OUR RIADIRS, WRITE CONGRATuI.ATFI OCHOOL ON EXCELLENT OPEET-TA t ooldlitke t ta loe tis opportanity 10 mnoatlate bbe vîndenti, ad teachers o Martin St Sciioo on Oh ine prformances o their operetta 'Aot Drustlas Garde.". Piesurmably Oie audience oas estty dutitul prensanid relatives who wnre pleasntly aurpriont by Oie proteiosalimn diaplayed, Oie resait o on-y proficient nid ddctndtleorbers wM geseraindthOi enaOiaiaseo ins Onr papis. It la regrettaI Oi troining dans sot estend intaOie igb scboot tevet, Iis to me in an importantapct of ntocation tOit seeis o taiM seglectnt aller tMe gradn niele tevet. Mns. Marg tacNeWi 129 Meadowbmonb Dr., Milaon. LAKtE LEVEt 501GB WIOY CIANNEUIZE TOO? linar Si, I view othOe carmint floodisg tobtM on Oie Great Lobes, It sesoma aI n- porposes to procend witb tsrthnr dsannebizatton projecta olmllr ta Oiat taoposed for Oie Sixtees Mile Creek is Miton.. Aside frons Oie astbtici ot hoing a miiaiture Sans Casai in oses bock yard, it moves sprisg r itio thOe lobes at lea greit a ale, adding le an atreody severe flooding probtees. At Oie sanme limne, it tens taîneter Oie vital woler table tarOier iland. 'Oie Uitnt States is atesdy teeling tMe pincb ai municipal water ibortoges in certain areasoanid tanin taCanadien It seesas to me tMat Oie ultimata anarner lies in jadicios retoresioto dnloy sprlng LIGHT YOUR HOME With the Latest Styles & Widest Choice in LAM PS -CHAN OELI ERS -SWAGS -FIXTU RES We have great SALE ITEMS in al Oes. types in April1 LIGHTING UNLIMITED SHOPPERS' WORLD 499 Main St. S. Brampton 459-8166 (igh.ay 10 & Ste.nsA..e MA PESIG PICIANS COulist Prnesitpions Fiied *ContaCt Len HOUJIS- NOURS- Alon Fr,9i. ma.5.30 p n Tuesday, Wednesday T-,n SOn,5Pin & Thursday. Cased Saturday 9.30 arn. te, 5.15 p. 115 Lakeshore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON Submit "final brief" The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednenday, April 11, 1973 on- regional gov.rnment Considering sale aitIon Cousty Causilt sb- mitted vOot osncillnrs hope o10 tnof, le combnatien wlithaddltlosal dama bn Oieeosty's tisai bolet os at botdiog ban ie thOe ose t Ketan, le regionol goersmeet lait weeb. minieize floodisg asd bid op Oie eater Coasiciltors discossed asd beordj tables. presestations irom Oie eyes Rivets and eceaîns are beiog inuocipalities tat inotti cnd cbaooelîoed by regîoal Conervation icialized their on vcbrucssion AoOorities 10 anoid Hrricas Hoon-type Ftiday. onds, whicb occur perbops osce o centutry. Tbe brîiefotlioeo Oie areasofo Summer wter shortoges and prise regponsibtttty Oie eoscit tenta ttondieg othOe lorner lobes ncar viatualy sbold be bandtnil at eoeh tenet ot evry year. Priorities seen tt be assignd oOOioity. accorinigly. TOny ssggeit pasning be o opit tuoctios oitb oneraît Yossiscernty, planning athOe regios and sol- Wlliam H. Insm diision agreemets dose tocatly. 