Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1973, p. 5

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Nous. league teams IIst couches, players d ti 1 ti BURLINGTON'S NEWEST GOLF COURSE, tise Lowvile Meighs Golf aub, wao officially opened Sturday by owners Mfr. and Mro. Gudgeon. Tise firot nine hotes are ready for play and thse remnaining nne will open tater this year. All tise botes are named fer old communities in thse Burtington-Neloon area and tise two sections of tise course Firemorks, oalbarbecue, 0usd concert and froc nimming re some oth1e evetu Oit iii ho prt et un expanded Dominion : ay celelratton in Mtotn, memern otîhe Milton Facho and Recrotion Committes ugceod unSt mou. The lbord losa usoolly tged a iremorks is tptuy utCenteoutat Park, oser the mitt1pond und iin yeor i mon nogested the pngrom ho expuode inctode ahbrbiecuein 'Rotary Park, the oficiel openiot ot the nom bidisg there ond froc nmlm- ming in the Csmmuity Fout tht day. CooncilOuns and members of othe r hords and committees itt le sked to usist io the osent if they are ugrocale. Conittor Jies Kerr ms named to1 heud the ceelrtion. Naine supersisera The Bord conirmed ap- pintesent o 10ntffpoiton it icO Hendricknen a kprs upervsnor ud he e l na prgrum sopervisor-necretut'y. M.Hendrickootan hud eerat yeurn enperience in porin maintenance ad Minn K0y in a grudute ot MohamkO ollege in receotion. Se. Witton it ho retrsing an playgroond noperoinor, Ann Rohlitas pout sopervtnor and Lou Ans Lyndeons day camp sopervinor. The recent nnoucemet of tmo oth in Action fronts for the Recretion Committee hon utno espusded emptoyesent op- ptrtunities for those mhoshud applied for poitions. Tue 1,400 grant wmut ho for u progrum mth returded yoongters und 1e $2,400 gront mttt ho fora truvelling playgeoud progrum. Tmo ord meouers mre uked to lvestigte o reotornt feses 10 residentso f Kingoetig Court sking tht the poptoe trees ringingthe prlioct domn.Tlio pettin ooted the trou roosn mre com-tia ogp in hck yrds musy ft ofsm 1e ku a nd moktog grdening dffricultt Bunke MoNeIlîtand the pochodirector ere 10 iew the itotion,ad nolimit a recommendotion to the hord. are named for Sierwood and Wilmott, thse surveyors wo irs surveyed Netson Township. Above, Mr. and Mr. Gudgeon took on as Oakvile Reeve Atian Masson and Burtington Councittors Pat McLaugistin and Roty Bird tee off. Betow, part of Saturday's opening crowd is pictured near tise pro sisop. (Photos by R. Downs) Plant frout à A etter from the Minastry ot Ntoul Resorces poited ou1 aO brouk trot had heen plantodt in Cetenniat Park Mil ond ont Aprit 2., Tue etter indicuted more odho oadded ater if Oey 'Wre imni- lueuBoarduagreed to co-oprate ih Oe MinorA" Pas Weei Optimintn mhosmon the att-j Ontrio hockey chomnpionship la providing indiidut teophies for1 Oie 13 toes nemhet'n.1 Jim Starain ooglt soggotioou on bhaoth5e Miton Climhr of Commerce, for sitahte tocationn for bicycle rackn. Locationsnin CentenniltParki and Rotury Purki ere nggested. Toue buffdng 1 Prior 1010he mottg memliens oth 10Bord