Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1973, p. 11

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m RAs f * RMEELT U REAOR ACTON OFFICE 5 Mill, st. E. 853-1821 COUNTRY EXECUTIVE HOME Loaed ousid c Ason, i2 coss3 garags,flccplaoce, faseiiy omei 3511 bar, greeehosse, 001600e iegcossd pool, chanec oeeis, filicd soos bacbecue. Thiso popocfy msto be secs. Asking Prce oSfoo 24.7 ACRES %reacsad oesof shsaliea, locafsd onGuelph lise neac lise quiet pisisresoque village of Eden Mlfos $2000 as ce ACTON HOMES A greaf i firsses foc a yoxeg fasely, Sites, lvingosse, diing cosse, 3 beocoses and a plae bafficoosi. Ail good siaed osses. Nese gos fiscae $20900. 86b5P FOR AL VYOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: Maurice Beaty - 878-6418 Representing Canada Trust Realtor Halton and Peel Division 100 acebeef and pig s comieodatilg 50M go , with 5modern , neniee. farm Includes tractor, s pig sosie, 10 facl-owing bulls, 3 Charolais bus heles, 18 cowss 15b1di -soly $74000.00. Cal Dose PLACE ISs e essage in HIlons sy ar 55ketpla( sci.se Y r USne3 Chios"Wh395osD [Drcsory. TAN HOMPSON REAIESIATEi $4690. TdocSyle 4bedcosse homeedeubiedossfo large efcassehail, livinig r 16', dining cosse' s 12', lacge bighf ifohes sifh breakfast ora, docbe gor Tasfsfoiiy desocafed lisesosf. $15900. Cossesev home site; ffils loi, r2csc ...js., Ç efd and sucoeyes8, s shodesi o sides by ai icces. Foefags 12SfJcS5. Twoo slles fesse 550. $39.900. Os large loi (80 x 400ln Milo, hi5siapboacd bocks pus has 5 bedîoses, ifshen, ccc. oosseand de, large dcfashcd gacage and doube drive. residienilipart o 50359 eoresosee Duplex. Asong laitiices ono beasîlîsi corser loti front drise and side dci dosule0010ae. TVosspacloussapacleselts. eosh sif lis oseS rloafe 0151 AsSîeg $39.900. oseopen iooffec. Focfuil defaulos ali sas Thompsoe. For Persooal and Confideetial Assistance sith Your Real Estote Reqirements CALI STAN THOMPSON 442 Woodward Ave. MILTON, ONTARIO Phone 878-2455 FOBEe I. FOBERT REAL ESTAJE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across It worked for these VALL VRE ES, PAR KS NEARBV, fores the soti ie foc h10 large 3 bedeosse anch syle hmesinteic ountrcy jsons fflsoufskieisof Miton. Feaf res a siose ficopiase ln L.R. and oeansacreR of lad. Col-if'sa pleasoce 50 see. $59,900. RAISED ON COUNVRY SUNSHINE ln tis cssfscv.oud quaccied sone faces bosse os 92 acces ooeeiooSieg valeys. lIces. posds aed iuafsd sensfio esbacpsecsf. Bacs 60 s 70 10issIldcd. Suifabie foc horses osefos Atlis. Asking $90.000. es ggsooebs ls soe.u m hacstig Mmneni of bficse, oeoo