26Pise St., Milton. Waler asd semer service is cecoromesded 10 be basdted at the regtonal tevet. Better bus service for Milton people Milleson il bhave intprovnt bus an-vice Oih inside anid outide Oie ton inits at the esd aofuti mosOi. Mayor Brtan Boitsanid arrangemens have boensmode for a Gray Coanchs to stop t itOi Obeet Stop, jsst oit High- way 40t at 4.30 nach day. lThe ban en-auto ta Tronto trom Gol outd pcb up hearing An Otario Municial Ban-i Mn-ring osideriog as M8-acre subdivision in Oie Bomnivilte coinasunily ut Nassagaoeya Toonsip ml le resutood Juty 5. Thn besruag oas poalpont Wnt- nesday ohmn planning evidence nasol anaitable. M. C. McCaid, attorney for Brooknifle Estates sail Oie ires bail maitndtwlanad a hait years for a ratisg from Oie province essceroisg the oeffd the Toronto Cestreil Region Plan aoutd bave os île devetoptaeot. Mccaid antd the oficiai. plan desîgsated the Broolcilte orna as leinS sonttfoc cemesuoily use. Wbes the hearisg renames Broobvillo Estales ail osk for cariicain cosrersîog the Tronto Cetrnt Rogios Plan for Devetopmeet. Thn n-na in questton tatîs in zne two ora slow groohonse in Oie TCRP. Mr. Smvith, cpr- sestiog Oie Otn-io Municipol Board, said if Oie devetopmees coutl M provnt lto eof a modest nanture it may M attooil in Zone Tino. A snumeofutralepayeri-are opposing Oie developesent. àEbenezer Young people birthday news Oy Mns. Rai MeLean Bfrtltday greetinga ta Mes. H. BtO. Crie-Lyn Suan Fatt mode her iraI appearance at cbarch. TOe yoîng people are le go tu Durham n osSaIn-day ight. Chueh service The Junior choir sang, "Yeslecday Ho dit tfor m." MILTON TELEPHONE ANSWÉERINQ SERVICE *LONFIDENTIAL .COURTcOUS 0 PERONOAL IZED 878-2020 ponseogero bore and tube Oiees into Oie rity. TOat arrangeenet aitt go into etteet Aprit 30. Loto Bas Mayor Best isdicated that wiie arrangemensarate sot tinat yet, tinre is a possiiity of honing a late ban bros Toronto stop t Fiftb Wbeet stop as Frtday anid Stutday nigbto. This auutd pronide as opportaniby for people 1 ins an ho mot ta go into the city for Oie evesiog ta buve a a frin utpublic traosportation ta bring Ohms home. To tnrther tactîtale Oie ltt attersno ntrip ta Toronto, Milles Bus Linos aill rn o bus lesving Mitos Travot Service os Martin St. at 4.20, atrtiving at FiftOi Oeel aI 4.25 in tetoloauit tor Oie Gray Caach ta mome aI 4.30. Milles Bus Linos gets into fuitl naing ou Monday abon Oie subsidy tabos ettect. Pubtic transeit îboutd be bondlni ltocaflyanid provision mode for regibne tatoeover at some point in Oie ftutre, Oie triet says. The brief recommeodo a regonval police loie tahe etiect Jin. 1,1974and be govecvedby a police commisninîoo atba majority of the members being reiosat couscittors. Coascil deibrated at great lnngt aabot store closisg boors wbether or ait Oiey sboutd bM commos Oroogboat Oie region. The briel soggeata bydro bM a cegiosol responsibitity. Tbe province bas suggeited il reesain local for Oie time Mtsng. Assesmn TOn briet alon ggeata(anid ba earttty esdnrsed by al esembersi Otht egistation bM posseaaowing Oie assessent tanetos lne Mposent bock taOie regios Iroin tbe provincet ioooediatety atter actant marbet valse io establisbnt. The assessent tanctios bas es a bore point nuOi esunicipot officiais ever nnce tl wan tabes froin tocal cestrot and pot le Oie boom oof the province. The coanîn' briet atong ali oOiec emunicipal bolets ont on tadîviduat eiort Iroes Nasaganeya Coancittor J. C. Mettyre bave been ssbesitted to Oie province tor cessideratios. Wite tere appeors a posstbitîty of regiosol governent bMaso detayed in of county building Haloi Caanty Coancil lnarnnt seeb regiosal quarters toust oe that Oie province os a eteabere, or o une tbe wa e eady andnnittng buyerlforOthe building and have provinciaul coupoty admiontration bildingoi ,fi,c-. iii,ýu , c1 oni Sîccien Aie, in Miltiiv. Tic iiiiidiliîg t (10 mdteb cvimmitmeot frosa the province. povincial and ciicv fiycesi. onever ibd't betp cunicit in Havesit decided their detîberatioos about To date coancîl hso't decideil estabtisbisg regionat bead- obere the bent geogeapbic quarlers whMs regiosat govees- location for a buitding Ls, or boa mnent toMes etlect. uhsaeiwl rqr. 