Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 12

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12 The Chsamepion,.Miltos, Ont., Wodnesdap, April 4, 1973 Esqoesing township oncil met Mnndoy evoning te Ue tewne- ship hal wiUs oU]oemehos rexeet. Toroto Iternotional Dcogstoy mnangr Devid Pratt reqnostod by louter UaI coseSi recennider Ueir earliec decision endiloes Use trocs te opon seeser, elteer May 5 se 12. Concildecideil te obido by tee decision olrondy mode on os oponbsg dte. Mr. Proutstox te bo inbirsoed bs application for licone roneseai stolilbo opprovoil on Use saese conniions os test year. A lettestos receiveil troes o Willestdote man prtotin ue tact esotercyclex ore not ol.te te drag on Ue stcip. Cosciltors ogreed tee bylose wold ont change. 19 LEGAL Notice in Creditors ANIS OTIERS Ie te Fstte et ROGER HALL PTOLE-MY. tlleote thUe Teowe et MUItea, te Ue Coty et Hlsen, Rettred lMonetactsee- Sll pccsccecbovixgcnv clccx cgcccc dthe cbcccette are e- qccced tucccd fultpelticccx o cci xc ciMes',Io ccte dcc îcgxcd Esecuxor on orcbeoce rcc îctb dcc cof Apci, 1973, f- ter hch ditecIlle etcce'c cas- sels ii Se dsccboccd, tcesdxg regarcd occxi> cccciiece hcc have shexlovn e cccved. THE CANADA TRUST CO., 282 Lckccbcc'c Rd. East, Ocbs'iile, Oct., -and Doccgax HallPtciesty Execoceca, by NUTCSINSON & 'HOMP- SON, Soliccitrs, MilIce, Ont. 9c54 20 AUCTION SALES For Complet. Auction Servie Chris A. Schouten AUCTIONBR Sales et al typas. Scies ccdscted onywhlere. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. , MiRos. Ont. 20Nti WR TALK A LOT FOR VOLT BlEST PRICE "ODE" AUCTIONEERINC ANTIOUES A SPECIALTY Gextecal Slex ALAN ODENBACH Gccdocîe Us Liceexeil Aocsîoxcee 878-2945 MILTON, ONT. 25c49 Thisoalieitor seUl attend tee leihgs. Alert and Margaret Desedney and Donald Peinrs' hariage tellase Contise et Adjastonent decialene on sales of lasd. Heainge are April 16. t.Àondsese Wen's Insttete wrote te cesecil expressng concert et Indesonsquercy Seing oxed toc gerbege. Depty reeCccx pccccced the letter and and cuccileor Hxwitt boglit er poemissieonxlseld te seeglst te sentd e cepy te Uhe Miister. Tise Insttuce cemmeeded ceancil for tiseir sosei. "We recemesnd thot yoonaintoies the igb standard for e geed 11e 1r elsicis Esqoeiog bas long bons issewn," Use letter ceeclsded. Alsteir Sknser resested Use aoditecs' reprt, resieeieg il esd oeswering questien. It was eeted tax rreers are dean censiderebly, belseved due te lteries isflieg. ResselliMMuter oeil Dog Biryant appeared betre coeil on beaols thUe Gîe Wiliamns Miser SeftbelI Asseciatien presenting test yer'e flonciol reperts. Tley expleissei items oeil seiltbey hope te have os soony os 150 ievelved tiis yer. 