Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 10

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10 Thse Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesa April 4, 1973 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED 8 HELP WANTED 13 FOR MENT 13 FOR MENT 17 REAL ESTATE VEHILESFORSAL 5 EHICES OR ALE 1971 DASUN5102,dorrail MAMNEholers MATURE lady to baby ais 2 5 VHICES ORSAL 5 EHILE FO SAE 171DATXJN3102-ace ce. IACINEbelee, Mateelal girls I inoo-ge1 ose borne, FULLY EQUIPPED ULTRA MODERN b)aol inseritar, 1mw mileqel. M8 batallers, gider oporalora A:) Mon' t0 Fr1. 478-970. @o494963 ,171DASU 50,2300 ril4470 alter S. sol49 ply in persan, Building Pend- _______HA__L__L '197 D2 SJ 510,rai, trl5 e TRIUMPH ters Wf Canada Lld., Main Si. OLEANINO hll reqcired forRO M A HALI tirs plan 2 snosn $169 854- Thtis in the year Wt the Ttils N.. Acon, Ont. 8640-712 enonings Io neoek oitls a w 00STEE OT ILA80398 2456 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ S or 8l1@«t ih l e oelmts SSONOIE .0tem30 daly t Mlton 300SELSAVE, MILTON, OT EAPRM 2 - 4 6 o 8 4 - 0 2 5 5 , 8 - 8 9 2 s f r p n lo e s t l n g p s e r , b o r k PS SAMS I E hR T T M E p e r s o n f o r o i - r n ,lo . P h o n e l a n i g c o n r a c - M A R E O U R 1 9 7 3 B O O K I N OS N O W F O R geabostslit0&ancoors>le mtaintenance ssnt at pet- te- 634-7470. 59497 . Real Enlate Rster tISEJ) trocks aod cas aI IlO os 1970 MOTO SKCI, 20 p., $75, v Me Ssoteý Able 10 drice Irac 8 94 U ANLEb - WED)DINGS - BANQUETS 398 Bell St, Milton. 55db St m1î, :.ao-f tt,cv IHMl\ \IbOOî YIIE' 1'-111In od:tio 87828 ! Sorb as oh .,a Ossorn-J1CNETINEC 24 '5 0j", s:>k: b-::,, SS, 481 9 ::a: 878-6583. &49-28 LEARN TO DRIVECOVNISE. 41)pas: ý5cU8o8 sî Enqîne Sales and Service'- --- - - Ac.commodations op to 400 L.,koshore & Ste-y SEs 1970 MOTO SKI sksdno, t0 h. SUPERINTENOENT ooqsaasct TRAClOR TRAILERS 80' o 26 dose flanc Large 3-storoy brink hsome, la 6t JEEP sain, good odnel p, gasd coodirinot. $275. 81- tor birst class 'buildling in Mil- Naow yoa cain train rigbt bore Encollent bar failn and kiloben encollent oondition, Ioatsarixg <10r actas. peupole, $îlfO OC tet Ookvîîîn 844-9348 2Ms. SSc49-492 ton. Experienco detired but not in Canada' Acomamnodation & Contrntled ling 3 soif - catstotned aprtnesota. crfe.8&74Thoasiay olir Trîs Sp Sales & Sot-tico n'snntiaL Most Se energetir & expeosen paid whle trainingl Modern deon Good tenoe. Dontonoc n- 8. pw 4-47 sinco 1966 981 SKIDIOO Nouc 24 O, ioterested in people. Aççoly noiti Toition tas dednsotil Fslly eqsipped ound nysteon atin. Vendor mili bold, Onrol vil e niew $400f or deal for mini ankiln and telephoso sceser For application & ionteoe Complote aie cecyclisg filtee sysîtos esortglage. Anktsag 8W5010. st, AC 31, 2 ai-ar ie 3? rlfS statsng qualîiiations and sala- write: FOR FUETHER INFORMATION & BOORINO ARRANGEMENTS Cuon maît eleeoted bangal esgls nerso, srnd loton MOTORCYCLE ian Chanmpion, Milton. Trans Canada Transport Pînasos Contact 878-9762, 9 to 5 prn. tas, nitoated os 2 acenontse on.4498-i Trainin ottor 87-351 8786d2 ph.e 5_______ _ clite Wd Miltion, large lin- $2.950. 