Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 7

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The Champion, Mlton, Ont.,Wadnaaday, AprIl 4, 1973 7 Captains, canvassers get set for cancer blitz To dae1 ati adovere MacNab 8V-&21 5273, Mra Dorotlle-Corp 32SM Taylor, Noble TowereoApt.,878. Glen Apt. A.878-2331; Mrm 078339M.HaePotr21 10cvaoahv end op te ames drae o ManaWest, 87048,Mr.ahrra 4W9; Mn Jeonifer Bre-an, Eda ora-U daOtaAOB., oo t. 7-28. madot 1e AMrilfmid-raos telephone nombero of area Mille, 140 Coult St.Maort, VIS- .r.p.. inow re: --80;Mn.B--Cale,1-18,011 8810 fr 1e biPi ilt of 8e Caadlao Cnirer Soiey, bt ire raplains and ronnonnero nee silO needed. Cameaige charman Mes.K.P. Marchalls alî the sannyigo cîli nicîully gel oodee-may net Mnday evening, April 9 mhen ronnonning its ill 8e distrihuteil on orkero aoth1e Ber Rug Eoon of the Chrles Hotel belmeen 7.30 and 9 p.m. tise dor lii done- onnans wil maie-Ide on April 30. Aayone mnntiaig On enînteer their ernires ran econtart romnpoign ehaie-mon Me-. K. P. Mrshll, R.. Milon, 878-6220; Me-. Helen Ste-ai, 88-376; Me-. Mary Bell, 878-3052; or B.C. Mrs. Marj Mowbray, 475 St. Slouh, 87-4447. Ohne-ri St. S., 78-2382; Mns. W. R. Vanbam, Dors Grffitbs, 211 Prtreay Dr., 878- 321; Mms. Gaiedon 3622; Mes. Shirley Dils, 419 Maai S., Eos, 8 Cmpell Ave. 878-6061; Mes. Jack Williomson,8 Mue-y Gsenh, 66l Robet St., 078- Ken Shanon, R.R. 9289; Mes. Bess Rtobianon, 177 9127; Me-. Spencr Mareti S. 878-3057; Mes. Joan Nornal, 877-128;i Gervans: 3W8 Kiaisleigb Court, 4 Milton, 878-3748, May consider Public vote on library, arena Dret Park, 878- aIo Keaan, 163 878-9423; Me-s. 826-4507; Me-s .3, Milton, 878- BWilson, R.R. 1 Bi8 Kelly, it.R. 8;Mn. William Crawford study Resutsofaomîrrofoseol tudy itI te peesenteil t Royal .M.O. CONFEBENCE for mayore anel etetd oficias as Botome-ot Grdens heoiltiarters luld rereoble- 800the Canseian Emergeeiry Measeres Colege t in ue-ington April 12 t 8 pme. Areprior t 8000e-m defegates of tieir leadersip Unersity of Toronto iii respoosibilities in e-nom of disoter. Namsagnmeya Tomnhil3n eresent te findîngs at the publie- tlepute- Reeve Jies Wtson, pie-tond t rigit itis DeputY meeting and prenent an Reeve R. Mls of Mono Township, mos omong the 40 iloustratei leture. lttenieg. Probteasmls ieh migit aise ies peseetime Tise fossîl record reflents emergenries or nulear mr ere nonsiereil during thse e-se- hn iston asnue-bdomait ofi doy course. agricuture, Imuas mrsanid (Nationsal Defeaire Photo) uropeus setlement. Holding bylaw delays two hydro substations Anoterr snr" e-osed by sqomsing tomasitp'sntoininag hlding b-am ms eneontered by the township oneil Musday nigisomes Io oficials ppeared tefore them toaoppy for building permts for Imo hydro nubn stations. Coune-etîor Cone inisted thrnughout the dincuion tht the uhsatons oud change the esibg use of tomnship lond st prmitted in018e holdinig byn to. Couse-ie-rs bod n doobl tha1tishe soisiltions mre needeil. Cooneilor Cone pointeil ouI h00 tie tonship hon jut re-ined aniextesionionnthe holdinig hy-tam ta0et. 31. This ms neeesry sncie the officil plans o nl eet brAn pproned by the gileenent. FIne meetinegs Fred Elin of the