'liey null retors te tlk oboto grot aler registrotion. Russeli Miler explooseil tht aoseformser cosciller be Uouglt conil wold like te see bese Ue toc- pcyers' eseney iteppelle god ose. Bilss eeaoterined pid 1or iepreveesents n Ue conseil chambers. Conillers nteesitin big ceestortoble swivel chairs. A otw decotive seol sets Ue ceevex sot oprt; il wos centrocted by Heise Stebsat ofe Use towxshsip. lIed Poslsoey, ebo ceomoutests hxx 100-cre tares et lot 10, sixte cencession, oppbied te bild o bosse -in Ue pcoerty. Ho tes exsned ondftoce e Ueproeocy fr severot yoorx. The onttr wsrotorroil te ceesesttoo. Appointeil ltvstech vlsoto et $8 per trip ore Spencer Wilson, R. t1, Idrvl; Willocd Sandersen, RHR. 1, Gergeteen and Clre Wilson, RHR. 1, Gerettwn. A Coscil by by-lew ogrotil lobe ever oeil onintoin Chlten St. ùn GîeWilliamsx. Coscil pssed o bytoon seicb presedex that aoU pions et sub- division registoroil fr eigt yoors bo doesei ot te bo registoei lapins etof suivision. AU panssregitered lioore Jan. t, tee5 are ne longer vlid. lest tender et Heheen Ce. ws ceceived for soppiy et 25,00 tees et grovol, sobjeet teo pprevol. Cooscil sill lso have a ookelset toenshipes'noil landl eich enld spply grovel. Ceosittors tld rood super- tetendont lied Snest about rod prebloes.ITte onUs bise is't it for oasbig te go throgli, greeleil Mr. Ce. Mr. Snow cbtded teot $10,00t wstntofet esteriol lias bee tend inroodrepair inUthe 1001 Uscee weehx. "Von dont t colie ntet it cests." AUCTION SALE For ROBERT STEELE onc 25HigScccy, ]'iestccxeerth fMitex'x Maie Sceet, orcc mile noceci ofe401 Hitbxxuy SATURDAY, APRIL 7 et 12.30 PM. GRADE HOLSTEINS -Cccx',Huegtct teuni clcexer & ipex; 5 ce', ddue scie dcx; cmxx.4 ycx, N exxtd 7' trfe trmer fîcash ceJet'n.; x cm,6 Sbent Cekxhocc 4-dccc idc coke con Ot. 2; cccm, b yc'., i ll s sco; 36' xblccce Say cioxucce; flowx: cmx, 5 'c.becd Mcceb 'i.p.xxccdcce.FacseHaedbhale 7; cccxx.6byi', fesb in JSne; Sccccbc; dxeipsrp ee. cxx. 6 yrs. lcodc in Gcc.; cm, 5t'cx, mlbive;cccb6ycx..'brcd MISC cand PED - 4- ol1 MdcccS7; cm, 7.dccexieufincectxxbcc, 20'clo caquart ltea, Holstcin bail, 1Id tstc thxcîy oet ixer; ils0' ccl1" pIax- cld;, b6 ei, 1&-21 mcccsd icci ppe; tecl icece poxas; 40 cilicxen; c,1I ecte, 8 onsccxcictrcc docon pcxcx; Cyclonec cl.; Zbclfccxscxcccdbxeld; b~ c- cdoc, c be ldes, boom ifcc cait, 4 ceccccbix cl. xceccec'; pax itucecgee; DYAIY EOIP, - JameccccySechc ie: apile ofxc'40iexe; stable ccc.cepccxxîdc lee ixetexrk, xbcvci, iccix ctc.; 1,200 22.' ofchaincîc.24' cteand cccl sof-xcdesxcd I cut boy; 8000 for; 2l1.c ccri at tacccicof xscei ceo ccla hcck il cccik ; uS, Soctc n pumty. eccccc, 2 accus ced pi- ANTIQUES ced FURNITIJRE set forc 22 îcx, xcareicx ttect Dotmininuocea, i ery ci'>l- doeble cstrp ccxx'> xceb; xtcéajcccxxuoocccc; pitioxxacdx'ee; calcdk;.b, uccoeaccieles,. ie ge pce bicnet ox i; pixe cipperc;, 90ilcI selîxcseedcabldDe;n como dte'drcex tccxugts.2 ScecIernatcionxl andl1dxec'. ccc3 ~- dacccr miei;cCccOp elecic f ece, dccxccce, caS commo'ed, i dccxx ccxx 1972; qcccecty(i eat0tc7cccandc1dee; toplfrccile flai' csîig. cecec oxeit. b'c,custesde, I dccxxctcand 2 duccex; Victccccccxpixillo iscet MACHINERY - Mcxccy Fe-Sec,; ccccxxed bSceSchoie; gexccx 35 gax cactcce xc5it lex oundeixccec hll table; studio 28 mcc ccc tiesad cbcixx; Max- cccch ; Neodciyxoe aepbonec xc> Fetguxcsc 3-ureox- 12" Set- tye buidc'y recioc; piccueo bo- dxxx 3 pic pîcce; Coenbusic 15- mes; Tise Lordi i My Siepteixt pox-me drillgrain e bctlber 1 bycceci; c fexxbexex et odo adasi texeed; Fleurcy