84 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, June 13, 1973 Wedding Waterston - Andrews A titthnm ieadptece made isy Anglican Church, Lowitle on Waterstao of Guelph. the grs-m's great auot inVie- May 19 Thsedoubering ceremony was toria. B.C. oas worn by tensifer The bridetise daugster of Mr. performed hy tise Bey. R. P. E. Rose Andrews when she marred and Mes. L E. Andrews of teffares. Mes. H. Midlebronis Daniel Jam es Longwrth Capelie a sdte ro is sthse rganistand Elmer Waterstss ait Si George's th so fMradMr ) 1 rdge sang "The Loids anctd -0tPet'ect L,s Cao Si thl, a ltteod ai thse bride lrmHatakestane, Ont. The bde's styter Mats Andrewos mas maidsofhooo,and the groom's siters Jase Christina, Charlotte brdmsmatds. The groom's at- tendants more hesi mas Peter Andrews, broter ni tise bride, and ushers Peter Staff, Jnhn MeNee, and James Hitiman. An esrnîng receptn fnr i65 \\as heid ai the Haltn Country Speciai gaess were Mrs.SJ. Andrews, tise heide's grand- sunter, and Lt. Col. and Mes. D. Iitilmas, tise groomns grand- parents. Mes. S. Prise made tise birdesmatds' dresses and tise r aedding cake. Tise bride made lhe grsots cake, ni wita a piece was gveteath guest. tither guesis iranetent trnm litierland, Germany, Van- souver. Manireat. Toronoa, Lotndon Kingston, Aropriar, Guelpis. and tiakisite. 1Shasers far tise bride wr gises h5 Jane Waierstnn and Wendy Chrispher. Carat Smtth, AFTER HONEYMOONING iu Muskoka, Mr. sud Mrs. Ms .MPai n r.W Damiel Waterstan returned ta make their home iiose R. P .Jefsaand Mrs in Toronto. The bride is the former Jennifer Andrews Of R. Aasten. Tise bsride had a Csmobellville. troasseau tea an May i2. ftampion Famify Page Consgratuaions and isesi and Mrs. C R. Peisiemas and son ttcises go toArtand lice Sith tecîtî Monitreatarcil.595 Stral of l.ampiseltstllc, ahi celebeate cui iii Mit andt Mc, Daiesl tireur 34iis wedding anntcersary Hsisis lesta Toroto aie an Priday, Jonce 15. newomers li 5 Lorne ScotsfDr. We weicame themn te Milton. Mr. and Mes. Robsert Wright atnd famty tramn Richsmond Inear Ottawa) are neta cesidents ai 572 Brook Cri. Mc. and Mes. Pred Rouit tram Tornto have moved in i 618 Stratiscona Crt. and Mc. Astronouts show faith T Ise N as s ag aw e ya Presisyteriait W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid met aitheihome ofMrs. E. Dredge on Tsesday, Janie t. A deticinus dessert tonriseon oas secved isy tise isteos anden jnyed hy t0 memisers and fine guesîs. Tise speaker foc tise W.M.S., intcodoced isy Mcs. Norris, was Mes. Nanson of Guelphs Hec iaplc oas a meditatian un faits Sise soted tisaI tise asiconauto expecienced an adventure in faits in thse scientista oho made tise plans, tise medical staff wo pcepaced tisem isealt-i-îse, and faitsi in tiseir on aility ta do tise taons specitied. In conclusinn sise stated tisai faîtis in (lod's master evanr cao overrme tise oortd. .eyne enjnyed tise address and Mrs. Mullen presented Mes. Nansan sits a token nf ap- preciatianl. Tise Ladies' Aid memisers mere given a gratifying report of tise Opring tunciseos anlu plans for quiltiiogisere once mare resomed sn prepacaia for tise Ortuiser isazaar. Nîcis and Miciselle Gaatisiec, 605 Siratisona Cet. wecevisited naecitheo'eesendisy Bah and Lise Riinui fro Cornoall, Don and Aura Caoay fromThor- nili, and Nicole Danics and Dr. Jeff Mahnn tenta Toronto. Happy hirtisday taisis go ta Marion Eroin. 