toure the nom biding nder contruction t Rotary Park. Architeot R., Trayaor poited ot feturen and memhora aoted the truoster of poot opertiof eqipmeet mon ondermuy from Oe hoement o Oie former buolding tSan aovoe- g round toction la the aem buidig. Workoappered Sa ho poressnag fasoralIly a d i a hipeOiMu2tdediae for competion of OLiprjeçt and Sa atm ration of 1e poo, muld ho me. G"espite the al, Grry Moctins and two stodento fcom the Ontario Soliuet for the Geut were as present in Rotary Forki teopresest tlree new pionic tulles 10, Oie Sourd. The tbles ore in appreciation 1u the town for the friesdty retotionship wliich enistn hutmeep Osoun and scoelo. Councittor Art Meta non se- oepte thfe tablesn he gottlfOf h Oourd and tsoted Smo ot them msutd lie tooated in Cestenniol Park. A format resototion of oppreiation mon atso oudorned hy the boord. Faise calarm A tire ut u Mooain i.home Thoesday home tornedottu1 leua fumse ulares colt und firefiglitees ihink somcprunhoicermighl lie irying to putl Iheir ieg. Firetighters remiod pranstees 10e penty for iingtyluesing iafutn utrm i0 0p 10 imo yeocs inprison. The Milton birigode ulso ai- lendeit severat minor tires in the ft sltweek. Toesdayeveningu cor ire mas reportrd in Nunageyu, the naime niglit o hedu ouyParki cughlt ire, on Wednenday o tire mus set in a nohotlious shetter on Wother's Line in Borlington, and on Friduy amisse tiremons reported in a gun ute a Cottage Deticotenseo. NOTICE BOYS Requires for 1973-74 Season (1)@Oum moWpm3NT ROON CUSTrODIAn For Safrdoy murnin Apply lnu mefiln bpJue20, 173 ta: Jfack Dulmstra Mifton Minor Hockey Secretary, 360 Broadway Sreet Milton, Ontario. I ~ ~ 2 ClpnftI o mm ercil S t . Muilnr 818-521 Clersens - Optimisto Rotary -Legion Mocooig - OptOoosts Rotary -Clemento tegion - Optimists Ctements -McCuaig Opoimists -Rotary MoCuaig - Rotary Clemento -Legion Opthmstt- Ciemeoto Legion - McCuig Rotary -Optinists McCoaig - Cleisents Legion -Rotary Optimists - McCuaig Optimass-Leeon Clemens -Rotary Rotary - MCuaig Legion -CtemenOs MoCui - Optimisto MoCoaig -Legion Ciemento - Gptimists Rotary -Legion Optiminîs - Rotary Clemeols -McCoalg Legion -Clemento Mon. Jue10 Wed. Jue 20 Fni. Jue 22 Mon. Jue 25 Wed. Jue 27 Fri. Jue 29 Mon. Joty 2 Wed. July 4 FriJotyt6 Mon. Juty 9 Wed. Joly il Fri. Juty 13 Mo. Joty 10 Wed. Joty 18 Fni. Juty 20 Mon. Joty 23 Wed. Joty 25 Fni. Joty 27 Mon. Jly 30 Wed. Aog 1 Fni. Aug. 3 Mon. Aug. t Wed. Augi 8 Fr .Aog. 10 Mon. Aof. 13 Wed. Au. 15 U.S.W. - G A.W. Maios -Riohardoon Etotey -U.A.W. Marins - U.S.W. Richiardusn- U.A.W. U.S.W. - Elsley I.A.W. - Marios Elotey - Mariou U.S.W. -Rchiardson U.A.W. - U.S.W. Richardsono-Elsley Martue - .A.W. Etotey - 1.W. Richaordoon - Marios U.A.W. - Elsley U.A.W. -Richiardsoo 1.0W. - Mrnos Marins -Elmstey Richardson - U.S.W. Elstey - U.A.W. Etley -Riohardson 1.W. - .A.W. MrotesRiohardson U.A.W. - Marios 1.W. -EOsley Richiardson - U.S.W. Chamber publishes 10,000 directories mresnwdirectory and qoîck farts boktet has bous pobliished and is nom asailabie toc residenta and visitors