C4 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wedsesday, April 18, 1973 Parents Anonymous P.A. provides friendship for deprived parents By Bob Bu-t mith the Hamilton Dtistrict Clsapter of PA, salit tisaIS5 Per Jane ls a mnother uft ilreo cent ot ait cisili alisers more ittiitu-n. Stun siacorely loves absd tliemsolves an elsilitren. eues of Ilseun bet l 5 oclisoit 10 Thn Hamoilton District sehieli ahane tiseun bIbh pbysiealty an incis most of Hulton County emmtmanal As a uitd Jante inOs invoives abaut 3u people so fireluaeotly abuset unit boutes by attend neekiy meetings and lier parents. unutlier 10f inbn reroive strongsth Jane os a lictilîos naisse and lenan PA ilirougli phione the situation refere o l t fie- conversations. titios an ineil. Bat un rouI Mie lise orgasiatin is manseit by Iliere are linitedsofu people six volunteers, pruvides 24 baur living Ilirouf b frightesing phane service, is a non-prufit esperioncos liecanse of pane urgunzatîon in nature unit pomeni-ebulit retatsoslips. requnees oniy tliut unemblers hoe Over 100 parents are seelsing otroleit in mmproviof Sueir hlp for tbeir peobleens tseongls reiahionsliip villi their cldren. an infant organisation, insown as I un interviewn, Mes. Murrisnn Parents Anonyenoun. FA in expluinoit FA vas ose division of Iondait on, und finds strongtl in Parent Ctod!. Concere inhicli vus enany of tse sonne principles Suai loessed lust Maccl. FA mus malins Alcohotirs Anunymous loranein May. such a plienounenal sucrean. Pulic Eitsruthus LounsIy exumple Purent Chid Concees providos Marg Morrison, a Borlingion -soverui services. In order 10 wounananit one closely connerlet encourage public oducation mounhers speak ut cooossniiy groups cnd paoil plisphlete. Since the grnsp sterteit there huve heen t50 speahinf engagemeonts. The group i s cnrrentiy runsidering holding c pi project in a cooniy higischani for ahoot 150 oluents. ine hope O convinco staitents ibat parentiue sua lneoi hohavior," she salit. Aithougli Mes. Morneso daes bave a sirong protossional biackigroundt an a nurse ai Sink Chistiten's Hospital un Toronto andt as a muncher ai nulin cole she foots a profossional bsackgrundittnt c preroqsssiio to borne a FA voloniser. Deprlved parens She says the orguninution morks osili ihat oa referred te us Oie iteprived parent syndrome. te maln cases parents have nover rereiveit love or frienitship. By bavung somoone io rail anit recoîve support tenan, tliey tecome strongor people. Chansonettes, models present fashion parade Tise basse Sigbta im. lise Bsnt, rurlain parts. itlau early seorobin Tin. in a spring gardas. A manden Oreig, treSuls covered wvus cisobi roses torses an il on moitre The stage ieudsng 10 Oie munmay, on at50Oi ose aite c majestic forsytiac, on inha i Oie oter tioe statues idal ever- bersi green sbrolitery stand liy c Phdl C marseortgftooiain. itla te on Clemi ense, Oie golden lighl intensifies Rotin an Sue teautifsi voires ofthSe Robe Milton Chunsoneiles sing Mord -Yollov Bies". Sec Foarteen iovely modala cioSued iisom un 055 seaiens sisadas of yoliom Poilen puise like teaulibai statues in a Maeg golden sprung gardon. Tise noires Billie fada, iouving a ant piano hack ilam groundthy Mes.in NeveUl. Eacs Barb mociel te tare nowm soves ont on Mage Sue ronmay. Mes. Lorraine Mk Campbell describon Sue tauhions uni thSeie oustandssg turen. A lu Mms. Judy Hanter, directer ot Follet Oie Cisunsoseilos ced Mes. Belty sang Anse Sunith of 'isy btlianne cf goorgeoom" cambalethSeir oit- The standing talents in tusheon ced atrun musir ctule Ontario SciaoofthOe Borun Deaftin Milton Tliaesday evoning. Mari Almays ouger to