6 Thc Champion, Milton, Gel. Wedncsdcy, Aprîl 18, 1973 Esquesing taxpayer to get some relief Most taxpayers in Esquesing township con expect a small decrease un taxes tisis year as o result of the $1,648,530.26 buodget paased by tise townasip council Monday ulght. Council set tise budget for tares andl residentinl taxpayers ait 60.58 milsa reduction of 1.44 mills uver 1972. Tise commerciul and industrinl rate sens set at 67.77 mills-t.t8 belose last yeors rate of 68.95. Separate scisoot supporters, however, will experience a oliglit increase as thse mil rate jumpu ta, tise sante figure as tisne witis public school support. Tiseir tacs and residentiol rate in op .61 milîs and commercial andindustrial .76. Coundcil set tise rote witls nu commenta utlser tisun tise reeve'S. He ankeil thse press ta take note of thse fart tisat the miti rate biait gone dowo. Tise budget is baseil on a total anisesment of $20,305,Z12 compriseil of $17,377,719 residentini and tarm and $2,927,553 commercial andl industrial. Tise townsisip must raise an estimateti $321,386 in taxes after estimoteil revenue in mi>- tracteil tram estimateil expenditures of $716284.09. Generol expenses for tise township amounteil tai $716,284 wuile tise counly Ievy amounteil to $150,220, seporate scisool support $21,109.37, publie school $412,991, secondary scisuol support $344,554 andl street ligis $3,371.89, for a total buidget utf, $1,648,530.26. FoIIowing is a isreakduwn ut tise milS rate, foilowed by a breakilosn of tise budget sisuwing 1972 figures oald the new 1973 mil rate and figures: Towncshipcof Esqcesing MIII rate for 1973 Propsed g 1972 1973 Mill Rate MiII Rate Townshsip Farm &Residential 16.30 15.41 Commercial & Indostrial 1896 18.41 Cuacty Farm & Residential 7.22 7.40 .18 Commercial & Industrial 7.22 7.40 .18 Publie Sciscol Farm & Residentiat 21.55 21.03 Commercial & Industriat 23.94 2336 Separute Seiseol Farns& Residenlial 19.50 21.03 1.55 Comimercial & Industriat 22.00 23.28 1.36 Secoccdar-y Sclcool i Farm & Residenlial 16.95 16.74 Conumercial & Indostriat 18.85 1860 Street Uàglls Glen Wiiants 1.77 133 Nlsrval 169 1.15 Stewarttwn .85 .80 Ballinatai 4.00 388 Militon Heigs 1065 1.65 Total Mill Rate witsthe ExepionofutSreet Lighs Pucblie Scisool Support Farm & ltesidentiat 62.02 60.58 Commercial & Indostrial 60.95 67.77 Separate Sciscel Support Farns& Residenti al 59.'97 60.'58 .61 Commercial & Industrial 67.01 67.77 .76 NOTICE TO PARENTS NORTHI HALTON SUNSHINE SCHOOL FOR RETARDED CHILDREN The Acting Principal, Mrs. J. Mitchell mutl le rnceivinig applications ai the Sonsisine Snisool APRIL 27th, 1973 frcm 9 arn. to 4:30 p. R.G. Chapmac, cha rma. 784 North Edccaticc Cectre 8845 WlJ. Priestner J.80. Singleton Chairmn cf tise Board Directcr cf Edccatioc BINGO Lic. No. 137554 $1000. JACKPOT (58 No's) 20 Games at 4000am No Admission Charge CARDS 3 FOR 'l.00 Burgundy Club - Norval Monday ut 8 p.m. Exjcenditcres for Solasy Conil Members Employees Group Insursuce Ont. Hospital andl Hoissip 1011F>P Unemptoyment Insursuce & Canada Pension Prining, Postage, Otfice Supplies andl IBM Ta Biling Legal Audit Elections tesurance & Building Malntenance eélepisone .ax Write Ots Jog Control Agreement Siseep andl Cattle Claims Roads $272,500.00 + Supplementary 9388,000.00 Conservation Garisage Diaposal BanktCharges and Interest Planning Board Pire Graulu Fair Boards $45.00 Agricultural Feil. 800.00 Bail Teams-dlen) Hurnby & Limeisocse) 000.00 Poppy Fond 15.00 Mentalty Retardeil School 5.06 Rural Fanm Improvement 300.00 Rer. Acton, Georgetowen, Milt0on) 2,000.00 Mise. 200.00 Hornby Ball Park Civir Dinner Sundries sud Miscelsueous) (Conventions, Reeves Expenses)) Working Reserve tess Surplus of 1972 Total Revecies 197 58 Ta tevy Sopplementary Grmnstin Linu Unconditional Granta Grsuta ads .21 Permuta .23 tIrenses (Traiter, Hnting& Misc.) Dog Tax «4 Penalties 34 Miscellaneous .05 .12 Building Permits $6,190.00 Pluming Permîta 2,504.00 $8,75400 Less Btdg. & Ptumising 1.44 Inspections 80 per cent 1.18 7,003.00 $1,751.00 1973 1972 1973 Actuel EntichaIs 9,298.00 $ 11,000.00 27,500.00 30,120.00 546.74 1,185.00 669.00 924.00 1,062.12 1,284.00 6,574.64 7,000.00 4,06470 4,500.00 2,811.53 2,900.00 5,889.34 6,500.00 712.56 750.00 11,251.92 11,600.00 4,007.00 4,000.00 28.00 500.00 540,380.00 15,348.37 18,143.00 11,31.00 12,000.00 15,391.27 06,0000 4,624.43 8,0000 43,294.53 51,407.00 3,485.00 4,415.00 2,225.70 2,819.71 35,060.00 1972 Artual $7,739.26 371.00 52,198.00 217,500.00 1,751.00 6,735.00 3,352.00 24,306.10 5,614.58 1,250.00 500.00 3,500.00 20,060.00 $757,58.00 41,574.00 $716,284.00 1973 Estimate 4,000.00 400.