to the ton. The hoobiet lts indostries, retil outts, governisent of- fices, cubs and organisations and other pertinent details ahout taciliies availabie in the tomn. Copies oth1e directory buse bees circolae olth1010Olad seriisers and other hosesses i iown.Eacb odverîlser received 100 copies of thc hookiet. tna l l0,00 ee pritedadcopies of the drectory are usitahie from advetisero, Miton lirury, tomn bal, Milton pot office, or the Ha ion County administration ecretary-matnager of the Chamber RonHarris eocoragedt any business peopewmOs may bave iadoertently been omiied rom 1e bookiet 10 contact bîm so corrections col0 lie made in ftur,.editîons oth1e dîrectory. Il spianneolto10 hoan ana poticatioO. Windows ut school broken Ahot 0400 morth of indoms ti Hoy Rosury School, Martin S. ere smashed hy vanda laIe Sonay nght or orty MondOY morolaf. Miltos Poiceuare investiguting. ln Klibride Tire f Ire "inonsenseut "115 ljuat a lot of nonsensee," Milton Ftre Chter A. E. Cement laims. Monday evening vadalamithua marped senseof humornset fire to oaleo tires on a bridge in iFbride. If their somemhat onnul Victoria Day celehratton pleuseit spectotors, it certainiy dido'tthrithe 10members of the Milton Fire Geponoment mho liod to respond tothe aiarm and put out the btaoing pyre. tI think there shoold ho a remard otfered, Chiet Ciement suid "TOut tire cont 1he tao- payers aI ieast 0100'" The chief noted 1he brigade mas cailed 10 1he Kiihride area fise or six limes last Halisme'en 10 extîngoish similar fines. "Itîs coatiaf the rotepoyeru a lot of muaey 10 hase on truipse ot thene tor tOut Olnd of o lire,' 0e suîd. Hard Mopie is thc main mood oscd for homling pins. J. R. Curneo OPTOMETRIST BU R tfNGTON MALL TELEPHONE 6M-7788 È 'J,.SO' FUNIUR. cn Iic.. 2à131 MI T ITNP.8838 Houue fougue l n « u- opTIMISTO CLEMENT PAINT AND fermay tenMiltos Monu mth Cu alc: Oup Oates, (Q. WALLPAPER oa games ia action aiut osn e leiss. Coches: arias Nevins, PartS. The foltumtag ta Sotint1 of Ptuyeru: T. Coeman, D. Cttrie Mlcock. te Oive "A", teugue and tfi ie Clarkie, D. Bouffitos, B. Kenall, Players: D. Morton, S. Reed, r-Bas tearns tttat il aie Prt . Boston, T. Nevios, M. Corliett, M.ttorsisg, P, Coassa, M. his season. ., Wright, . Tieleoans. R.l'ano, S.OBlar,.DG Riddell, D. 0ales, G Nsbel, G. Sou, 1) Kembolt' Brown, J MoLod, "A" LEAGUE Simon a nd o. Rygersberg J, Hobley, M. Badley, D Oodgson and J. Galipeao. MsCUARG INSURANCE LEGION ROTARY Coaclies: Aes Rolerts, Coaclies: Gtens Turner, Mike Coches: To lie named Steve McCann. Nevins. Ployers: M. Kli, J. Smith, J. Players: . Veentra, P. Players: B. Maseois, B. Cartmriglit, G. Smili, J. Ma- Reiclert, M. Reicliert, G. Watliînn, M. Yorlie, D. zarato, D. Larseque, S. Gilert, C. Kleinstuler, M. MColeman, J. Trner, S. Naykatyk, K. Sine, D. Tonetti, JJ tlilierd, B. Cremsn, . Soh- Richardson, D. Roinon, B. Cooper, C. Capuo and E. midt N. MEacliern, T. Crnie, Tmtss, . Piccini, C. Sonhey, J.Loeprich A. Elge, S. Marshall, L. Thiibert Sooliey, E. Lee, L. Fitzpatricli TBILLAU and Rolie Jajoieson. and