Pintos top minors Miltos Nonice Pinton play two exhibition games oner tIse weekend. In Use icol lsey dumpesl lie Novice Miser team bya 9-0 score. Scoring for thse Poltos orre DavcFlemgton andlss'(icton with two açh. Blir l'hillîy., Eddie l.ocprich, Brait Nadahon, Richard Sannon and Poui Butler Assits ment to Brian Serafima, vo Zulian (2), Wayne Mac- Dugail, Garton, teoepri h and lemington. On Sneday the Piotos dropped a -1 costout to the Qakoille Mjor Novice team. Mltons lune goal came ehes Joe Gaeton cverted a pas true Eddie FLYER SPONSOR BiH Gallinger preucots John Arnsoldi with Ieanlcneram ig lise clob's enst pepular player award. Arnsoldlfinisised i ts -is newa n Milcance cmpige junior career sitis the Flyers this yeur. He is notesi for a generously when a canasser rebut, crowd pleasing style of play. (Photo lsy B. Burtt) raIls on yoa. JOHN TONELUI received double henors at tomber Bob Bartiett presenteti Teselli witb tise Junior Continental Hockey banquet tihe Reekie of tise Yeur Award and tise award recently. Coach Brt Brown and executive for top scorer. (Photo by B. Burtt) AMONG TIOOPHY WINNERS at tise Hilton AI Parton, andi George Mils accepting tise Junior Continentul Flyers bouquet leld bost Mot Valoable ployer award froco Nick week were Hay Love wiso receives tise Ted Chocismacis. (Photo by B. Burtt) Hoosi Memorial Trophy f rom club presideot Bowling A pil 255Lad' hh Otner gond tries,. lorcncc Mec iCann 613, caiele e aiey 570. Lian 3t1- 1"'Mary 3 or 96' Oaeeahanes90,Gsney tol 8ns Subdivisioni at Moffat is proposed Representatines of Mofat Etatos preonnted plans for a 25- unit estoto type sutodivision for Use Moffat area te Nasuagameyo Casecil Monday. Casneil mias told Use 25 hames mold ha sitoated on 40 acres and Use deneloper hapeil to potthUe hauses on Use emarkset for a price stortine ai 3M,00. lise proposai oas referred 10 esnsnittee toc final appronal but concil opesiy enpresued fanor toc Ue pIons lreseste. One major 8 minors Milton Police report ose major accident and i eelt osunor ac- cidents occucring helmees April 2 and 9 on Milton streels. TIhe Milton Plaza estrauce on Main St. mas the site of a collision between automobiles osened hy Burlsiard Nowah, R.R. 1 Horsby and Ben Sikkiema, 97 McDooald Cresc., Milton. Each car sustained $290 damage. Tise collision occurred Monday, April 9. No injuries were sstfeced. e Page 4 _ The Champion, Moilton, Ont., Wednosdaey, April 11, 19735 We fix'ý dinners daysa i Coloelllarlad Sadrs fssKettckc '~ Fried Chicken for abouta mili~on ,,lkc, rcery day. lis chickrn gors hcoe o oh mor peoplomor oftfntha any othr chiche iethse oorld home tonight Take il front the Colonel .i's fingerr fir/in' go"'. COLONEL tSNDES' REciPE CHICKEN VILLA Main and Commercial MILTON. . .878-4171-2 In-Town DoIiv.ry - 75, Extra - SHELrir FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 818-6380 Your Shell Dealyr FLYER MANAGER VEHN COODING presents Craig Fleming silistIse nst sportumanlike ployer aseard. flemning mon lise awurd for his consistent digging andi clean play. (Photo by B. Hortt) 'Ise grass is greenmng up; got your lame mower in shape? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY Gace Angican ParsîtHall HAVINGUA PROBLEM' SAVE GNC MODU LAR R E 510E T AL & VACATION HOMES ONLY$5stldomo Erectid on yoar toandotîse. plumn,O.heati ng, ciring, carpot, etc. Write for FREE CATALOGUE Canadiasa Mduior Homos Ld. 1176 Blair Ruad. SueA oartingonu, 0Ont. L7M IK9 Phone to(al6)63-4116 Lcation...... LIMITEO OE FE FREE Iporspai Cose With Ail Vacation Homos old BELL eRGS. 18" DockFaucets ,OWa oosno ..ýrcF ýýeeh CorneInd iout Spin and Pollution Probe Presents A Film and Discussion On Newest Recycling Methods APRIL 16 8:00 p.m. BROOKVILLE SCHOOL uelpit Lne 3/ Miles Q North of 401 - Mohawks Racetrack A L - .ÀI* jvotc'(JpeMv k e Hoursn 11:30ta.m. 1:00 a.m. Mon. Thru Thurs. 11:30 a.m. -2 00a.m. Fr>. & Sat. 4:00 p. o-9:00p.m. tunday Coveolienly locatod as 26A MAIN ST. Directly bouide the L.C.B.O. ]MUR v