Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 5

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Tse Champion, tailton, Ont. Wednesdlay, Apr I 4, 1973 Geo. Van 1er wins basket bai crown MARTIN ST. SCHOOL baaketball teamn aent thse game ait playeru duing a break. There to the second round lu the Btallon County mre 16 teama lu the tournament rereeoflug Basketbail elementary uchoola tourniament uchoolu froc tbrougsoa Htalton. It aras the Salurday. Here coachs Tom Tranlu diacuaaea Birut tane sucis a tournameot had beau beld. ilton Mr HorHocke Ho use league happenings AOter playang two ha gamen, Haris Statiouery rame ouf on tise good nide of a 3-1 deriolon orer Miltou frarel Service se Oieir third gamne. lTse seinueru tonk a 2-0 lead lu the Birut peelod mnd tise teas=atraded goala lu tise hialt (rame. Dou Richard gare Harris Oieic fient goal mn a pana froc John Rein aitie l3.t5 mark of Bhe op:mug acasio . Kmn Har comted tise second mnd ermntaal aluniug goul for Harris with Oie help of hais Haggart oiih only 15 seconds remainlug lu Oie tient period. An mnanuinted Markser hy AI Ayer narroaed Oie gap tar Tfanel Service ai Oie 4.05 mark ofthOe final period. Kerlu Lewis arored Oie fluai goal for Oie ainnern an ha arrepled a Dou Richard pana oith ane second 1eRt lu Oie game. Harris aili non more lulo Oie hiats againnt a oeil rented Scois Tiee Service rrew. Balna Hoo0d'n Chirisen Kinga nsated ieomru hehind a 3-i dehrcit aI Oie end of Oie fient frame lu a 5-4 sirtory oner Oeavr Homes lu Oieie Oued game after nphittlu.g Oie Senst two gamen. Jeff Penrire opened tise nroring for tise winern onty goal of Oie lient period as lie smored aller only 20 seconds. Tlnree goalsnim a roa hy Beaner wloish wee comnted hy Rager Del Nin, Dmug Heipel with iselp from Gary Lare and Oie Oied une hy Pierre Galipeas gare Oie losern Oie 3-1 edge ai Oie rlose of Oie lient period. Gary Dance isroaght tise margin rioner at Oie 2.55 maris ut Oie necond trame isut Gahipeaa ucoredta luerond goal for Bcarer ieom Bil1 Taylor ta once agan cir Oiem a lau goal rousion. Jeffe Penrce mmtited isis second goal of tise runtant aith iselp feuom HmnryOBrynlunîto naruw Oie gap ta 4-3 Oe Gary Dance acreplod a pana frum Richard Isear bo monrt hin second goal ofthOe gamne mnd lied ap the rontent. WiOi a miute mnd 45 neconds rmrnainiog, Graisam Oye utarted a Play ndarg tise poris to Gary Dance aiso relayed il ta Henry Oelnun for Oie game aluner. Haodînoillotaheon Police fer Oie lnansptonnsip. Pee Wee Bailey Fuels taok a une gamne lead lu Oieie serina wiOi Loaul 4970 lu Oie Pee Wee fluals an Oiey edged the union oqud 3-2 ali a toutl Monute mariser isy Scott Rend. Wayne Riehol rumpletad a pao lay snith Tom Sha nd Stase Cale fer Local 4070 early lu Oie fient game at Oie 0.20 maris ut Oie bust periud and Oie ai 10.28 ha ncored hiu second mnansisted mariser ta gise Bailey Oie lead. Four minates later John Oailey lied up tise game for 4970 ohen ise arcepted a pana tram Jars Feenntra. Tisen ali ouly 55 neconds couaining lu Oie eouiteut, a paun lyuatdy Ted Pleollon sRais e John t2nalinr ad mmletd iy Omîut Medrnlell O nisng tally. Novice dOter lylug two, wlnlug mne and loning anotiser-Firemen came on nteoug and downed Limus Clis 3-0 lu Oieie filOi gamne ut a tant two out of liscee series. Dase Kramnalutosy earued the gmose