$6 The Championi Milton, Ont. Wedneaday, April 25, 1973 Sîsfers, husbands celebrafe double 5Oth anniversary Il o., a dou.ble oedd.cg tuben Ohîcu tb,,e'.(,ý, c fcir 'lsî do on Apeti i9. 1923. Su it ous a double 50th'.edding oostseeoary Ibe two huppy brides and thete husbuedu Willium J. Ross und Harotd N Rotberford ot Mitton, cetebrated oo tbe cseekend, The t wo couples meot togetber oananvravopen bouse ut tbe 1U Cetttre on Moelle Stt Satuedas'. jusî us tbry bod gone togetber foe a double suedding tbul spetog duy 50 yeoes eaetiee. F rom 2to 5tey greeted close to 175 guests. Botb couples hbue us upuet- iet aIbe Maylute Aputetotss ontario St. in Milton. Tbe Ruihertords eetteed to Milton 'euyes Ugot alter tbey sotd te geoeeut store ut Os'.gb. Me. and Meî Rosusae lted oîtbh IbeoithIere tue tbe pull Issu Triple duls Remioîociog about Iter double tseddtng duy. Mes. Ross saut HaroduandRuby bad decided to gel oueetred ond bud set a dole tubes sbe ond Williatm decided Ibes' sould soores to0 -Oure litber soîd sue coutd do tl ai] ut onceondsebtstothe expeseof Tbe poîsibilties of accidens muttipty tubes youe attention os dtstded. lobs tbe Ontarto bolety League. touweddgsintbesaueeue, 'dbh couîples ici the on.ce erero'.c a'ddtug cak 00!u :1, " .i h,, \bc,, I ,'..tîc' ' hom' ucîlle lt, lîdug the ,c.cîedt oîc cI aîcd .,cî t' wil ictc hakel ut tîed baîbecîîdu îttcsedlco reur New oslv dddouble duty byuuees'tng ooîoîte and bc cedîbther twouc Lîsbeoed'.ubere Htaroldtoemod. A DOUBLE 501h ANNIVERSARY were married in a double wedding celebrution was held Saturday by Mr. oeremony 50 years ago. A large number and Mrs. William J. Rosa, left, and Mr. of friends called to wish them many and Mrs. Harold Rultherford. Thse two more years of happily married life. brides are sistera and lte two couples (Photo by R. Downn) Authority protests Protest formula for AI o batus Regius Conser- vation Aulbuetty, meeting betd Tbursdoc Apetl 19,i.11 rs'm mended so tbe fll Aulboeîls' tubtcbmeetsltomoeot, to sdua lettr lu bus Leo Bersnier. Mins ster of Nolucat besourer requestinf a greoler 1973 pro utia altoccatton toc tbe Holtus Autburtty, Cburmas BrucbHarris, ice- cbaiuîeu Attos Wrigbt. geserol musunget Murray Stepben and Ibe Issu prosinctal 'epre- u'uatv s onbte Autboitîs. LoteybSmithbaod Ketty Newutuît tube tbe cItter lu Bernir Price too hi4ýh tieopîte obtection bb Watrdome tbgb Scbusl Itudeetu, boltuen Rogue Conerveation AuUsueîty luis docided eut lu consslder purcbasusg seorîs' six acres ut escarpmeet laed os Geandstuee Creek. Altougb Use studeets ctaa Use lond isot sigtiticont tutturat and bitoricat tmportane bestdes taeg ideal escorpceet lasd, Use AuUsurity ctamnsUthe $63.000 pre s usucb tan btgb. tn t969 Use tond as appraisod ot $32,000. May not puy The proviînciat gusernimest tas Accoedîeg tu tbe exes.utive, tbe Minstry bad veebatty peomisrd a bee per colt eotse user tbe 1972 provinciut grottfor tbîsyeoe'î admisistrotison colts. Con- sidet'tug tbe 1972 grost mas $149,957, tbe batue Autboeily espected $157,640. owesee, Ibes' wece istoemed in Josuoey tbo usty $1412,00e outd bo attucoted Its oted by HRCA in fieur lute Ib te Mioittr Ibot 27 otbe regtusal conerveattoneoutburtties ib te province wilt rereise tbe lbreeeper centotise and iesome cours "il tar