17 MUSLSTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 2o AUCTION SALES 20Atf AUCIO RSALES b TeCamin itnOt Ward Bon ri. g Caeine unaned a decea ban- AîmR-rîN SALE Wednesdney, May 23, 1973 vvrc D ofllg Ynounng font animais ta _________for_ FOR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Jane 2 aso nmi 0ba Llnemand Ansfiosans- tiseir pag n. . l n oPhone: am- ______________ '-' AAT flNNIE bieM MA RC BET - 7 -61 Fsnrnimmr Salnt 20 -AUCTION SALES 14 Rupe Ave., Brampton. A n l a MAU IC BAT - 87-618 Phone 87863 SATURWAY MAy 261in 0Appraisals - UTye AUCTION SALE Di u , A t etr Repreliefllifg -_-t - 1Okville Curling Club , Ppi.." brsb a za a r For Complet 224 ALLAN ST. cimodes; rokers; 5 -pince 18B MT IN HA RE 5,'TN an PEL VSIN Fuo Comrvie Anrefe pvarking. st oetzset:6 ail lamps; 75 fanc HALT4 Reyold tEue DIVISION. t sauces-s; 100 gotnieus 18B, MA TI SRET 7c; 40-mpinc7e -dinonee sdet,.i b CrsA. c hIo tE n nsuray May pôtIi - t a s; plus a lange Ilalitn Ceotennial Mancies AUCIOEE PrD COUTR LIVING 10 aiso aring ut -4gs, bedsliog, linen. annoal spring banaar nus held Ghs3bdOGOntso rc hoLD C OTr LIVING main. 4x17 Sales of ail types. SALE ý1.30 pro, jon- eni etc. May 9. Althoogh iseatherwine the Chair an tables; apla OIWR ROWNRJDGE day did ot appear promisiof the kilctsen 16 s 16, andi extra moamn off kitchen 12 x 7. Situ- .. ae ud iaien e e siv e and gasses; an- Acasonr, csie ecra ni th e leaotai allai on 45 acres witis rnsg otreasn, psond andi haro Auc Te.88256pcucaadn-neer,~~-msbregetyade nO 60045 ideai for bornes. Cali Jackie, Beeton for your al:Tl 7-56poradtbems are hn 7-70 opeegetyaddt h pointmeot. 878-129 or 87&-4319. Roalty and R.R. 3, Milton, Ont. to& abetasse;eads enoymnent ot ail chu scere Nearly nom home on 10 acres, mude view oser valley, teroadllooms, IflMrance Ltd. Ateioer AN IU SAL p ~rlurlytac alsisr e finished recreatin mont with maikasst. Saouts West oftr ses as the peuple gaîherel for AS.NO mrasser subat pars nead. Liaeescnd Auctiosseer. 1.00 15.0. acpu etnysnwce -ue ni nar readers prababiybus Nus respcnsibic for accisdents. -and o dîtpres Vlncyadwces Retiremntet or starter home in Rcknood, 3bedrooms, brad- it. Trythe WsntAd pagetlral. nOdnsttatlnSjaAslu anerk plbnynri.Vnf er montm, anusactive sntting, 3 horse stable, large lot asnd 2esadClctbi T w puda heed extro lots possible.ntadCleaba Teianpreaiuena Cotaemihfroag a e o Lk. ,26C M ain St. Milton, Ont. A ATA.LSIG table by cussisitîrs- ai 10 Acre lot near Campbeliville. $16,500. "FOR RENT" - etlofc nmdr uligcnrlylc- for MR. AND MRS. JOHN MADILL raumi suite sainS pilnlae ciute MeCsad rs Cae as-l For details on lbese peuperties cail Sers LeRny 878-6988 ted in Milton. Receinrton. basinss office, 2 ioper- Ta have hl ihetr.La10CatuN.i idadutitandyp haig ampcar; au Ethe MTaple Ms.taeM ar 878-4129 as- 853-2059, aories, lah., snasbruam. Immediate passesin 200 Eriu Tari. FrarnOspringe (jonctionofNos. 24 and 25Hnys.), orignal ýhand paiuled iasging Thuna, anuM Jessîn Gîd- montbip. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g gnarîh ta tirsi sîderaad. tara tati tar Pi miles, on ail lamp; hb4pstrles; îg Mr.esn asn.ot 65 ACRES "INDUSTRIAL ACCOMMODATION -Immealiate poasession. fcel s-re litra eiru tyree atsWlu 2,00 Footge n 01 igbsay ecelenstunnin. ac etals Twn 4000 sq. f1. Isidastriai Unita in tise Alliance Mail on' FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 25th, at 6.00 p.m. seitb ladies' and gentlemen's an bns cmten ably caon- mi1 Ross Cescats 978-988 or 878-2753 or 878-4129. Steetes Avenue. Finished office space, wsaabomrs, trunk PRiUEîeîyrý.uaern chairs; French cabinet; pair vo s ened tbe babe table. Tbe sas-ivt iodn uk p-nirsystent. parking. Reuting at S-48. i UNTR msl ei plc tfutds:eanle Stesens & Williants vases; ses utd leibt ae guuds isas BIG, BIG LOT motly. 2,000 sq. f5. imita available at $245. maathly.lishedi Pine tlatbacb. panai leapas uani acher pinces. capsainas desh; sabaul masses-s sapplîed hp tbe ladies ut icara; býk;crasr a MS-Gn wh-te- desb; nul stacngbkae saawytonhp tBedroont aIder hante, sepacate dioing s-nm, spacis kionhen, Up tu 20,000 set. fI. isili be asailable in Jaly. I d;Icr., niak single CA MPsan-sibssa is buiae asgseotanbp garage and patio. Try yoar uffer. Cail Dororo Choquette. -bd utneae; cmrRa isee mad ra arah stnd st aoi blae GergeHal N ene panîdd ars 844-2403 or 844-9340. ~IDEAL INVESTMENT" - Cenirally incaui in Milton. Large, iejascapbaard, 2 round la-1 Widfoeedlmod broas erhse piesin I l-a- M-sHrl cle n sn seil conqtrooled, clay brick hume wishs been cen- hies. i an pedesal; large waî- esîaatace laust; brasa hassoine boaea; Victarian rochers; Ad- pinasanu bacbgroand uor us-fan DUPLEX nersed ioîta 3 self-costainei aparsmmsns witb a monthlY nus sacing mireur- lireplace l ýistare. Tiftany type sbade; pair as lar aenrWlrpmtrh-abuiIeasru Ieasa Earty Anada do Sial attactinIbspu Iome $270. per mantb, large laniscapeul lot, close to scisoots retiicusee 350.O=e PeeuntraI1010 rale; pc ebsa f ie cahlneu rasa uleah- m anadia d Au pia attractionibsya andi shopping. Try $32000 doms. Coul Doreen Caoquette - -eruavabebauebas;bitalani gi0 mpCaialba. cusdi; mrto tp -cash as Iblen pruvsdnd by Ms-. 844-2403 or 844-9340. "COUNTRY sAT a Batll2acec eseluaelc-aas, hitde.-ey jas- Iite iMISCELLANýEOUS -Mîniat- stand; oa hall stand- wash uantc7 lest- - rn;pesc Gudna-y. Many attracrtivepicea 17o4 an the Eacarpmeutsnilbio minutes ut Higbmap 401. Enon bas-l nusingBevabaues verer ofass warefasioned front tbe luxss-p and contuors ut this ielighttal siase bouse, the rcr;pine andi Ian teapot; Ice le in saes 14 Canadias Bee bel mmti n glass inities availahie cherryabcssu&îdrassars; 5rasb, smali dalla, cli, ail pace hea- top table; seseral piceaas- amsb nis-euan elegaut living uni diniog eooma sitb atone firepiace. stand;ii e id hi n - -enalaOn.e e, o ae ""'IIflh"lflfhIflII'f Fce ouralsb te pati, welIplannedikitchen 10 x ersiebirnand il an; 2garae dor, nival glas, sarive] mirran; 85 Maop beaulitl ail painlioga 'ni" aispacinasedcenmoiisubatbaiaosdniisi 19OOP2 tchcrs; 2ppie jans-apbaariv, large aluminaua awng, 13'lungpices oftLimogpesbcina bs ueh ssdusa bspn arase selt-cotained apartmnt aritb 2 