87&-6438. 5o49.4 SEASON 6 BUS- OPPORTUNITIES 8c949- t Sotte 316 20 oren 878-951 87-57atrW.~eoo a r)aeIIt 23MOTOS froin a1967 ION- j- Toesnto 117, ont. _________ 13e-tf en bas IoNs Wf cutand and TIAC ccit staodr t. rasmis- IS HERE AT LAST iML 6ail typ busness BOOKKEEPER or caîll 4168649381 RaM ani tteifraot8j at-ea' good SizaS s:01, Ieu w:leogil lnt as- Sas The Raoer's Esgo for a gooi 'for nale, expansion opportanit- Reqoired for Ioailnnoebinety &cl'Otan ndbe 978465 geCtet- S5 PERSONAL___ _ tibed scot, cfNbieentiai4 îdt:oo. 854-9950. 5oi49-'31 nolecliso of ased maochines t es. For information cail M78 cotsrny Copabele Wd orning bn 745 lie .fned eo .59 bnoomet Ian 1972 FORD piok-up, 32 Standl- pIcs oe YAMAHA bileon. 3606. 6l49 tir, teoston of Socrotar Te- 13n89-isos8cilre re.t, slus atO2 ene a-l a usne s yu arer. Enperiînco it ac4i- STORE eor ranI, 1,000 sq. Ct., adol every Tloarsday S 65t 7, niewuno rany w5557 Pi es, radio acnd rast-proood. Aok- onty 4,00 moiles, excellent non- ovio oegholod osceptiosal nory and atliod nervices an as lose te downooso 8-69. S FtlCnitanCeîe edbnNa$500Eneet 80g 13,200. 854-2459. 5c49-4947 dst:ott ...... 1,000 epporlaniîy to increane ou i . SL soorker. HEAVY DUTY 185484687 Main St., Miltos. Phane colltIsinca oaraed ,1966 FORES Faîrlaoe 5M0 2- 19720OSA Lîgti 5 o008 cosnitehfast repeot custotorne pl QIM Ot.IET 2 -hedsn spart- - -00 - 4fam 8crs4mienot due aICtan buîsatsrt tîs leoînnI siness. Meer others wo havoAetr QIMN noont in pri ate hnome in cotn- 548:3 wiooer 16te Campbell1- Wf Miltan. Asking 91,000 par. aIt,$5. Ca csen ai 16017 45 doo.Fon14-29 Apply Box No. 232 or vr 7-36Otr4ps ille and Dintrict Lions Club 50- aS Eerri Rd. W., RIA. 1, Milot. os,2Sardly CE & cc, 2,600 Candia Champio CLS3"0l99 501 Dw Selti MotoS 27 ý1973, Ho921ls haCE s 2 0 meicenCnda mion CASA EEC'rRîC HOT WATER was T. S. Rortan, RAt. 2, Cm-10 orren, sotan & barn. $3200 ..................... S1,100 Fo o ie E u p t Hblanleille. USED CARS 966 Yassabo 250 as, as s ..$100 7 WANTED MILTON FrMblEqimn HEATERS odeS fret sereine. -5 UE CAS- -ASi telîten r-eplie ion 1 Fleet Phone Miltos Hydra 878-2545-SEIAPRO 070'Ettat Wreceai 01 Ieo 4 97 7 o atnie.,88-,8 Witbe 1se. e&4 18165-tf MUSIC LE55ONSSTLAARN Loso Fricot POLARIS DEMOS S42Lbnriorsitl<asced e9 Ajoplj tO: aproetl ODO, ITAR PIANO, 878-6705 CAL A fo Vlkwawen 88,fl ilQuARNSUERITEDE I -BEDROOM artntin AMTI VIOLId Cor404 Voîke cOearing ouSIJFER¶NT7ENDEb""'lSTCKE &YADNT Millon, fr85. anti ttoe ceailaole. Over 10 s'eaes' experionco e i 17o89 Polaris snowtdIen...- boy 7tl:SOKEPR& AD Ids t.Pono 878-5312 Ssnday oaly, Ap- Puablic Sdosî Sc-I0 oe and save ti suprloso, MAN or WOMAN 13e494946 878-42873cfl94 g: o aseay oooce. 