demonsteate Jpent tee lires boboef Suai tasbicn li stylu, iruly an cri torm, Betty Anse otîl sd Candien unit impartedl tani dasigns plus a nointer cf isy Shant tettianse" originels. Renriy île unit a ites ci uppurei, dreese, peint Sue bl 00110, sportsvear, omimovoar, reine caftans ont eveniso goini vere anosi sbvwn, cmpleie iiS jemoloery T unit accesuorios.Th Modtela more Ingridt Baillera, local Morion Ciarki, Slylvia Katiorve, goosei Boit Smth, Doreon Suri, Angie DeBesyn, Suan Mconey, Coron Wind up quilting The Noassaa gamwe ya Prensytorian ladies mound up Sueur winer quiluing nenien on Toesdcy, April 10. To mars Oie occasion a patlon lunci vas enjcyed ai Sue hsome of Mes. Doirit Hendereon, sebo huit dane mosi cf Oie settiso up unit marking Oie quilte us veS as serving tea asnd ombes te Oie quiiters in the utteesnon. The meailln han teen qoute boy, soverci costl jobs have beln dase , as voS an anmte qullta prepared foe soie ai Sue May lonriseon. As Mes. Houalersen's birthday mas approachîsg, thie geoup pueonntet lier aili a golit cotored rlirynanibemnum andt sang Happy Bielliday. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETO EVERY HAVINO A PROBLEMI AL-ANON GRouP sEousaNNIo sOi IN MILTON Do esc havenurelattos withiad-inkingp-oblem? o ou snt anmehielp? For Ienormation Phone: 878-2481 or 878-4428 Weoity Forsyth, Cyntia, *Eleunor Bul Sandra unit Gary SnIOI Cisansoneiieo are an etive, biveiy groop cf vomen ove te sing. Membors are, eopraos, Lynne Brown, hase, Sue Heniterson, Boily ent, Elounor Jackson, Boryl ge, Barbara Snov, Lit ris, Carol Clarbe unit yn Sniib toit sopranos are, Isabel pan, Dame Case, sandtre ,Jane McCuaig, Lin Moir, set Kerr, Lilian Conitori, Marshalil, Lin Promo, Broie, Jan ESuerington, ara Kneaio, Morjorie e, Licita Hoiti, Lois esyli uni t ilryn Poster. vio 0f Lynne Brome, Sentira n unit Jane McCaie oe four humilir. siage setiaf anal floral fomente more hy Barry ocf Milton Oreenbnanos. on Tonton unit Raipli uon froun Oie Hosse cf Haie a bssy nîglit changung haie gfor endu model Oiroogb- le shotw. The latestiun qonlily nue sas oupplied by Rouir. Georgetome. The stedents Suif of the scisani peovided gbling. Oie itreseers uni thOe asiments itoring inter- e tull ro-poralion of Sue istaff and the istingsess of morchanis 10 dispily Sueir a nit talents piayed c greai par n the overal sacese cf Oie sow- SKJRT LENGTH us jant aove ste lice lin spring. eole bave te reroive love telore tboy can give hi." Mes. Morries foots ail ot tise people inhu have calied for help roally love Oseir chilitren. Winle tse probleun of chit abuse ion't a sein one, Ote increased mobility of tedy' feniy unit othor facters armaunt for on incrouse ut chit clisse. te muny cases o purent basn uo eitenited tanniiy te talls to unit Ssey cren't able lutom cn close reiutionnhip svitli a trienit. As Mes. Morrison pais il, tioy are deprived cf many ufthSe tings Suai go teinard mahing a gond FA conituctswintl they roter to as a loy therapy progruan. inomen are tranet te morl iiS parents unit chulitren. These peper opunsiosato people, sisileitc laying iii clildiron. Part oI Oie philospliy is in tocl by exenmple. Frunirutet Muny of Sue parente solo plisse for Oie tinst time are tessIected unit on Oie ainli nI belun Ote chiitron. inn encourage Suein in changeiboeir patterns. We'Ol teSl a persan Suai ten Oiey are rady te go bannan te caOl ss uni t ib about Oie probiesi, rather Suan bout tbo cuit.