_ .0 ~ .- Il 12 ITa Champion, Milton, Ont., Wdnsday Jon6 1973 n a ~ fl~f$ AUDITORS' REPORT ce MILTÔN DISTRICT To: The. Mombers of Councli, hhabtonts ont0, HIGH SCHOOL Mitn e REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBERf1973 09.haveccoamMed theal9l2050sOl aloatets Of The Fin THE OLLO ING Cerarlis sf800toe f Multe and its local bord, mich are loSont.alobdldso. 0cr soamInstion lecloded àoFe 1. INSTRUCTIONAI. ASSISTANTS ganeral raien of theaccutig procdur;and soch tests of ta. Th95:llusnr:,lhlsiun9r4îacourI.no recurds and t ber sopporlin eudienco as w n To asist tacher in te folowinqareascnsducd nc9yi6e c15umsianses. i laomun m,,nonus- Esgli 6bFrench,, Ocd:,g In or cpinior thbeln inoncial stlonenlo presoni Ioi,-iy thbn e lbi Social Scieces-isory, Gegrapby. Sciology finan ci-i psition ot Tbe Corpration othIe Ton f Milton and Ta ici Stdent ActiviiesoPtysicol Edocation and Ocration il oaords .st December 31.1972 end toc rluits of tber (d) Stdents SrIces-Goidonce and Otfice Duties opertons for .tbe ýycr toue ended. In accordance mitb c. Part imieor tl timo opplicontomwill Sa considsred. Preference otin0pricip.iesgnsrally accepted tor Otario TO iii he ioen lut appliconîs mitb suloabîne parionce. monicipalitico appliadon ào Ssîsconsistetnt mith ftbatof tbe 2. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ASSISTANT prcdn ir Signed) McGiiiiray & C. Tis pnsonwIýIlasist in oraiicoaàrnoolartfomtfor 13,rtrsd Accontnts tudns consislieg ot speakers ram tbs community, films etc. City Toronto Dts Mrcb 19, 1f73 3. SUPERVISION AIDES Licence Nomber 4565 Tftnan employens iii ave gecerol superoianry dtins on a ful imie or part tume asis. NOTES TO G For tortbnrinformatlion andlto arrange an interviewdonnOtbe PINANCIAL STATEMENTSM ncsb o Joncliltb to itb, apply In etit ing slatino .ncpariscn sdocational acroundcc, 10 tbs atentior f' . CHARGES FOR NET LONG TEOM LIAILITIES U MR. R. C. HUNTER. oacoasoteeroselntilaiiisno Mlot District HigOt Schoof, 1flos 396 Wiliums Asenoe, Principa payments 110,279 P Milton, Ontario. stint11,2 878-2839 4266 Go toe total chargeu hocon abese, 134,795 mas paid ron tbe U 68. CAMPING EQUIPMENT geea eeo f tbe nunicipality nd ls incloded In SALES POSITIONS ARE e:.pa.dIturre-cl-ass-lfled odn thc appropriate tonctionol p edissanden amoOnt ot 0149,36M as recccred ron thesi AVAILABLE ON A DENNI'ON TRAILER municipl eterprises for mich thc rlatsd net logt tn l FULL.TIME BASIS RENTALS 2BSSO CONSOLIDATIONT Wc Boy, Sou & Rent d6 oadtcd Balance Socst reflects theceosants ond o sctceinnce necesry. lio.bl=Itie brevenuesfunld. thecapitol fond onuail ere pasri nost brn TENT TRAILERS tonds o tOn monicipalits. The essarts and lioilities o ay pl.sapyi esn N.7Hy. l erxBvcd. 'local bords of tba nonicipality boue sot hast consolidatd. Ptsoan appi n pnrsueo m. creBwn .. 1971 igurssase een resttad, obers ncssary to compît GnretW itb, 1972 disclosore reqorements of the Deprtetent Ot CANADIAN TIRE Muncipal Attirs.d 49 Main St. E. 877-5158 3. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVEREO IN FUTURE Miltn, Ot.48-C-n VEARS C 42tnOt c67 ___________ Sons capital otiay does sot represant o burden on oenerolp 426 cins sieor hrd tolnt mnicipal reenes,s Itisto be rcoerd Intfturenyeors P iroilO t. n . lc3ithubrer lion oîner sorces: LEAR TO sîcu, snS.o7.o So, dihes. Spesiai uharges on hsetfittIng landoners Iopproo.I $131,189 DRIVE TRACTOR sce,reIcls and.conrs. Mnicipal eterprises 457,58a TRAILERS Aa,lObIe mnc.klur r thIs 588,47 Non yo con train rgt bre 6C-074.5AILT FRVS2195KLAV ENFT nr Canada) AcccnriSdation 4 IBLT O ETDSCOLAEBNFT osdcpcse p~d bE 1NT Trierb ond truck caps U tder b1sik lance hensbit pion, onoanu sick lance con î troining! Toton tac toi sories., wms 7Wes, acooltanu emploiees moy ecome enîtiticuto acasb dedutihiel For application jGeonîson 11515 or 017 peinent wben bhey lasse tho noniciplitys cnpioynent.1 and interview, rte. nt 5105. Thelioiity fti Ibeacconolotad deys, 10 the etont fbt 1 SatetrOnpartnSs 60B18-7111 Ies havecested and coldhsetoken in cashbhyen employon TRANS CANADA CAMi tu, cnly uond S3rchrors. o 'rnnaIs,oncuntdtos$2900 atteend otthersor. As 878 9843.anoont o 4,626 bas ees proolucu for Iis past service TRANSPORT TRAINING 6i8903 bOO815 iahiiIItrndos repartad on the Cnalidtcd Balance Sheet. 5oVte316, 2071.Queensoouay Wnsi TGL00LNG Cmip trroer, 5. NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES Toronto 1,7, Ont. Sielos 24.54 9846 6 8 Total uogtern iaiitiessIncurrnd hr tOc moticipaliti ond 66005 ousIandino at thesend othe reor onount tb $2,a41,107 or Coui:41608649301O the long tr1cmlioil Ities otstondino, tOn respansibilIlty 9r 42c66 69. FINANCE pynent ot principal ond Inîelt cargessbas becs ssunsd 43. EMWYMENTWANTEDh ers tor apriccipal amoont ot _2__9 43. EWPORK NTWNNEW Net luntein IibilitIessttbsstdOftbynOr f51,54I 0,17 $10.0 a da, TrZs 111I-ýnANALYSIS 0F REVENUE r..oirfd .4Pons Dcr 831 tb A TES For thc ysar ended DeCember 31, 1972. 43. lst and 2nd 1972 1t72 1911 62. DAY CANE MBGA E udget Actuel Actoal 000010E bbSitter,. AU Saisv.cn Wtb MItgrits TAXATION nesdass ocît, 95 n nyon D.MB.A.Mumhnr Relîr - ResidsoltIaloand fom 792,062 64,81110 home.878-4942. Cmmercialndindustriel 3614 331,174 62c66424 I 9% -itW. itr 06 A1LLoioée do crein 's icrin UP TO90S VALUATION Business 13,15 141, 41 9 Speciol ratestor noter oti 2 -Combine sf nd 2sd. 1 Spadial charges 19,2022 _15,071 or more ch idren 51678610 -Poy aol yor bhiS. .IO21,. JO1,27023,. 1,12,552 62c6 99 -Combine deoMs. CONTRIBUTIONS PROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS AVILL baby 't ore schoci -Bildoboolose. cr114,en in ryou n me Adtifarmon. Parmants isliuootatoc Mus e tolIt trastd Oi878 Mrtasto l Canada 2,900 2,756 2,902 4578.0dM Ia ro 1 1Cacada nterprias 666800 CALL: Ontaro 450 450 441 a RNPOTTON 4OB YNOLDS Onarionterprises 2,125 2:202 2:125 63 RNFRAIN INCOME MORTOAGE -Î,475 7,812 0w IDE mnttd bntoeennila.- SERVICES Canad ad 1p- iloltomDnirs ROad flu Oakulln bsp toI c (E' sAisiIs Adilno c0V01 30R Vfl ) Gotrloa 4070 aller 5 pm 63c60814 527-4557 Hlamilton Pr copito 47.050 47,6800 3,550 I MIcIsg miIpality W0106 LeoorS g uni or L-s (9 a.m.