'Me coanty ownsaOie building mcb srk femld re wn but 82 per cent ufthte apace is nuggeted tbe province mndicated tabes by provincial atfires and id lnns otetebidn Oe provitce rensthOe spore train eaustt ogut bbabe t e-n Oie maunty. be aeon.Ifcoutycoosa or 'lie budlding rost $st,.gtin ceodtiooticutntce 1962 anid ban$313.Wstail on ere toreplace Oie couutrttoum on it. Caunrdl is tact lOi Oihe dect-toto semil the building usnd Haeilton-Westoortb ures, il b -WAYNE-- Oiougbt Hlles ottl go ahesd in - ROSS - 1974 as schntuted. OR -MARCEL- Fine Furnituro eD AT FACTORYTTo YOU PICESLoin Ro MILTON For Freezer 1 PLAZA 1Ï Loin of Mlton Gardens Vsit aur beautiful new dinîng room, fully licenced, open seven days a week. Enter off Brown St. SPECL4LIZINvd iN Take-Out Service- Bus. Mens Luncheon 128 Main MILTON INN HOTELmitoO Fast T keOut FMo-TOt. 11- ar. Sevie 878-4531Sna 29pm Sme Problems W Oh Storail oD Openng 33" x0119 Feafunng OStelcolour prefinished steel for maintenance free years e Pilter proot 10k-mail construction *Solid one pince gabl conrcoeNeoprene mashers under exposed roof bots*ewer boîts - eas lo assemble Model 7396 113' o 76" o 82" outside- Door openin 671/"' YU HO EIMPROVEMENT CENTRE 10 Opn MonaytoFrldaytoite m.-Satuidlay8a.m. toi P m =11-1 *en) oe THE MA'S 510 Toido' 222 Mai St., Milton ai Two vital m o are asking mie WeOne Chargea What is the proper jacket Iength ? Tees a simple rcleofthcmb. the Ocke shouciiendit yur tcmb iîp hen . , and am, siîOs. Oeue yucapply this ruci, th.ugchecklauuibter ttcngs (1) oeS te iocket cver ync seafilduen' l int iqcielong eougnoaatter whoi y'or icm bsay. (21Aeithe buttons icceiypaced, in a aturi lunking spot niithe u1or usct aboce enci mai 5t?'Ifthebol. aimi theioackeinnta ood body 1evuithon yu no mattier berili stops. Should 1 have cuffs on my pants ornont? Iftnoulike them, yes. I nt no. In smri, though, Fiedsays iYs-t ouose cutis ttiis ynai For on mason, tiousni legs haoco bocome slightly aider. And on ibis borier leg, a colt looks ýery nice ndned. Another -nason is the renaissance of tobril pattnen h21 bai' bock to thn 1930s and 40's.For tet, ohat coold bn more appiopriato thon o ctittnd tioiisni' So Fi-na says. -'go obead,get cutts. TheyII looh ginat on nou." M INCIMNT GRANDE OCCASION SERVICE 72 piece Service forl12 iindthi.saitiftilttri hristan 11999, rosi; branc2r~4 220 Main St. E. Milton 878-6341 itihioffices, coniderabte work woold boni to he dose. Bromnotold council 27 acres te the cool aod as odditiosol 14 ocresno thOe oortb vere anailabte andit t ms possible for Oie coosty to lie protecled [romn baving oduotry mono osto thot land. Wile snme onrciltors ogreed thei coonyshoulil heep tbe ,îcilîvg cihirsfliii the mtter toi the 3 ogioil conil 10 A iomesîttee mon appointi to considr theprobtem andrepot bahk Et,@ on mew ~SePage 4 1 a