The Champion, Milton, ont., Wednasdnay, April 11, 1973 89 IiIbride Recreation group has bu Bp Mms P. D . conien t Wonderhow inany pi Iiot MitIon's t1972 Ci oi Une Year" Andy Franb h sister, Mrs. E. Hard, livii Kilteide? I tatite liven on Kibride Street. Mr. Fra respennible fnr Une mstabl ni the Millon Farmeri' Mi nd beinre 150 people wbn invited te Une Raina Club, Bullard naw ber bri prenented miUn a certifila =r ition, sbetches nf "nda, d a 1aqar ."os ni Premier W imDvta onver" ent of Ontario". evesing wan a very fi recognitin for lts outeta service te Une comniity. Frasb nris prenented flomers by Mas. Barb Zana bebalf nf tbe Cbambe Commierce. Recently relunedbnome truly wonderfu ni olidi Florida are Dr. and Mai. Donald ni Kilbride S Kilteide, ami everpone tn P te, ner Unis mont popnlar bacb. Aine home after a w Jamaita are Ma. and Mr Bullard, wbn badl a fabulas on tbat tnvely Iad. ;y program Great plans bave been made by opte thue Recreotion Association tises Execotive for the year's as a progeans. Plans caUl for a May sg ta dance. lOrre are 150 cbâiren rigbt enroled in the Softbati kb j Assciation, and oie tennis club nient is wreil saider may. Very nlnnrtly krket, yan will be recaiving a were ýNemIett;er" givin peu ait tbe Mn-n. details regar ing the otbar Ansociationnn activitian, and te of tbareisatobe aenmpetitintafbid earty the namne under wblcb pan, the nimaif renîdenta of Nortb Barboglaon, ni Une wnnid libe tne Asnociation lnnnmn. The Tees Club .tting Lant Tînesdap April 3 nam a nding meeting between tne Teen Club, Mrs. and tbe Eneentive ni tne Kilbride witb and District Recreatian lia nn Associatin, wben the Prenident r of oftne Tees Club, Steve Jnnes and four delegaten, Minn Debbie Sault , Mins Karen Hamilton, crn a Minn Annelle Gendey and y in Stepten Swann. prenented the Mac- ains and ideas of Une club, and treet, gave detaits of Uneir dance tei br teased bed on Map 5. Any teenager couple tatere ta in i club (age frirn eeb ta 13 te 19 pearn of aget in aibed tu n. Kmensotact asy membr of Une la tase executise. Thse membrnbip fee fnr Unis club in $1.50 per pene. Omoagh Police investigate house break-in Bp Mai. Ceril Patterin A total bome mai entered by breabîng a baseineni mtadem aibile tbe omner mas oui for a shnertlaise sbopping. The itruder turned out drameen, paed tset doors, and malted niU oery nioddy boots aver mont of tbe eooms. Tbe omneri apparently frigbiened off Une taller nibes Uney retursed home. Oubvilla pestce are tavestigattilg Une break-in. Congratulations io Patricia Patternen mbo mai ose ni a 60 vsiîte cboir froint Central Perthi Elemestaey Sebool, Sebetilvile competig ai the Kiamanis Music Festival ta Sirattord recently. Thse cboir plced lîrsi -and reveived tbe MtNabb Meisorial Tropby. Patricia attended Perey W. Merry ntbnel befora movini neUn ber family te Sebrtagvdle. Me. and Mes. Clarence Palterson and family of Setetagvidte mere llnsday visitari mi Uneie moiber Mas. David Clarks, Fient Lise and olber in Unis area. Mes. Ernest Prive, visitad Unis meek wiUn ber daugbier, nen-in- lani and f amily, Ma. and Mai. George Bepan, ni Laurel, Ontario. Gei well mîsben to Une mani foles irons Unis aires mbo art patients ta Mion Hospital. Thue! ittude William Deviia, Ebsa MeDomel, Tony Betate, Mas Clarence Ford and Geral, Garbull. oabert Peiern ofthIe Tbord Lin en cnvalestmng ai bon boni ioiloing an appendetemy i Milton Hospital reîtenlly. Frieni nesb biin a speedy rerovery. Thse eigbUn meaetig of Un lOornby Soutb 4H Btreicen mi bld on Salarday ta Ebsai cbartb baIl miUn 14 mambhe ailending. Nancoy Laureat. presîdeat mas ta cbarge of Il meetig, openmng miUn Une 4 Pledge. Record bobks ai garments md lte banded ta ted leadern on