-.5 p.m.l Procincioi-mounicipal empîcymant Gonîpery d lr7:3U6tc tI inceIvc progro - 1971 72 31 G.tto ic n 61-phL ico&sRssidcntl lPropertr Tac neuri.cot4435 Oit 62Redoction 12,8 040 70. LDST OR STRASCO spcific Roadmoays 45,000 70,611 65,009 $7. TUITION LADIES bron noalîni, ics,15 Cossrcolion of Oalth ci CroconReOstrant, onai l fore assistance sluobIe aPrs. cemrd, 78Asistance to cbldran MOLLIE McGRÈGOR 251 Rcretion 6,000 6.000 5,682 70C6830Cotorol f&oiles SOHOOL 0F DANCING : 71. FOIINO LIque Licence Act 2000 2,35 02005 onîcipaltita >ueO y oad Rabot 0-M MTER REVENUE caemessdparmlfo f9.40 sonts, conessiaonsaend c&chiss 2,45 Service charges 3,192 Pealtiesoend intnsest on cioontonCousny Noie 1,00 SwrReniols 20,000 anx Wnite-otîs Ouovcrsd -W,9-67 OTAL REVENUE 1,457.660_ 8,737 0,411 37230 12.007 2450 1.4M9 M07 1.443 3,M 3.317 13,695 14.507 340 1 17817 20:2108 131()89 11,442 -i4, 155 67,181 ANALYSIS 0F EXPENDITURE For fis yeat soded Decenster 31,1972. 1972 1972 f971 Budget Actoel Adooel o o s 6ENERAL ODVERNMENT dIeonhasot cionuil 12,800 13,900 12,000 anteral administration 61.000 66,024 20,713 .inclassifîcd 96.064 t9,818 01,352 170,664 179,752 145,065 PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fme2,718 20,716 18,750 Police 163,773 161,504 136,511 protectice inspactions Streetliigbting 20.000 50,168 24,591 UncIossiflOd 20,927 20,937 20,046 230,420 253-,207 193,0 PUBLIC mORES SIdewalks4,2 4,705 4,70 : Roadmoys 1431048 140,472 104.207 Roodnay cleonitte Tranfic control Drainage Unciossified 19,161 19,161 14.00 160.934 16-4,2306 123,121 SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL Sonitaryscnersystsmn 122,142 120,620 136,52 Garbaga collection ond disposai 54,075 54.10 21,120 -i7-6,217 174,cl lth CONSERVATION 0F HEALTM Pubic nealtb sersiceo Poblic OcoîtO Isspact ions Hospital tees and prernIons Gronts t10 public bospitais Uncîossitiad SOCIAL AND PAMILV 1ER VICES Generai assistance Assistance t0 ogcd parsans Assistance to cbildren Day nurseries Unulossiliad RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Parks ond rtcreeition 62,123 59.84 53,8: Librories 24,400 22,017 27,1 otber cultoral taclilties Unoiassitied 2,130 2,10 2 COMMUNITY PLANNING ANO DEVELOPMENT Planningoandozoning 7,300 7,30 s7, Urban rensmal Isdostriel docnIopment 9,432 a,928 16,8: _77w- 16,2-2e 133i FINANCIAL EXPENSES lntcreston tsmporary orromîng i Discount on toces Provsios for allomances 12,000 5,344 t,: Provision fornreserse tond 1,500 1,500 i.: 12,500 6,844 3A ElenenTIOsphN 6,3 separalo 27,234 Sacondory 231,905 Usisersities ond collages _ 523,870 Ragion or county -shr of---- expenditore 1 07,220 lcesin dcterrcdrenu Local Improusmenîs - Oak- ville1,725 ooatervorks 11,244 TOTAL 12909, EXPENDITURE 1,507,247 ANALYSIS 0F A! us ut Oncember 31 Recenes Capita Fond Fond CASH 19,643 18,642 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ober gousrmntts Canada Ontario 27,969 151,218 5 Municipal i Contr ,9 27754 32,478 24,100 245, 400e 5i49-,255 722420 1,725 1,725 A 11:244 1.352 12T97t 3,32 1,554617 1.419,980 SSETS 1, 1972. a1 Reserse TotalG 1 Fonds s 3 4 S o s 2 S5,.542 930827 la 179,207 1 6697t Mdr Jazzoo,31 12,4 3,5 Coidren S. Adot Casses O EGISTE ccc Sant Bernard1 -Tag.iglad oinleFonuci ro1, .