Bixseei 'beccs,; cccx yccdxc; fmot ceot 8' dnsuSle dlxx, F.B 3 xectioe pcsc; S l-i. dcci cuec; laege dccg clcîat, csetcof 6 sccite cddy; Geetench Iixo 100 ion seccil buesxex, eted-clpocs; Aladdillcip; 2 pond cl waon and aslckx; Kelly Ryon cil loonpo; I dcger loeetc; hIse-e 125 bux. PMTGecue seatedee; Sld xealcx; xed irosc., etc. Aetiqesxoeil Ponitoce ellieg os 12.30, telîveseil b>waonc oeil sc.an fed, dii'> eqoipmene, cochixery anoei leii. TRRMS CASH Lunnh AvilaSte PARM SOLO c er r Aensioeer est rexpentieton occidents on teice> Soie Day WAND BROWNRIDOR, Acetenter Moeg Brexxeniilgs, Phoe 87"4730 Jack Lexsen, Clonke 2fte49 cdx07 Ukrainian tomp wiIU retain, connrt old house dlilsengh thee Ukrainien Vacus Association bail heen given peroissien by Enqaesieg towtnship te deooiesUse olil laces bouseon Ithercamnp pcoperly, ltx sdecixiox cccx cbongod Mendoyigbt bllewisg tee oppeecence et ceancil meoeting oetwtee caonp represenstetives. Stepten Sien, ceennol tocthee Aseociation, onade the presentetion ossisted by Rbert Hirnyt. Tee cemaibiors, nieS Hetht ond depatyeeve Len Caxe, eppstsed Use chlange bot were cctveted. Thbe Adoaotion ted pceviooly Seen gîteh peroninsion te stesseliali fr eOd tese andl te teilda a ne bp administretion centre ad ton toaeteepteg uite. Tise administration ceeteelias tees balitadtenee preposai te Use convert thie eli tares heeno KiIbride Dog shot ai sehool rables is suspected WITHALTIE CAUTION et opro, yetcg Tht twesetre sesoeg aouest 40peupt e hlotit Jockt Feenstra studies is net es shie port in s clsese teiouroet et Milteon Ltbcary. eppetet Bml Heord sseonts tise situtionue. î(Photo by B. But Oakville still ICneais (rmceaPage Oac)i Gebville exil Etqceeieg.1 'ise costy biet coltctieg seetieonts e of n Use centy cite the excepton et Milton c xrentty ftoeeil o Uscot borog cegion site Milten teixg ixclet on tee nrte Halten hrecgb. 1 Milton tocornd oatforboreegh 9 proposal isttbMitox resieg Use base toc o cenrol Hlten Regise. Icexe park lad 'ise Gobvile bSeIrond hy MaoenHorry Boccettinldictes Use preposel by Use pevece steclilset ove Usil et of heles landigeete Centrol Hlten antUis stecli incloile ceesuderohte oseeosts et paris laed. TIse bien once ogieoxpneoxed thei deubla obot Mitons obiily te serve tee lendl prepoeti te te pel nte tee Central Hlten bocecgb. "'lie areo Iyixg te Use sete oeil cool et Milton con xever Se xerviced conedicolly hy Use bien et Milttonindn fle soclif servtcong seben il doesccone wMU te prevîdeil by the Rogien, MUsh trosis tecilities toodieg fron thee areo te Labe Otartosvoglithee bien etfGetvile." 'l ise i retors froqoontly ondl eelensively le evideece pre- xeeted t tee 1965 oeil 1968 eneex otiex heocong ebote Miltn oeil Ooottte. AI IhttimeGOakville bilt a caxe ogoînet Mittnes develeponent by coisong doubla aouet Use ohlîy oethUe 16 Mile tO'eeb te bonilte etfluent fmes the l... soitary sate systoon servieg Fcar Etpeesae Clailtieg tlit tee 16 Mile Crotb conI nsuppent o populotion in Miton et moretex ît6,000 people tee brixt lodicoies the etvetcl xecenity toc buildiesg o nocer te curry Milton effluest te Lobe Ontarsor ipix g eeos