Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 1973, p. 23

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PEEKING INTO MILTONS PAST-Enpoyeesasi tihe Milosn Stover, BUSl Shepherd, Oliver Peomsoin, Hoirry splisigett, Preuseil Brick Co. Limitd were pfioograpbodiry T. K Mmrter William Smith, Joe Kesilmor, AIrthle Msiys, Kennetii Cox, Bob ef Milon in front <of the companyns offices la 19. Empioyems lrwine, Sosidy Lees, Tom Cochrane, Albrert Walm, Dave bu tise picoure isiclude Chiarles 1411, Georgo MU11, Frankt Mc- Keosiey, AIr Jepsan, Matt Brunir, Charles Daviduosi, Bily Cammeli, George Hostoni, Chnester MUI, Jack Liddle, Charles Leis, Jsick Buchanasn, AIt Anidrewes, John Morley, Bert Kuigirt, Russell, Jaick Wsilker, illiam Smiley, Jarnes Warby, John Fred Breoks sind Josephr Gravel. By Alice, Sucnerfield O lilucndy evening, Marcir8, the Halton 4-H Sheep Club merniers met at Brookvile Poblic Scirsol and tire agricoltaral office la Milaon lo arrange transportatin la Ron Slocey'u tarrn in Rockmaid, mhece the monthly meeting mas la tahe place. ABl rnerners, aie 0f siar 0-H leaders, Don Horris and Assistant Agricaltoral RepresentaUive, Mac Acmslirong, mere preuent la aie Mc. Starey's sine, nhsep aid cordle. At the prrnent tinie Mr. Storey han approximatly 140 emon and 155 lamb . Hin main inloreut la la market IambenhsIat are la bu aIld aroaid Ensiter limie, mently at the Toronto Stock Yarda. Ho explaaied hs fan management 4-H dev young c By Mac Anmostrng lise 0-H Cluirs are orgaized groupe of youog people miro are engaoed in farming, irne- mollg or corniiy activitien aider the guidance ut extension mochers or local volunteer leadern. doy boyyor girl aged 10 pears an of Jan. 1, 1972 aid not ovor 20 puais as of Dec. 31, 1973 miro agreen "la lear hy dam1" my mnroll lire group nînittulaoa offices, plans, ami mandarlo prograriobse on tire neede and interests of the yoang pe 1e hald regidar meetings, ami taso part i comrnunity actinttles libre are 0-H clubsl mr prononce la Canada aid evor ilote la the Ulnited State. Wibl 40e 4-H prograrn thore aeltr Ready for Spning? SAP SPILES For Tapping Maple Trees R OU LAR 4 FOR $ i Gef yoors nom at thîn spoclal prîceoat LiI tiNITE CD OPERATIVES 0F ONOTARIO ç enne i. Milone as-23ues of the nireep, grain mixtures, aid the easy set-up of the dieep peaue. Members more Ibmn frse te look aroaid, sair questison aid match aine erpirai Iaimbe drink aI a "*Lambi Bar" (a unit lac feedbog milir la noveralIambea aI mne lime). Hold Meeting Follomlag the tour of the forio everyone ansernired in tire Sterey's hom fer the meeting. litepiren Stanley, the presideal, opesed the meeting aid tend the 4-H silcdge. Tire sucretary. Valerle Knight, cirecked atlondaice aid rond the minotes of the leut meeting. Stephan Stanley colud upon Leabe Koigirt la thaik the hast aid honteai for haning ai vieil Ibeir taris aid for the refreoir- itizens club activilaea, inter-pr~ovincial endraige trips for outtaiding 4- H Clubr mersiera, etc. Developmiiions 4-H bus helpe la develsip literally millions of young citizem since its heginoino. lise rnograri n ir elping la increase farrn incomnu, imsprove s"adards of living, lacrease the satisfactin train cornnty Rfe aid prepare ynang people for the merld arod. If ynomould Iise la 01 ain 0h-H mavainent, or hnse of someone elue inlareatedla in o, lire organisation uciredule irsaliseet iframo op for enrollrent during theloarcir 16-24 npring irreakr. For dates and tirnea of earheorgaiza- lion meeting, contact the Agri- culturai Office la Milon. 