« It vorlis Ose of Oie uitvuntcgos of FAisa Suai Oie biy lias n otficiel peower unit tant aigocd it iS any govorsnent body or agency. Arcording te Mes. Morneso mnal parents tour Chilitan's Aid ilocietios unit cocories of iliat li, sel for any rai roes list Oie leur un Suere. "Many have Sueir nsis set ibat thie CAS rasevorliors are baby sacrl, sho ouplutes Because rallers ureolt required te give more Suan Sueir tirsi hme, tboy enjoy c certain sose of secority. "Lber ine hape they miSl trust us for oSuer rousons. Isitependitou ite FA isoi ahgned villi ony any other bodty ur coenry, mnbers are amure of secial agenrios cnd Sueir puepesesl anit ohm bohlp people inted oit1 avail Osenselvos ofthSose agoncmen il the omei m FA morliers ranit provide. Oit occsi CAS han boen rulled opon bust soi bofore il n'as resianstoit ly thie purent. ine have novor f050 ugutesi Oie vinli ofta parent butine have tees chie ia use CAS every lime ove toit vo hiait 10," she sait. Unlihe Sue papolur mylli ibat only Oie biner messie groops lace Sons peolilee, FA anoaners ropmeneni ovory sorornai grosp. Povorly, boinovor, is bnomno t iîggor chutd abuse. Mny parents bave unrealistir especiclions of Suormlves uni thSeir chukl, Mrs. Morrîson noloit. Sbe espiains thol anany paemts feel Oieir tvoyecr oit shaulit have Oie abity ic cononrute for long Liz says: ~ EASTER is tise time for ehadbom oant bumnes Ttese iltle stra'ooeioms con b sbaffent vit gooties for yoar favorite i tUe person-or usent os an attractive andt seasoa tohlereohu'e BASKET WARE t Strr >r iptiitruot " Usnen bamporo " Plantens *Picole oant soste baskets *Bread, roll ont shoppisg baskets e bSoelvos, soolo assi chilitren's chairs Ibis littho teauîy îs $ 898 Corne In e Cod Browse Hear report on U.C.W. annual St. Paulitedt Cliarrh inmen 'lie over meanorublo Euslor Story of Christ's Last ieeli as told by His MoSuor van rend hy Mes. Roert McKlm, iterperseit by Eanier bymins unit selon hy Mes. Gary Cceman, arcoanpanied by Mes. W.L. MrNoil. SpennaI seriptureo on Oie Rosurrertios more given by Mrs. Jacki Soaouelit unit Mes. Chiarles Wilson. Prayor hy Mes, W. Maison ciosethOe itovotiomal eserruses ai SI. Pool's U.C.W. meeting rereniiy. Mes. J. Gilbert ouiled en Mes. Stan Love, assistant secroiary 10 readithe minutes. Tise trasareros report mas given by Mes. Haroldt Coolis, in Oie absence ofthSe ireasorer. lntOrOsting unit reparts more rereived. Ose unit gave ont topirs os Oie Initia iltoiy, vhurli invoivet researchi for Oie membors. AnoSuer unit hiait a ceaSt evenung, teacn crobehtin unit hon' lu malie an afghaon. Mrs. Gordon Thomas rend a Suanb-yos letter troan Sue serretery of Halon Preshyterial U.C.W. annuel meeting for serving Oie evening aneal te, Sue itelogalos. Mrs. E.W. Poster gave a timeiy periedsof tlitre. inlen Suis itoossi huppest Sue parmit humnes bimseit or herseit for teing c peor parent uni thSe chilt tor boutg a boit nuit,. lse temptatîco s 10 iteal mils frustrations vioietiy. "i rus be tise miel lrietratoîg Ohig un Oie montd. Sait ano, boit ted, mhamp Odly eougli, FA vorliors clamei verbal abse un te more danagoto than pisysical aunse. If paemis mostunly teSl chilitros Oiey are stupid for mcing un error or heome trontruled unit rail a colt an idiot, a ciud's chararier cas he seriousiy daunageit. For instance a meoter has mmc optios men the riti spitla milb. lisetirotisa te ouy "yosve mite un aintol mesc, nom help me clous il sp." Tise seccond upproacis o yoc idiot inhen mdi yos ever groin cp?" Tise nunher 1or Parents Aconyanous 10 032-7970. nmosoageon cîhaenship unitsenta action, ssing Suai oucl unit tysotds uin perioston "Racial Brollierbnoit" andt inorlit Peace unit match Sue daily pupors tee aliter lopins. Mes. L. Fidier roporled on ronsunily trienitnbip anit visitistg, hlingithe raBse ut Halten MOanor, Sue hospital and itifferenl