cter £romn thee ob eisiegoxa M sapples et coter tocrdhlctin et Use efluent. Goakille poixte s ittet teenes er et hecomninvotvein i oeonive pceîectn stt ght bone tceecoy te cent off st kisofetcrosis situation. Oobvie prepeoil ibir boosdory steisil loclcdt o sec- tien et Brlingien Ibet le ndicteil os port et Cetral Hutton nte provixcial propesai. Gobsilie aeUe stroegiy objecte tue Usesirteern osndory os preponoil y hyUe preie. Thoy ecggost tthe osdoy thectlrnu fron te nertheanst corner ateag lghcoy 401 teea polott esbrocits Use trihelary et thet1liMite Crotk and teen deppong ilsen teo apoint 1,006 teot sotth fCosltyRd. 25. GObviltex proposai coctl givo vory litto lnd te a North Hoîbie se contral HoîItonRegiet. Their heendorîes cenîrosi droenalicoiy stitis provisciol proposais. Brtengteton leeepposei thee portions et Berlinglen tht province ixtends te give te Cetral Halton. "Operation Placement" opening Milton office Opoctien Ploceonnt-e inolicteg orcangemsents fer thee pregren t t is nser jebs toc Oprotien Placeonent otticea senor igb sebool, cllege and sttecb sWe u nu ly stodonte oivorsity stcdenln--will open on lired and troineil hy Conada office en Milton troon oarly May Meepoetr. Thoy will deai noeliy ostil Ue end et Agsst. site scesoer jobs for olgilents. Pions toc tee pregroon ore teing wrbed ot by Use Milton Chaocberet Coneerce oeil thee A 4k r Iteportonnt of Monpewer aoeil r' rtf Iy Ieigrotion. Otter offices seui heoepened in obvillo andl Clecteen in co-oerotien wiUs Ue would bu y Oesie OseetereComerce. Tho Miltnetc geî o l rno rs e SStdett00 1MoliSt. g l Circaltetforma Fronk Wood, retinory mnaoger Hlton Regson Cennrvation et Sheni Cenade Lissted oeil Ateerity bec decidoil teo ppl.y te choîirono e Operetion Ue pcovtnciol gevernesent to 75 Ploceonent consttoe, sid teot per cent efthte $Mo,00 needoil te applicotion torons will ho acqoine Uso property et Tyendoge circuietedin ix ocoo igb scooobiGof Coe n slrlegton. bter Uhsx oonth. Tbis property cas epproised Ho soil potontol eonpieyers lest yoontforxsliglitly over oeoand are nt lime totebtusinsssanoeil temilliox dlars. Blirton, indestry. "We'il stlcoono Ibe beneitting escnicipoiity, onquiies froon ony reident elie c'eld poy 20 per cent efthUe onoy wosl soeoneno tebobysit, dittbority'n eboroebile Ihe wsl cinoes, peixt,'et gcess or esstooieg tive per cent steeld bo eny ther type et doenstie oxssei edgeinet Use oUer eighi worb", ho seid. one iltiexstbhicb ore Thie ceesnittoe is connontiy oneofetHECA. Morrow refuses raise9 Rtc Mrrese, Reeve et Giergetown sten't cccept Usea $1000 cite costy cosrcillers coeiifobictheselven iast wet.' Morcees ehe wsa bsent sthee tiee rono cas vceinoiseil Use stitle teissg ws sehoondi isoet lne reepoexihdlity on thee port o eutosy eoscil. He o nem Use satariesnitdgenle cp frono btai ot $19550 tocrte13 corciUenrs n t970 te $5,000test. Oct ot order Moroe che ciseil teoek o questioe cee nleil oct et ode o nooneretftiesnby Wardedne McAthursehe cloieila quetion wco n terder oeil a speech wsts. Moroe wsx dvisoilby ail- eieilxrtcor teot thee$1,000 stecli have te te cloimeelas on ixnont oeil te CanadaoPenion