psied15 lot mnt e living 10a oobi ac diig oo illedsBcapo lo Ca ol ose . o e Excellent fleossisg asallabie $56.50S 0011 $00'500 )to LET US WORK FC MOLTILE LIIIIII SIIVISt i7 GARY THOMAS, Mgr. 8782306 KE N MARSHALL 8-6228 ROB COULVER 878-256f one of our teom to-d( 878-2365 Toronto LUne 826-1030 set-up, beefbarn 48 0O, hog bar c- r lOOlslsls deve'rCislo55is sa go0c oat $53,900.00Sarah,3111î1d1,1her pson îln or0 oilogshe,6, spciog led oe h,0 L LAM5FOCE 878-9543 Ca George 11,1.îîl 333!î pi pîî rceadsc, pio3sgh, seoxec, baie, 01e , T N O T G i ke ,r nc 3337 113' gîev I h13.'i hi l beaico, 4f 5005, 2 boas, il Hosin I OAKVILLE 845-4267 SINECOllGEnd11 go(33 ou(13 t31o33331'1 i, 7ssaii Charoais oe, 7Caroas Petty home oerloinîig 95ace.getslsipîgssai te ailail*1 33 hhhhc $11 cegioieced Caorolais. Asking pice msesc>phss îîgas and oss 3Sdose iîhi1330h-533133 311 Lrgeexsionlsat a ahos otier Studio.the acs,cîh rcoerng113nian333 aio :$1,00.00 a ah10.Cali Joan Harcout.1 "'ouI ,ellke t 867 B le1,34.133Iv3 TAECROSS HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Maryiîss'p oh fs îl in ,c.A AEYflIR CHOICE ,.3,h '3.3 3331ec t'e B 68 MAIN ST. PtK Tc(31 1,'C13li Iopital 0the os fi,,OFe:lihec a13 aceloiora 16 p53,3337 eCks acreli le the Casepbeiisiiio 181 Main, Si..Second Flooc I oî,uid 3a33I. , Il lie fil aea.Bohios hae ponds and REAL ESTATE MILTON 88 4861 sl,7 ck il o ,,131C1g e a ild good building sites, 5 slles8 8- ;4 19 1 33313311e he eea ceose 401 Highoay, 30 seinutes & xi. ',133td13333 131133 h33 .311e 31 bI fesse Malios Alepoci. Ses haveri i111333spL113.d hvîî 1Grade3 1 heme ix day. DoseSaedecsoe NSURANCE LTD j 1:1iIl i13313333an.33 JOHNSON CARNEY jil hroug h13 î11311h1r, grade, a1.nd3 1,,hi3î seCý LIMITED INSURANCE C reRcognition. 311hv '.ie Slephen RealtrIse iss ce Nliirî . 331 1v33b'ine,0Anne3 S12 x 22 MiiS., Oangevilie We nite ys inqisies eogardeg ait typesofinîssancse.FPIPRE C 3rage: 86c7AUTO. LIABiLITV, LIFE, MORTGAGE ETC. GbsCsE ANGLICAN ~ ST. ALSCU egsn ihe lmns CHURCH o 1.33333 Hari,1333Karen Sear31.3c. nt FOR PROMPT and COURTEDUS SERVICE MitonOntario. THE UNITED K,;îiîî .133ertebur, 1hait 10CHURCH 0F CANADA Jii,3K11131 3lrie, 343. (III O7O~'NOOOReto, Oso 0R.W. Fosteser 51 iass I /333.th,, Cl laudi31111 Sunday, Juse 110h, 1973 RO C.A. M Os1, 311llI101333 O3i01e riet 1,".0 Fafits 023" Ocqanîst an2 Choir Leaderc 3N10,gel13 33'3 1331. th $1,500.OO Darld.MGODDARD1I î,,îi lp1ll13i1313MI 1331.s 8.00 aiii Hly Cormui,,io, Ms 2îiM2 n011 th 3,,,an ,,,i ietgaie3 o lisedO ahees Uiîmpvooedasd TOR 9 30 a m.