fle ftnabiau &apo MILON, ONTARO,) WEONLSUAYAPOL25,t197 4*' "'5'**.Sv Clocks forward Sunday at 2 a.m. Sudy ai 2 a.m. al clochsanad ibeir dlocks an Saur mbcn ibet' go matches tn Milton and district in bod Saturdat' nîghl. wiii (or timuidi eap an houm ouil one ns oar ai sirop but abrad. ynu tan gain il bock i he fait il's Dayigbt Sasing Time mbrn DOT rosonts ta Standard again and at 2 arn. Suuday the Time ai 2 arn. Sandat', Oct.2B. citangeover bcomet fficial . .. fiemember in put yar ctocks albhuagb mastiprople adoance AMEAD one htaao Plats ta espasd Milton Piaza to four time it prtent sieeandiurs ai ceastipart of il into an csclod shopping mai mccc assounccd ibis mrek by Jobs Tamai, aoro ni tbr plara. Ho kos made as application ta Milon Planning Board for rcmuniug ni lands cati of the oistisg piosa ta e comodato tbe expansion. Poosonlt' cnaerisg about 40,000 square fret of floor a, tbe piasa wuud espasd tIna total ut 170,000 suaco fot, if opprord. "I imiiaddakoutitripret pace me bave no," Tamai tld Thc Campon. Major tesaut The amner aîd be is posontit' nogotialing mib a major tesant" cspcctod ta take a largo portion of tbe addiiîanai 0mbo area, and tke addition icauid atmo iscoporaiooanexpansin tatbe posesi Lobiaicosuprmarbet. LAbaiaskas boosconsidoring an eapansion toc aboutl Bac yars andibhe fiîomn dokiity" gonsg aiead oas,bhesaid. Tamai sad masttaftbeoex pantions aitbe plana maaid labo place lu tbe casti aiibe oistiof stoes. Part ai tir plan inciades isking exssbîg stores bmccse Mitas rog Mari and Bocal Bank, ai tbesonubb end ai tbe ptasa,ta nem stores mirbmould lace ioan asosieroitdiectiion. A canopy ove0 lrt siaos bel- aeenbthedrag mari andîtbask. mhîcb mccc added avec a t'ear ago. mus dcsîgsod in Se the rosf ofi a central maSmbhen mr strsare addcd. Ai prosent bbc ptaua Sas 19 storos plus a tcar deoierskîp and officc accamadabions hase keen praidd ina scond stareytthb soubb end ai the rom ai stores. Mapgulde ontown noiner nuustirmuumuiu A sem map ut Mlton and gmidrstale commonit' ibh o eaibb lt tlocl atracioss s currniiy ni0pteotai for tbe fturme," he A buddisgpermit as isurd the same tom.sigbt duttry l'eng distribubrd bp Milsn aps. The Mayrs",oebtiug aita his moek toc as isdustiot mati Oabb buildings are salued ai Theounitsibte buildings wili ,.Ba4bec ut Commerce.fle map nutines Mibbue hitory dote mbwick iii be coccîd on $100,(»0 ond bath inctade 10 uniOn ti rernted taliîgbt indasit' .The icuismstrets is the wsemuai- bock ta 1821 and invites c500t'one Npising Rd. The proposai iii ofi2,Offlsquare teet. The buldngs zoscîcfortaceb accuaiamsliîghi divisions ie bbcorik-est tlu "paricipae in t ieofit iis istude Io buidings, oenom iii e tmemai smtar intae iedust' and nos usido sioarge. lîs tonal indstries, service meeting and posnîng toc bbe beisg bailt by Kingumat' byAlianceBuilding Carporationpecce oodta soos uisadludgcs, chuches, challenges ni bbc futuro." Piastcrisg Lbd. and is omncd by __ FIFTEEN FIREFIGHTERS BAflLED Iis barn fire os tise Firat Unae eI-Eaqsng fer over tdine housr Friday, tring to ase tise nearby bouses from a a ower cf flyngsg prka. To photo abows Miltos fiefgtrsti hiouai focilitieu and local pits ut interst. Publication of tbe map and guide as fbsascod by the 43 od- ertisers mbu bavo taken paces lu thr guide. Cambrrsecrrtry- mata geron uHaris, wmbuod thbraderotmsigand aooasged tu havrthr fuidero pabisbed, soid copiesearr kisg disrikuird ta ail oewridrnsaoutMilton asd arr avadlabiraitherstoresaanduoficis of tbe advertierot. lu a greibg pubisbed on the fuidero,Mayor Brios Boni sel oomes