8 HELP WANTEU Reqouired Cor local nsnplnnent 1HALTON QUARRY WINTNRIZER 2 esoin cul 8848 154-t D AI1 L Y ColtI34 SS,2 toebeosofesom. rncopanry Msltt bcespmereed R.R No. 3, Milton, Ont. loge, SeS Sidead & 3rdLise, R EN AL TX 400, 1 only E7CFRRIENCES) oleaîsieg o- and able to k00p complote - F So Est4 5>t, 5oltabde fr oupl. MOLLIE Mao<IREOoR ClM0 ryonl1or 2days astrek, ostnock reord% antid hae 07-980 154-50 SCHOOL OF DANOING sRaconable rates tasportation. 878-4383. geng anti rare: tg. Self stock- SISBLET 1 - bod0Seia oeed rtn84-90er OIr j rfotte aonenrti Citrn&AasCnno HAT NSERVICE statioo attendant A"pply sakig avilbl i 14dh Ballet - Top - Highsland DACEDC NrC or trainingasoshift leader.N51 Arsrds Box No . 23878-4054 aller 5 pst l4-1 D. GODDARD TOYOTA RACES.lJ LL.G\J WSel Truok Stop 078-2350. ERO prmn n iT.8898 HWY 25, NORTH 0F 401 19 Mootgaoery Latte, ilton. Kc49-493 Canadian Champion Ib - , 0808005 opantne STUIO, 878-978 -EIN RE LO MILTON RSA RANTS 15 snr rnt nrseSUDO ITNLOO 878-465 86-293 8784212 CILItinte ssork A iîtnt nohe e ETA italtle for couple. 18stieesati, TSars. Afleesasons & E-vee.ingsLITE 87-35 8623b7-22 trin, Milton ara.,Reply te Bo llwitnrele iib n Loeated a th eS l Stop, Nassagaweya. 854-36&2 IOît'tIIITE 5M t 230, The Catadian Csampion. otnered. 86o49 Sct. 401 anti 25 18549-26 '7L c996 -REOUIRES FULL TOME 3 - BEDROOM brioS & stoto us igt EsTABLISMKED .mat. aa- i APPRENTICE SHORT ORDER bottgaltow, 10, baenraos, lorge 16 SERVICES utRgl A S rn o n p Of abIe, hootootakers, ehift otork- 10 onot, lange kitaSten wtiuit For tSe yasng sseogglsg fans- A Srn roflu of ers, altescoob.Part time, ial i MECHANIC COO K S 7es of culbo-ard spono, futiE ily Reasanably priced 2-to- toto. Foler BRasi 877-3976. Co ogSs & afteraasin shifts. Irving tseas voltS fireplaso, dlia- ATTENTION sotaîl business- ey Soote soinS fenconi pael. Pre-Owne Specias ly 2 3 year' Personmusýt hve sol Sasoot.eot, coutry lo098iPi frn aci t an 23 os, boohkeept- till do olI yonr Eroadlanomtherotehot ebe Spa- Pre-Owne Specialst wcso.4a coo . c haseee nilton & ytz: on. oes-try Paper tantk on port rlnnldcrir 197 V- ATOMourHAsO , rg Gootfi trts. 0mw aodle bosy tsessions. pion, Miýllon. 13049-493'941 2664 Aotott. 1664-71,26 fleor lacodty rsom, brigl fa- 0072 Vrso6 besohto.HLT Pbease contact MN. FOWECS olsaktfetAtn Icco danr Sporis Cocpe, cqasppod scth hochet sîirs, fininheti, POULTRY RDCSARTE ailbeMymysz kthnAmutt in redccs:S cotracong blackhoîersor. Thistisa one ossner PRODUCT lage brigint gront 87O11ýe o' wi.Clnet carofllr drsseo. os otsleago car. Lic. No. OSE 310. requiro AMol t, parson 10 878-418 APRM1 a fialeuMr____________ se.Dn î Caîl An8isette $,9.PART -TIAI E LPn MAC HUNE rIS as in clone home an oî0c 162 CITE8720, $29,for bonaSeringreltImieiroManS. 