BEAUTY SALON ACCOUINTANTS BICYCLE SALES amd CARPETS & DRAPERIES Speciats is haitr tyiiog LG L C Ci ita , -0'larara.aaaaa a, ER BADRAPERY lnaahaaig nag'., ailsandaathaan B .aaaam RIA, CA. paeer ScIcr acd servic. Ohartnnnd Sac tat BCBROADLOOM OPEN YL eieta Mot.,Tes. &Wed. 9- 6 143MaSt.,Milton Sales & Service * Resetriat 18-sn & Fni. 9 - 8 Pttone 878-6542 Cm eca Sal. 8 - S p. ____________instock. IPAIJLA GRY Po. ALUMINUM OAK QUEEN MAL 8444394 Fan Custosm Service VOGUE BEAUTY SALON CL 7-07FRHM 160A Mil Street ALUMIN1M APPOINTMERNT 878-2461 , Windows & or - -- - GLASS acd REPAIRS Issues 15 SOEFOT W.IJ. KTS PHONE: 878-2067 14 new perm is324 steeies Anaw. E 87952 BICYCLES _______ Fifteea hulding perais far wrk aîneti ai$279,500 were KAISER ALUMINUM aaacd hy Nassagarneya Townt- SIDING shpd-rig the emonoi' aiMach.Soffit- Fonro.Windowsaatt 'is peF i. alude 10neCIra- Dotrs. Awnings ar oratcd faîesx ten lleatfiton57 Pontas Enclosnes itate arg adon ittt Raihaigo E.astroghin« atatotutian.rmre The mnths construction bingthOe total fr the pear ta $459,5W nanpared tla $10,000 for tise sarne pinltentise ear lat l-CLSIiAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA Foot f Farotite St. cisEVILLE 845-0318 0Thte ChampionMilton, Ont,Wednesday, Apr~i t1, 1973 D tur&i'seffices THE PRESBYTERIAN CNURCH N CANADA KNOX CNURCN MILTON. Miister: Raa John M. Murray Orcanitt Mas L. Vlsblont SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 Faîte Saaday 11.00.m.-W.,,hp Service. Ganat preachn, Rena R W. -Maddoah, rntniatr f Hill- shangh Prnabytnatao Chu c-h 9.45 a.r.-Scoior Chusc-h Sahnnl. 045 a.te-Joatar Clutat Ohonl. 700 p.r.-Youo0 Peapers Soiety. Nurry facilitttr. ST. PAULI CNURCN Of THE UNITED CNURCH Or CANADA Main St. aI Jamnes St. Miaister- Ras. C A. Hainer, S.A., MDia, Orcanitanad ChoierlLeader: Mas.fHatrold Magea SUNDAY, APRIL 15 1973 Palm Soaday 900 a-C-anin Commnaion, Fc]niihp Ronte. 1045 amc.-Monag Worohip. Srmon ttle, "Me Trate phaf Eatry. The Sanote enar orHoly Coantoioa. 1045 arn -Sooday Ctucdt School. Nurtsy fcilities. EMMANUJEL BAPTIS? CHURCI4 Coamriala Street, Milton. 8789696 8783542 The Loads Day SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 Itetrata ata. Dr.Wiitamn FastrI ntarto Bible Coiýlege 945 arn -Ethle Sattool. 1100 a-.-Mon-g Wm686p. 650 Pam.-Song Service. 700 pao -Saaoissg Wostip. Wedneeday, 7.0 p.e.-payee aod Bible Slody. "Let us eter tto the Hue Of thc Lotrd c-Oh hanksgivngs and inoaHto Courts ils pratte.' HIGNWAY GOIPEL CNIRCN A local asoaosly ce The Peoteaostal Assateblias of Canada Wakeield Rd. aod Hicy. 25 Miton Pstoe Re. M. hs4tesea Tel. 8782084 Thelacard Doy SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 9.45 .a.-Sunday Sdaoofl. 11.00 a.e.-dhioeaiag Worhip. 600 pin.-Paeslly Prayer. 7.00 Evag"l tic Service. Ftnday - Fasaiy Nigit. Soah ye Oe Lfac-f mo G, and worWtfip Hies a His fot et"o; fer 5He is hMy. P6al.s 9: . GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCN Mlton,Onaroi. Rnalaa: REna R. W Pesten Ongeetat: Robent F. Agol SUNDAY, APRIL 15. 1973 Paint Saafay 800 ar.-HoIy Conrnonion. 9.30 ate.-Jostor Chrct School. 930 arn.-Matira & Semnro. 10.45 a.t.-S;nior Chrc-h 8-c-aI. 1100 arn.