«00 52,198.00 301,060.00 1,500.00 6,500.00 3,300.00 24,00000 2,000.00 $948,8%.00 Debenture issue $782,932 in '73 Debentures ltsalling *782,932 $61,644; Barbser-Greene Road witl be sold by Multon in 1973, 9100,000; Steeles Ave. E. seers Counilors agreed Wednesday. $102,091; Highwvay 25 seseers The svvîing of debentu-es is $79,138; Harrop Dr. seseers civ ) [lie i,u.,ler of $71.000; Steeles Ave. $239,852.60Olron the capital levies reconstruction $75,000; bydro collected onea per lot basis from $185,000; niorlis building $135,090. developments. Debectures for the coustrue- tion of the $1,059,000 water Capital projecto lncluded in tise pollution controt plant are mIt expenditares for 1973 iocluded espectrd lu b. iuuued. CoufleI thse Harrop Drive maid at $47,650; espectu fluide lu, cover tis pro- a 20 inichs saterinuin at $171,580; jedt 10 conte fraim lot levies HigbseaY 25 reconstructin ut doring tie year. "Ballo di Primavera" -Balla di Primavera' -Spriog to welcome nese preuident Johno Dance- mas beld Saturduy by Delni. Tise Iais Ecgiish sc- thse seni execuive of lIse Itla- retary At Denick wetcomed tie Casadiao Club of Milton and tise cambers, lliauked tise retiricg event mas quite soccensfut witb enecutive andl promiuedl tise new more tbao 120 people uttending execotive wootd dedicate tisens tbe event at Holy Rmsary Hall. selves tu promoling tise ideatu of Special attraction of tbe siglit tise Italban-Cunudiun Club. He nias a tive Easter lamb by lIhe said tise esecutive seoutd do il. name of "Lamb Cisopa". Joisn otmmt lu make tise ctub a foca Vascotto mon tise lamabin a dram cessre for tise Italian cmmnily bot lie felt sorry for il and in thseregion. retorned ilto 10 s osener. Tise Romuns Orcesetra offered The nem esecotivemas onbcand a varietynf music.- I p io e I it Ic ti MILTON LIONS CLUB BIH,. Every Thursday at Milton District High School Williams Avenue, Milton SR. JACKPOT $525. Si Numbers JR. JACKPOT 02610. s6 Numbers EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:30 P.M. REGULAR GAMES AT8:00 P.M. NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS 0F THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE The Municipal Offices WiIl Be Closed Good Friday and Easter Mondlay. April 20th, and April 23rd, 1973. R. B. Barretf, Mayor, Town of Oakville. chicies Pli8 of 6 Re. 4C Criti HOT CROSS BUIS 39 Straecrry ELpo B's 8o. nRe.5 ROLLS SAQ G TOMATO JUICE 37c Reg. Slc pg 350 Bcks seet-32 oz Glasiur MIXED PICKLES R. 65c APPLEr!g JUICE SWEET RELISH 3A 99e 480. 37C Stclely's Whc e Kerne Case. & Sanboe Sent Pack EConcece Gre.« Uquld for Dîise, CORK COFFEE GARBAGE BAIS CINDY 4c9 890 R 79lb .1. pk.. Pkg cf 109 30 mhec Sa Bu or hie HeavODul-Reg. 1.19 Aylmr-Reg 2for 33c POWDERED~~~ DEEGN lb19 VESETABLE p OO99 ________________________ Il__79__ or TOMATO SU Oz9 Aylme "Bnstin" Apiier- Apimer Tomatu Aler Cchu ce GORK & BEANS ceuised-Slcl or id BitTOATE 5i,î90 J40ir 3iic99 s~c 4 seule. 99e - 3%-399 -KISMET SOFT MARGA.RI.NE SqU 1 ui3 fo 89~ Saillis Prcciiuc Snift Preeceu,, or Lace Mapl. Cacada Pacisr TMcpie Lait Fresh Lean SLICED SIDE CrYcnac-Swcet picisfcd halve PRIME RIB WIENERS BACON COTTAGE ROASTS 80 pc RGLLS 651b.sGUI pkg. 85e Mei 'l1 lb 11 FresfiLean FrccbtLean PORK BUTT OR 7c CHUCK O SHOULDER bH P E BLADE ORib.~ u Fresh Lean Fresh Lean Fr@ Lean STANDING RIB b'Il9. ROASIS ~1 Il191b Braising Ribs 890. RIB STEAK 119 ,FRESH PRODUCZ* AND* W##AAS Flcd d ienho River Pink nrhite Noc1USA GRAPEFRUIT 10 fr950c CUCUMBERS fer Nu Mexca SuA osa c GEEN TOMATOES 3 l.990 N BOis 2 IMUSHROOMS 49lb. RADISHES, c -- 2 b i