870-2314. meula prepared by Mci. Slarey. The sent meeting mdll bue held a0040e Mlon Agrîcultural Office on April 11, 1973. AS 0-H Sireep Glubmemern are aise lavited tsi the shuep meeting at tire agrîcaitocal office, la Milon Marcir 26 at 8 p.rn. OPP history talk given Conust. Jas Redpath 0f loan OPP upsihe to Georgetowen Opiint Clubr on the hinlary ami icUon of the Ontarisi Provincial Police last reeh. lire detacirment'n safety of- ticer, Cost. itedpath irai alo buen speahing tsi area sudealo sebu oas go-rca or mini-hbea, maroing tbum about the danger 0f operating them neloclea on the rad. Outstanding performance Tliree cures omoed hy local ferma recenly cornpletedl out- standing records oft performance, accordiog la the records 0f lire Canadian Duel Prirpose Short- harn Ainoc. Valley Crest Jean 214, a 1w year-old sirned hy Harold Pattorsai oif Milon prodoced 11,203 ponda of onilir, 383 pauridu oftfat,tfor affCA for 20Oand 178, i 30 days. Her total producioin la 434 dayo mai 13,&3 poonda of rnilk aid 505 ponda 0f ft. doothar Patterasin core, Erera Roao Moud, la 205 dayu produced 12,333 ponrda oif 1011k aid 272 fat for SCAs oif 185-139. la 452 hiec prodaction rose la 15,370 mollât, 48e fat. Mord la a malore core. A Duel Parpose Shortir omned iry C. A. Peacock of Milton, Morlock Corona,also had a gond ROP. Tire tmo-year-old la 30days prmoced 10,05 mils, 305 ft for a BCA of 176-100. la 240 buer total productin mas 10,664 milk, 412 fat. -Construction is boorng -ins weekend studcents start hrougiiout lihe iter moihs in tlseir mid-wioter break I ross lise new subdivision i tihe sorth- studies. effet sectioni of loren. Whun ynuf i up (2 gallonsor over or foke adoanfagu of oor REDUCEO PRICES 8-12 gallo sfil up car wash 50 cents 4-8galo fll pca wslr$100 8 00 A o *., dOgaOfl op car0 sht If m o l 25 cents Entra Friday, Saturday b nn on Oc Iý atr Bell Bros. Ltd. 409 Martin Sf. Milion, Ont. Farmstead, Rural Improvement Competition To make Halton more beautiful g't"Eo ly Henry J. Stanley Bill Leahy oif R.R. 2 Rsichmond mas the Reserne Grand Champion Siromman of tire Coilege Royal Unlàvock Shom aI the Jriversity of Guelphr Marcir l0.Gner llo stridenscmpetedlan Ibi shdai aid more placed in their alality lo unlhit Ibeir animal belsire tire audience. liiere mere classeso sf DairY, Beef, Hornea aid Sheep tor buIb novices and experienced rirommen. Bill Leahiy mas choses Chanmpion Beef Judge aid ibm cmpeted miIb the chrampions la the oIber 40cme divisions, endiog np as Reserve Grand Chrampion. Ho is font cornpltUg firis second year ofthe0 diplorno course. Place second Uoyd Slobus , R.R. 2 Campbell- ville, placed semond in iis Senior Horse Crampioship Close with Edmard Bird, R.R. 2 Geoirgetomn, cmnrg second in lit Dairy Hedfer Clasa. Jeli Nurse, R.R. 2 Georgelown, a formser minor in the dairy section at the O.A.C. Collego Royal and Grand Champion Siroreran at tire Kemptoilîr College oif Agfriculiral Tecr olsgymwaithe dabry judge. Keili Aileofi R.R. 3 dcoa, a former dolon 4-H