Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1973, p. 27

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DOWN BY THE LAZY RIVER jazz nwnher was RUBBER DUCKIES performed aI Martin St. School in performed at Saturday's recital by, left to right, Beth the Foley Studios recitaI Saturday. Melli-Lisa Cescon, Mauro, Michelle Cannon, Christine Downs, Yvonne the leader, chata with duekies Dianne Bailey, Cindy Brown, Brenda Ryan, Michelle Knowles, Anne-Marie Wrwiék, Tammy French, Anne-Marie Dupras and Prestidge, Dianne Ryan and Kathryn tlowns. Cynthia Caputo. (Photos by R. Downs) AMONG THE DANCERS entertaining aI the Foley Studios recital Saturday were rag dolls and three girls from the "Friendship Train" numher. Raggedy Andys at left are Michelle Filipowaki and Wendy McMurray; Raggedy Annsata right are Janis Munro and Elizaheth Phlips; while the three girls in the centre are Susan Reynolds, Melli Uisa Cescon and Anne Powell. Dancing students present recital Pupls o the r (iîiio île Studios of Dance, Mlonî. pII' sesledaroci(a(holuoîkîyeecîliof aI MarinSI.1 chool auditîîoum hefsre a large coou d (if prents asd riosds. Ocoral olodiolo front Mr.Poe's Toonostuiîdo also eslorlaîîod. Tachers Candee Jennirig.s and Wrsdc Hrasîî. mhîîhavc iaught the local lessooso sicel ltîoI ,, each prlormed lo solîo and(a duel durîse (ho pogrool 110(11 01000 pre005(Od 0(11, llooîî fLocal ,iudoii(o 001 occing included: Nursery fubbscr ((Ockhîo Diasso Bafro, Cshi(aplno Anne-Marie ilopros,(Lee Ers hîse, Tama ra Foonch,1 id% Warmich asd Mlli 1,10,10esooo Popcors. Mchele (îoîîîîî The spirit of Commiîîoooî(lino Mion is sproainîg oanlJoli i1 plans are oopoodiîg, commiol(c ropresesiaios woorkingo he prsiecfreva(d iioech The commîiîi o ohking initder Jîm Kerr, is huilding othe anoual hand concer and fireoorhs dspia s possoroîl ho the Milon Parhs aod 14c0001îo Comm(lee. Oe merchans(hoproinisod Olags or (ho chî(droo iiiiîoo of (ho celehaios ihol oill as marh Domnion flac Cîooillîîr tfoHarris ishuoruoiog local resîdrnssoho coiîpeorom durîng pari of (he d,îî. RecreaionflîrectorsîBobsî,ull cooldîsal isg aailqouai(oand 000er safeîy progoasi lhroîîoh simmisg pool staff and olhoc leulures are sollin stho plaonning sage, Srs.slunafferoson Commîlle eomohrs hopi' olflznes rom alpars ofthe(îoiî mlI gaîher or pari oroallof the afernoss and evningloeaoreo that arohbeise pasod fîo Roary Park eginnîng ahout (1 Speia shons o(theopcîsc omssîng Ballon Counu ilm, iMano and the Boy arc heisg programmedto prooîde rosidens ifh an opporlonily (o sec(ho color and sound film ahon eos lîeefy mîfhin (ho cousi,. The RCMP haveoeoooîooîidlto sesd (000 mounfed RCMI' ollîcero (o pari .