- Junsir Ch33h îllliîhe13'.3h1113 REALTOR o 1 Sunday, J300 1105, 1913 1313 1 33lsfient Cveî3 eies orthof hsle towofoNew 9030 235.-Oopis,ssMainS 1,5amsonn osi uts nternv etr Lisksavd, Onts and6 misles and Srmon N0r se13filities Sth55313c3opera 0051si tse îliae x Noio ILIMITED 10A25 o ms-Seior Churcîh l'uni,3331 i 311111e311113 mile D offHd.. C boie SîsissiEMMANUEL h9.33 Is. 1îik îg îlhs 30, ,351sîf e ihoa e. 5a stabe HERE T IS! 1.00 253 isoly E,,hharst î BAPTIST 113"13111 3'131331o'pera C. agent.ox Inteicieclaodplease Vor3isdro brck bunglo nssiidi heîîssss5on0one 2andSermonosCHURCH 713 1.,ki 1-t il, file ' 373033 rspy0s249, The C adian ofiland oeioosislsOspc2siigiassasdEhCrs 13 3 p.s Anns32lIC3 :*iI 3, 131k301111or1 lie Chamepion. ilîeplas!Asking oniy $43,500.CsicgComme2rCc,1i 333î12 ia Sest, 30 113o51î II' 1 l u il 0010 8007 ~~~School FPi î 7000 10ic 111 31311 ltî' Nortîîh TOWN BEAUTY Tiedy, Cesioesv revi ashîOrblliam0 ,'.131113.3111 Spoleso brick buogao wifis cepoci. spasosdL shapedIii.g 1000 035 , uis 1hai3, c Iîas ,Is 131313.3 .3 igisîtit M to '1 ' ~~~bedîsomssSiioaied 1in oveiy rvssdeîiai acea. Ses il isday and :Voare 210239 s lcomeeasi sdy ue10,17 3.1133373313111hI ! icy as offert Gce ChrcCO Vhe LodsO2Da l,.', 1î3icnca lch ome îîîî, ic AKILBRIDE AREA Acîc,3ersary Suiday s î,I,133 ,,,I 1,1i. ad '.t1.R,i 35 ace marketigarder, 7 acres 909h. 8 osseincarseehomoes IGWYGSL Oei r eOc.53 '3011131'31. 3"hîcda.3 excellentîcndiion.Vendso ilisold the morgage. CHURCH Astrong.009lîi,ith,,îîî 1. 'artland Karen 945 a.se 0,93e Sîhol, 3 vie], % 3si 3l i 31fief parents Mr. Aiocalassemblyoi 10om.-Moni3siWsip 31111373 , GI3135 133313131Thvîý Fs o ifise e 0 informatinTise PenlecostllAssemsbles 050 p.m.Song Servc. nom3331 1313 dii 3331333 tu please1 os C racla 700 p..-Evbec.cg Wocshîp3. r ceI ui e13 fierOv from Plaza) WakeiefldRd ad Hy. 25 Wdeesdlay, 7 30 p735 l133'lî r, s l.11103, haici, GIVE ANNElTE A CALI' i Mitons 'avyecoand RBile Siodv 11'Ci,33 1 - % T133 he% MI LTON 878-2051 TORONT0 742-3038 Paso,. eRes M.ChritOensen -"Loiet se oiu s etrit e ..s. 0 fllhl blîîlh 3 13.3, Tel 878 2064 the Lord 0310 ihOOksOl3Oiv .îî3313331i pirts lhat ler gr131 86c7 -andid to if s s Cs i 51h lh is 3 331333'11ier han hre.33 ~ eop le.....00505.C.iiOlOdi00.3.Tise Lord's ay praise -'30. î,, Cm I1 eins a3quart. ....J~MI35.'sV3O30'.O11:o~3v4" ' Snday, June 17th, 19733333'1313 ./. 94 5 m Sunday Schoosi BOSTON AND 3Mr 111 id.Il, J1 1.Lee.are 11.00 am.-Monirg Wssip ICAI,3'trio3lI ,33.ls 6.0 p. . aml Pae P 0 535 o RESBYTERIAN 3Il, iZ .îî isting31 .1'. 