prnpeetYt diision of Ontrio Hydro and Emer 01, diviion engineer of transmissionand ldistribution projerto, totised the proistees onr- i18 roune-il. Mr. ERlis poine out hydro 8as oreody bad fine meetings in10e1 rro, ine-todîng oppearone-es tefore tise Commitee of Adust- ment. They re mel oare of the Ieohtem, 8e said. Twa subsation Tie suhtotionn are 10 8e tortd on lot 10, eon. 7 on the Harvey Nurse fres ot /hgrone asd lot 32, eon. 8 on the Conl Vomer propr i tBalboafai. Porehase of the poperties mil 8e ronelodeil ere- 50. Strikes on bour now Clock stili not right The Deponoment of Publie- Works hon adjoted 18e Miton Pot Office e-tuek afle-remptointo it ms strltong 10 minutes before the hou, Miton Couseil ms inforisedin 1 oreespondenre feom MF Tee-ey OConore. ReBob lhMeCooîg suggested onmthe MP mouId prhapn ork on getting the-tlonS ta stop striong 12 limses at one o'e-Iurk. Mr. Oja roplaineil iydro is beginning 10 8e ronereneil about the ranisfr-of ails tonother stations in the or. Ttey have nreody drînyrd ton o year,anid the situation is deteeiorating. Mre. Coxe expresseil 18e hope pee-80es byde-ro olildent better with asethen peoincial body to pusis oeprnvni of thetonshidp officiaIle-ton. CouniSor HomitI ondee-ed if hydro mso't ptaying on the fers of the pe-mele 1801 thein bydro nngt bssb sut. Wre-nil echnge the use te-smageilture, be ogreed. Hydre,-s a 0publie-tiity omaird by t8e peopeI, Me. Ettis protesteil. 1 Finil a moy? Bt, Mr. Csse persinîrd, the 1ausoe in siI nianiged. Hom e-ni we fidoamay to ieuino ent this anidstoy wmîi th1e tos? ise hlng y-tom bas hem 10n effert tas long, but il's st sur fout. Rmeve Tom Hill renniteil othees mho nanteil lu estabtisis bosînesses iailbren tureoi ise- peobîe ill goton nom- mtter wbite ete-bDelmon French milgel in toue-b mtb the Mnîste-y ni Teeasue-p ond Eronomors ond the towsisoli- citor. The Deparlment me-te M. OConnor that a repote eompony mon nwdonag regutr mantenancr and inspection on the cnon, but rmphaiod that the co-k datesn ior ta01920 and pre porto are very, ditfie-ot 10 oblain. "Due ta lIhe fot ha0 1is docek, ien part, na roo 8y eetrir poer, il 5 AMSie e-n be reodily een tiecarse of o pomer filre il han ton e manole- reset." Take0u Remove silt from creek '& iteosovl of lopIn fine fret oI silt ork had bren dane hy the Halton from the Siteen Mile Creek itegion Conservation Atliority in sot of Pie S. i an etianateil ita preparatin for raianaeizatioai 7 .3 0 otof $24,00810s benig eonidered that wold inctude the coneretig by Mlton Cooneit ana forerunaner of the ereS ed anid b8008 101the eentoni ctannelioation of the steal. Conneil Monday nuthoriord preparation of the reqoîe-ed y- ta, noting the sonnant speai wudredore theton'ainshare ot m -I. ....UT *LT phase one of the rhanaiellnatin of MII I LM the Soteen wich l0 ta etend REALTOP1 nrh ofMaiSi. tothe CPRanid tO Martini St. p n 2 d Engneerng w«k 1eO e s2 n Mayor B. let enpllaiedth Brandi Office In Ontario tomai n nidertake the projet A anid murh of the engieerinigA 5 MILL ST. E. - ACTON * A Nat te A-6 Suparaarkalf W This office wiII serve the burgeoning areas of Halton and Peel Counties Kethle rom Rockwood S. fa Bort Ington, as for Z ota t est as Port Credit