1971 METEOR, 4 DOOR HARDTOP Mooday anti Toenday Halton Truck Sales PART TIME private enIrante, 'bed - stting Mini Farm (1967)~~~~~~~~~~ ,TD ACONSPYAL ratmro@x25, h881bo0n 15 x10, BLAKELOCK CARTAGE 23naoretparcel wits partial3y re- Eqoipped icth V-8 actootîs, powcer steee-og, power baket, Phone 878-4401 le67 LI) CONSPYBESîro 7n1, prolor stoek- oalt6-edrolo home anti radio, airs-ocb:tsooed. - Fiocohe in ot loe tilth matohieg il9Hc.2 tt-S iln LR ic50ooupl sîi tas no ildree, no for Hon, - OOSofie%- Apartmeot elselleot 2-sto-ey barn, ncoal &b9 w.2 orrnMlo. 1 CEK srcokers. 878260 afler7p.m. ,, bpeedrOlî rt itttercor. Attracttcely poiceti Lic. No. DSR 341. A meitrentreent on- 13e4940 Cor Movondsral gg. sig 500 878-4365 Astt fotnaatediaer LigS or ttmeriasrl gg.Ah 600 1970 MAVERICK, 2 DOOR AUTOMATIC EXPERIENCED HELP & I fr 4ar9ct accoano r onnda Deresn Frlrbrifrtîo Radio. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 84 pay3,0 ie. n we a.Picdt el iyable elerk wit5 asporionco I ANDS 2 BESROOM6 for Piaoor Moforngtaod Radi OoIy 41. tIcOeacorcr rc osî,Lc FOR TREE 'NRSERY -- - aO indotîrtol accasttingg nil' No.L 06KRENE 741.on ' e5dy prwefor Coorîrman Sorico anti "IVE ANNETTE A CAI'" 1969 FORD GALAXIE 500, 2 DOOR HARDTOP WANTED FULYaXPRINCD dates 3 it 10 P 5 dysparsek AAMET DiLa n PREtes PERSNNEL rirCai dthe scilflngF leopon AVALÂBL Fron Ratond$4 mnh MLO 882 Eqoippeti solS V-8 actowatic, poster stase-ing, paor brakres, An Iraotor FohLibt Oporator PESONE onoat cSpelscesnlesq t FACsON.tît anlds alTRNT4233 raio. Lcc. No. OSR 330. oteeSoecoaIly soohieet, able te TO SET UP AND CIFEIATE Segrt rb1oe i CO.Aooiooo I Cail 878-5222 TNNO7255 Candidotes oolti apply ott otilities, cao roti apliancos, 17o49 $1,895. de oitor rnpairn Acme-Gridley Multi iorg inalificaîlons anti enpetien.-0P5ablo3 1968 METEOR LE MOYNE, 2 DOOR HARDTOP Cali 878-4970 1 Spindie Automatic as1:Acton 853-2197 V-8 aotoontcc, powerc stoe-g,. poserSbraes, featoringîtwbt after6TEp&.mOD contîor: ~ ~ ~ ~ afe 6on net trNoeORu -- Screw Machines BOX 231-ao-HR TI& OD $1,695. Streetîvîlle 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 5649 * USED CARS at RICHARDSON ID ~CHEV -OLDS 1971 FORD GALAXIE 500 Foar dssrsdan,ofnsbtdinbeigeccSt atchngtttte-or. V-8 auotcc. poscor :tsng power Srakrs, wohite seallt, coScol soccîs, facoo air-coodasionrd,, radio, Lic. DSN 781. $2,495. 1970 CHEV IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8 sccsomtîic oe l'scotî-,rsng, poncer Srakrs, radio, wohite stoîls, soScel c.00- Es-itis tn Goli staîic soinS oatchittg goîd isnseror s::: cîtrast iog black top. Lic. No. OSIt 383. $2,495. 1970 LAURENTIAN PONTIAC AUTOMATIC Foor dan, sedano, cqoîppcd sosî VO8, poster tteering, poster Srahckss,s do hîîcsa:ls. soSel dics Fcnished in golti sisth wasshiog goldiltrtr Loso oslrage. 28,01)(. Lic. No. DSP 713. $2,095. 1968 PARISIENNE 2 PLUS 2 SPORTS COUPE Ftised inoyr5lootSblackhtop. Rochrîscats,327V-8,psoer sterteg, paoe Sochos, cocnsole Sydooatic transotission, 2900orgnal mils-lpcrfeosdriveoilantd you'Il uy :1. 