0 ,~ a::î,sLc erce3îPac CHURCHES 1113331131333'313, Pal and he,13 R A T RFsday-FamiyNigis îîîî 1131,33 '333lî' 3,îîîîî BUILT FOR ENTERTAININO -,4' l1B MARTIN STREET Poalci111195Ssoday, J0une 1105, 1973 on1 bedeosse oplst 0301 iome ie beaoiifoi KELSO VICINIT c' HE 53tlh rsrytBoto lotte,333 , 331 "osetsiPaoc" 1ih gosgeos finished Tmis 3 bedeosmsi 0,e plîf feasoces a living rcosse20' bv 17', PRESBYTERIAN 13a.se Wscship Ooc,, îI,, ha333llvîî.11 rc. coosseand pienof ispase se main dinlcg rcosse2312' by 121/', large kiicf.ee Aih breakfaraea, 1 1h vsn iesiisfcmOlllsaodlsegooss103uitO553e andlssaed oover21/2 acces s.ih 1Mle CHURCH GoetPcaîhc ToRo, Oc3p131 h Merlkv nd 3 level in forEat lilonand acdini ' fa tA. E Bailey3 Board1of PC d wih:nseatine Slsheo This immasolate Creekliseo0is pcopocfy. TVcanaer isî oiiRoss Ces,,oe 78-2755 IN CANADA osssE2,tîc 331 11133,îd3331 home eaisne83olaîeot f e îO88c0842.KNOX CHURCH 730 us .Wsshp serceWie ihrdadMelor ieidentalivy Oa perentsi fsi acigu nI, ari seselgage. Caii a iseo AoskIg QUIET CRESCENT MILTON gussi pesacheel The Re- "'il arici 1h, 3333a, 1,il bg mny$9,0.Tis socov & ls brick and luseeos me fes3s ,ic Bysse Neoîe a former 1v11 notes13, îîI home 513.300.3 Miiser mîcîsîe oithecgepsigotîss. 3313115131i333n31.lIpO3tv bedooss, separae dlsin cosseandifuli boesees. AskIng, Oso JohnoMMurray A îcd ilniationlîî2îs b7l ot113331,3iI potiers' 53,50. ColRoss Cescos 878-2755sc 078 OSOOse 070 À129. :.33331 s . lslm xedd aalfredpatac Shicla gaie' .3 731111 FAMILV HOME adpeet.' bedeosse brîikbungalo, large kîiseieselh dsin0 0100, Sundoy. JUne 110h, 1973 ,,,,îî vîîî.'îi.îî svîîhv Parv finished rccsetioeroosifh 2 ceebath and mnasliterodptt tSecrPr esicas. Sm If ioday Ails RosCessos 878 2755 or878 6988 sr 878- 11.00 a.se Faîhers Daf 31 ,3,, vfidiil 33313,3 tiser 4129. Sermeos fille "Vhs 0001 ST. DAVI'S and 13131133 331311013,1î1335 373 TS & FARMS tîoary"limed oisand ini. vThe SocesAIilloseedroblsoiAî9.4 5 OsîsenrCerch NASSAGAMEYA i1333,ý('3Lie31 333313 13the -4 5 s ihdîss o e a b lsie t010 6 0h11PRESBYTERIAN Sa".vthe' ,.3331313 '13 _10 acr buildng1lot5n aa35eilviSl Chea.$16CHURCHES Pi,1ine li1133313 3of 5312 o4ace buiding loi, ideal loation ta bfils esessîlshe 1 5am -uiCuc H R SBisms 11113h.orie l, îre ,sith câLFofhscdeiois onshesc propetilesscaii Ross Cessoon'88SchosI Mt,31l,1Parents111333,',an33d flazeI 2755 or 878-6900 oe 8784129. 7002 p se. os10Pu ls 101OonsLCl î133III1313'k LiECOUNTRV STYLE Iletihis 3 vear Sciey83217 ilI 3v 1î ladtohv.