Pion stotl bove te conme off il osystoy. Ht netediinecnser te Mrrewsequeestiontlte wsfrotteo do cite il os hoesisboil. Moroe oidle heonglsl ibnate iltot Georgetown. ROM wIII study lake ise Royal Ontario Museumese teen grantoil peremission te carry out gestegicel oeil orcitolegicai niedies ol the Craolri Loe Conservotion MAi. Permioneesgivex hy Hotten Regsee Ceneervotion Acteenity. HRCA stdl aiseonlee six SWEEP stodente oeil e seblicie ovioabte te Use Mueomo. Bowling ec1g, Tclclo eYcee. Teodel 72e. itbieecsyenno Taxdel 2611 ne., Ruth Teeis064, Rtse Detoska To. andigsdce5aco ns5t', c0, Colsetw0n i for 28, noseetwaose t 1s. 1,olcel wn0teoei20, Ooeb Ces t for 20,otesieckwone7sforee0.Ci'ae tontesorti9and Canotell ose0efoec10. 105505sSPECIAI, Ldls'hiseingeosaeracs toi. loties' iscoiicice ces Watorsios1. esibcexisinge$,s.Ethel Anold sec.. 5,50 cn 229 Ae. ciosolas OSos ond tilseAudrey toasie se0. Hld i ec7,e ses.rnoldtets55. dSricdee l lel ,' Ifol1. Docoto i toc 15, ELECRIC CONPTRTN ELECTRIC RVC HEATING WATER ÙEATER RENTALS ýj 878-2048 FOIE ESIWoTES Fet have1 pont Roter et Bs rabid byoi M y bIgis L"iebi bise qe ortiei steleo etten( goons 65. on2. C e7 SIre. P. J.eScoes snes waeue C. lBeatty, Mrs. C. Beatty sa l e. E. Bullard. r suspectod rohid toeon fMerstl bote iniKllride is tee A chin rty an dc Ie fr tee cotte occartlieg te yeengMEtod ddin) eUtte cit Vonderonin, seperviser teldisnairdey April 7, tenon8 urlissten'e Animal shleier, pme te Il ps teInUse Fairtield te telieves ttere ney lte l~i' i ItetIsMl cases Oseet te sir~ Miner StIhei Associton, and il tefxeseuasliotilsct onday ilaieped myof isthetroidenseef Burtt5lteaupolictean wehin es Klbride il 0Joffpot Us= ans- sid jfe sonarde e le izaioe. Fo theveey ne é eljus pror o te shoo of adU e ilt'eonde 15, sg tor tht mernleg seseion. -lao nvd sll- dose FarreoeilndMco. Jerk preosises tes aterrific evenhe Ien,o Me eroon tir tVa7 Use als ate ushowUeir tintaIe teel theefox hat e in tisir eu. cd. Ie1e ebro h s. Elles Aiisase e oibid netJer et Use becy ilsiey, ar--g4sgtor Klb 'ej "entisey i sers te vieilthUseSetier Pan o9t e md Ttd Ceet s Club, oeil teis soo of etKultteda oe sindauglter 1greplian teenteddieg nese Mseeenîsnah t thse jesephiBront ber.0ls s t and seecli d Mm55 110ttgalI iSst es, snte enyene ebo oishen te ia1ox i. Lest Tedoy's ecis e elgistilb*10oz c reneltsu neeos tollees, 66âlislhly ,A. Taytor, J. Wallierait, So h e reenited wMUs taseily W. Ziesnerseen. Theo ladies' andtebS l Mes. BIanche cum hem bolidaybsg stite iehmer te Flocula. lMes. )wIling s eae an % toarpedd i i Dtisey Ladl, lthe8Busch Gardens CLUB824 andl o .sy tee 1laes et hsb, iaccista l blra.ite setits ases Ufis' hî0 aelOGln oiea bildosn es scearstee MU tfeur ldics' b~t i i Galotcao ntiig Met os, godsinge..a. daMunece-Teoep te c aolive nees Sbcohire .030 ixLtoted, pian o u00have Oce good iplesls, Shirleysc ne5es, eny sean te etv&--elhidren's la ose 2 ft on 0, lacM cas. or isntliya, motetr ipn, etc., de îsisiesosadtGileecfec 5. giv s a On i87t2077s. Nosoi eisseIc28 0 oact= 244 atnd xonccePacsons METS EVERY thoseil iriles, Saxo Tiedalo TUÉSÔA'5'O.os. cOcoe