Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 1

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~~~1 VOL 113-No. 5 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY 25F 1973 Porty-T-, IBegin paring town budgets Tse annul parade of budgets began for Mitton Coneil Mondyr as members heard reports and reviewed projected spendiog 1 with committee represeotatisses.c Mayor B. Best tod Thet Champion after the meeting bet had't deseloped is ususl totalc projections to indicate thei reductooo reqoîred, becase1 Uere wee stii tee many areas of uncertaioty. Bt lie oaid the mill rte will "deflitety" be Up notons drsstiecuctesare made.1 'We're oser fot year 00W," be said. qietly and juggled f igures only occasionally. Tbey retrs tethse job tenigt (Wednesday) and isope te reacin a final milIrate by Modsy's regular meeting. Redueed $26,00 Tise Prking Aotlnrity budget eas changed mot dramnatically froon $30,912 t10 $4,912 bt Ue changeewas made by transferring te capital te proposed pasing of Ue parking lot on Mary St. at $180010, and thse paving of Ue Odsdfellows and Mary-Charles lot t $4,000 esci. Membern greed these norko nould be drtales ho connection stln te loes's proposed paviof of Mary St. OUer projecto leftinb the budget weresa $9M1restaI 10 Dr. 1. A. Hanter for Mil St. parteng on tes property, installation of lights an lots 51 $2,000, supervision 51 INDICATING 34 LAPS campleted bu is isalf-Inssr portion of o swimnatbeoqsaI Otaro Schno for tiesee6'*6Oaoday inaa bappy soimmer, Besce ltaoce. Thse 34 lape at the ciools isetoor pool may ot seem ike quita a fot, but il ores a tremnendoan effort for Bruce, wlioi cripploil and has sos srengtls in is legs or feet Ho pulled imuseif Ourugl34 gruefliusg laps oitis is armsansd bauds alose, raising 91 cents per lap compteted frons a liat of sponsuors. KsUny King, Pool spervsior, checks over liiu ororesbet above, orile beloo, Bruce sisoosis backtrolte. A total of 101 swimmers completed 4,158 topo os tie pool (or 59 miles) ta raine oser $6,000 in Ue nine-liosr soimatisos sponsored by Halton osd Pol Association for the Hearing Hascicopped. (Photos by R. Doons) The studenseof OntarioS lebo for te Defwee "splisldag and sidlhig" aronnd the OSti indorswueisniog pool i day Wedneutey, but tiey wernt getting eet for fan tiu tbue. Oe bndred and une studens are participants in tise annul fand-raising seimaUnan project, sponored by e pares' group boes as tbe Halten and Pee Asociation for the Hearig Hasdiceppod. Tbe seimmers inissred a ttal of 4,150 lapa (9 mniles) and pedges from Ueir sponsrs are expecte te bring i ossr $9.000oracordlng to Ms. Pul Sctt of Milten, co-censsoer of Ue seimaUhn. Swlssuers nere limted to eiUnr 50 laps or halB an oue in POTHOIES are ose sure slgn f spring anld Milton in not nitiout itassaro. This weeok The Clampion proiensaa mnin-plioto-story on tise 'spring scouge" of motar- lis.a, ea Page 1Bq Ue naer andI 43 of the 101 starters made Ue 50 laps, of- ficias report. Bggest pe-lap soney-ssaber othUe day ees Collees Casey of Brampton, ebo wect 12 laps et *.35. Girls raine maney Sndre Adamsuof Owen Sound compltod 40 laps at $4.90 per lap ebie Auio Sharp of Somlra eent 46 laps at 4.45 per lap and Donna Dios of Pnsetasg roonded up $4.20 for aci of Ue 50 laps she completed. Moy be demolishe Bruce St, sf111 undi fise future of Une loes's Bruce St. Scbol eill te decided by Milton Councîl liy May 7, members agreed at Uneir budget meetisg Mondey. A quotetion ut $7,870 for Une schsanis demofition bud been OUed et cooncil. This eoald ise increased ifsa uni eus te te lefI Standing foricluion as a nein One sossehnsnsec at Ue school wntm sponsrseekhsg for teo fresds and roanded up $6 per lep in sponornips-ose sfusner nent 46 laps te reie $V6fandUthe otter eest 30 laps for $100. Mes. Scot, as enecutive messler of Ue HPAHH, receiveol assistance feono OSD's pouf saipeesisor Ms. Deise Pales and dean of residesce Wayne Fox in organiinogtUen