hei-aamn. Roce- drp-af fble;asital c raaud s 6'9 acide; quaauisy (Âasbes- ter1, paliers, -hand painted;p earsns-eon iaplaytforaale. ation room. Inground heated desîs--il tablpoolmaîl sceebarn;tls sidiag, ihale, 432 sq. fi.; siginid Freach 'rane lasnplns une.Ecletwte upy hsi ap -% a is ails-ttaction ai the- hasoar was tim ont Ioeus eiissmigpc.Nwansmail ah table; hall sand;, qaaî;y ai fleur ansi ceiling Brantfard C. W. ch Pai a ale cunsîstig oi flnsai PA G b lus baes Eneln ist-appy &hi Hpaydses- eal l i t aablelai hardwoodailooriue; garage eraek; 12 placeeiinser sets; as-rangements bulh real and o.uI nabie price ut 1135,000. Fassession Asg. t. doflig8'xT unelag oPrmxnbw;ot-aiiclth sitedlv 1111 IT'S YOURS-For uniy 839,900 ansi is miii beip su pay for itanîf GLASS, CHINA ETC. - Royal ecc; iertavadatabesadvchrylusralida io-saiiepsn tbe taetn o 8.0 otl.Thswl crdfr f a eurt,1r(m ) ahiamdel O0K; entuper hostIe; gin-, baiaci. nicnly cas-sut ciels scee Mss Mary Ilaywcard, Mrs. 800 nib; Tbn cil ca-ita-lAill ichlis terbread cinch, Newe Hava,; brass galle-y oui mirrcei M. Easus. Mss Chas-tes Wilson, 60 YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE ssecey hame cansenieutly lucatrdi n Milton praviie u v crid pab a îl ashc raand baller bawl oui prins; hach; laIs ot gîýsa. ehira. neyast Mes. A. Jus-don. Mes. Dornlby Membea of tbe Toroto, Oabville and Brompton matrgn se iif o.inograt;t 3 large cenaeved rasri e8--pc desssr sel. ivry; cîmul-lai, sinver painlaniga by H. Wal- Oas-fis-p Ms-s. J. MeMillan litss Real Estale Buards asiea btroonn an the mn flor Fias arg uibedrobas scrpn-es -a ad rsa rs rains; friiaindo; aet hrAF.s aa , lub-pmilves .Ois-mu Sra. Meta Jravace con ba ars-augni. Coul Mihe Leisvitb tac tas-thes- uetails. iheese iuh; O pinces blac-k am- jag, oa Byet ih i E opo isM atd INCOM PROERTYSOLO OUT" Almast - Wn as-guntiy nerd listings an ail types lusta- e-i set af ishesliesting! AUTOMOBILES - 1965 Mas- laes; aifvnd Nippcn; and~ m -sJGdas LOEYOLO BRICK HOME ritb an iscame, isilI cealize pas aoi classes ut s-cal estate in us-des- lu meut cas-clients' tac h. china compote; Fia BIaue facf. vn goad conditioa, vsrt isuApre ictaaagasae. Tb epu s an 12% on your invesirnts. Cali for tarsbor information, ceqaicemesîs. stapaI; hauny camb giablea; se- cale asaîýlable; 1967 Cri a ppavmascly 230 luIs. ris-nuls. aaxilisey sutembees. 99 LAO ISTTODY EALY erai pies-es aI Nippon; grecs dan-, asi. WHITEHALLS AUCTION rsids-nia and stalle-s nus-bine 99ACRES -VACANT LNLITYOUR PROPERTY TDYWITH BEST RELY1 CENTRE lognîhterbmade.,pasible anather 70 ACRES ligbly prouctive, balance arodeul wbbh spring stceom AND GET THE SERVICE and ACTION YOU DESERVE A cedandin god oen lccà -cery i inn tulae is refis- 10Locke Si. S. Hantilton, e ntnrbs- a l- aea b PeiwFiaMa 25., 1 ta sae gusi invesrtment. Open ta s-casanaOle uttora. TERMS: CASH. 9 P.nt. and Sasasslay sili sale The bazoar isas iceli attendec 200 ACRES - Witb cli atone buse, gonouat buildings, 100 C al 87 8-4118 Noreserae. Hause sali. Nutcrespovsible ferr:ccients. tinte. asilbnisilosslsontntany disereni acrs i god grdn sifbalncecly lamoneofAues-iunee-: Jaes E. Whiteboait. as-nos anul neos- nt as lac aisa> ace sgc o-insiblne a unoec 20h07 MAX STOREY. Ras-barod, Auclianeer.