club menoher aidr toorlh year sludent at thi Uiversity s i charge of th linesloek divisisin of the Colleg Royal. lTiis aonuel enent f eaturs o only a livesteck uhowe hat opai ouses in nearly ail of th buildings, a tashisin shrow dernstrabuons of swmoing ai inalot aid pilier sports. Evrv dasv-March 16 t0 25-Coineum, Toronto Trade in your landiord for a townhouse Modern electrlc heatîog, poured concrete bosements, complote patios, CMHC asslsted home omsership prograro, Interest irom 71/2 percent. $1 7,1, This wîtlibe your lait opportunity f0 boy a 00w home in this arua wîthie $5,000 of this price. Dioms porymesit $1,196.00 - Only 8 leff. Kinghami Hill Estates ALTEO CONSTRUCTION Locafed 1/2 mile sioth 0f Acteii os H'way 25. 853-0190 - 853-1235 Bv Burke MeNelll. lirink tGreen ..and iait... and Yellae ... nrd Blue. Everyose iras ireard a grant dont latey about tise state of air ennirormient in ose form or onoIber. Farners have cme op,.agabrot. the prolem in0the disposition of animal mollo prodoclo. IeeMlib ioosiy suggentions as n u or bunt in rootrol 40e omell of monoce. No doobt an evntoat seoliosi nill bu found Ibut mill bu acreptarle la ail saiersed. Tire loffia asecesaary evnliof larening aid l dosesiel'! t iraveno aismers lo the prsibteriofrnantre tnt 14do have sonnie aismors loaothrraspectsof our envirosrient and btt ieye appeal. Farment and rural irornamners in Haltos County are bulog onconragedi la tirk greern, raid, pollos, bine (pan nanse tihe colon) la the sent tmo yeaco. The itallos Coonty Farmatead aid Rural Home lirosvement Cipetition, la coinjonction wit0 the Intenatioaml Ploming Match in 1974. is seeklog 4he co-peratison of ail realdenla oif the coonty 10 plant p, paint p and clean np for 1974. fie cminittee mill have considerahle plize rnoney avallable tsi stinnudalo Ibis effort. Hamener, I moold liope tbatIbhe elUizna 0f Hallon Coaity have enoogr rde in teirihomnes adfarsteads tat t0laproessmoiildtfaite place regardleai of prise rnoney. Needaaot cnt a lot Dsriog the actait ploming matcdh Ibere mll bue tbuands of visitons in Hallonr aid mitle Ibis is ose of the mont picloresqon arean 40rit1 irave every lived in, it cao bue made modl more attractive by the irsprovernent of ail silo horm aid facsteadn. Maoy oif tirese ipesiverneno do 001 need lo otoa lotî ofnoney. Palot ami pelin ood,iail lkeW»iroodb4temoit ensive. Cleanibgup the jei Halfon competifors win at Coîlege Royal Ontario A slody of tire orgonttution aid admnstsration of tire Misiistry of Agriculturce ami Fond NvOTICE 0Ft lime Mm uster of Agriculture aid Food, Hosoorairle Win A. Stemart, han durerîrd liraI a stody bu mode oif the orgoninatîn and adrmnsration ofthe Mnistry. mîtir special empbunio os tire soîlaility oft nU emdstiof programrs pelicies and servires la meut the nceds of GOlario's agriroliocal and tood indostry. te ordor 401 indduls aid orgoonnallons migirl bu airle la express Ibua' opinioons ne mahe soggestions in tibU regard, a serbes nI publie meetion bore bes arrosged. They wili bu held aI central peints tirroogiroot tire province. lii Un an initatîinlo iteresled parties to comment on tire qualily and relevncu oft Ministen progcamrs. aid ireir soilairilily to serve the usduntry a01a time ot rapîdrchange. You are mnvited la, pussent rerittes irriets, or la, mate nral represestatiis at one of Ibese public meetings. PLACE Branialea Cingaacoasy Tomship Couil Cirainhr, Bramalea Shropping Croter. Dinle Rd. & No. 7 Hwy. DATE 1973 Ti ME Tirursday t.