egg Mhile isclu dasncoced once lu Oie tient period mnd taire lu Oie second utanna. John Couper ntarted Fireee an the rond ta framBifill mwyi n theo0o upelung frame. Bill Mare ar- ceted asn frocn Andrese Qiamis ta gise Oie wloern a 2- S edge Oien aith lena Oiaa four ouoes left, hais Heipal talhied Oie hiat Fireme sore with iselp, froin Kerin Bodu. Wle hanally isoalug mut to Firemen - Lions riais are ta ha commended for Oieie nplendld nhowing au en 'expansin' rIais Bhrougsoaf lise, playoffo. Tise Firemen 000 join Milton Upisolutecy and Dominion Hardaare lu a lau game total goal srie n ue Oieata. Tie Opener ta tise apelug gaine of Oceie rihe, Dominin Hardware louis Oie lead twnce lut earis tlue Uphotatery tngist isari mnd Oie hiat isumer west ails a 2-2 cotan mmri nsoaing ou tise ucrolard. MarI Daocen openel up Oie ncorlug fer Dominion Hardaare msie acrepted a pana froco NieS Vanderamp atter uuly 24 seconds. A nota dansh hy Jsey Gaia lied op Oie gamne tac M=ta Upisoluieey aI Oie 15.04 mars of Oie upeulug peiud. Donninion ntrarisagalu ahar ouly 42 seconds lied elupsed lu Oie second period aisen Brian Anderdnek comntad ou a pana fram, Brandy Creanon. Scott Lytte esened Oie acre for Oie ittiolstereru ai Oie 2.22 mars ohen hae complttd a play with MiSe Duranta. Tise balance of Oie game telturad goultenderu lutte Keetris for Dominion mnd John Aseltan for tipiolniery Mho were tcied senecal ise acs lad wece euqual t ai aS tlempta. Area horses win 0f Quarterama f 73 Savrcal local people aece among tise ainneco ai Qoartecama '72 held Mardi 2,2,4 ai Oie Cahnseam on Torontans Form a Juvenle bail club Juvnile hall antl raturn tb Miltmon us prlug. Kirk Roaley mnd Dicter Clar aiSl isondie Oie moadng mnd oanaging dntlien for Oie rlub. Clar noîd Oie cais wil aurs oui inuide an weon as tacile hecomne onailaiste. Claer oed Oie ton had hemn aithoot a Junile rloub toc seneral yearn. He naid there an a ponaiitty ut Oie riais playlug on a comied Juvnole Junior loup lu Hataon Camnty play. Boys 18 mnd ander ou ut Jan. 1 nsoodd cnl MI Turner aI 078-2768 ta expressalutarent. oayutroc Oie Campselln6e and oOier rural arena nar ton are weicoma tb S'y ont fer Oie riais. Down with rates! Cail and foefore a neo Oneoroief Impala or othar fine car, Gas included wlth rentai. Tildan homourn mont major crcdit cardu. ICDEW JACK RICHARDSON CHIV OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIGHWAV 25 S. MILTON or 878-3812. Exkhihitin Pars. Tise ent an npannoced isy Oie Ontario Qoarter Horse Association and inrluded participanta frocu aSl parts ut Canads and Oie United Boates. George Coserdale of Campiselisille plared in tise diampionnis ails isis lau year uta nialiun tdigity Bans Rans mnd is Oiree year old geldingn Style Bans md Hieed Hank. Roy tamon of Gergetawn ptaced toarth lu Oie Senior Western Rlamure diviuion aitO Sogar Joe Reed. Ficnt and tId Local quartier herse oonern placed fient mnd Oied lu Oie Registered Ladies Cattiug Dohine Oauaw of CnpZs61e won ali R.BM. Red W off and Joan tamson ut Georgetown fouis third place ali Grand Ontl. Joamne MrCuaig ut Miltan, ceprehatig Oie Cedar Valley Riders, was secomd couer-op lu Oie issn Quacteamna '73 que contant. fIne giels arere Judge ou poise, permonality, appeacanre mnd isarsemaonship. I George Vomier Seisool an Gais- ville dricaicd Actofi 's 1Hobeef l.iftle