C. Versracte. -ALEGU ELSLEY PHARMACY Coaches: Bill Crnie, Francis Saverstooli. House league sets ooPnoyers:. Baenes, F. Siplsn, J. Saeesl, R. G. Beauliu, B JMcrison, G basebaillschedu le Galeto, . iech G. lo Jamieson, H Scannell, . Rogers Miton lbose eague hal is mtogIna ction Monday, May 28 ol and M. Lanois. Rotary Parkmuih o garces inaoction.Theiectlibsmfttptay Ilrougli Ohe U.A.W. sammermwitliout thetrditotatlioidoy break Ilils yeor. Coaches: Jacki Fessh, Kethl Nemel. A"LEAGUE DATE ' OALL LEAGUE Playera: DG im, J. Feonli, B. Ellis, D. Wright, . Gt, R. Opimiato -MoCaaig Mon. May 28 G A.W. - Elstey NemelI, S. Jensen, M. Olmons, . MCuag - Clements Wed. May 30 Etstey -U..w. rOl, . Seratini, D. McConnell, Legion- Rotaey Fr .Jone 1 Richiardson - Marlou B. Brusli, G. Ornons, S. May and Rotary - Optimisto Mon. Jue 4 Monios - UA.W. P. Senton. Legioo -Ctements Wed. Juet Richiardson - U.s.w RICIIARDSONS CHEV-OLDO Rotary - MoCaig Fni. Jooe t Marios - Elsley Coachies: Toclie oamed MoCuaig - Legion Mon. Juueh oe y icildao Ptoyers: G. Neetanda, S. Clements - Rotary Wed. Jue 13 U.a.W. Moolman THooto. - 1 ýiMi-tn-I Q MBride, W. Smith, A. Powell, FOR (mt FEATURING SUPER LATE MODELS LIMITED SPORTSMAN and the ever-popular HOBBY DIVISION RACING FOR THE RED CAP $10,000 POINTS FUNO EVERY SAT. AT 8.00 P.M. I INFORMATIONt LL JO HN CASALE ~ .. S-t (416) 65-159911411 -. 0000 OOWIEAMAN (418) 385-4320 -i: CANADAS FASTEST BANKED 1-3 MILE OVAL guarateeiWuOeAN iTEN 00e do repaira on most zoppored door wsth cYlse makes and modefs. scesosnq nylon floor, tr Tubes, tires, ac- flues, tppered ear oedoOo cessorien. yoih nylo covera . mi polet. Pogs and nylon 00,0 ISPECIALI total euhI 3½ IOnb. SBke Parking REGULAR 3 28s SLEEPING BAS SviguOnA888 140 Caaplsg Sugpplies mPAL Dow Wrm I ADIlAS I@I35 AdozenI 32&5 p @75 for 25 Brownie's Sport Shop Ltd. 878-4602 Plan blgger Dominion Day celebration here on JuIy i O' 'I i - a %".- n1 ANOTHER WHOPPER, a brown trout weighing 3'1/4 pounda and measuring 20 inchea in tength,came from tise waters of thse Sixteen Mile Creek on Friday. Bily Churchil of 256 Pine St. said he was out fishing before supper and loat "a gsod one" but he went right back to tise same spot right after supper and landed this beauty. He caught it in the creek Juat north of Main St., near thse fire halIl. Bill saya thse fioh broke hia uine juat as ise went to land it, but it ftoundered beside the shore and he grabbed it with is hand. (Photo by R. Downa) B.Richardson .KVerstraete, T. GtlooerP.FavM Zinch and Orr. G. Hoston, G. Bissonnette, B. Syer. F. Lee, G. Kshorha, K. 'darions Pizzeria Kosharba asd S. Fitzpalrich. Coaches: Ron Hadd, Peter U.5.W. MoCucheon. Coaches: AI Lisk, George PlayersB. Cain,.JJ Taylor, B. Chishslm. Oel, K. Mauro, A. Brown,.PP Players: M. Hrmsg, D. Caputs, Beown, G. Rding, KK Marino, B. J. Fies, A. Haiser, arias & arsce alylli, T. Ellwood, J. Erskise, G. Lisk, G. McLay, M. Brown, K. Koro. B. Hudd, P. McCutcheon Chishlm. B. Appleon, G. Drew, and J. Noble. us

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