- 4.30 p.m. Marrir29 7 - 9.20 p.m. CHAIRMAN - PROF. N. R. RICELARDS Ontario Mlnistry ai IAgriculture and Fond Qaeons Park, Toronto, Dnarie I For more infiormationi cal 416 905-3240, or contact yoor Agrîcoltolal Representative. nid renovatng silo p lnge or oetllog out sese plontinga con ie donc milir a mii.s su cot. Il mill. however, reqolce a ilte lrne ami efort. Oid ptaolings renated Ibis yeor mulI ie in god shape by sent nisimer aid look maoy limses better. New plaotings. pot ot eiiher lin oprisig or ocol, o-ill nt look pretiy oimalt and mnsigmficat in 19074 but some putuobo. aind marigoldos ntrspers"d amongsi thrm o-ill ioobe vn es l- oob like a million dlars. Siomple bul oral is all that ns reqirein Don't ie ton elairae Facm peoiple have only se many hours in the day, se do 001 pIon etahorate plantiogs Iliat linere lamo hope i maiotaining. Tlisn l offert vmrse IlIon nos plantings at ail. iSi enerynne in encoocaged lo THINK GREEN.. AND tEDý .. A.ND YELLOW ...AND BLUE, particulary in lire sent Imo year, lo mahte Haltos Comnty even more beutifal thon fil s nom. Sonetirne ago, inormisation wanosentlto youon tbi program. Dig il sot and start rnaking plains nom bulore tire ipring rushr loto. Encourage yoor nuighburs lo do the samne. If yon did sot rumeine tire information, RMathe Agrirultural office ond me wfll bu gladti osdt il lo, you. We do oîprofun o l b exipertson painting or cleaning np juno, butme mdll bu more iron wilimg lo amsist yoo in yoor proirtemo of landncaping or renonatîmn of otd plantings. Entries mont bu receined or postmached 001 tater Ibmn April 30. do enlry tee of $2. in te bu tormarded witir cornpleted eolry forin 10 Agricoltoral Office, Millon. CHILD DEATI00 DANGEROUS Airout 2,000 cirildoun die each year ini Conada from, accidents in Boys Unve more dasigeroonly the borne. Tbu lodaitrial Ac- than girls. Tiru Industriel Ac- cident Prenenlion Association rident Prerustn Association aps mmlt nI thase ftaliien are reporlo Ibal out of oearly 5N0 caused hy taol, tire, poison and ririld pedestrian deatlo, abut 300 sutfocation. or 60 pur cent weru buys. The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdoay, Match 14, 197381 Sheep club members look ut "Iamb bar" I house srding o the IKAISER carefree beauty of if. 1 Enhances ay hornod t cioie i Never nends Pinting i 20 year gm-minen a .Coie f oiors ad iiiirm i 1W FACTORY PRICES ON i i OTiIER ALMINUM PRODUCTS i e Aluminum Doors Se Comibination Windows li VALLe eCar Portsi ie Aluminum .Awnings i I FEDERAL INDUSTRIES f OF CANADA Foat of Forsythe Si., Oairoille I 845-0318 IOUT.OF.TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT, Camping squipmsnt a Boais n Fashionsa Retrieer Triais a Travel a Hunting a Fishlng 0 Cottages s Lins Trout Pondsa Cars and Moinrescias a Weekdays: Noon ID 11:00 Pis Odmis.inu Saturdaya: 10:00010 ta 11:00 PM At $OO2 00 Sundays: 1:00 Pm0 to 9:00 Pm 0005h Entire praiseeis tnalnd ni Con»arvatinn (5to17)$1 00 --- -------------------------------------------------- e e e t e

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