aSt isitos and nrs- comeos. -'The Milon accu is o Ssason opens Sat. Stock 6,200 trout in area streams Teul seasan iibc goeeted by local bobheomon mben il apeus Saturdat' 0i0 bmîdosd Raios Traut iS Sbe stockod ai Burns Coservation Area nooi-mcsi ni Cumpkoitvitc miio anoibero600 ilseir backa ta the blazing bars waiering down a bouse wiicis briefly caasgit fre h tw l . Cassanftise fire and matant cf damage it h t lh .22 riflI no yt non. (Photos by J. Dîlla)elk dies at preserve Another il blazes Up ln sEnOke b nd Caadiar Legio s oling a mortgago bunsigceromost' on Easter weeken audy pi28Thdys Instcssbbasao40oor poriod, thcy'rr gong and goîse and and guouo,byîinvitation oniy Miton fhocbgbbrs mccc calird ta goise " McHeadded, "We'rr sert' nly the sceneout11il bazes Iis toscerord about thoon grass Pions ociudc au opes boume mkcsd. Tisceofuthlie iret ot- ires, a lob ai Ibcm arc sarbod latiogtfromt12nonnoo1a.m. and currcd as Milton Brick yard hcause bbc pope area't anuorcstrailpayifrom1:00 pruprt'. tibiîg ot' ysbuuld mail ontO ta 4:30 and agais ram 8.20 p.m. ridaty afternoo, mes mccc tho grass gris groensr, oibhaugb bu i amn. upper is ram 4 ta 7 caSled ta esonguisit fourgrass iSosaagains thcamtobuo insthe pm. bires an the proprt' of D. A apon air" The morîgage-birsisg Coker at Noassagameya Tomn- Toatoin i 193 the local brigade ceremont' takos place aI u:30 ship, S. Pocher, 720 Sitit Lisc in bau bons caiied ouitaM imes, p.m. mbrs tbe Lgion Ausîttoot' Oakviiic, GO Seitiote, 4202 tompaocd ta 33 is the tome tiserpossurd Miltiion Girls Pipo Baud endermun Rd. sn Oakvio eand priud in 1972. milbc in attendante. D.R. D. Kuica ofiSveubb Liue iEsqucsiog Tomnship. Bars ier The FirstoLise urar Multas mas the ste ni as extensive aro ire ai micb 15 mes hatird for 6ron baurs is atemptu b asavc w scarhy boases. 'Me cati came at 9:2 Friday evesing and jstover imo ours ltaer somciemes had ti ho tassterrrd and mre brougbt sn boMultas Brick Yard aI lbe CPR racks herc irs, polm aud grassaitodcought ou 0r. ariy bbc ursl moriug fiieighiers weecabird back b 6the yard hcce a transport tronk had iaughb abiaur. Huma lalc, ses auto ogain returord tOs thesiloeshere a large grassbfiemwaskuroiug. Acresuo land ere lotins the hblace. Sndat' alconoontpitithers arc bamod for a amait uhh ire ai Raliessake Point Cas- sersation ArosinBmriîngias micb as smoiherrd hy Mitan irefigbbcos. Laier ihal day, he mme ecetdagcos ir on Drry Rd. and a bre lu he tauodry monm tobbcheMayiair aparimeul builiding. Litl damage occmrred iu Iis bre aiihuugb smuhc as penti. ire Chici "Bobo" Cemont tld 'lie Champion, "mhe me ereroxtremeiyt irod and hein serves mre o litho bit rsyrd. b 's pret' hard os the boys mbon -Arbor Day iii ho coiobrabod by areaScoutstktsmcekond. -Brace Trait membrs on- iat'ed a Gnad ridat' ibo alung the rait ioum ein Park t Raîtcausake Pot, in prect mcabhe. -Local Air Cdt sîagcd a surcsiaui Sighb buib talc ai local homes Mndat' and Tcadat'.uusîi EG E i ieEidl em evingsJBLTO EG E inteEidl at' -Tom mukmr usolid adreaa'sroomiSattirday sigist wes lise jovenise club nom ater lue ta Gardes LaunecasmuntsesCdivisios ciampionasip inth e wisd-up ihoougb Oe ni ghi Mosday. Il as sof tise juvesile taurnamtent in Millons Mena' Playera conctrd ltiE Mil S. ise. mobises captais Gary Dale and hisites i m ta thrir A dead eik as fauud tbot Foîdat' ai Rttessoke Potnt Park Frank Tmmermaus, mko manages tbe Game Faom ai Montbog,tatleeikmas skai 8oppacontit' about Imo dat's arirmwiIba .2 caibrerifle. il appearod the asimal bud moadelils ate thie coonk tora drink ut ater and