185e osoter. Osoter informtation on reqooot. Lic. No. ESPW 981. $1, 795. 1968 1/2 TON DODGE PICK-UP Slanrt6rogioe, staodard transmtission, fioishe i n bitte anti whie,45,000o m lb T hitrc sn lab verage on. diin Lic No. 639U23. JACK RICHIARDSON CHEV OLOS. LTD. ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 878-2393 56m9 Cosmopolitan Security Starting rate $4.29 par lasse Company Canada plan osit prmiom, cost of lin- Limitosd ing baou asti overtinte Roqacres a PART - lIStE EM- Eocelient bencfit pograas PLOTIE te oct as a unioen & Sooority Officer. i sorking coînditioans. Shift tb caner Fr0145 ttsot Apply 1e: 12 wcdîigSî, Soma5 oeil Stan- daY pbsecoîc GRAY TOOLS MN. ES. SERINRE 200 Orenda Rond aî 459-720 BRAMALEA 10 arrange an itnt -------- Job site is in Milton. j 457-3014 8c49. 8ffl TOWNSHIP 0F ESOUESING REQUIRES CLERK - TYPIST FULL lIME FOR A PERIOD 0F TIREE MONIHS Appîtoaoîs arc teqaîreto apply on striîing, givng foll detaln of odacaîson espenoonce andi date anailable. Applicatioos sotîl be resossvet 63 Township Cletk, RN. No. 1, Georgetono, ootil Monday, April 16t6, 1973 aI 4.00 po. IIELMAR FRENCH, A.M.C.T. tierS Treasorer, 8641 TowshisSp oC Esqooanîg. CARRIERS WANTED FOR MORNING, 5 DAY DAILY NEWSPAPER ROUTES (Monday tSasagh Friday A.M., cadb steeki Il yot'd iche a daily nesopapr route that offert * No otore interruptions 10 poar afler-tebasl aoîivitios * The ocholo day Cree aCIer 7.30 as. * Weehodsbreeacbstrekfrein priday tModay mosing * M ore costooters, livinf dloter together e Regular sales contests offeriog cash or asoroboodise prizes * An anerage steehly profit t yoo of 15.00 pion aoy gtotd-tere- ice lips yoo Oara Please snot a note Iola8n as yoar nain, atidrens, age andtih1e doionsy area yeti paCer, co Boa 117,DiyJunlRcr.29 Rootiaf St., OaksiIle. - -DaySoraReo,29 P.S. High sobool sttients wstibg inasmo souce tbat dues not conflict 0116 day-lie actinlOons silI Sie beteetedl in Ibis offre,. am4 The Canadian Champion Milton -_ _ affl Milton Community Crodit Union REOUIRES AN Accountant - Trainee The sooeessSl applicanit w111 have tond sootie yeors Wf acoot Iing attt collection esperieor. flottes stiNl isohade geneal on- coooîing anti dclisqsecy con- tod. 11E are ooe Wd the <antes growig OCedit Usions in Ont- ario. If yan are baslcing for a oSalonge, Shera bs anexlen potential togrIlscshous, Settti coonpîeto tietails in con- <'dooco rogor&ing tiacatios, as- per, .enco anti salary eoperli Milton Community Credit Union c/o MN. J M. ENYTERS 'Manager 44 Maio Street East Mtîon, Ootario, 8650 9 EMPLOYMEd' WANTED WILL Saby sit in nty -honte, Sprysiste area, Actes 853t2987. 5,9ff448 WILL baby si sn oty home, pro-oSoolers peeed. 854- 2791. 9649419 NELISRLE morier of 2 seil baby sit chibtion on bor homte, aty 0fr. gooti loration. 8784381. 8549-4994 il LOST OR STRAyED FEMALE tigr a, otar on stowaoib, eSildren's pot. 878- 438. ,1c49-49W9 BLACKC Perolan cai, 40i yrn. oianoswers ta the trame et Lizs il lest sn Ibe Wiliamst Ave. or- cra. Renard. 