Scouts aunch ainother tre plantlng progrom Tie 40SySaaCb Ventareru tram tht Norl alia dlatrict are plaing anithe 'lIe peojeet has heeu made posasie tlsraugh tht ta-aperutian oi tht Credit Volley Conservation Auuthoa-ity, which lot prottidel lmai t Olive Cruk, the Munoru Cuéaovatlunuramand the lake ut Oraugeville dam, and tht Departmeut uf Landu and Foraine, fraiuwluault teem are nae tlIm, pabliclty emenit lur the North Hult scout districat, aaid, "Not aily la llaa a laid rualoig campalgu ta asaînt i lrtheiag Scootiag but alto to provide mach necded reforesationu, treatiait of uew wllllle huatatu, prevestiais af land eraulan and the pronision for wateri presertvtioIi aas." Satala aie to he planted ut t Oeaitgtville dam la encourage wldl y pravldlag ulielter aid laid aid real plat wili he plauttd at the Mmaora Conaetvation aires ta protide oîntthreohs anal tO-lIter toc bids. (Ceare area wilt la plailad ln white plat aid Mile -pue la repleslals Iseen. Cul, Saola aid Vesturers t ill be catllag an residenla la Iheir own cammaiies la recrait sponsuors lor thetifret plautlag leaitet. Tlsey hape la gala the mame type of support tbey reeîved test peur whirh resotd in thouanda oi frets belng planted deapate unlavorohte tocither. The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdup, April 18, 1973 Cg Work with deaf children brings honor to A Miton couaple el Iluu lot lhefr watt wlth dea1 ebldren, Henry and Anne Duetit ere lmaired by Oubville Lions Ctuh Friduy ai joint "Citiomis af tht Veut"l. Tht Duecha aperate tht Ontario Farn Home for tht [teal onHighway 25 tant north of Mitn i project that ts oapparted by Ouhlille Lions uod Lions Cluh meenhers ucross die province. Parentsa id three dm1f daldren themueinti, they have laites la eight other deaf claldren wlthmixaid backogrounds, same of themn ematioally disturhed, anal pa-ovidedal worm. home-tîhe tmoophere, A filin strip on the o k ofte Duecha'larn home was uliaun ut Firidupos uwarda hanquet by Rev. Rohert Rumball, mlalalar ta the deallin Toronla, aiha gat the lana home idea golag ut a St. Catharines Lions Club meeting la 1907. Ht raoilted ap tht original Itoans thot porcloatil tht lana, andl îuonvnced the Duecits to moveher 11',ni huuguia-oo)thc- H. Duecks Laite and aperate the lurm. Aaaong the 210 gaett ut tast week's awurda dianer were many af the Datcka' boamt gaetl andl freaala. -Champion ctassifieds sell fridgct, stotes and wa ti hî BrailNe 7 VSACHEVROLET Brand New '73 a n1911 FORD & CHALLENGER 1969 FORD Arn DARTE A L S O IL orHadoP.Sern 4 Dr. Sndan-uon ic Popular Notchback MONTE CARLO - Rai Re W, RadaoP PStaen & raes CHEVY NOVA Hardtop Coupe ot D iSR D082CORON ET Brand NewTiresDS098 Seia N.1HI1211 Dfoge-of Bow 5082[DOGE ONLY Ssl aHVl225CAMARD Ses-l Na. iO37F3ialilRO Ex p ion l .$T U K VEGA $377 2395 TR9C5 Highway 25 South Derry Rd.- MILTON - 878-2393 - A9. MII TEINCHRYSLE MIII fl BOISE E SALES ýi SERVICE 88 Otario St. Milton 818-2962 MILTON'S FRIENDLY AND REL A MeLE CAR DEALERS THEY OFFER YOU APPROX. 525 "NEW" & "GUARANTEED" USED CARS £,adOmA 4oeII*M SALES eolId OpWVA 4..W 199 FORD PICK-UP LINCOLN METEOR 1912 CORTINA 191TYT RLL AT 0 1V Standard Tans. MRK COUGAR 2 Dmr 4 peed. A Real Sharp 191TYTAOR L AT actely To-Toned.Lc MAQ I MONTEGO Automoabile. L,. BYE955 Hîghway 25 19 1 PI T T79421 CORTINA $1 ftSouth Of 401 $1d~CAPRI FORD TRUCKS 12148 NOW'878247 NOM I 95 NORIHENO M AISUN.LTD. ALLINGER - 82-14 MILTON PAi _______BTUNLr9L IN E LO Toronto 925-Ul878-88 EXTRA BONUS FOR YOU, "1GUARAN. TD CCY@ EACHGONE 0F THESE DEALERS OFFER TOU EFFICIENT SERVI 16UP TODATE SERVICE FACILITIES "BE A GUARANTEED BUTER" TORD BOU T «ME EXTRA TAX ORD m *EINEuTE XR A ASTRE VENTURA PINTO WIUhER TRUST WITH US3 ... .,vLurrR LE MANS FIRENZA OVR 00BRNDNE BUICK CDLA T-BIRD MC OV 0 BAD E GTO FIRERIRD GMC TRUCKS MUSTANGr I A~f MUST CRSRG N TC FORD TRUCKS-m~~,)ASRGTI TC ~AR MOTORS 408 Main St. Milton ;iRl--T-818-2369 M1{kfMt "6000 DEAL EXAMPLEPO 1913 CENTURY 1 Dr. Sports Cotpt Ot,'oa fron. Beige itterior, hVini Top. Loaded oîth Extraa -SP, Warrantylooli $3775 $4.010' Lis' . NOW 388 Main St. Milton Guardian Service 878-2355 __J RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS FROR INE OF