îpote in (ho progoam since (heo frco is celeholiîîg i(o cesfenialhbis year. Banches of (ho municpal goermet arehoeing invitodiî Euthy D(nnsîsValerîe Fremas, Olîcla Jîodan, Dohhîo Lasdry, (Icno VanderVlîit Fcîendship frais, Mlli-Lisa Cocos. Marilys Hood, Ane tPoell asd Ssas Reynolds. f(aggody Ans, Janîs Musro. Elizahoth Phîllîps. Raggedy .0(11(00Mchelle Fiîpomshî, h0codî McMrrav o lby (ho' Lay tRier. Y, onne Broon, hi chello Cassos. Kahihos (l Dos, Christine Ilîîîîo, Mochelle Ksowles. Bteh 10121100 Aooo-Mareîr Pesidge. lîrcdo llyaos, flasse fyans. .Olîdsg 010 Tîmo. Moli-Lisa (î'ococ. Milyo Uood. Ssas (uîîîds. ihî Roherts, Mar- d% Il handerVliet. Nuinhero îocludied hallet, jazz and lai lsrilcipaIemih equipmnesl or isool dsplays asd mesihers of 1'îlolîoîaregoig tohe serving Iîîîî dogo usnd pop, ai hareais pîîj-o hrough a suhoîdy provicîl ho (ho Mlons Lamb00 'sose hbadges oîl hoprovîded forî ail Il 000. as plassers t Iclopt (o sake il a frîesdly gel- Iîge(her fo (ho mho( oin îîîsiy and as oppoolosîly to meoiîîformalomwilhcoonici(lors. îiiofficiais andoreidenssfrom all pars ol (ho communsîls Tho aosoa(lromorhs dîsp(ay oî,rîthe'NMill Pondmî((iconc(ode the- îlay's estiîsî(is and (ho (((logo pont alosg (ho Posd Iî,îohand is Coîîessîa( Park promisso o hocromded if (ho uulîoine'oaihor preosîls. The comiiîoha aiso arranged a osi dale for (ho fol(omîsg hoîîdoo. jool in case (heouosdooî prolgram for (ho day is called off. JOHNSONO. D. IOPIOMEJRISII * 218 Main St. Wdresday and Salrday ALUMINUN DOORSi Cusoom adn0 ous peifiai Free Estimd 05 Me seilf Auminuon Doos, Windows Awnings and Store Fronts j GLASS OSREPAIRS *SERVICE I 34SelsAeMilton 878-9452 W .J........... f, lîîoîîoefgfill M. 1hat îou do no( esiplo, hagging of Ilcportsoroohoerooi sococîllooco ,ooihods ai ll (lîsîsissioner IlîggaitI Wcl vo e ow we are geting into a Mr, OCsonn o e i tvsj al queon ((of smaniOs. Commssor Hggitofthe I4CMP appearcd bhoocthe Justice and Legal Afairs Comi lolllee last ,ceek to delood the operatioos of hi, oory fise lorco-- everything [rom ntoa securiyto th musicalrde, CoscidentalIy theoBillfIo ot law wretappioî. escepi for limited aluthsrized police use, wl shorty lie sur Commiter' on I ssgaesled to the Commis- (ine hat if(ho RCMP and othor police forces wished the Bill M pass notspreseot (orsi.ihati . alowintehrmibuhg and m retap whre necessary and poprly authoriscd. t(he ihc gh( wîîh if tlusoft(he ored loi ouih deoices in hghtiîg crime 1 oog- gesled ihal il woîld bhin o hi interess and iothe io(orestsof the puhlic mo odicato (hat (lie force prooro ((0 uses lach method îmhich lireîrot illegal 00001. hoo' ofienoandino mha circomsiascoi, TheOP m1a5(1,1 such asreort annua(iIo th Allorsry-Gosorai of Ont(ario, Mos oher Membsof the o (o 010(e uppor(ed sîoci'iuest. %so sdîiisîîo The verhal gymsoio, so iraching and acklrachîog ho ho(h (he Commssioer and (he Commitro (haîolo2o ihoî (o((omcd fîllird oiopagesofîHari4 sard. oîlh (heo omsîîooîîeooýtl1 soi admiihsg