-Hoiv Cochears Sermn Tltonaday, Apri 12h - 1.00o ant., Haiy Cornmnono. YouAre8anAicayrWelcýarn t Gaac Chrc-h. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTRIAN CHURCHES Minstena Rev. W. R. Lewis, SA., BI.D 978-4428 SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 Faîte Soday c>MAGH 10.00 arn -Worahip Service & Oaa chSohool. BOSTON 11.30 arn.-Wonrp Servic& Chumh School. ELECTRICAL SERVICE JANITOR SERVICE O CPTOMETRISTS STORAGE McPHAIL ELECTRIC MILTON Arthur A. Johnson, 0.D. ACTON LIMIIF *EaD~ O MILTON -218 Main St. Terminal Warehouse a INDIJSMIIAL RIci 878-3673 LIMITES> eCOAMER&A HihI7D Aptointmeets tsdstatial & Dotestic Storage e FRM &HOESTuesday, Thursday & Friday Frivole Furaittore Loekers e ELECTRIC HEATING * OFFICES e INDUSTRIES 54 Mili St. S., Atan, 853-2520 Bae trg INSTALLATIONS Cmlt aioilSrie Wdedy&Strjct ikBne trg 66 Ctarles St. Milton _otits-auerie Weteda atndy& Dti.r -Moviags 878-9513 - 877-5795 878-6388 RKAGSEVC S1ictf Sic-nf PAINTING end REAESEVE ____________DECORATING Pione: FARM S ERVILEt COMPLETS SLSCRCM & MEC3HANICASu INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS "YorJaotrtray De., KITCHEN PLANNING MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN SALES and SERVICE CATERING Pooîanry - Hag BSerfo - aiy kitahea fon efficieny and hea- SERVICE DEPARTMENT FatctVaiaiaSoea 1 aida r csrfrt OPEN 6 DAYS WEi8LY EcletVniaigSsen t nldn r iihdnt BICYCLES from $4995 We Cater To CAL 33o18 rai a e rwodhureaats linlader senvice) e Parties e Lssaieaas Rural Partsanad Accoariran Hunting & Fttsing Licencs e Banquets e Wdfings Maintenance Service 01Jelam i) "d haro Fane Estinnatet No Oligatio U NE And featne horne halset Bread, sîc-nf CREST HARDWARE RoIls and Pasîsies 136 MainSt.FRMBIDING 700 Main St. E, Milton. 878-6011l DEVv DRO P IN Steel Rooftand Ropairs 878-2351 21-f CL R.WYE PFONE EVENINGS PLEASE Sic-tf SIc- CAL loiS WYNE Waterdown 689-10861 CAER 878-9229 ar 878-5111 M. Harris, fo7rry SiEE 2c-a Gcorge F. Hacrra f LANDSCAPE OPPORTUNITIES 1FSic-CRP tf I CONTRACTORS DONT WAIT FOR A SETTER CONCRETE FNS APNR MILTON LAWN and JOB TRAI N NOW FOR AN RK REMODELLING GARDEN SERVICE EXCITING CAREER IN NEW CONCIRETE RECROOS I Laadsapiog -Soddinc COMPUTER ootins and Fonantsi.Fla ITCIIEN CABINETS S atios andO Maksao PROGRAMMI NG RESURFACINO VNTISPaap. 30E WILSON KEY PUCH liorao,, b, patios, aeeandalss. VNTE 3344 Main St. W. KEYol stPUNHsay. aGoraotecd bond. ARBORITE COUNTERS 878-9070 High Sho o acsay rceetrnatc feonte nonrote 2IC4S DEADLINE F.NROLMENT spectaltats. MARCH 30, 1973 CIFBRE Lowari Coni - Checks Facta CATHEA CONCRETE CI REcormnrndnd bya ethinal firnta RESTORATION LTD. 878-9135 Ph. Now 528-1108 KEN BAlLET ic-tf LIBRARY I4OURS Moan., f1., Sac. Classes 250 Mortin Stroet I.D.F.I. teadbteg on 13Ms. 88683Eopanded Lthrany Hoors 139 RING ST. E. 8tc7ou87683 FOIT odyf ont 3 .n It door coot I Palace Theeîtro Sîn-If T78665 LOISS oda 2 oo td53y - S Tao Dedonlible 2ct *Gnanrnoeat Appronad HORNBY Thoeaoiay - Ftiday *Fîacronent Asitance 2ct ACTON PRECAST GREENHOUSES LTD. 10 am. to 5.30 pao. Sl-fCONCRETE & SUPPLIES A. Thrnde, S. Tranas Je. Evniatgs Septin Tanks Tocaday Tharsday - Ftiday CARPET CLEANERS Well Tiles Caîl 878-6438 Anytime 6.3o p.rn. ta 9 p. Oth- C-retSotaructay Duraclean* DURACLEAN CARPIT & UPHOLSTERY SERVICE 878-694 'tilI 10 p.rn. Plastic Semer Pipe Paespisg Seroice 853-1529 DRIVING SCHOOL * PoSly Ismred 877-7792 Sic-Sf CARPET CONTRACTORSi DEAD STOCK REMOVAL (Nursery fanilite)upîyn n A condiaainvsitatioc is etenfed upyn n toaiattInstalling THE 8-EST IN C RCOFCNRIST No. 5 Saleoad and 418-Lin FLOOR COVERINGS Trafalgar a BROAI)LOOM AvdMinustera CORLON & CUSHION 8-dRosnli78-6M 0 FLOORS SUNDAY, APRIL 15 1973 e INIIOOR.OUTDOOR CARPET 000 arn-Bible Sohont. K. W. CLEMENT Cassfralages. 1100 a.rig Woshlp. & SON 800 p.r.-Pneaahicg rofth Gospel. 123 Thomnas Street MILTON MILTON GOSPEL HAL 878-2194 - 878-2194 t06 Ontaio Stý N. 87-2022 21-tf Chistians fathered ic s cornte ofthe Lcsd Jesus Chnist. FLOC>R COVERINGS 1 Choaoe oar rexat 81rc naeng t.ords Day tramt aur selentiost oI: SUNDAY, APIL 15, 1873 e Qulity hroadloosts 10.30 a.r.-Breahtag f Brad. a Convesient tlte 12.15 p.rn -Socdoy Scimot. 7.00 p.r.-Gospct Senrie. e Cushiocrd slet inyls Rednaf ay, 8 p.r. - rayer On urh7 lyqoaeinstallera acf Bible reaisg. ncm lay pon coacytete floor or Att Are Relcosce To Theeme cao soppty Oseeteateiats foc Serices the do-it-yorselfer. Whnracann abolI naltpon the namen f the tod ahal 6e (0[ýNiffip~ ranef Rome. 10: 13. û U ST. DAVID'S and I700 Ma ictetE.4. NASSAGAWEYA 8825 PREBSYTERIAN CHURCNB 878231 2c4 Mintera Rc. Dougla Lasry @-'42157 CARPENTRY SUNDAY, APRIL 15,1t973 - Aditions Palm Sstofay - Atumcocsin Sdog NASSAGAWEYA - Rec Roosas 1t).00 az.-Wot-sttp Service &s - 'RenlOdOttsng Choroh Srtsocd JOE ELLSMERE CAMPBELVHIE 878-3316 1115 am-Wonohtp Service & 210«1 Chrc-h SalsooL. PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITEII Ol ded or dtrabted Catile acf Horses. Phooe i(416) 692-4421 Stelroo Lan No. 299C71 Sic-Sf DRAPERIES A FABRICS LET US CUSTOM 11MR YOUR D R AP E RIES Oua expnrts cill creale Drc- eista prfcoly comsplernont pon homo. Forrco in - yatan- home droorator service Caîl 878-2513 Today JUNE DRAPERIES Miltont Plaza Sia-ta EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS -BASEMENTS DUG - ACKFILLING - LOADING - HAULING Phone Walter Hayward 878-9234 - 878-6643 zîcl Caîl 853-2010 FOR AD INFORMATION N THIS SECTION Lolcot floral arranfemenets. loc-crs frosh resm onr o greatihouses. Free Dolinery Loated osn Derry Rd. t 616 Lice, Hoastly. Sic-tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS eMcKERSIE 114 Main St, Milton Otan 2885 pean aI helpfol, counrteas oservite. 878-4452 Sic-sf GENERAL CONTRACTORS GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR *Rernodelling *Altratioos *Newcnstructton Prcc buiants th efscotrant GERRY OS WIIaDT 878-3534 Sic-Sf Barno Eaoiac - Newn Roofs Hnaaa Fantsc- Trnm Worh Rnnanatioa Raomr & Addtions Crrnt, hdac-alkr s &Fanar Cactract or Horaly. RON ISNOR 878-2425 21v-Sf1 HONEST JOHNNY' Remodelîs Anything " Dryrnali Appinatioo " 01f later Repairof " Nm rCnatttrg Insttnfl - a07 fshape - arC about on tpe- cal finifs " Acoorria Spray " Paintitng -inide/osife No Job Toc Big or Toc Soraît 878-3291 DRYWALL TAPINO JOINT FILLING Frncee tintetes JOE SEELEN MILTON 878-3337 10 arn. ta S plIs. Sic-tf1 MOTOR REWINDING PHiONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 N A DA L1N Eîectric Co. Ltd. 3153 Base Lise RaMi, Miltosn. 