homes. Worhop datlails more osfiined by Mes. H. Canison on Oie latent morli. Mes. C. Wnillias gave c e omnceise llan on Sue fail bonae. U.C.W. Prenliploria A namber oftacis on Oie annuel U.Cin. Proshyleria more proviited hy Mes. H. Coullon. TItis moeting mas boit os SI. Puis United Cisarci miib a Bsne intendtance miib tino sessions, aiternoon anit evoning. She remarteiton Oie sing-eong fl hy Mrs. K.O. Fsster, also the geseros disptey of 300 or more pioros of bitraIre on many lopies, providait hy Mes. Helen Haigll unit Mes. Bird fronn the United Charcli Puh"ig Hooms. lThe ovening peogcant, starteit off milli mosical nimbera by LUmi-ile Young Peopl choir uni thSeir YouOi orlnr iniS 0ev Wne Irwin uni thSeir organisi. Piclaroocand un aititess by 0ev. Luis Wnilon of Fien United Cliarci, Hamnilton mbo hait altended a ronference te Croe, viS! te long emmboeed. Mes. A. Oropp, stemuritstep oerretery tld of the special panel te be presenteit os April 29 ut the iooesung service ut 10:45 in St. Pool's. Mrs . William Malin offered la oriter cny banoks SuaI Oie onilo mised for slod or reaiag on Apeit 30, Wh:oishOe attenits thie Proshylerial reesiive. Unit leaders or Iheir reprosenialives are te te uithOe Grahamn Hall on April 24, 25 unt 26 to belp molli the ronanago solo proei. An invitation mas remîived 10 the itufledil tesaiu 12-30 ut Hilîrreol Unitet Cliarci un April 19. Mise True Davidien viS opeali. Euchre, bridge winners Tnent one tableu cf ployers Sunlaier Tucby Kennedy, Mrs. playe euchre and bridge April 1 Pope,' Bena Grenhe, Violet authOe John Miliou Chapler Scott, Eva Chinholsi, Loia I.OD *E. wimdup pariy ut Ugny Robeetson, Mes. Laweence, Mes. Hall. HurveS, Mes. McKuuson, Doreen Thse bridge vinner for Ose yeur Wilonu, lits. Stan Fay and Mes. vus Mes. Helen Babeori unit McCaeron. Mes. Hasel Wilsn waa loin, wine lits. Malsel Htailel as 5h*gb IIIIIIlIsnIIilisllIlllill eure winner and Mes. Messies Ms o. Anedloaéu hg s. R Cun 0.0.1 vus 3in J.R= u bridge srorer tr theydaywile au Mes. W. A. Marshsal mas low. S itigi e lor for thse day OPTOMETRISI mas lae Anireins unitlon wao Mes Mnaltos. Mie. Marion Hi unit Mes. BURLINGTON Evass wos tBy puises. Dran MALL puions inent te Mary Tsftoeit Mes. Mylos, Mes. W. Coolie Mes TEEHNEM78 Weie, Elva Ezeurit, Mes. M EEHN 827 Loslasd.n, Mes. Wtillelocu Mes iooousmamaoOaooaîool Plomers refiect tise beauty of Easter. Select I Bosquets and floral arrangements or choose I tram a large variefy of potted plants:- * Lilies le Gloxinias Ne Hydrangeas o'e - li Mixed Pans - î HENRY GORTER t FLORIST Kibride Phone 878-6213 N , rpe - elic- a e fsio ev Linda Hoather o artett NURSES' DRESS s ~ PLAID PANT SUIT UNIFORM BY -tMAKES "LA CROSS" FASHION NEWS Purpie Pelican Sfresh start Iasts ail Tis time in a two plece e topn îbsoi Eîtpant suit in 100 per cent Shoppers Worîd Jersey Tricot. ~ Acrylic Stres1029 ~ Brampton Sies1020Szes8-18 i-In t0anditeeenAve A real dan ing 457-6144 117" 125% AERIY LIGHT YOUR HOME With the Latest Styles & Wicdest Choice in LAM PS -CHANOELI ERS -SWAGS-FIXTU RES We have great SALE ITEMS an ail these types in April1 LIGHTING UNLIMITED SHOPPERS' WORLD 49Main St. S., Brampton 459-8166 (Hîghnay 10 & Staite .) AVA ~ ~ odI TVp0Wrpresenlts ie incoepambl. TRINITRON Shoppers World Brampton 459-1400 ALSO Oownsvuein Juat SAVEFANTAISTIC 10W ONLY Çi 1 JN ~ ~569~~ KV1710 -17" solid state. Warranty 2 '7n yr. picture tube; 1 yr. factory parts World unonnv condition are sure $569 5 an serice.push pices hoahe-purchase your ;rc c (.5.1 élot «J .2rw N -Hailis -Scott M llikil, Supplie,, K Albunis CoIns & Lucite Coiri 1rnt)edrnpýIntý Shoppers World - Brampton, 0 Il t.