oeil N. on No. 10 Hsep. ta 1 5b ttBrampton, Including Georgetowen, Milton, StreetsvIllte, Oakvilfle, etc. s Sales Staff Urgently Required Fatores Oa n FOR INTERVIEW a 853-1 82110OTON Tise Ontario Municipal hord mdll ta8e o ueo iew of Milton CounneiOn decision to aokt pronision 8e mode for oser ai $1,000,000 for o ibra-y anid ren this year Mayor Brua Bet nid1 in o telephoaie interview. '18e mapor enplaiaied 31,10t ms lotted for building o rik i 1974. e noedil it onid 8e dif- fie-nl tu mone 1801 foreront np a1 ear. Tise Myor noteil the t10m a s1 foreront1.68 milionidollars fori 1973 iitilly. The marne 10 ar-1 rommodate requenîn by the ibe-ary lourd anidthe Aen lourd ol lit the foreront 10 2.8 million ande-oU for 5.6 nillno dollars 10 8e repaid in debentures. Reereadoan Mayor lent ms absent frnm the meeting et whir8 the iaireoteo ere eoted on by couniri. Store 18o1s8e 8eban beess apprnarhedonia nomberef ocrosions b1W people ih a ntem tu pttig the an-manid llbrary question on the ballot anidrail for o referesilee at the net elen- tino. t3,ly verbal approacbrn have ben mode b 1the mopor anid membres of couneil te dte. If o letter omen t ouniil the malter mil 8be deat with. If a referendioumos e-oed anid the people deideil nt tusupport tuhe enpnditure itmwoldbe tmo ers brore 1he malter mouId 8e teogit p agin. When youreqoie-metrunn lto onortimoe, baos fuels and lu bricantai liop things runn nmonthle-. Your Teaco Farm Dtrbtor delinars top quality prodoris ndelservre yoo con dopenil on. R.G. (8O8) OLEMENTS 835 Steeles Avenae, Baox 143 Miton, Oantario Phone 878-3431 SWhen you talk IE q u ipM-1nMt, you'etl about the> world's most comploteline.. (Your. also falklng about th. worid's beaf lino) HYDRAULIe- EXCAVATORS TRACTORS. 13 tn94 hp CRAWLERS, 42 to069 hp F090 LIFTS TRACTOR LOADERS BACKHOES, LOADERS. AND BACKHOE/L.OADERS, RIPPERS, WINCHES. MOWERS, (2 uheel Oeil 4whel drve> BLASES oeil moey more PA- [055195 endustnola 1atiments. Just ask COMPACT LOADER tor oSai pou nont. Whether it s original equle-ment, used equipment, parts or service, your satistaction today is ahat briegs os eoui business tomorrow. We want your business oail are pre pareil to rare it. Gise us a rail. Or better pet, stop 8e- tor a vsit. We ean arrange an on-your-îsb demnonstratîon, show you ose- taclities, dscoss inonrîng ... whatever yoo wish. Mere convînceil yeu'II8e convincedi 000th0e Inernational way is goîng the most protitable, trouble- lree way. Young's Industrial Equipment (Division ot Tonngs Farn.Equipment 116.) No. 5 Haie. Wost of Clapplana Cranr Phone 1-(416) 689-6.668 Pison Rep: Pter Drincoîl 878-348" COS-OP nngSALE -Hn none o do nes- av0 a.y.,vdoy Sp-g oeds!Thurs. Apil Shto Sat Apil 1t '73. NEW KmIIWIER INCUBATON Suburban and rural - wnun 5802 MAILBOX No,44M n HO.essp l se e olma lm Il N ClSooe o s 51 11601 10"FE ' O . u1" 10' oLIE io M7 filiso le, 10 SALE 2 !' Es 4V'2 . W1Cuo gouge E syWICuo 9 niios î,re n, i tohnch o e aei ufgdso lnniin.eut Co nInn Smi esa stip w eienn COOUTNDARDCOOPATIES FONAI To koep yo*ur fanen runng you dopond on your oquipment. To kep your equimontrunning, dopend on your T 0xao Fr. Distubutor. 1

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