Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1973, p. 16

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Ilr sa Seniors play hast ta Durham vis itors THESE LOSERS ARE WINNERS. . . . Reoently 53 Wutchers organization. On the left Alice Roeder of 28 Cubilant mon and women ncored a victory over obesity Steelen Ave., Milton acoepts congratulations from Mis. btthey had ta loue to do it, and they lont a tata> of 5,725 Daniels and on tihe right a similar honor ia bentowed on ponds of extcass fat. Thse "Ioomr winnern" anere Mrs. Caraline McMilan of 105 Bronte St. Min. Roeder, bnored ut a dinner dance and amarils night in Toronto, bead nurse ut Milton District Hospital, lont 119 pounda hostad by Adebaide Daniels, founder of Weight while Mrs. MeMiblan bast 113 poundn. f ut I *1 CISCA JAGT and Harold Snowbabb were murried ut Knox Pleabyterian Cisurcis on April 28. Pfter a boneymoon in Algonquin Park, Ottawa, and Montreal, they took up residenoe in Mibton. Wedding Snowball - Jagt la a candie-tit, double ring ceremany, Francisea Adriana Jagt and Harold David Snomball wee married ai Knox Pcesbyteeian Chnrcb on Satue- day'eoeniag, Aprii 28. The bride is the daugister ai Me and Mes. lzaab Jagi ai 156 Ontario St ,Hilton and the groom is the son ai Mr. and Mrs. Feedrck Sombait ai Fouctb Line The Rot. Jobn Murray pee- toemed theceeemany and satoisi Ja,,om Siihuyter sang Tbe Lard's Prayer and Wbispering Hope, accompaviedhy oeganist Mrs. L. Viashion Tise bride carrîed a Bible. a gi ai tbe groom's parents. Matran ai bonor mas Mes. Elsie Roberton, sister oi tbe bride, ai Milton. A iriend ai lte bride, Miss Susan Pbiilips ai Milton mas maid ofibnor. The bride made heromn deu Sas mcli an those ai ber brides- maids Mes. Lanie Carnochan, ber cousin tram Brampton, and Mes. Vivien Haller, a friend tramt Milton. Reit Robertson ai Milton, broUser-in-aw ai the bride, mas the best mac; Fred Scombai ni Oubvilie, Use geana's broUsor, Jack Jagi oi Milles, the bride's brother, and a iriend tramt St.* Catharines, Duncan Shoator weeushers. Reception buffet A buffet for 120 mas held ai Masanir Hait.- Me. and Mes. A. Witti and Famuly ai Nom Jersey and Andy Lauriseaci ai Micbigan ai- tended. Other gnests came tramt Guelpb, Georgetown, Taronts, Oabvitie, ansd Barlingtsn. A telogeam mas received irnm membors ai the geoucis famity iRicbmond, B.C. A bitchen sisomer mas basted hy Susan Pisillipo, and a His and Her personat sisomormas given hy tise mother and sister oi the bride. Won't seil park land Drumquto Parb asi remain Oahviill enrects to loe Use public prapeety, Oabvîtte Parbo parkio Centra Hatton in regionat and Recreation Cammittre gaveenment. An Oubville decided ai a meeting last aeeh. councittor Don Gardon badl a The meeting aveeruted a motion passedl that mou Id recommeadatian tria tise estsbtisb a poticy for the com- finance cammitee ibai misbed ta mission that mauid forbid the seti the 115 acre peoperty and use sale, bease or rentai ai any publie tbe tuado for parb acquisition in kpanbud in the tome in the south Oabvitte. future. HyDleaMelannon The MtianSenior Citinen- Club heid theje monthiy meetng in Knox Chuech hait on Wef nenday aiteenoon, May 16. Penident Charlen Bounnail opne the meeting and eeoed 40 membeen ai lthe Duehame Senior Citinens' Club, who had travelled by hua tai Milton tai attend the aiteenoon meeting. Eveeynne nang O' Canada aecompanied by Florence Ruherford aitha plana. Mes. A. Peddie read the minates oi the tant meeting and elsaiemen ni Use varisus committeen gave thele repeets..sevc It wan noted Usat Use club's annuel chueeh seevice wiii hie heid on Sunday, Jane 24. It will aine he Eaox Chareh' annmal open aie service and will he held on the graunds ai R. Corp, 324 West Main St. Tihe zone 13 picnie wiii ho held in Buelingion on Jane 20 thio ymar. Tom Beadley repoeted that Use "Suoshine Club" ofithe Owen Sound Senior Citineon' have uccented an invitation in vinit Use Miltos Cluh an Oct. 17. The hoie- thday sang won nang tor ail meahers ai hoth cluhs having May hiethdays. Tom Bradtey metcomed Use delegation tram Dueham and said he waeseially gatitosee themn as ho tived in Durham ai one lime. Geace Bradley mas mastee ai ceremonms foe the aiteromon peogramt.Oehna The Milton Senior Citizns Oechestra was Usen introdueed. Seme memhers wero ahnent due ta itiness hot other membees comhined their talents and fiied in Use vacant spots. Memhers ai the oechestra were: Mes. Lloyd Cramiord an the piano. DoeoUsy Wilnon on the banjo, Cecit SmitUs on Use banjo, Steve House, Ron Harris and Tom Bradley