to ain h flicIalton L001 Eiemeoiary Avisoolo Sasisetisail Touroameol iseid Saturday 40 (Otario Seisool for tise GeaI, Milton. Roisert Litle playeru isad ta do some faoey driboliog, panoiog aod nsooting agaînot lisree oppooîog teamis efore oaiig il la Oie risanipioooship game. ISoe tirut tante of eirtory rame afier defeating Moolelaîr 29-14. Martin St. proeed ta be a isetter rirai despite ing a 23-il edecinion. An Eantrîew ieamt pronided tihe reai thriller as Roisert Uàtile joot RIOET LITTLE andl Martis St. playero taugled lu the second round of the Halton Couty elemeotary schtols hankethail urnament Saturday ut the Ontario Sehool for the Deaf lu Milton. The Robsert Utile playeru frocn Acten defeoted te Milton team ta more ou tai the tird round of ltse playdowns. (Dame & Fis!, NewsJ Joui Oiree aceis unmt troat seamu opensanmd ae hepe yna aIS ha ceady. Of yoar tamorita spot lu lu a stream rmalug Oiroagh a farsuer's property, posisadisettac top inandihone a chat ali film. Oe il you're golug ta a taise, ha sr ta cherS the taro uthOe lahe, ai l Oie lakes are enrepliouoily isigib Uis yecr. lthera oa goud nean for tise coisoc fisheemen. Arcordlug bo aS reports Unay are hock. Olureithe lest plaig 18 montns ago, Oiec ohe haro iseen gocging Ueoscivs ou stock, chah and pocinl Lake Ointario. Mowtaeyare headiug hans ta Oic Credil River atare instinct aiSl teSl Oiem ta npaon Unis fall. Laut fnt, a Sittle oser 4H0 colse werec msght at a acie set op aI Oic mauth ofthOe Ceedit River. Tise ratcaise lsourlded buo coinlua trout, Uncea ctluook naheun aeigiig a little oser 13 lion. mnd lisea lamprey' lise moise aneeaged aheut taro test lu lcngOi, Oie largent aaigiog 0.8 Fisisersn wlf ha gtad tb not tlul 30 par cent icun lampeey aere mougit on Bheoua weie front e peious poar. Perspao Oie lamprey rtrol program, la paying off. lisuse roisse pI eled 18 monOin agu aneragcd si luiches long and mce ounce lu acigst. Oua aoglee reported ratring oua Unis taSl aaigtang là lis. Tise rota of groats of tise his mustle atatir. Haaever, lhe test place for misse fising cigist ou is up aroond Gergian Bay. Jim MrDonutd reports Unat a lot of people are msnining nocne fine pifie fisiing lu Port Raaan mnd uurromnding dintrict. Apparently Oie pnfne rouge froSà ta 1 Oibs.Otiitisore of theayes mnd yooraooevro .uper cpise in sain amens. 'Tie pthe cm a tamoud lu halloa aer, drainage ditchen mnd mometluen Oiey spili oner inta shallaw ponds to upaon. Arcording ta a deparimmit officiaI, Oie upring culdiing dees oi hurt Oie popultlion of pise. Rua tisat Oie soo isas isopetully gane, we cmn re ahat noe creleno hisr, nowmohilern mnd iksn on Oie Bruce Troul lue laIt isektnd. An a ndle yourcan fmnd cans, copu and eran plastir ep tsuSl ut garluge nefdis mouta emily haie iseen rareied out. Popin must start celislug the milions ut dollaru Unol Oie Minisbcy ut Maturai Researces coutd hettar npond on Oie impronement; ut our renvironooent ifit waonîtfor Oie lans of garluge theyha l iemcl up erery yoar. Sf the worm waUer rensains aliis us, Oie nurs and umelta nhautd ha ruuing son. Thiu ail] ha ogret isreak fer Bhe sportsman, considerong ice ihshhg fiinisedso early his ycor. Dunit forget Oie Staand Hamn not ou Gond Feiday, Apeil 20. A big Boulus gses out lu Oie feiloansu isoelped mou unr Federotion heoUn. Mention should also go out