878-5441, 11649-3 SOLVE y0e HoIp Wanîed peoblons, Sy caîîIng 878-2341 Champion Classlfiedh, Acton 853-0272 Mafair Apartments I - bedroon apartoteot aval able onsoodiatoîy. Fee otuna, frte ec. room, free hobby eon, frae parking SMo a"a hane seneral 1 antd2 bedroon apartnats avoulable dacing thet 0001 fel tntlt Contact thse Sapeintenntî, Mr. anti Mot. De Besyn, Apt. 18, or CALL 878-3180 ________135-tf COME AMI) SItE US AT GLEN EDEN COURT 122 Broate St., Milton. I andi 2 boeoot aparcosonts onailable in then fine buaifingn ohich offor yma ann facflties net -bound 15 oeter buldings Sa Milton. Tstin elovatora in eils twr- saatta bats - reoreat- ion roons - play mtons - noper- ninoti play araas - mats-de anti acelt par'king frae. Eloctrio Soating soiS tiiniida ranan Itermnostans. CALL SUFERINTENDENI AT 878-5375 Apt. 180 ri ne annoter, al 878-162. or 8784118. 13e-tf 14 WANTED TO RENT tANTE]) Sa ranI, flo-n Edes MOis area. 854-0647 19c49-12 3 -BEDROOM lioase or a- artotet. Cali asllect 821-644 Guelph., -14c44-5 -LIVING toassreors and otk- ing sPar Cor 2 attiss. Reason- able rent . 87&M383 riftor 6. 14n,49-431 ROOM asti bord Cor Ageimal ture otient, Ooontetnsing wurk on Miltos, April 13. 9794133 a(- r .0 4c49-4834 15 PERSONAL INCOME TAN fibol -For ra-l tocable rates,' pIsse phonet M7 4M9 Milton. 10363-i 161 FINANCE NEW LOW RATES 1sf and 2nid MORTGAGES Service 00116 Intelgrity CMBA Member 9 % UP TO 9056 VALUATION - Comsbioe Ist anti 2nd. - Fay ail yois Sbis, - Conbineo debîs. - Boilti a banne. - Addt amot 2nti Mortgagoo froin 11% 50E RETNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn, - 5 p.m.) 16lue REAL ESTATE LIMITHO BRORER 189 Mals lit-set MILTONI Town INtIOME PROPERIT FulIy eentod boildiing, main floor, conmmercil, plos 4 il- arîmonts, eocellest location. Terns Asktng $79,000. S39,000 foll prios, olde- bons, ceotrally lorateti, asntaoding 2 2-betiroorn apacoinonts anti I bachieor aportnent, Country- 5 -amootfratrie,sitorized ct- rago soiE phoobing, elocta-lc lhoat andl 200 amp. toece Coîttage bas 10 Se rovet., $14,500, angol stono cottage on ,Beloîstn Lake, 2 boesconot stane fireplao in living eon, ,By appitnent only. Cati Nons Balleatino Sî9fl-032008 838,000, sen hone to h oan- strocteti on a treeti lot in As- tos. For dotails pleane call -Rans Rollostitte 5194053-2000 35 ocras ,paetfy ooio, acnin, streant, Asking 970,000. 50 acres. 14,000 an acre. Cami 878-2095 If Buîy 878-6057 17049 MORTGAGE LOANS $1,500 - $25,000 AND UP FOR IHOSE IN NEED: NEED Credit Prabhimts solrad, NEED t0 Nefisooce Mortgage (s). NEEI) Hoono Repaira, NEED Newt Car. MIII) Debî Connsolidation. WIlaleere yoe tend 15 Coul (Colleco) KEN ALLEN TONONTO 863-004 IDapo> OAICVILLE 844-4185 lEeosg and Weekandtî TRI-STATE INVESTMENTS CO. LIMITED 16651 (e I

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