371 Meadotaiscani Dr. oho ceteisrated hiec iitiday yesiecday (Tamsdayl Junie I2. Newa residents an Chsucill Ave. are Mr.and Mrs. R. Hayden and famity frota Tarants, Me. and Mrs. B. Fishser and dougstr icomn Etoiinie, Mc. and Mes. W. Gceig and famity tram Ciacisson and Mc. and Mrs W. Rhsodes tram Toronto. We oteicame tiseo Macias Erwin, 371 Meadooisrook Dr. mas visiied cecentty isy lier tatiser T. E. Douglas Irono tstingtas. Aiso vîsiting hiec cecenity sere hiec iscatier and sister-in-tata, Car- men and Miriama Douglas tram Reno, Nevada. Tise hsappy cnmbinatinn of tise Hatton Regian Conservation Autisocity, tise Ontario govern- mont's SWEEP project, and a girl misa enjnyscart, piysies mati,and is intersein th enstrttnient, sutl resaltit on nwbilcdings incnsrato KarentlSchillitiiallesa sortiof a reverse csmting tripptrn Kitchener ta Milton eaeis wees- day tar a summer jis wiih she catis a perfect oppnrtuofity". Sise tias jasi campteted tirsi year arcitecture it tise Uioversit ofWaterlnn Her perfeet oppectsoîty jois is tise desigsing of salait buildingooucs as a Sagar Slsaniy for tise Mnuntsisecg Widtife Preserve. Tise oci mas acfoatty he= isy anotiser Waterloo stodent asring far tise conservaioan atcthrtytnJanaars, andiKaren ts -ihigctiîtiîune for.co stctctin lis SWEEP isaciees ta isegin on June 25. Tise o arraive prneram ai Waterloo ansstudents to aiternate four montissnftscsont ot four mantissaofancis. Karen machs estirety as lier son, making decisians as t FINISHING UP PLANS for a auack bar at Mouutsberg Congratuatioan d sesi sîises Wildlife Preserve is Karen Schilling. Site is au gotoi Mr. and Mes. Fred Bennett, architecture otudeut at the Univeraity of Waterloo, 234 Grae the miss oudin warkiug with the Haltou Region Conservatiou Authority annîversaryson Masday. Janie ta. for the sommer. (ht yP od Happy irtisday toKen Bylsmaof ai Ettiati Cees c oho celeheates I\Jor e Ieft o fljie is irihday an Monday. Jane 10 8. ~ mateciats and structures within a given budget. Few gcaduafing aciitecîs hase as mach op poctusity to a py thiser isooteolge of Ilraflîng, stalita and materials. In tise rase ut the Sugar Sisanty. Karen cciii specity tsaterta is tt lieinadeaupin tihe cnservaltîi athoitys -n sas iii ai Miiutitsberg. Later Karen wiii ie maito sketches and daing somne photograpsy ut scelles in tise conservation aaihacîty's holdings. Plans are iseing made toc a ftim dispiay somne time ie tise fait. THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR ... THE SIGN. 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE.. This emisino identities tise ciola mlnded bsusinessmen wha sponsor in tise aammanity. Fac intarmation cati MRS. BEV OIBSON HO00TESS -878.3447 Margaret Willoughby - à' ERINDALE GRAD NURSING GRAD Sosauue MeDougali, Mary Isabelle McGee, daaghler of Mr. aud Mrs. daughfer af Mr. sud Mrs. John McDoogall of R .R. 4 Thomas McGee of R. R. t Miltan, gradnated Jane 5 Narval, graduated tram (rom the Utniversity of St. Mary's Schnal of Taronufas Erindale Nursiug in Kitchener an Catlege, Mîssissouga, with June 7. She is a graduafe ut a Bachelor of Arts degree. Milton District High She plans fa attend Laudon Sahoal. Teacisers' Callege le the fail. new preside The annuai meeting ot tise University Wsmen*s Clubs tant Tliarsda> ws peecedrd isy Cisinesti dînner it tise home af Sitte Muarshall, ciaet 30 meta- bers esîayed tise tarai fsttuoed lia troui and ciseese. otigf presîdent Jonc Adrews resieoed a sucessi yeat, tisanket bier esecutive and t-adent sis a plea tac increased sttsmlirshtp. It sas decided a aete wil lie draitent ta le on- clude in tahie preseniain aftie iSelcotar Wagon isnstess in ton rNeseecalise tira Andrees tnrsarded tise gais-I and charter ta tise neta presideni Margaret Willoughby. Wit lier sn tise nes esecutive are tii-I vice-presides and Canadian Ft-tlerattîn