ta Bhoue mon aiso lomned Uneir hruche. Thair mmitd effort aani part ut the greai sorcena ae mnjoyed. Phono todap y ~ t'SIl \,// 878-9094 - A ~ ~ IÇ Have jour furnoture beautifully re-upholstered flou. lthe fineof of craftsmen, cambîned wifh Living you hundredsof afine fabrics tramn which ta cftaose. Phone for a frlle esfimafe. Na obligation ILO UPit(1:11 S:[' E iI i mmayrgd ta olip ho iisem lf-1ia oadly drîrated ther Avion îeamn 44-19. Other ares leaoan i ot fare as oeil. Martin Street Senior Poie Seismi mn Miltoo defeaied Ferontenac 24-lt isot oas elîmîoated isy Rohert Lîtle. Oroohnilie bolt ta R. Meadoos and Tecumses 46-6 axa 35-17 respeelinelo. Fairnîeo Puislie Seisool in oorth Soriogton font la W. H. Meadoos 24-14 and oas later elinnaled isy E. J. James. bn lise consolation ehampoooship gamce, Terusehi Wants more cricket players Abouladouen ricket eoihusianto have heen getting tageiher rrery Wedsrsday igst aI Oie Ontario Scisool for Oie Doof and "rolling, mooiog and oalermng Oie pitris." Itiene are tarn ued on Oie game of crichet, a sport Minis Owen Faulknser oluhen b hbring bo Miltan. Arcording io Mr. Faulkner they arr lryiog ta formi a ieam ta play some exhîbîlion games oîlh leamns froon Toronto, Gahomille and Mississauga. Therr ione proisico isooerer, Oiey need more ployers. Mr. Paulkner sayu lhey hase heco usong Boa-r oon equîpmcnt oaish is qoîle expennîne but more miSl bhneeded ohen they go ouldmrsno a roupie of ocehn. Errntually lhey hope 10 rereire some finanrtal spport frontOte rerreaioo departineol of Miltan and posnihly haie a fond raiuing Auyone olterenled in join ini thr rirhet players oay contact Mr. Faulkner ai O.S. fhomoughly cmpefenf lob of piotetiff toir pl-oporfy agin ous. St..pleaedieOrn oiCofeME & NBL %I'TVEBtCIEE WMEMtLý of Sot lingion jusi managed to 11, mi i m m. ' I-1ý 5 r , iillcd gaine of the moarnent. Tevumosehtost to George Vanter insteir fient gamr 29-20 bol mon thse nrsslirer games tooointhe consolaion visamooship. Memisers of Oie Gem. Vaoier team mere presenird mush a lropsy for Oieo- effort on omoing lise cisamyioossip. Tise consoation tropso oat yresenfed to mmers of theTecmeh Retereen Teavisers in tise publicecho sostrm and sone fmîgi ovisoit ofodents acre refeeo for Oic tooroamrn '(ey omît divide amongfisermthermonerecived ai tise gale. Mr Siseppacd of Montctaie Sr. Seboat in (lakvitir oas vonvenrrfar thse tornavent. Mr. iiryr ad rsponor ta tire aoroament mas ecellent and lise coavches aootld lie bo se t roo on a egular basis of the best-tastfng chicken in toHfl.. chcke-SnV-tt&u. Hotu andf commercial Hiltos 1878-411 2 IT4POORBUci CHBAEPbE/ IN 'THOAT AT JOHNSON'S FURNITIJRE YOit GETV VOUR rlOINcV-o aOT- UTILITY STOOLS $1195 anu obe rse 2"hîgff-SolidBrhWllOD u l rse 6 Drawer-Mîrror Inci 60" EXENTION TABLES Reg. $89.95 CLEARANCE lb 0,f arahed Oîrofi $flf95 Mat cfig Bookcane Or a i1be 6 9 -Tio 10" L-eaoen mol. DU 4 aw DROPLEA TALES WALNUT CHESIS Cash-Carry DROP f $549TALE Reg. $40.95 SPECiAL SALE $39 4- across 20' Loaoen doaat Maoigà79as ea a4 SIMPLICITY WRINGER JNEW WASHER Paeoeliî Tob-Wt Oins CHROME CHAIRS $449 OUR asrIe ONLY $199 Noftrade neeOS$tiy 135<1t ASSORTCD COLORS Cash andCarry- FREE LOCAL DELIVERY -FREE PARKING AT REAR W) BERO UTSwVNRO UTS-TBE fil] SN" I is]Fi uRi ; 11UE

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