ineosuor seirns (Covilss'od os Pue Fourtoou> $1,0010 ssnd oUer coss for snonep rensosal and maintenance. c Area Board Clssirnoan Bill11 Bowoey smesded that a ssosoittee's budget by $3,000, explaining Une decision of coancfl te restrict sales from tne armna f castees te emergency supplies only, lnsd reduced Une board's proposed revenue. TIse board auked for s grant nf $2,611.79 sebich 1020 incrmssedte $5,11079. te 1072 tbe Board's actat grant bad been $17,000. Field questions Milton L.ibrary Board i repreentatisos fieldesl questions on Uneir proposed budget of 1 $30,051, plus $4,416.93 for debestore psynsents. Parbo and Recreation Consooittee lentes of $25,431 for parks and $270810 foc recreation neere left intact. A nomber of sne recreatios jeogroons are lieing introdored Unis yesr, includteg a new sbatig rinkminDorset Park communsty. The board is alsa tstesg over maintenance eorb in ltosn parbs, necessitslmg nsome tee equtpment. Tliis worb bad been contracted out before, chbirunJion Dils esylaised. Cbsiemon Don Jockison of Une eosussec Development Cooni revieneed bopen tbat a film teoject os Une tees maigbt be completed Unis year and s $1,5W0 amoont nean mcloded in Une bdget fortit. He nmted it bad been .future ecided flbracy. Mayor B. Best suggested Une tees cossider satcsging somne of Une sebonî's stose veneer for possitble useoin tbe lilirary, osel as Une lielfry and bel. Salvage stase He soggeuteol Une eocbs staff oulcI salvoge lbe stne reqoired aller tlicbuolding lias been levelled, provtded tbis eau ogreed le in the contrant for demolton. Cooncit agreed Uney eould cossidor tbe future ufthte uctsool in cosoostttee ou April 3f and contons Uneir decisiun os full coonicil on May 7. StIO andecideol The mayor reeeed Unst Une loens purcliose, ebicli eau 7conditional on tlie purbase by Une Ontario Hoosing Corporation, cold not be closed until sear Une 7 ed ut May. Thie OHC must aneait o Commitîee ut Adjustonent olecision on separation of Une 1parcetu of fond and Unis eould sot t e tosotoord ontilthUnt tinse. 1 Tbe decoston on tlie ocbnol olso L affects tbe proposed library - winch would probalily be locsted on Une scbool site, if the sebool is te te demolisbeul. Seniors' housing project grows from 22 to 60 units MUltons second senior ciiuons goversunt in thse near iture eue leareed Mc beaing peoject eau iscreeaned bhave prompted Ontario Houuuig f MUlen Coun from 22 le 60 osita Uis weeeb. Corporation le cange its plans le a loBter,0 A resh of applications andI Ue and design a local senior bousig !leaceept a js'obubility Uat tbe teesneuf bo projet ter Une future seeda busteed f tbe inovse n sme tend of regposali stond of asmediate nerds, it i 1972. Coonoci Ue suggestion Bolier on the bllnk poetZ unOtario St. students f, ilfeilup,asdh std nsget boid y it.OHCisulit Ue Bruce St. S Boler prolleous af *.I. Dck llcbuol on Higlside Dr. gaese Un sOntariouSt scuol's studenti an uexpected holiday on Teday of Uis eeek But projert. a temporary system bas boensnstalled tu beep the scbuol lioted sand Ontario M clanses eere espected te resumne Uis mong lWedsday). approval ft site casulita Principel John Lenz said the old olfired baler nan caosig sonne neete agu.0 probleino and installatios of a nene gas huiler eas stated duing Ue Itallord and' Mardi holiday beauk. But defays nere esntered and tbere ean a appointed 10 d hold-up i getting a nene gan Une installedi. Hlton Eot f Ue peojet we 'tie oId biler nas carrying an antil Snday nigt weesi "ut fwu stages-ab gave up. Te nene biler easant rondy lu go. Classes nere befl stage and t Mesday, eiUn dlicules. but anicdanseswenre cunrellcd ut osday f0 seeded-but I nine enoen te uspecolap Ue sne Installatio. te deigsod t totalfprojert.B Moannneile, Ue principal sd, Don salasuandrtype boters have ego te projec been ùstelled inUtheballwey and twaor threse ectriceoeters bassexopand to100 boon placed in acb dassoam. Tisntemporary arrangement :UOllibefy ternile litely