ont. 878-2328 " Durante Esso Service 25A & 01 H.mes. Miltn, Ont. 878-2079 " Dew Drop-In Texaco Ne. 25- il~e mth of 401 Milon,. Ont. 878-9229 *CY Hilson Ent Ltd. 3l Broefe Si. MilIton, Ont. 878-9733 *Milton BP moih Lien d 25 Hese. Milton, Ont. 878-2952 " Boyne Garage 6003 Hme. 25 ScUth Miton. Ont. 878-3912 * Larry's Sunoco Cconpbetliiiio Ot. 854-2762 liiienur I i. h