îfilai 0:d brckSandfraseehome on lOasesfUNIQUE LOCATION WITH TROUTPODNieîaîltR 854 2157,, i-, ' sOeoe ad ssso ocadwoosd bssh In 4aasespcpeeiy 50erMilteoneih 1100' leoniage. a 1700 squareSsdJ3015,97 3""Il3131 fSt bungaow with fmlly rSmtire plae, walkou SundayJ ne 17 h01 3 CI11,3 1'on3 r'llesi iha Tueck osa aoiea. Mes Iif osbnoo el Oei oslc isoioibasseent, MILTON GOSPEL Nassaay 035OsdskOiSegiess boadossefiroghos, Sremandeodseafi orseep Vcoeed loi.1.0a- Hsi evc D-se uti scesîs counîcîsîdo Loi usho o 90101 h1Asisg $63.000. Gosd fisascisig.Cal BertLeRoy 870-6988 o01078- ALL P30032 35 Wsrshîp Seofth sseisdav. $51.900. 4129 or 053 2039 336 OtariosSi N, 070 2022 Ch,,ich School 1. 3l'1333 3333ii3î Coiepbelloîls I..,î ie i iC1', iîld Ibvie CARPBELLVILLE VLAEChsiaens aiheresi e its I 1Il 135 amWovohip 3îSevce& 3113333f3ilehaine of ,îEli.3 VILLGE ameofthe Lord JcssChrist ICh,rce Schol l. I,îhCtlr,,îlv II.3Faute Abot1sile ifom 41sftrame and bricbungsalowAfealres 3 1 la33333the isv3l3'31inisMr. Plu 1bedeose, iished receatoise ossesîlis bac, aed 2 bac '- -SidIiOi, the B1113113335333 DR Y Ugarage Loi 19'bv300'. TVoiescaii Becs LeRs 878-6988or 078- 1 LoîdsDy' iirsi3O CU H0F HRS 3313p12 kî,îglîlllldl. and 4 129 oc 853-2059. HRH1FCR TP,k3lstn h' r( EDEN_____VILAGESunday, J330 110h Ns. 5Sldsroad and 4t ilLire 1 1vll' 35.33 $3,000 E lEn foMiLs 3II AEdr 3ilg eneonnc o.Akn 0.30 a se Breakie9 of Trafalgar 3,,333 i01'4is5,3li voîSad h OdOOossie il3bdse K rgaisootsceliAoigBread ' Mîns.er scripiî3îv, l',î10 Camspbell Dv A $ 24.90. Coul Bert LRov878 69000c078412oe853-2059 1215 p35 .So021 SpisOOl Arod Rssselios878.603031 iisvthe 12311 3and NEARACTN G TRIN .00p.m.-Gospel Sevie 3'3333 fileusiess 3013Plas NE00aresAChtone o e o ndsadSra.Akn 9,0.Wedesdlay, f pm -FiOyere3311mad1 e rihe ao and20 -Unace sto015h 5fouse posds aRckwd oni2eae.Asi06.00.asd Bible r5524139 Sosdoy, J une 110h, 191373 ke sale 1 1,3 e isud a(1 the WARRENCRAWFRD 87 -U95 e$11î)(0.sfs er e osfordtsf Oosdoee2reso ASugAilAre Welcosee Ta These 1000 ose.-Bbic Sshooll hui-clionJu3,16 aih53p ni. DWRE RWODo 73 00 00 o esLRpfo eal sieepepocles 878-6988 Servics.s Classes for ait 000es. Maio3n .315s aocîd lise DAN HoT 878-30 cO04129 or 803-2050. JOAN THOMS 877-6342 Weprayy303,13n Chis'$sead, 1.00035 .Moeieg Woeip 31353 ilsh23a.sol adVsisîo 86s1767 be e resossiedtoGod 8.00p..Fceashisg os fIsc h.NSbi ul Oph 0313 tse 86c7 ~~~~Car. 3:20 Gospel.mits ovnr 4 I i I lhs Champi,p MiltnOntWedes do sJue 3,1973 i Real Estate& Insurance P A Z FVsschaeo. BUILDING LOT HMEFRSL 1 A Z L PA G E es w haveone.Locafed !st ort oi f Caepbelisiioniss Box 1147 Listowel, Ontario ~ srfacecorit deaoctionlsforcfront oplithomse.Cal George NACt 6OVEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE CAMPGROUNDS 1sdng wthfildise