te in operatios antinextonday, wbes the new buler should te Une projet s rondy te, go intu, operation. orcupeory i londay af a meethng OHC outeol cooncil a60-unit proposal î22 oniti agrerd on cil readily areepted first senior bousig a $365,00, 36-ui, apartment building etbwicli eau qosckly b as a large ealtig ouyisf a portion of Sclioof site, frooting St. for Une second Mtunicipal Board the rezoning ufthUe ;aied about tliree Oabville arcbilecti dCitonhavesselen design Une lbuildig. dPPjfinUSnsowsaid witl libely te datei -bout bull in the f irsf Une balance ehen Une buifding eould 10 accomodate Une B. e sid tbree neels ecI mbglit essesteniy t anite. Tenders est Ued tbis sussoer and buould te ready for Iabout one year. plansed last year bot ens nst annpletel and Une fans set speot. A budget of $3,016 neas submsitted. Obare budget OUner budgets neere recelved mom Une Fie Area Commlttee shewiog the teens sbhare of Unat budget ans*M,682. The tetal budget, wbicbis shared by ad- jacent mmicipalities served, eau M',00. TIse Planning Board asked for $5i,480.18; tbe Comusittee of Adjoetmnt *2,060 ebicb coancil reued te $1,500; Une Humane Society for dag conteol $5,000 and Une police budget al $183,453.59, os increaue of $19,680 attributed largely te salary hncreases. Theniso te budgets of mauncil comosittees, members recelved estionstes of $8,000 for tbe planming and legal activitles including engineering, legal, 0M tees and caoltante. qe public relations estimates neere $1,450 etecb included $1,000 for a cissîr bunquet. Air conditioaiag Tise propertien budget of $39,471, increased frons lant year's espeoditoren of $15,113.68 reflected proviuion orees$7,000oair cooditionosg system far Une tees bull. Memters voted te leave tbat ansoont in Une budget, ootiog it hudt lien in and out of budgetsufor severol yeaes. Earlier membors, particularly in Une sosomer. beve cuidocted Ibeir evenlng delilieralsons eitb the street trattie noise draeing sut discussion os doors neeretleft open te redore Une temporature in Une dcmors. Other chaonges came an a reslt ofs nlifting in Une allocation of enyenditures to specifie departmuentn. Watereorbu budget figures iodicaled Une tees inteoded ta puy for tbe *$10,000 Bronte St. N. fine f rom currest revenue ansneeli an $13,000 of rosteoin and $18,248 ut Ms on Gardes Lasse and in Une Pine-Poel-Oali street areas. The budget sbowed a delicit on Une year of $45,893 ebicb membors acbnooledged eouuld cose from thie pressions reserves of $62,858.34. Watereorbs espenditures are met from ester rates and are sot reflectedin e lees's tes rate. Budgets recoived or aisended by Cooncil eere as follones: Areos $5,611.79 Park. Autb. 4,912.00 Coin. of Adst. 1,10w.00 IÀbrary Conaservation AoUn. tecreation 5arbu Dog Cootrol Econesue Develop. Planning Bd. "ire Area polce Cty of Halten Md of Educatian Planning &nLegal Publice laions PIoperties flarbage Watorworbu 3005l1.61 1,618.5f 27,818.38 25,431.35 5,000.00 3,016.00 5,10w.00 27,682.00 183,453.59 112,814.00 570,447.00 8,000.00 1,450.00 39,47 1.00 44,200.00 314,995.30 BOY WOLLASTON il becoone sopermntendent of Ontario Sehool for tise DeuginM iltSon September Sept. t He bc te second man te isold that post elien lie replaces retiring Don Kennedy, woe orked ut fihe scisool froo tise planning stages on. Ties urbol wil celebrata its 100h anniversnry tis mouds. <Pbuta33yB. Burtt) Roy Wollaston named superintendent of OSD Boy Wolaston bau been athife scbuol Slept. f. M. snior scboonl su1967, lic bld Ibal appointed superistendeot of Kennedy is retirisg aBter a 10- ponost ilie cas received is Otario Sebol for Ue Deaf in year-tesore athUe scbol. current position as assistant Milton. Wollaston, ebo nue t. Wolaston bas been athUe superinsendent. serves as assistant toscsiool sosce 1966 eben bie eorbed Prisr te cooshif lu Canada lu Suprintendent Don Kennedy, as a teaclier. Promoted te Une eurb, M. Wollaston eocbed in eifl an=sethe number oe pot pot