- 78 MICTION SACLES 7. UM SUS9J 5 78. AUCTION SALES BaudetopHgln ont' ru pas for d & tend.8CARTAE, MOVSN idto. 878-9788 8t802425. 71ct6902 MAS db Pcbtpruck wmlido Cre h'tecin STUDIO, MILTON LEGION pms, cloccc.,ýass.r.Bes, o dsbbîsh ininscohl Cil anose T MiL Thrs. Afrnons&ILEvenings tscbla rp ckc JM, Dn s C"clshlo Cli4 S307ct05 Polit icCr Onsi 71c60850 76. TENDERS SAT. lUNE 9th STARTING 10:30 A.M. ICando's largaot o nd bts O Sommer Music Lessons 72. ANTIQUES TO BE HELO AT WATERDOWN MEMORIAL PARK tat.wElrySnd8yHQ1-1 Regisini not or cESscISO and reiVishinio ENER 4V MILE NORTH 0F NO. 5 HWY. (WATERDOWN). China, Frniture, Etc., Etc., Piano. Vioin,Go,it tourntre. Eoprtly dcoic ff878ta S.Accordon 205ROO nom cossisling ot Partial contentsctfaran Atique store,.arial DR lr 72c6421 sJI stock ron hardware store, pisao mall saes nt large -Remerse Spoce Nemi1 g Phone: 078-4287 Salsu tenders midressed to enoogb 1r ccnplte soin, asd dOn ntemo 6.0 67ci ASV1,ISOE,,ooînot droertOc otention o tOn admiSis Partial lsi onIy: Pîno dry sisb, modesn sereno thO Geriord On Hamilton-Guelph ji. lnt,,hUI 4 ncy an iooa trator, Mr. S. A. Allen, 165 changer.,naders coffen and Imo end tables, 9 plae modesn Hmy. 6, 12 mlless. of 401 726.2Ontario Sreet South, Mlton, dinisaronm suitenlibossu-1s120.00 ne, rondtable and 410 tu 101b-4 34 U. CAMPING EQIIPMENT Ontario or the repair of chairs Iie noni, sps moober drysr, mini-bibo, smoli corser1-8101--5936 74 AuCAsIONEsa. S 'ofing aI Mitas Coteniai pice cophooard. tabn sans. planer, 6 natoOlto prse hock 78-c-t cc.OSo54654Masar ill ho rcciucd p ta chairs, 2 orooght Iran tables, anisdios of Brss asd copper AE TALK A LOT FOR FOR RENT 12 =on Friday, Jonc 22nd, paces,eectonf ne rgs,7lcecsdit Itoroomsuiteoid bcds VOUR BEST PRICE -TENTTRAILERS SAOOLE BechbJonc 0h to 1973. and dinsonis, rocklng chairs id rstIisttad masO stand 21 t JoIy, 41h of Aogust ta esd ciictosod eurp ftaI inn oih Isbd aple cOesb af draniers, Chestrfield "ODE" AUCTIONEERING APACHE HARDTOPS ditocaston.uoosekcep c or os boadsedert 0' udir.ockrcoune ogolgodOuctottgaso Aso smoîînr traîders ta suit ctages. bon Sience 878-s.Ad461r5, c ftco 15China, Nippon, O.S. Grmasy. etc., blanket bx, gos stock ANTIQUES A SPECIALTY salecasM ilaon, Ont. 7c7.39 dOniraicSronofice,185 chairs, Iran beus ibO braso bsobs, astique roll top desk to be Generai Sales loetor any tender miliiot reansenhbIedi,dohbIecottinsntOI bed, crssd toptrosk. coiI il VARIETY CAMPING 75. CARTAIE, MOVINI ncesarilt be accsptcd. amps,png-pongotable,aval mapi mirrordrY5tIchandelier, Alan Odonbach 76b6 ad gromopbans. 5 HP. riding bown mamer. 2 paner lawnc rdoo&uedAc nmcrn ail is gond conuuton.DucanPOybo table and 4 chairs .Gaut iesdAc TRALES good hopai tpe recorder (nemi, nom scrsen door5. lonser TRIES BLAKELOCK CARTAGE I&. AUCTION SALES 10nre are uturedsofa mors Items to chose f ram. tis Is a 878-2945 538 ronts Rd. brMreGfieAobetlange soie tbers s somstisg ton conryone. MILTON, ONT. frH m us fies-Aarm For Complte dAyone mthO e ois oosaki tems ta consios brlsg ta, Park 70 o27-865 ov- Saturdoy mrnisg beors 10 A.M. 7c Afin S5p.m. and nscbends for Ligt Isdotrioi uinoO Servxfice Lunch Aalabis 68 t r omecalDlielePrbs Bord or Actionasr not