an viotins and Boh Labisg on the deums. The orchestea played many "aid lime" favoeites doring the aiteessoon inctuding "Road ta Use Isle ... "Cumin Round the Mountabs," "Meehinf Bird Hill," "BtackVelvetWaliz' andf"Smite a Wiie." Hamorlton Mes. Mab.i McNabh delighted hec audience on severai oc- canions with funny recitations. Roc Hareis who hecamea memhee cf the Mflton Club Use saume day, pIayded tan violin solos accompanted hy Mec. Lloyd Crawford on Use piano. Orace Bradley and Robert Lahing sang severat duets ar- companied hy Florence Rutherford an the piano. A sing sang mac enjnycd hy the audience and a medtey o aiatee mas piayed hy Steve Hase on his viotin. Steve and hic broUser Feed lwho is a memher ai the Milton club) ut one time condncted twa orchestras in Toronto. Sieve's love oi music mue qaite evident Mardnch, a former teace as ho piayed. many earn at J. M. Roc Harr is rnughl gceetsa.gas schent . Millos. tai the Durham clan, hoth as a A iramed memoril c nîi aher ai Miltonos Town laining Use names nfild Coancil and an a new memher ni members mas prepare Use Miltos Senior Citiznm' Cluh. prenented hy Tommy Wod tour chinson. Ho alan, saggnnh He tmb Use visitars on a "Word Use cluh shonid hold n me tour" arnand Miltos and pointed service in honor oi Use de outUshe many places ni interemt as memhers, as Ubs han nevi meS as Use many cea and nid done. industries. Steve House and Tom Contribution rdny ace ent e eceivda Presidesi Charles Bo Usey payeda c vil detasd Rh hanhed tise Durham CI itg hrought chachies irm _ ibeir contrihutionn t Use audience asho lai verai PrM u and Met. W. A fanny staries. shah tbtnanhed ail Uhsn Archie MacCuaig, president ni participated in Use aiter Use Durham Senior Cîtizens' Club entertainment. and Ted Widmneyer, secretary Florence Ruherford boih played violin salos heioee the piano foe tod Save the Ushe conclusion oi the prngrant. and Use aiternn conclud Aiso visiting here miUs Use a lanch heing served. Durham club mas Miss ElizabeUs Tise reieeshmnent cec mEEPo a4a9-237305 TEEN'S 8-14X GIRLS' 7-14 £-See osieor up to the minute tachions- soc for Denyes dicon- ceased dl and Rut- bd Usat moriai ceaned se een unsali ah for n the Mar- oWho aon ni played Queen ci miib mitcee Issues 18 new permits Lant manUs 18 building prnita more lasaed la Milton frcon- tirglion valUed at $157,496 ae- year ta $12,430,79o inciding the $12,t0000 bLipîchurnt oe Thc taigeot permoit isoaed in Aprilmwas for a $100,000 icdusteiat rectal building on Ripisning Road. Another $30t.0 is estimatel vaine ni a hannng unit on Mill St. mas appreciative ni Use cnm peain ni Use many meee oao trihuted tai Use lunch. r Abig bie ofoar yearly sil. a, gon for mn tgage puy. mnya onts omksur aor hamll adequately prn eteil Duelt rsb tabng a heavy fInanclal Mr. and Mes. Tom Martin and daugbter are nea resîdents ai 042 Wittam Ave. The Manians are tramt Ottawa and Tam ns a meaber oi the Ottama Nationais hocbey teanni n tbe Wortd Hockey Association. The Ottama bocbey club receatiy ee-tocated an Toronto and me melcome Tom and bis iamity ta Milton. Betated birthday greetings go bo Noreen Sctisizzi, 300 Broadway St. abo cetebrated her birthday last Tbursday, May 17. Mr. and Mes. C. Robinson tramt Dos Mis are aca remidents ai 073 Eltict Cresc. Mc. and Mes. F. Sharor tram Toronto have moed in ai 401 Woodward Si. ard Me. and Mes B. Jensen fromiToronto îiarmerty front Denciarbi are neacamees at 630 Joyce Btvd. Wr mecome them to u town. Wedneaday, May 16. Miss Elizabeth Murdoch tramn Durham, a former teacher toc many years a J. M. Deayes schoat,' vîsîted ini Milton tant meeb. Shesisîited her niece Mes. Green an Hestop Rd. and ai- tended the Milton Senior Cîtînens' Club's montbty meeting tant Wednesday. The Durbami Senior Citizens' more speciat guests ai the aitrnoon meeting boid ai Evnox churc bhall Masy resîdonts and former atudents miii remember Misa Murdorh. Nem resîdents on Wîllom Ave arcer and Mrs. N. Gibbons and iamiyifrom Toronto andMr. and Nies. D. Savio tram Toronto. 5e melcome thean ta Miltons Gel meil mîshes go ta Flora Zulias. 7500 Treccaine Rd. mho mas a recent nattent in Joseph Brant Hospital. She ha ow Bîethday greetingo go ta Rose returned home and me mîi wth Savard, 94 Main St. mho celeheated her birthday last Contlnued on Page Bt6 " UNIFORMS " MATERNITY FASHIONS Shoppes Warld 99Main St. S., Brampton <11416>j 457-144 DVAL 1.9 RA VOL 1.59 ne1ldo tablaIs $1a4lets 25'n ELSLEY GUARDIAN DRUOS 212 Main S. MILTON 878-4492 5~1 Stee Av@: Milto 8['8-9094 :

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