of supervisosg teseber of Ue England athUe tamous and historie Margote College babil i 1792. r~c, ir~ CLong affiliation M ore u re igns Wollaston bas a lite-long at- flibation eiUn Une deat lis ftler woo as a travelling porisbîoner seat on counicil We i etda olso' parensts fR Canada and cent tu Englasd cliere cocb cas Robent Moreau bas reigsed odicate a esigsiog coonicillor avoUlable for bous. Au a youogster is seat on Milton Couucif, bus lu te replaced, osles be Collabten lived cîtb tuu fanutly on because lie ban bees appoited to Cvsdo ou 'uio) tep of o deaf mission. a poition sit te provincial (otneonPg ur ) Uoertfinpf wbere lits greatevf gosernariet. ùbuerets lay, Wollaston sludied Moreau ban been semed an inU Uneology andl lac betore inspecter wiUn Ue provincial gong ileo education Ln a serfous liquor licessing board. He called eay. il"a conflict of interet" andsid Left home is nee job necesitates is At age 17, lie lfeR Euglasd 10 hussediate resigsatioo from Ue resue te Canada. He retarned lu teeoouosilnaletereneodilEngland tora o lilday, got deat eiUn ai Monday's meeting. married cuile lie eus Uere and Moreau ean ot asaiteble for rtureed 10 Canada saime 1l nenusent-bhe begos lteos es job yaulfr lst weeloand nas aeay in Wolslates isseUnlsct Peterborougb os a training Anselas o a eys Stev en.f corneall itins wenel.Anedre fouNrboys S ovno Membees of coancil ereepted AJobeU non. o M.asd and rlins resignstion, by resolution. J ollatuo.Bt n daeacîee lcMill Wbether or sot Ue couseS est Il Tennis Club and tbe Badminton seeli a replacement deponda 0on club. miel Arthuar Mees, assistaneolm ctng n ib prosincial treasurer Arthur Come ig o th White, Uinbs. Council erote to appoitd i hoped li oul oa Mees anking for direction. eell asMr. Kennedy hod dane for Nee provincial statutes ROBERT MOREAU Ue punI 10 years. Bronte St. condominium prolect wins approval 1RconssfUn e odm a reeoscd tUnsu eeek. Heslop andl Anne andl il peuvide liad. called fendecs for tI 'oreb ono S. s aeferred te as the Claingate foe 24 asîti. requreol steron seoccand t app o bytn st aeu elp t , iosslvntc e CîclJ. McGeacliie told wuclisuc acaîtedfthe approoal uocplBard in a daciolo parcolo of land on BrunIe St. t Con_-Modafli eveoe n eutnn lfi n 50 YEAR JEWELS were presented ta vteras received is jeorel fromn G. Frank Tinompson. memberu 0f St. Clair Masoretasdge tant MW. Cusinghsam cas Une District Depoty un werek in e special cremonsy Joe Wilmott la 196-1 orbes tise focal todge celebrated ils sisors pinming tise jeorel osnRex ScotI, las a 1006h assiversary. About 1M0 attended tise Toronto reident but a former Mgtiaan neio evest t tise Masonir Mal on Hlglioay 21 elUn lefB tees in 1004, FlankIng Une todge Mater e nomber 0f represestatives from oaller Ron Featiseestase in J. C. Cunaninghiam whio lodges, (Photo byJ. Di2s) ihe lt Dessed soc liy Marcroli Ettles Lld., if cas nt ended tfli decelopment of Une tUcec yarcels eould te pliaseol but tise ylasong agreemet conc luded tome monUns ago called toc tnal pbases le te cefeased lalec Uis year asd il s copected Une dcvelopmenf onoy te onpleted ducoof Une yeac. Hearing belcI Thie 0MB iodcafed vn December fbaf approsol toc Une Iroieci eould te fotcUcoming once f1mai measuremenfo and cisor dscrepancies n flic plans eeeclaeofîed. lise pcoîecf naslalien o f0an 0MB learing ater a rofepayers' group n Une ocea conese eli reeoooig leo lloso fle peoject. 'ise poject wli represent Une irsl major omeditumndensty bousîng developonent 10 gel undeceay in Mlfon. Con- dominiumos ar e comonoly retereed to as loesbouses. Condominum liomeo oners oes Ueir oes liome ando sonall yard cuile cooda, sideeaflus andf parbu on ccll as oUer comonn tecilîties are oened liy lie corporatiosnoade popfu bome- oesers. Upbeep ufthUe grounds and esterior otIte onti are donc liy Une corporation. SPage,-F,ftocc, Cvet. 101 swim 59 miles at OSD Swimmers rciise $ 6,000

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