diod Ibore abter botsg sbui. A cbuuk ai skis kadkoosaeutfcam Ithe animai and il as lrit lu die. Timmemats romalrd taurofa tbo cik aord by atas Regias CoseorvotonAutboitt' kad keca kitird tot year. Timmermans saîdiboert kiited Pidat' as tbe lostibul ai tebeoodcasd The lleom ouiba asi bunestockrd ai Campbeliii and 5,000 ut Keimo Tbe fishbkeisg stackmi ara t0 iscbos lung and ccordîug ta Halos Region Conservatio Aulboiy ompopeer Fank Tmmermans tbe fshbebing siuckcd arc btggrrIban tbnme slucked ulkeroyrars and marc Iban douabein eumber. Inulbhrryearsb isixlinorîgn mncelungmweccslucked ai Kerim kut Ihbe enme easy pret' for Booms Tronalis thr Lobe. ns Drithie Deassysa ishbhuItlaind osaer animait - arc kepit' byte MRCA ikehi, gam and animaltpocsecvs. M r Open bouse poet Ca 3 la 20,i,.Pubic Weckprtet lac improtement ai tbe reiatianskips blmoens poice and tbe public tbry serve. Miltas Police Depsrtnmot iii par- ticipate on Police Wcek itb as open oute pcgram aoithIai Police pion toalla iatisenstot ride incrutsers itk unilarmed allîcro on pairut ailt hatis cquredatatotbe ouest sign a asoulders. Lindaay, Milton and Erindale won tise tisree divisional cisampionahipa misie Milton andi Lindaay playera aisares tise "meut valoable" lodividual 5 asearda. Complete toornameot coverage la on today'a r sports pages. (Phsotoby R. Damna) shuff le Gergeob eveRieMor praiesid a propod ad- minstrative sbafflr ai Maltas CauoIy adm inistration atires, ai a altas Coust' Cauocii Wedl nesday. Mrrom ajectcd ta tbe pssîng af iboe byilams Ibai ouid soc astustan t crk Jobs Byrse ap- poinied Deput' Cicck, James MeQucen appoisbcd Tocasuror and Assistant Administooto, and Garfiîetd Brooms as Ctcrk Admisraoan d Dopat' Trea sucer, Morum argurd ibai the pcopuscd promotions curird cansiderabto raines ilS ibcmn. Wbcn Warden Asno MacArtbur and oarmas ai ibat session Tom Hil uggcstcd tbe mater ostd lbe botor dituseli camera, Mrrnmsaidbh ouds'I motion dolaru or sames. The namres, bomovr, are aiisred claoiyîinîtebk"'iamsosentua t' pussedib ai day. Repues made Acnbidettiat report ltram coust'prsonnsel manager Jokn Wason as asailabie ai the meeting andkhad bees ata cuued meeting af bbc administration cammie mbaîb recammcsded tbe passisg ai tbe bt'-iam Oses lbuugb lbhr report mas asaîlakio, Marroom ricd an- tuccessialiyt tavbuscthecmalter deterrd ustîlthie prsonnel manager cauid attend bbc meeting and ansmer ast' quesions ibai migbtis Lydia Restrnaar Mark tirette Bob Langrisige MR. AND) MISS M.D.H.S. iS Sbe chonen und crnwned during te igit scitool formai on Ft'iday, Mat' 4. Abîme are the six finabista for bl o ra its-DeSSio Deilouyn, Marjuie Gisi and Lydia Roabeusur; BuRobUngsidge, Mark GrosSke and Fred eSl. Tn doadoukkbissooitboa- irhad draoweda'tat trapped ina hcads smaubrd in"sscrenlod bycroir. Otberrs scaped and are Mlton Policeoin hir i n- sitreporird mssîng, vstigatio aia rîdat' nigbi break-in a aiMatas Paattr2 lBotb argasi a spokesmafor Podcssnear Rtary Park. the company tatdThe Champion Accrding ta poico boakin ibai mtryt thie building vs occarrd snmtimo beisceco 9 ginodtbraagb ibe sîdodonc bic. p.m. Piday Apcduo20ndu8a'ciock Sargant also nalcdibat a indoa Salurdot' moonisg. Police atm aus nmasbcd imo mookosrior t reportd 40rabbiinat an ap- tbeincidetmkhesa plaskmwas proonmato salue oai$sua iccroboamo ibonugb l misstsg. Ho added, -t iink mboeo rdid Tes ai the abits mre lter it wauid bace b be misod up, fouud is a srorby cocoS. Thois niyeaondoags"- VOL 113 -Na. 52 0 -C ---------- e a y d 7 9 10 i- ýd o 1 d ýz,,i cd: A . . -& L . ý : . A...- 1 11