2ic-I MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NS3MBERS Toc-a Cler ami Tacasoror Inapator of BSidintgs, lorntiac, Troofises Plantnicgardtaa Catente cf Aduorîrnt Town Saparinîcodent RecarationO 00cr 878-4151-2 & 3 Stronlsaillc 8M3902 SnwaaccPFant 878"171 WanrsYard 878-3933 Firc Chiot's Offisce 878251 Emrncny Fire 878-6=3 FoliranDeparsrnen 878-56i 878-6969 9 arn. to 5 p.m. Only Sic-tf OPTICIANS H. CLERK MATHERý O spensing Optic ans Wedays 6p.. to 10pao. Wekeds, 1a.. to 6 pa. or ly appoiticesi Onlirîr Ror prornptly fChef 6087 TRAFALGAR ROAS> BRITANNIA ROAD AT DRUMsQUIN 251v-sf MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSINO OPTICIANS Oculisî's prescriptioes proasptly Os occarately fillrd 69 Man St., Milton. 878-4961 GIL VANSOELEN PAlINTING Contractor a INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Catil Nec- ton Free satroates 878-6137 Sots 114, Mitoc. 2ic-tf PLASTERING ASTUCCO Plastering &Stucco Ail Typer cf Snoco Nm PlacIer, Repaies, Aîdershot Pîastering Co. 878-2016 alter 6 p.rn - 6896211 A Colt Collent 21 c-tf PLUMBINO HYDRONIC Pîumbing & Heating REPAIES. NEW WORR AND ALTERATIONS 878-2917 Sto-tf PIANOS Tuning and Repairîng PIANOS TUNCO ami REPAIRED M. WINSLOW 334 Ftnc 8StrocS 878-6572 21c00 PRINTINO " BROCHURES e PUBLICATIONS Il BUSINESS FORMO " WEDING STATIONERY A Comeîte Design acf Productioc Secrame 878-2341 -r Dills Prinfing jJ1 & Pubishing Co. Ld. 191 Moto St., Miltons. ROOFING MI1T CH'S ROOFING and EAVESTROUGHING « Spnaializiin a crata6cg aof concret repaira. 8-elnwcoch ea bac-a. FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 1, Moffaf 854-2791 ZIC-52 SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878&861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martic Street Serviccs ami Repaira on oit taeo f aewnt<machines SNOWMOBILES AU/N.10ý *Diinean.M Comnpacy bac- SALES and SERVICE Drumquin Garage Hornby 878-4807 Sic-tf TO PLACE YOUR AD DIAL 878-2341 CANADIAN CHAMPION 364-MI41Tosrnto TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TALLORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR S0S Main Street PHONE 878-4472 2ic-I TILE SERVICE DANNY MARCUCCI TILE SERVICE Ail types of watt & floor tule installed. 878-3987 Sic-tf TRANSPORTATION BUS SCHEDULE MILTON and TORONTO La. Milton *7.05 arn., -10.15 a.m., a--A.15 ar., a-8i.35 pc., b-6.30 Ar. Miltonc*10.00 arn., 5*35 p.m., o-7.30 p. MILTON and KITCHENER La. *6.35 p.m. Ar. Milton *7.05 a.m., a-8.iS amn., *10.15 am. GALT aad KITCHENER La. *10 .00am _MILTON aad HAMILTON La. o-4.55 arn., o-5.30 MILTON and GUJELPH La. c-i0 ar. Ar. Milton c-2S.30 pic. .-Daily eaoept Sataraiay, Sons day, Holiday. o-Satrday oaiy. a--Sunday or Holiday. b--Friday. n-Tacs., Thons.. Sat. oaiy. UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY AT REASONABLE PRICES BILL WEILD 637-8428 2lc-02 WELDING (Mobil1e Service) 197 Mill St. 878-4676 Milton I)AVE DENNISON 4 t CHARLIE'S WELDING Welding - Repairs - Portale 516 Liae CHAS. 8-PECK 878-5365 Sic-if WINDOW REPAIRS WINDOWS SCRE ENS REPAIRS SAMIE DAY SERVICE 878-6011 21c-tf WROUGHT IRON e Railing-Infoor & Osaldoor *Gales *Rama Dividers CATHEA CONCRETE f RESTORATION LTD. ANTON VANDERKRAAN 250 Martin. St. 878-6853 21%xi fa s a O.> 1, I.. - 1 lý, L