ý 2 14 asterelanl Esquesioga gusi tas-s. Listeul at $1,500. pas- acre. Vendus- Mike Ledwith 878-4873 1 Art Peacock 878-6447 uill tabe bach a fiss murtgago.Ji Bgey 8 -60 BsaBeO 7-41 35 ACRES - Sceoin beautitul ps-uperty, 10 acces cinareul balance iBaly 8860 BrnBet 7841 baab mitb as sopoliatei cleor apring ceek w iniin Stevan & Jagoda Aîimpic 878-3086 tOraugh. Just tba spot tar a chsrcb camp site gentleomans MEMBERS 0F THE OAKVILLE REAL ESTATS BOARD estate, etc. Jos -istut as $70.100. 17o4 NEEDD - ESAL HOMS N TENDERS 20 AUCTION SALES - ALL PRICE RANGES Twsi fEqeig AI I BUILDING LOT A CIN S L Three Osas-ton acre lui - Osiy ssitb a nom bosse of poar lotte. TENDERS FOR A C IN SL Cali for farîher infor-mation and priom,. for , r MR. &100S . GLMOREI g FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AND ~ DUM P TRUCK Stigfiway 7 an 411 Lune, RE R- REAL ESTATE SERVICE Sealut tendon mi ho IV, 2, Avion, an yod by tise Township C0100k, SATUSDAY, MAY 26110 DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 rgeown iait 12rnd R.1oc noo Chet fre12.r0 Tpo. electries - OAKILE 84-467on Mvnday, May 28, 1973,80 aluntoe with elovatut esen; West -tie Kpty t ou ansi26 onolif isihuse cetsigeraor; Beatty 17c4 ton truack astd dantp bon, price martes iron; senstaille Singe- mitlh os- mitlont tende oft 1964 sewin'g madamie; i enet-n Y. toA nFord350. morna; cottage aizemwashing CHRISTIE & WOODS EXECUTIVE HOME Specificatiant ansi tender enachine; 24" oIntrc s105.0 forent may heotinnut aI he china cabinet; antique pictrare RELAL ESTATE LIMITED Close to Fergus Tsavnhip Office, RR. 1, GeIX (rame 386 s 4"; lhest cf silve- 18 Main Street MILTON anH ns o me ltives. Laotute une o any tendir tnt ne- grates; 2 basket,; io pot; Ents un dsh toIh eStomiy sloeei miesn hi- -, radiarrecout play- on dubleloton te Soth U- oaTil aceps-s-e andi B & W teîciSion canhi- ves- Rd. in tuas-a. Dmuble pavesi C., Snme, natios; 7.pc. B.pvarian dents Town di vo leasis tu ti5 home tient Tmp. of Esuoing. 154b6 lamse set; flot irons; store- shams ceai craftmastiip andI ___________ a e; brs-oa tabele; bls; brasa Incoe Prpert suner pride. Cuastomn b&rit it , L cassilestiels; vaniep. OeMMERCIAL BUMLING lu2p.o ae pnotBsmm lma ara i mtors and 4 aparsosents, allmim p plus 2pc en mo sute N3ic spi lumsps; cest ut diraiees; bock- restd bcto u ilu. ri ed1 iving un, usidon, 22 Noic s..reoitors oase biei; dressera; ulesO Otan. aetd o ant is aitn mr-x'4 iigrin iigro alnt butinan suite; Bradiha j ceci $t79,000it doms. and maseorno mita exit AND OTHERS 2 bail tales; jobnny pelle; paysrnt of $23,000. Coul Myr- su alcuy Famalp m-omt mitb -table lomps; basint dbas; i-pc. lie b4hLellan 878-5190 ns- 878- oar ouik htnte mif nais Ias the Esate ofIAiiS F.CAM- khi n usite-; olitrantes; lump 2M. poi. vti ais- conditionutd PSELL MR table; 2 es-iga parlor chis; ornd dasiiy, imoulaiel, boIth st- - side ehair-; halte- Imel ansi1 Country ~ isg and be-oeen tao. Avtditg Ail1 peraceis -baving clairon pule; atiners; baSl tren; Don- On igwyNo 7 $03,000. A pleaure lu, -sow. againat te Estatn ut thse abuse con PhWe is-spteaf table; Coul 9 raOn nehar ANos, god CuBUE7UOIO deceasoultaiecgthbe Tes-n utf ilIon vacuuma cleane-; nid cod- ~ jjJj~BVH ~XL bore & inplantent shedi. Cuti 843-1365, Ergas. 