ihai (ho force hugged tloephonss01 cure hbat is nonseseTheeireci erous court(cases oheco ((Cihil oflicors have sdmitied 'dooulerc o(h (1 fol (0,11 o lloplo admit he prclîeooadouhNîhoy must 104l(1000 lofinail uriner- est(- ooldhbelhesimplest. most hîoel and 01001 productive hof looi sg are a (oî short ver- btmescerplo (rosiour ex. chooge ohîch il((srli tho haile oîagecd li- (hairsîanî. MO'(Connor, 1Ihinoh1(ohouldhbcclear. Is f511105 (tie queono t ho il andltheooamolimeoooîîarecoskisg (i o coîmment (or cîo onmha( hclhdindes oghl concocoary or courd hyaoactiveopolice force cooîhattig organîsod cie Mr. llO'Conn.or:Wlli f have 001 ashî'il 200questionsOye(, The (hairîsas Yoooaeoc s aoskg auiîhrhîsnd of question ohiîh io ohai are ou oa dîîgoow, a q~utonîîîoîll ve 1fin ooerr(y oaiiîîg sîoîî' iooîarhs ooaois( pîchapo thoeChaircool (ho Cosi N I".l'llîîînîîe (lins I(hoforce eiilipl((Oo(iOiecrliic surveillance ThMe lhaiîîîîaîî Mr Commis- ihoner((oo on nse taqusion îîr togf lo he lforce oop(oolecloosîic sur fOillanenl tioniisonesi 1001plali1î0 iso 4110110, Mo lhairioaiî ,îo(d MrO'lConnor DRUGS or JESUS WHICH HAS THE FUTURE? BRETUREN OF MESSIAH Boa 132, ACTON, ONTARI() POP CORN GIRLS at the Brian Foley Studios of Dance recital Satsrday were Mchelle Cannon, Sheila Jordan, Irone VanderVîiet, Vaferie Freeman, Kathy Dennis and Debhîe Landry. -omsson llggtt ' J. R. Curde Mr o. n0înor: It usgeton g Ec. Ec Etc. forsxae E OPTOMETRIST BUIlLINGTON If vos have a proolcm ,do conniiet, ritcis , o ifVOUMALL oîmply wis o gtin-uc inpleasesIop hýolalni sd- log cic l32 hhoRîd TELEPIIONE 632 7788 East,. Ohoillo 0844-o222, refrlto metherhodgeoary irem ho ie. O'Connor: Wll. Ihai asQ My next quesio, which îoneis t, i (ho asomer i5 ('05 Anî hun. Member: e.tIhim an l he queston firsl F lîîmdsniner itiegdfo This i v('r0dîflîcui hecasse me are sot lîcîg very precise here. There oaioauesioooamomentlago- il 1(coud answrhbyiocalling a questlion Ihal yoso'oro ahout to k mea momentioarlerpsl(lsf o.id scuiy andsoon whiclî >ouooaid vou did n00(0001t diocos. yo u saîd: dueslthcifort C Rî' Mo. O'Connor: Vos When 0100 (îll un 112 gallons or oori Comsinriig:My or fahe adoastage of sur Nir ( onnr: f des .t*EDUOED PRICES 8-12 gallons (dl apcar wa sh h5 cents 8 a.- to7p.m Ms(Ton rs. F N48 gallon fîlI up, car wa s h $1f085a.-f081 0 001p riday LAB IA N fa.mss 6p.ro. awrday 25 cents Extra Fridap, Saturdap 10 a.-I(0o 5001mhSn da0 Fine Furnituro and Sundap AT F (RICEhT Bell Bros. Ltd.R PLAZAnt S20"99 TORCAN ANss 0 ' o wef 2Il Ied hagso anyou kt eti oonHscnein Spécil Pnu lI convonient location Your lHomen npr een1 encoteIj Il L 700 MAIN STE. 9 Main S. E. M E Opn oda o ria 8.. 06PM.-Saura 8am.toip.. 878-235 1 am ..M-oEM - ...Mm - 1 -RMoennumm)RM m "Community Day"f spirit spreading

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