responsubietoi asy accidents. WadBonie fa-t or Cmmrial ovileds Cri .ScotnJIM MCCARTNEY & LcneAcise TENT traiter, sienstous forurlocounsgx, AUCTIONEER iedAutoir 29iiettiI05 ipn.78 Dsasus Saleso aliltypes CHRIS SCHOUTEN Frm-Llccstock 68c@-75 for Coreosherice and PornilrSales FOR SALE. 1971 Pom rnoit oOts Slsodctdenn.ACINESPhono 878-6130 Stanrutpîch trur Caîl 878-5222 To. 878-2576 co toissscncIce ba ox, n7k R.R.23,Milton, Ot. 6891778 Appralsls- Ai Typasi stoapa 5ctf7ltf704.7k- LOCAL BOARDS AND OTHER PUNOS I.&i -rcnmcolftds2»50 Mn' M0,19 ANTIQUE MARKET Hydr-atacftlc 149W014,M THIS SUNDAY JUNE Ara"aboard 3120 3130 1iOH GOer. off an deductlflg allomOncolfAT far doobtiOl accaunts STANLEY PARK, 17.003 25.745 42.748 RNOT 72,239 151,2106 39917 133,274 EIOT ItîernaI ,i di m mail m$ On Higbnay No. 24 2,520) ( -T- (124,172) S26,692)I0.00 a. M. to 5: 00 p.. 69,719 51,21 25,745 246,682 Fe diso TAXES OECE) VABLE 78b49 Tanes, afinr dedoctlng allownca ALREGIS for oncoltectoble taoes 102,262 102,262 AUCTION SALE ProprtyOacq2ired for taoes, affer deductIno allomancê for for lues on sale- MRS. G. PARSONS, 1011w -102,262t R.R. 5. GEORGETOWN, OTHER CUORENT ASSETS Cooc. 10 Loti1, lnuettoetts, ai cosl Erin Townshlp. allnatad Rd. (markcet clueS e n 1Canada SAT. J U NE 9ut 12:30 I Provnciailushl4 placs FMunicipal - w ushlaplnc, -096cr 40.000 0000 torniture, stereoeeveral ood Invntoies etcos 1,55 ,,5.5bardyman bools, plan t lstriftco 155155attend ibis sale. 41,555 41,555 ALPRED R. SPENCE. Internait ond elieinations iL i î) îAUCTIONEER, 41,555 41,555 R0 ..5, Georgetown Total crnent usantes 233,179 169,860 01,207 44,320 11. FO I ENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TO 0E RECOVEOED IN6PRESTIG torc se nAdos. FUTUgrE eauncialAir conditioninu and beatiog Fr9 aeri4îcpiinciiooad as oel os risata -revenues 2,446,857 2,44,057 ond public ascroonis. Wii Frmspca chagsud - reti1or 2 sites orombined. The Drainage Acf hn 5-17 co )9 Te Local Improcament At 13:0ý9 131,189 OIbaf.1629 Tb. Municipal Ac (Sc. 3621 ELECTOIC ot mater HOtetrs The ie Dtainage Adt mth free service. Phone Prom mooIipoi aterprlsessMiton ydro 8012345. Wtermorlcs 447,5U0 447558 c1110614f Transît1,000 *G OU zi& AVAILAUE OTHER LONG 10060 ASSOIS oDstocmo aî c LonoInnrncisaiesyong gentlemon. 550 Main St. TOTAL ASSETS 232,1ff 3,205,464 01,207 351993f0 Mlo 7 64 268 _____ 13. NMS, SORD ANALYSIS OP LIABILITIES . WANTED os aI DeCember 31, 1972. YOUNG mas seenitio rm and board in CsmebelliieO&ra. Revenue Captai Resrce Total 5402814. Po2 Fnd Pond Foeds B367f7 17 1 2 3 4 60 ,0TEMPOOARY LOANS 100,113 io i3 1THE MAVEAIR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AN62SOTOOSRE 63 ACCRUEO LIAOiLITIES M8ton eTAOTaRETma Dlbnr gooernments Maltnstra etoApre no 20 Canada tran sxona MItres roc room, M Otario fe ana I ere.ron Municipal ifroc bobby room.irse parking. Pi nase se tha on9 Local ords and otbsr tonds Sopaintendsnts. Intrtatnds - revenue fond 2,520 2,520 MRiRl SfGE 20 _capital fond M.MSSIGE 100 -reanros fonds 3,5232820,649 284,172 Apt. Iloor - Watermorks 635906350O ,417 oer f1:f50 333,156 ,257 4836 CAIL 878-4648 159,063 6,325 -,257 770.645 i Sc tt einins 3,523) 23,161t1J4L£-. 