exceeds Ibree per a polies' ut paymng Usreo-quarters Use price ut escarpccnt tond. Ilamesor, tbe AuUsueîty tuld Use otudents tbat atbougb t is duubtlul the provincial gusercoteet mould pas' tbee- quartars efthe 163,000, t cas' cuesidee pas'ug tbree-oiusrtees ut Use appeaised salue. Davtd MeCoily, a Wateedome Itudret, tuld The Cbamnpion, "Wr boue been railsg bondafo tes acquisitioe of park tond Usenugit caeuasîieg and uther scatt peojectu. Wr mont Usis tond secs' badlb." ROSES In 40 varleties ALL PO1'TED URSE RY 878-422 Nu. ni IttOueAs SOUDeR SterlIng Trust Corporatio Guamntoe Trus Certfutes Today's interest rate: Lont y. oitno e tamno. oodb Mi,s uu d.nuait $500, tla ýit yuns..mn, et eî,ea T. A. Hutchinson, Q.C. 129 Thomas Street , Phone: 878-9544 Clements & Noble Iosuraoce. 16 Marln Street, Phone: 878-9523. weed control grant Hattusn Couets' Councit's Ad- usinistration Cuuscittee aitI appeat a grant toccata lue meed costruton tsi appbies ta Haitn Ceanty. Tbe formulatomutd ottom Use runts' a grast ut $M0 tue meed custrot in 1973. ta utbee boars the cuainty tes beensoutatdiued toîbhe entent ut 5t per cent for ospeedituceon useed cueteut. Espeeditures tast aouuted tai $1,200. The formuda t0 bused paetts' un Use ausount ut active loren tond in tbe acea. Wocdes Mes. A. MacArtbur and ceustors ufthUe cueuuttoe agreedUthe bosta beusg ued mus meueg. Tbes' suggested tbece mas o greater ed toc meed cueteut un tonds med by Gen't Bon rr are tbeee mucdî Ibot cutd saur a cbitd'î le: Watk, don't eus' As uppattîsg sombr ut teogedies are coused bb cbitdre eeooisg teto tbe potb ut a car (uultt teuom belmees poebed vclerî Tbe Ostario Satetb Leogue appeastu parents to tcb teir cbitdres. bb constant cepttiol. Ibot tbey must erses tan osto a euadmab. Watb, dus't eus! Watb. dosIt eue' balk.... opecatators and develupees. Mes. MacArtthur eoted o largo aren cn Use cousIs' mus beusg beld and ot tuoeked. Cetgeuan Uedee Use formula Use province mutd bo poyieg about one-Usird of the cust raUser Uson baIl, as Usey base ta Use paît. Cemcneetusg un Use letter froc K. E. Fallis, ossoctata directar et Use Minittes of Agriculture and Food, counts' ck Garfietd Brown nuted Use coanty cay mont ta take a nom appeuacb te meed cuntent and ontserse thoe accus abere it lu vital. Waeden MacArtbue a auUsoeloed ta tend a letter ta Me. Patio expreusing Use cunce nf te ecmmttat. MILT1111 TELEPHONE ANSWERINC lSERVICE lCONFIDENTIAL 0PceRSONAL IZED 878-2020 He tuas ulso tbe eee of Hludon tut =s.bpý Tîte' tucebed tbe a.tty tuem 1or o whible Ibes boit tbeir Oms tact sn siegis busb tonds ileor Nom Liskeord Tboylfacmed 20years beure be mest Is manage a ment depart- ment ut tbe Tem isbacing Ce- Opecativo, o jub be betd for tîse s'eacs beoure leasing te buy a store in Marldsam. Tltey csse tu Osnagb and beuglit tbo goneral store Ibere arud t950 and cestinued tu erate il until lIses sold sut and eetired te, Miltun sie yoacs ago. Tbe Rutherlords attended Omeagb Pcosbs'terias Cbucb and sbe ns activn te tbe W.A. and W.M.S. -themwo groups catered toc Saturday's aneisersacy cee- bratione. Ineenrean motter Mr. and Mes. Roes tised l* Patertun fer a year aller Ibeir uoddieg. tbe ment tu Nortbere Ontario mbere ho morked 24 yeaes mitb Eplots tee Croem Co. ei Timmins, Cochrase and Nom