ofUnversity Women ttprescntittse Ethel Rîddeti., sccnd cice-precîdent Camîlia Laing, recsrdîsg seccetary Ainna Gitld-tcaw csreespaeding secretara Jean Roisertson. t reasurer Mari-an Reent. prageatar coîttaitter cabrI Dacey, Macg ilay Isabri Thoson; meci hî-rsbtp Janie Becset. puhticiiy Ka> itls. neslsetter Marg G;ray scial cansener Peggy Biedermnans Macg Hallier repnrted on tise Musicae,taicisraised money split iseieen tise ctuh's scisaasip fond and tise Chasneties. Agnes Ruisi said tise sommer scisedute of speahers i Mîlti jait is heing taorhed Needu change Ethel Riddelt repnrted opinions are iseing saugisiin tise Statua of Wamen deciaratian ot tise United Nations ohîcis needs revision. Sînce no girl student ai tise Ontario Scisoot for tise Deaf miii continue ta hîgiser education i tise tait, il mas appcnsed tisai a bais lie purcisased foc a girl mus isigis mars sn tise graduatîng Regret mas roprtased tisai Sue Hayse sas mas îng iro Speysîde ta Edmonton and leavîng tise cluh. N.A.S.A. s Eaetis Resources Tecisnoingy Satellite retraces a comptete canerage ni tise earis surface every 18days. New resîdenis an Joycte Blsd. are Me. and Mes. K. Macs and iamîly trota Georgetown and Mr. and Mes. E. J. Parnell and Iamily trainBramatea. Mr. and Mcs P. Mortimer and iamîiy iro Toronto have maaed ta 10:3 McNaisi and Me. anîd Mes, J. Shiseîds and faîily testa London are oco cesîdens ai 649 Elliitt Cees. Welcnme ta Milton. Congratulations and isc wîisesgota Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Jefferson, 156 Wakefield Rd misa ceteiscaied thiset Satis ted- diog anniversaryon Tusdav. J1ure 5. A lettec so tise editarinls seelis Chatmpiton smiited tise rame andaddressofihesritr Ilsýacstrs. Barbia'a Aienisead ofi 75 Victoria St. wo wete citaceentof tise drainage prohlit ai lthe bli dtatasnd vn Rotary Pars The Chaîtîpîsa îniended iii inciode lise aritiets rame ai tise isttttai o ier leiter but tisesug a lypeirtttng errar. tise anws îîsîtted. Mostre tian 10 taillion acres ni taresiilandin New Brunswicksisas iseen sprayed sînce 1952 for Spruce Budwoaro castrat. TELIN 4927lF U R TEENS 814XSTORAGE & CARE GIRLS'7-14 OUR VALUABLE PUBS -See as for op ta tise minate tasi ns- DESERVE DUR FINE STORAGE FIRE PROOF VAULI ON THE PREMISES CUSTS ONLY 21/ 0F YOUR VALUATION WESTERN GRAD Karen McEachern, daughter at Mr. sud Mrs. James McEachern af Waodward St., Miltan, receîved her Bachelar of Science degree af canvocafian ceremonies Jue 7 ut University of Western Ontario. Euchre winners On May O lise last racisce of thie seasan under tise asspices af tise Afteenoon W.A of St. George's Anglican Cisseci sas hld cn tise cisueci hall Peure csttaersswere Marte Peacock, Cisaeie King, Marie Tains and Gosrdon Tisnmpsan., Prtaes f[ise seao cest tuaFlrenceCtlling, Mrs. C. Bcsty. Bclle Kieg, George Stokses, Milford Csliîg and Edgac Etientan, Murvel Ricisardsan on tise lucky dram. Besi taises for a qoîisk cecanery go ta Re. R. P. E Jeffaces misa is a patient in Milton District Hospital. BOX ANY AMOUNT 11L, -9 PLUS CLEANING <Dons Not lnlade Fats) YOU PAY WHEN VOU TAKE IT DUT FREE PICK-UP CALI 878-9941 FOR FREE PICK UP AND OELIVERY SND WPITH CONFIDENCE TOOAV TO: SE IGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. 300MAIN ST. E. - MILTON - 878-9941 HRCA architect "Perfect opportunity" job Pàfuplb pélican (k " UNIFIONMS " MATERNITY FASHIONS Shappers World 499 Main St. S., Bramptan (416) 457-6144 W' 459 Main St.Mfn )PEN EVERT WEDNESDAT 8.30-6 MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8:30-6 à THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8:30--9É SATURDAY 8:30-6a r