Apil 2 Laies' hi lf 58. y Csf lelnol Z17, dAzlsSl adl 277 Lds.' hgh triple, e.Sei e. Othe'e sadingales, Juse Gasid 25, TinasIvpia ScsM [a, V,. ( i,5 as 1,nseea695 - LasSe'-oas 7 fi. e,a 1 fore96, Ml. laSfor ', h "h Impie9, Gaine L.I for 9, ses g h o , v0e- 2haore9 3a rn.LeeLeittle G"Y heasa ceieAea Litle 324 Gary Lees 273,aSd ToemFee M8 COhas sasd tries, Aea Lie733, far 106, ae.p B-ps 5 [.'105, Lssky Sx 3 for 10, sessin as 2, lIep 5apesn7lfor 92, asakees 0 Ian 85iaS Aea5i ,1973. LaSs es'.high sngle, Gisada Candinea 338,.ladisa' higs insle, Othea gSad sil emao-MI- The Champion, Milton, Ost., Wedsesday, April 11, 19737 YOUNGSTERS AT PINEVIEW SCHOOL praved outstanding in basketball skiffs recenfly seien tisey entereti a sih tosrnament ah St. Francis Assisi Separate Sciseol in Georgetoswn. Compefitors are front rose: Jet! Feensfra, Donnie Pickett, Jamie Racinski, Andrese Braket, Back rose: Rrad Poyntz, Stepisen Dosiski, Jim Lesley, Wayne Van Overfache and Bob 1-endvoy. Individual awards west ta Jim Lesley, Wayne Van Overbeke, Bob Lendvoy, Jet! Feenstra and Don Pickett. Msnphe ?70, NaanyMs5ally 296, G..a. Lstle660, Seasa ilc le ae ' siaasaeaon 5 Sur.2,Maryh unss7 ,),hr gnd oa. om.Mc-las Si Lsaee'a Searn2, Sio. 7eafola -Milton Bus Lises anches ifs aIses oaain2ss.3f 9.Gie.NeaMn aLea'la lS'alaeIr Msphy717. DinisasKennedy 6al, aýisaa'î aola .n ad hi cy4 fle fulltinse service next Moiuday. OOACH KENT MCINTOSH given Milton Optimit Pen Wees a Creekle tise third games o!fis pre-game chat Friday night. 'Ise Pee Wees topped Stoney They trled It, l1ki Syrup ni Bllion Region Conservation Solisority hansliis seek been under attack for selflng suaple syrup nitis mie ugar contentait ita Rattlemahe Poist Parknsapie syrup demnsntrations. Jofhn Rush, foresry teelaisian for tfie Autfioity toid The Chamnpionn Bat a cople of days alle the desnnnstratinn had regolatians pertaining la tise sale nf eaple ysnp at their shanty. He wsantld hy tise Ontario Departrnest of Agriculture nffice in Miltn Bat, as Mr. Roshis l i, "ta lise lient ottheir huosledge tisere sere noreguations governing tise makiug and selllng o inapte sysup." Legally. inapte yrap mast have a tapear sent sugar content sud a maxinum ni 3 perceint watruJon reeeiving o hayes, Water Humphries, a neaple syrup extension speelalist for tise Onario Departnsnst ai Agrieulture and Fond bhuagisoa sanspie ahaut tiso seeehs agn aud teted i. He fond Bhe sample ta monaaeniy 45 pee cent nugar and 55 per cent Mates, weU ielose Bhe required provincial standards. Buh explaînu "We dide't realize Bhe eondy thesmometer un Bhe evaporatur wsanost workisg. Ilsanssnwisg tBat tBe stagasconntent wsan p tapas