Liskoacd. T'Mes thes' mesed t OmeneSound andtuent loto the ice creous business sn o paelser- sbip mbicb tastod 12 yoacs. Tboy suldout in 1961tandopecaled a goeystuo ie Kiecardine tur yeacs belere retirisg. Me. Rues tanks back on about 45 years ut morking tuitb i ce creac (be mon in tbe business oese beoue tbey more marriodl and rccott mass' cbangeson eb msettede et maeufectecieg the deteacy doms tbcougb tbe s'oacs. Thes cied ie Flerida, Arizuna and Grimsby ketore mesing lu Miltun Imo soacs aou tu tîve mitb tbe Ruthoctords. Me. and Mes. Rtoss base Issu sens Donatd et Geausie and Gordon ut Nom Lisbeard, and Gordon is toittumtng en bis tatbor's tuutsteps en the ice creaus business tuci. Tbe ceoupte base foue grasdcbildcee. Provincial plaques Botb couples roceised obst et fusors. cards and gifts o ir aeetsersaes'. Messages etudod pruvinciat ptaques pcosented by batue East MPP Jitu Seotu a telegraus feum Gusersue- Gonerat Roland Mieer and tetters freus Liecets MP Kennetb ltigsnandPrvicialbocrtary Robert Wetcb. Goests atleeded tram 35 musicpaiis ietudieg Ottama, New iker and Winntpeg, Mas. 1[e--;loi, Participation week pro posed by mayor UStuuld tise tume sponor o parcipatiun moek? Thatos tbo question Mayor Bcion Sen peed Menday foc Miltusoncù as ho wondoeed il thse meek miligât ot stact off wiith a dance it lte anie, alosllar te tise one cetebrebing oneeetion. Ho sa il contlning wlUs ail the citurcee baving openlionune on SUstdas' aiths peciat emptanla n elcucing oea famillles. Service cluts could continue Use Useno ino thUe neet ee ithU theie ceetings open ta ali and sports goups cou Id sponsor teectiues titat aoutd cakle esecone amaeof ut aat Oc- tivîties arearavallable. TIse 1taacy teUogt ndgbt remiene itatauîtars oteUser grupe culd aten seek te invelve lthe lentl caiscuits'. Doputy Roose M. Powys uuggested it te cnnidered ta conjoniction is Canada Week. Meunbers et coancil ageeed te tunsider Use catter le coccitee neut meeb bofoce deciding wthUer ta pcocetd. _Chamfos ctessitieds milt belp s'eu de yu speieg buuse- cteaeing. Sett den't monts mitb o "tor tate" ad. Preseat Accidents An accident tu yen or your lochs'y cay peent yen Iromn nbnming Up lit murk a01er vcactton, St. John Amsbutance suggeotsý Be sure lu prUctie sulety off-tbe job aU tueil as on- the-job. Buy one Snak-Pak at the regular priCe. Get another one FREE! Thursday April 26 only. KilkyFd Ckn Main and Com mnMon 873-4171-2 Iower allocation Learn a Hobby NowI Learn fa AAake Lovely Thlngs for Yourself and Vour Home ,,CROCHET CLASSES MAY l6th Evenlng 7: 30 p.m.to 9 p.m. si MACRAME CLASSES MAY l4th Eveingy 730 p.m fo 9p.m. AI l Classes Rue for 6 Weeks '~FEE PER COURSE *7.OO Ï044tomin HOBBIES & CRAFTS 28 Main St. -Georgetown- 877.8336 Nix Waterdown purchase rLackdy Eut.,r Duiw foinneos lst Pnize #50.00 Gift Certificats Mr. George McHugh R.R. 2, Breslau, Ouf. 2nd Pnzo *25.00 Gift Certificats4 Mos. Carol Doyle Campbelviile, Ont. 3rd Prize *10.00 Gift Certificats4 Mrs. Phyllîs LeadvoY R.R. 4, Milton, Ont. Draut maide by Paul Belanger of tIse Canadien Champion. Congratulatiues to tbe wiseers ... A spocial and siscere thanks te aIl ushu particîpatei.. from Hanna Servos and oe77; S ta ff IMILOj 200 Maàin Sf. Milton 878-9261 Thur.A i li tii 8Om. - Fraiseu Paraag huind toru