1The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, May 16, 1973 9 Workmanship end materials of maors Mshown, guaranteed for 1-yemr from date ONUYUl GUARANTEE ON ALL MOWERS ofpurchse undr normaluse. DE LUXE 19" MASTERCRAFT-similar 10 above but with 7-position cutiing height adjusters. 3.'5 LB95 h.p.. 4-cycle Briggs & Sîraîlon engine. V THE 'EASY RIDIER' DE LUXE MODEL FOR BIG CUTTING JOBS 20" DE LUXE MASTERCRAFT MOW EFFORTLESSLY' Forward, neutral, reverse gears. Brggs & Stratton 4- Powerful 21" Mower Folding Handie Mower SeIf-Propelled Mower cycle; 5-h.p. engine. Easy-spin recoil start. Foot-operated A toughie wtb heavy cast-alumtnum 4-cycle; 3.5 h.p. Briggs & Stratton en- 22" cut. Front wheel drive, recoistart combination blade ciutch/brake. Fully adjustable 24" deck. deck. 'Tecumseh' 4-hp. gas enginC gie; vria ulrci tr;da o- De ek otosna ade.4 Full circle steering wheel; padded sat. extra-big fuel tank. '1" gin;svecl p ull aified .a lc on-.95 Deephss 35 h p rl gg nis . 4- -, ..'rn "p hndle. 'av-uy'I. wheel adjusts. j7 & Stratton engine. 129* lem A new, hig-powered model by Sunbeam designed 2-SPEED L:U TI Bu.R for top performilnce! Lightweight pressed-steel vacuum-action' deck makes for smoolh cutting 18" De Luxe uses 'iow' spccd and non-clogging discharge. Single-blade; cuîîing )peraton, 'hi' for fulil cuttng he=b adjusters on al el s __1 ower. Twîsn-bisdes. 5-hcîights. Sngover handie: 'instant-pn; L .95 ;afety ciutch. Less cord, for grass catcher. Less cord, juss V69 100-foot Garden Extension cord. 3/18, 10 amp, 125-v. C.S.A. Approved ......-. _s/w Use Your Canadian Tire CREDIT CARD for extra- quiet,~ Adjustabla cut-height 8 2 - Here's a smooîh operaîing electric nower light enuugh for use by tise lady of thc bouse! It features an aiuminum alioy deck; inger-tip on/ofi' switch. Easy roiiing 6" .9 .....6.89 wheeis. Less cord, for jusî Get mowiflg wvith a T E 5I,1TE 0SROE Canadien Tire CREDIT MILTON CARD 459 Main St. West Phone 378-2240-878-2249 STORE HOURS MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY 8.30-6 p.m. THURS. & FRIDAY 8.30-9 p.m. SAT. 8.30-6 P.m. REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES S.t" WHEELS C. WHEEI. ADJUSTERS E. ROTARY FILE t. HUB KIT J Roto-Raka, Slatr .8 (ir's istanOt change Ea'.y o use. For aii HîS. key. Soit .andBa "'"l' t ay o 5i~rgtt. types ofrota~~ry mow- aslier for powot Ba Sot('44. S.9 ers.A good .1% m 0 we r s . 1.69 7" wheIs 2.59 huy' 7 Compltir.99 S" whoels 2.39 1. TIIROTTLECONTAOI . t LAOE/HUB KIT F. DRILL SHARPENER KH 1458KEY For sngte-btaderota Standard-type, crm- Ior rotary mowrors Korn edge for mow- Ropacement power mswern. Replace c plete wiîh cable. -pc. btados. S8-24" r lados. Fts onty 550cr hubfkey. In- ter Stade raismdet Fasy to in- 9- siz --Kit, e t c l 2ri9c stait il and c hm ilawn, motsc satî. 3. ut .39 drills. 1.29 lave! .8 *7 ras ec ,r. - - - h Iaýet )a ot innnimin TIRE 1 r/ý