hut monseqaentiy it was't." Tise Athority han olnse replaced tBe eondy tBesmometer sud hon heein ending tise $2.50 .espri ie ta any boyers seho ngBte sasnof inapte aysap hughtaitBe demanstsationhbaeh ta tise dtoitys admnisltration offise on Main St. le Milton. isse Bhe essor wsa disovered sud pubicleed lenst seent, only hall a dazen people hume ushed fos retanda ot of approxmately 150 *od It, but %f sweet enough niso porcisased sans îccordisg 10 'TheChampion, The fsisay tfig mne spekesen.o seeismade a peist aof havisg Bashs surnmed uP thse everyose sample 0 hbefase leyisg Aiithonity's seaetion seien he told jt. (Phsotohy B. Rrtt)Co~ li,*onno eePa ge 4 p 7.98 IS OURTOP Pr Isix ON TOU OUALITY PAINTS Th e hsghesl pnsse vas pav at Colos' Yoss' 550ld is 7.as gai. ar S.aa QI. We hase slhsn paies Isom 5se5 gai. but aslv adsenlise osn senv ses Wallpaper-Paints-Mirrora-Ceramic Tile Floor Tiles-Carpets-Broadloom-Vinyl Flooring We have a large quasI ify of ~ WALLPAPER en stock for yoor cosvesîesce-ready fo take home af 33% OR50%/ Remember always 10 percentfioun os asy Walipaper or Veyl Order. PRE-PASTED WASHAB LE 99 WRIIDIED ISe hae 140 WUIPAEIIhlpattees to chissfe ne rol CLEI-OUT FLGCK WALLPAPER REG.'14,95 CLEAR-OUT mE-PASTEl WASNABLE 3501 ROLL 390 FRE BEAU11FUL.. DURABLE OUR VEFBYI5INEST OUALITY Nl BOX"S -AT-X khfLî~A, a LS. san PAIT ilinO7 , id ie 1 le a THE REALLY WASHAýBLE LATEX S- Ges onso beautiu y ..sreaehîanaen l $los B RUSH ... O ~ Y one cata a ers onanmos u cs 1 purhasesof $10 55e-goss eaaelaîSeta$1 $15-50 t W=-1 .--,l - or more pr galaon OUR NEWEST PRODUC --EASYONLý-L VELVET LATEX AND - 1--RAYTOUSE TP" Baseme-nt-Wal Pai - VELVET ENAMEL GURNEE ýEPRO ySet- n No uedercoaf. Pýo,,Is f lIla.Ea, p..No Pa e t odor. 9 yAsy color 1 ' NYL CARPET CARET PIesGEee V usa 6 iosrneRE R0ed,_ __ NVYLON HEA VY DUTY 9 MAC-TAC COMMERCIAL CARPET REG. O VO aususReg. 9cPaW59y d VINYL FLOORING * CAF SOFTRED FLORINS in toc -liht arbecoor eg 4.5 Secalfao s urspri59 sale Reg.9 ~S.Yd LPric No 2SQ5YD. 349Sq. Yd. nom asiy 29 5YD 2 TONE 14" NYLONV SHAG CARPET 79 Mssfy Green Color Reg. il.95 7 Sq NEEDLE POINT ledoor Oafdoor Carpef Y. GoId, Mass Grecs & Oraege 2 SqYd. Ser rice aor , 1year.et G ar mi )doour t mi,1,e, Iosf a le fe. romom re masrig 340 AIN T. lèr'y Th & ILTO 878343 W8IY CMANOU BE HF- BJUSIT B3rFAf R-MO 'sOUÇR f4EBERT.Wf'EN 14E 514E mNaBC DA. s RoIl-Away Beds Cae5.$ FROM obe rse =6" hiat se!pclngý,d lh$32,95 WalnutDulDrse maees "a36"wi 6 Drawer-Mirror Incl. 60"EXMENTION TABLES Reg 09BCEARANCE Tise 10" Leases iml. U41ramer DRPLAFTALE WALNUT CHESIS Cash-Carry DRP EA TBLS Rg.AS.I $37ALSAE 40" acraus-2O" Leases dose$5"1 thiB.k.55 ed val95"17r