fif 5 Beautijisi125 ace daicy facm e s-up, nesacieail orkiable Ai Moees5 heTcsfOa3ieadO0epie 1odebusiness svv5ch.s.53 1532554 on Lk crson 5 21 Cod homce, ona 77' ox3Il danedad,lag barn ihse l toiiîs for cs, lus p33oss sCssri, le andBapoîaPiefuhfiespr elEti.Bads '3ý~513 , d - in 1sas.. 346el <0, ,îs brcîk h eoîh ec.ovymder oîs h5h335î03h0 21buildngs are 100-YEAR-OLD SCHOOL ICUSE hai Onstario3 Hydroplan toclose theo hî,n ".' 121 5ho h lî.rp ---rdl , Ied a d are îsoed incapa'kik sstiîgprcCed tsseiîoî Siuated on a hcre, tihs original schfishosepcsvide' 'ne 2102 Thisîs the ohiy h5339etiti1535.îsssoOosk 7000 !h'23 Wsh on y $85,0o0.00. maximu o f hosssmfs fiste ioccîiy. En1sy tlis o ia ag.1 Oeee eset ownc Ailhsid mortgiagefoc the balancCe Coui W2ik 3131basement. Cal aS Aedei 1f20 70 Aig ,riSm csswifh bcsadiooesand ah fepace,2 F1.lcpIs spacioss faseiyroose and den on fthe main fisc Aifth a22piece 100 ac highseay faces. esaciy ail sociabis issel land, 2 barnso foc added Essefocf. Upsfoico 555cR are 4large bdc00ms. ThePatio doosoff 5disg 15555315o n oosdconedifion sehish ae sfable foc pigsorxcbeef saisis, sasiser ls 45x51f,comepiee wifh ficepiace, dcessingeossseîDoube dss ocin etac iagesfecli isp. shed, 4 bedeoses brick homee eifh 2 baihs. ThIssand easc00e facilif les. Focresoce Infocmatilon bali:tAltIarge calAyI facs msts be seen fo bc apprciafsd. Desoil LaArecee878-9543. Large Gacage, paved double Calil KenSchilinig i.519-2f1-2048 csea 287 ace hog sfset-p ocafed os good h ioisay, OfA Isufafed h ob noses Home-Loveiy 014 brcbk iomesos Maie S.I i.ltn eice$500 bacne40 xf9, ix isl, ewHesacsoscio 0 20,pif silo 30 wAih 5 opacisee and 7 cosse A iidge and sîovecIn ail L-E>ce tiet 5.05Og 11,mp. shed, esicell i oseOi entaid. afaciseoss. The 3 apaciseseis and 7 osses arecosspieieiv acrangemenss o,,olabIi CalilDase Simepson i-519-291-3458 fscsished, 00111 cealise yo03e 12 percenosiOsy033c lecseei. Phsone focr ficc le ifocmaion.eoil Lawrecse8 78.9543 PHONE 519-853-1199 2 14 ascdiySpealssoi i skbelsiss Atacive Lots-oosied by buiidso. sho kill build the hosfsnx1 pased coad, 4 sal il ikiog parlir, hoding bacs 132 x 52, pipe yu ram o or Oadprc.BRIi0ifiiTONiEîOAilTY o iifsl fie iiker cEas bik cooiec, 2 ss 16 x140, 20 x70, 3bedcoss dessoocîs s eb.'5Lî'.îî ...... brick homes siih smodenconeeienes. Lait os focgoosd far creaaos. 1Issasclate 3 bedrosse bungaowAose2acce, setlretCnioe rmPg Calil fosg Hasilton i-51f356-2558 FOR FRIENDLY INFORSMATION AND I oea 5 oc uliegise FFicpace and vire celacr ace j255sonnes 'iiof ioef'g

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