Apletot 32atnd traco Geste Anglisan :aieW- onr2, Leteýs2tfor PalstsHoal al'tt5for1,iaryeAe'stttct51. HAVING A PROGiEM' as. 5 te( 5 euatsc1 ea'sS ttcteet iShisllo et's o. DROP 1IN available Vos, ceev Cisspienis aat able oncWCcilsdoy aI tht ni oitncniloalccs. HALTONVILLE Jossinsanera i oe B 0001<VIL LE MeLeod's lSore ACTON Onteion ole lSsop Adacs Bon Deoa BoalailuS lte GEORGETOWN littes Ss e Fesilloe' tosre tees Tett s5ha Doîse 5e So p SPEYSIDE Spopsido Goseral SBore HORNBY ilereho Gsocat Stsar. Countryoe DR UMQUIN Drecqesse store OMAGH Oseagh GOesel SMors PALERMO0 Paerno Uescat Store N E LSON Coliega tServiettio# Mues teosVariaoly LOWVILLE teexille Verio5c Rortson & Colsos KILBRIDE CooesnGesora Sort C:AMPBELLVILLE Mheels Ino Eorlc's Garae Cr's Crner MILTON HIE IGHTS Futtoc Vaeito Perisside GosaraslSoro n and Aroanil MIL TON Disst estarntese, Dost.Drop- le, Ooni's Resteesest, Hesils Druves-le, kelens ss, Aliosses Frais Marke0, Weo n OeilMals, Mites Veruse, Jo's Gosorel Stsre, Harrida5titosrY, Jia's Bslierrds, Thse Champeio, Osioy's Pisemct, Laditsh's toper hato, Miltoon Dolilesssos, MuseonDcog Mort, Plaie Scoko liep, Cerae estaulerant, Mat's Milli, Moasties eBstaeurant, Milton DiseritsHospitoal, 5515 Servincestto. ;5 _ _ ACTON DENTURF d"'t, 17A Mill st, F 853 ;170 Member of Denturist Sücip,ý fario. As accredited members, ni jeý for services conform with thç schedule established by thp 1 mst Society. rim, En rSMIs. buttor Suai»S Rotary Club of M Iton SaimOtIàgva Scotia Milton, OO% .,21. teste tes hoseeoping umita. GOsher mites wonli te oontroeted biter. Change nilligrani Mn. Kcceexpleoned Usetc chante ontotgcoone wiUs roceipt et o Loa ntiatives gront. Tht grons meebi conversion oethUe terne wectd te Ionstexpesive Usas teorieg it dean andl eCaisexepbieed tee acta plaeaed fer Use eigit liesse- teepbsg ants eus teounilnet;tee soitelte teease eoetdrainage problesnand likoly esly theu or four nlias enld tehaUâtthere. flsey setS te rentodin teparente. Ceaneil ted reeeived a louter ileteulieg Use ecasp pions. Depaiy-reove Cexe lateend disoncerieg ensail lied egceed te, aUo ne buWldingonuste ondersteedieg thte ld beune weoli te raetA I got tee imnpression pee are soin segWc traoride, iledared oencitier Heseiti.Von gel te buxilding Foc eanted tetere ondl mew yos went te teep Use eld butildieg. I gel teeeling ypeare Mr.tL onpieieîed their esily soearofetisnone in trust parente anil donatioes, and euth the LIP geant tee situatiannlied dsanged. lise caonp tes ca-eperated forbirsl 20 yoars in tee townshsip and plans tur 50t chldron each Mr. Heseiti ropeateil bis ncers tise asseciaion cas net 'levelieg" wiUs ceencil. Mr. Coet agreoil the asseciation liad mode o denlto irade Use elil bouse toc tee ne admieniration building, and non, oppeocod te te tradieg cottages fer lise eld buildisg it emsais. Cosciller Gesrge MolIliy boi visiied tee camnp site on eilit te new proposai maie gond A onotion ceqoiring Ithe Uttreintus Veete Association te ceonplystite ils ageemoentinl deseelsh the bouse lest. 'lie tcamptpteon tthe utlâne nar Acten. We're 1 h

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