Satarday April 14 ai Une worb meeting ati pin. Thse leaders Man. Pattersnnmd Mas. Kiern as anisted by Man. Kmn Laurence belped Une memibari complete Uneir namplen ni a necbbae lriinmtag and a bais finish. Atleustifoar iamplen named, of boit material are reqoired for Une record boob. Anne Oputees s ta cbarge of coachimg tbe gis for Une faibios parade on Acbievemnent Day, April B8. Mie nell te anninted by Nancy A note ni Uhnbn mas exprmedi te Mas. Laarence moved by Mary Obol and seinnded by Sonja May. Tbe lait membr of a iaiy of neyes ebildeen nf Une lis Man. and Man. loba Ford wan laid te mmit ai Barrie os Tsesdey April 3 ta te perses ai John Micbael Ford of Oakville. The lais Me. Ford npent bis aarly life os Une FifUn Lise on Une tam nom omned by Robert Marnbail and bie altended rniagb sebasi. He meat ment neme yan and later reiarned te Unis area. Tise test ni a poneer fami be wan peedeceased by bin broîbeen Edmard ami Jamen nd foar rsislern Mas. Frnkb FeaUnaintea, -Mas. A. A. Galbratn, Mrs. J. j %inter and Mes. Esert Johnntas. r S<tsspbaUny in enteoded tei bis sidw Mary and te the many 1 mîeceb-and sepbems. Ma. Ford bad bren ta il] bealUn for sorme a une and *Iu inbis thbyear. e Thse bail sema3g ta searly bare i ign, reg stalio for nefibail Swl mite beldios Satbmday April 14 ironn 2to 4 p.m. ai Ob4agb Parb. te Last peer Onnagb bad ose girls 1- leam, bal df coacben are apadiabla ;h aid enongb girls register tbere couenld te imo teans. te In 1072 Une Omagb Pee We ,H teai ment ail Une may te misain id Une Haion Cbampiostp mil ha Unear coacbes Cbarles WiUhne 1 "I A SURE SIGN 0F SPRING in a big ugly moddy mater. But wormn nunny days are potlnele andl another torrent siga in a puddle of brîptig to dry out tne gronsnd and Use pudlen. wiater. Miltons fu11 of tbese sigms ai nprisg Seen thse emergieg hudla andl floseeri, longer rigbt IIow ai polliolen pernint in breakiiig out tapi and fisintg 5a seasn il be somewlsat on many streets and every April nbower happier silos of npringtime te Miltes- leaves its trademnrk seith a puddle fu11 of (PhsotobyS. Cuisina) aid Art Bineks. Thse teains Motom, Sqnsrts, Pee Wer and Banmant are for girls nd boys et o e h r Douglas Lericbe ut 070-209 a parente tateresird in intteng or ~ . a a belping ,sorb ssith tbe yongsters. Getnsy u c n t u t Birtbda greetags go te Janive Riebot, tort Stepbenson, Ano Prou , Rea Vanderboom, Mas. William, Stout, Stepben Wordcu, Mas. Agnes Metnon and ian Hilson. sles «a sONI GOLDEN FISH & CHIPS 158 Mill SI., Milton We fry Ha libui oniy makes OIN Hes oeao arm Disibo And venusa Iovh ] h0 expert .Trusti bm ts vetp yoo teep yooe eqoîpîvent vn top fit ior N G ceHîM vosiîbon with top qualtiy lobritants. a .. S HRIM,. Ha'it gise oa the mool upt-te inoromation on KING O~ifeqoîpmeni maintenance. And sait do a1110 hils extellenit piodots ai good potces. .1fP~fhIPeople liant iboue Tesato mas. Tbat s wbyihey keep 878-3921 cetommo bath. 0e trunst ou i ioo. FOR FAST TAKE- R.G. (BOB) CLEMENTS OUT SERVICE 835 Stadles Avenue, BOX 143 EXCO 10:3 a.m - 7 pe.m.- Mitonf, Ontario Fri. 9 p.m. Phono 878-3431 g THE TOWN 0F MILTON Sanitary Land FiII Site FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL THIS SATURDAY APRIL 14 MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON. * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH ENDO0F COMMERCIAL ST. L NOTEBRUCE McKERR, Pleane check miii, bulldozer epermaset ai WOOKS SUPERINTENDENT, the sit for disposai are& te hosid.J TOWN Op MILTON ~OO ringSALE onvu evrya Sn onds Tbnrs.Apri 51htoboa Apri 21ni'73. Matching Btua DaniMm JACKET & JEANS jutaIý T 1973 000GE DART Solid Differoenc: at MILTON CHRYSLER DODGE Formerty Plaza Motors île Ontario St. 878-2962 - _'_ î .