1692) APARIMENTS 155,5460...Jfl.33t 3,257 49L953ub1 OIMER CUROENT LIABILITIES vlae Dotsrred rsuenoe 920 920 Adoîts Only Prom $130 and 0145 montbly. TOTAL CUR RENT _____-1-36-69 =57 _ l n Adton. Ahone Inciodes ail .IABILITIES E h 5 5220 327 1495,00otilitIns, colonS oappiIOscs NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES dropes asd holccny. Daneral municipal octiuities 1,022,45 10,2 C N8305 Municipolienterpriano 545,702 _______ ,-56M, 127 r 5 -27 and- internaI tosdeliminotionsI i i i ACTON 853-2003 8kc-tf RESERVES AND RESE0I/E FONDS 2nO0Maaîet 41»ZIB D 2202TAD trs ouse,outsidc Miltcn, OCCUMULATED NET REVENUE ocoiobn J15AND05 av GNPLE CPTL RECEIPTO koi Soarune 31,601 21,:601 :0NE OD DMapariment, Speoicl charges 1,72081720 Mol in StE AppIly sî1rogînlo molo: Opeciai Aeas 870-3200 on 078-5212. 8c. Police Villagcs es680 uNE OEDOOM oporînent i -ne« oailelectrin building. Free Accomulad net revenue __ u ndergroond porbino. (detiolti 3,32 3 3,39 O iaobn i m mndioleln,, t Lnapplicdocapital r.ceipfs 17,09 899____ oopied by Jono 15. bit TOTAL 31,228 mo t etIrae.854-2540. TOTA _____________ _______ 51.2085C6 894 LIABILITIES ..Jfl01t...5L2L .MAd2 L.2E. 0 EDROGM Basement 77c6 onontnient scpaOlc ntroscn. inclcohatondbsydrc, frig 78.AUCIONSALS Se. MTES Te lENT and stove.o ch6ildren cr pets. AUCTION SALE frigadlonger bars. 678. HEATEO aparlmet in tor UWco 750 inciodes 1 bedrunni, bolb ACCOMODAION or amll Immdiae pussession. phone CLIFF GRACE aI 4 reqoircu, hagInnino Aug- Acton 853-1147. st, 1,most alion 2 bittens. 027- 85b49-7620 lob ,beu he10 fr_ Loti0. 4onfiernép.m. - 2 0ED000M aparînnent. Cc.7on f10e 790 Lins 2ORDO32bedroun ntonisbOd Esersîbico inclouiedS150 a Iîafigr Road) Of hosnin Mil1tntoi 2orore nnlb h.Clcse10odolto«n EsqussigaTmp. - 4 miles 0.90. sars 878-5702 otler 5;30. " arno. 878 4363. OScO 022 on 0YOUN responsible tam L op narînent040 onb urgent un reqoireo r c rtmencboues oppuionsoolltco bcdrocm hcne, rcososable brcoudIccnpi oncesdrapies. TUESDAY EVENING, lent, reerenceo aallabIe. Avolabîc Jone c ldCcii870 a7-02 oco s, 9070 aller S P.M. 056 79 lUNE 12 at 6 P.M. oACHELOR aprrieit by Jupe OmNE eortciom :2:i:2en FORD8N racor go Plile ierp.ala7-2479. parking, stoon, trio. beot & order osailoble iminnnitely0878 Fcllomisg Ford Fcrguson 3 O RR 643. 85c6-846 etopet- HIracbs. 2 tfr,.pIon. pullydouble PASTURc torrlent. Gond fnr 0cenrcfre parinient, dIsc. Cultinator. circuler sOa, ces, rnnng mor. 078.9828 centro atterarbppinoOsaI,02 d1 tscoop. grader bMode. Olc6 824 h rlle lr opplîO87040824 AS MM spreader; sprayni panr oer5 l. MICINSLES 18. AIICTION SALES cul ; lombcr ' Irrigation systam mh04 H. %AlscossIn :6 o=or -snoels112W itof MEADOWVIEW AUCTION CENTRE plsi ieu c 1,.Smnail furitra& sul mai oue- ROCKWOOD, ONTARIO hold Itemn. Evnry Frtduy EVening ut 7:00 p.m. TERMS CASH Ne reanrue A goos entien of Astiques and Ooonebold Itans tOus menb Farm ald alosg mltb Antique ond Good Usad forsitors. Not responsîble f or accidents Cmsigsmstts wcîcao. Rockmood 856-4272, Guelph 8247519cor M3-9872. MAX STOREY., Rockmood, AoctIone«a. BRIAN E. HILL f 7&b-49 AUCTIONEER 7a449 L ~91/ 1