604,2397 ftton em CSo de HOlnu bias-s-e; ciassete utabl esA PAIR AND SAVE Mysrle MiOleflan. 878-5190 or or0 S-shot , 7t aYI Spt- unks ia TV c2ase12te; amuas; Heavy duty 2 speed HeavydutyautomatiCdryer 875-2095. A.J O N BLQOD ember, 1969, as-e linreby notitiei nis Masigus lOard, organ; nid automsatsc tasher weuh f ree euSEs oNu osinsa wîîh Auto Dry and f ree Rie amREALTOR ta, seri lu Oie ussisesigneit, on book cirme 19(05 - 1925; raios; hand wash" agitator non-tumrbling drylng rack River Farm or btitore Oie 30th ut May, 1973, - laIdoa; TV tables; Ëhen9.- 800 acre soifs born, beaviiy Fergus, Ontario tbeir naines sut fsaIl particalars uts-lily sable; pets ansi pont; di- 4 wood ttaragsma ie bas a o- 174 ci -their claiena. Imemiatety a8- sites; china; glasmeare; oui ma-$ ti 9 Be truer ive astatar- Incubhe maii date, tise talninits- or oOier articles. stItiesi roaul ansi neas- a omail ste the osnts ofet tsaiisicea- s-s; extnension cors A4 ntsc Las-asfghl hgh creatios an ots.ssking p-per-_ __________ clabos wich, lIre shati bave tittingsan oui re; 3 - brsnec ailaCopse.Tiisteidnc-19 EGLeubigradolyuOets;qaî-tutnm crctCo ae ty as, tiare os-e aise about 50 1, RONALD "P0510 GER0- hem notice asti tise toid Aalttin- store; amuis-n gaudt swing; acret cIe r good verkabie VAIS163 Main SI.ApI302, ieraor wioutmibe ible 0cr ommu; 2 alasinsendours; lard. This proençsty it opprot. Mltun, sf881 oct brepon, ie salul ussts or any part the- ansi nanp ho dysoan louis. 1lburdrive nortbeofttiton ýsubie fornny dis isnar- rcf lu anp -persan or persont Mmis unom4 -plce Caeuvan n ansi is listai cealîslicaliy aI s--whos o-saR e ciais not-ice bave ont tr-uck camper ait gas-elecrici Free Tus Gerais inmy emeaftr ben encciveattsfli lncoffdis- rfigralar, ges store and lac- Honte rdy mn payasent. Cali Bill Kelly -ehia date, May 2, 1973, mutIn tribuOtion. nace soih isoc deos trugot Deliverp I 8783748 or 878-2095. out mp w.etten signature OfATRO ai cbe City scd Ssod- octI HR DOI Tl 9pM 10 erre paret cf tond, sinoateul Signed. bssry, shis ISOs day nf Masp, 19173. An excellent sale ta attend. tinsse to Mâin. Coui Myrtie Ronal '?ork" Gervals. C. PA5TRICK 00913ON, -Solitg by restrlbe-.20 MANS.8 -33 ft900ellan 8700190 or M7-2095. 19e4 Bais-uIer & Solicitor, Lunch bootSi 0 M I T 8823 11414 Lasalle Borlevari, ALFRED R. 015550(E, -lavOEaDIY 6PM CALi Peupyle boy Tbe Cbampion ta Sudbusry, Ont. Assalianeer, MILTONOPNDIY9-6 M 878-2095 ceai, and rosi Cbampion clis- Solicitor for James F. Car- 2M,47 tut. , Genrgetown. "AC PCAS sifinin to bsy. ta yaar saint boti Sr., Adminintrotor ftAC O U H RSA IH PCAS rIf Buty 878-6057 message an ibis page? Phoue tise Estote nf Jeunes F. Cam- Hire tise county's top peeson- 1765 878-234110a place a mues ail. phéàe Ir. 14, nel-finert Tha Ctsaanpiaa