Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 1973, p. 21

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The Champion, Milton, Ont. Nednesay, March 14, 1973 Bq Esquesing wiIl hire professionals to fight Indusmin proposais SPRING IS HERE???? Weil, maybc, Spciiag-like mealter lasI mecS bore sut tise grouédisogus prediclion of an carlier spciug tissycur anti Milîsuias tacS utivasaage. Tisece mccc sill piles of anein on tise groutil but aludentsaut Merlin St, acisol gais liscir biSes ot af ibierntation. Gicla initia soctsand biSes (lait atil mcscing insilr baos e cc ac sueo Mata St., also a Spore farms says brief Fanaly laruis tisaI mili renoante in agriculture abautti in opareti ony isterterese tisaI may rest frsm tise construrtion ai bydro corridors tisraugh Ratn Conty, tise Ralten Fetiecalion ai Agriculture sait int a leller ta tise Satant Commilssion on hytire tranisiso ises. Bruce McClure, Fetieralian presitient, noît tisaI in 1966 landi classai as agricaltural mas gsing sut ai agricotturat production ut tise rate af titras acres per isour and in 197t tise cenas abamis a startiag sacrease in Ibis rata ta 43 acres per isaur acrosa Onlario. Tise letar notai tit on vicin ai tise luta in food protiuction polenlial, tise Fisleratian renomn- neet every effort bae matie isy lise provincial governont ta avoiti ptanning isytir lie corridors front cromsi landi oneti tac agrirultara oses_ Hatos Coanty's Ati- ministration Cammittee recommendeti rouet y casenti ew\ fi/ FMR DIPENDABLE SER VICE 878-6380 Your Sheil Ocalgr BELL BROS. MILTON Esqsesrng Couneil has conte out strongly oppose to tInson proposais to danp tred Toronto garbage hates ias tise Indusmin quarry, between tise Third ani Fouris Unes. "ine fsuglit againat tise Milton proposait spul garsage in a pit ai M ltan Brickt an I don't tisins we'l change our mistis nom," Reeve Tom Hiltld courctiandi oner 50 Esquesing residenss crswtied jets the csc il cisambers Mssday evening. Tise reeve said tise tswnsisip's Gfficiat Plan, on thse tbresssit sf insng apprsvred, wsulti prstect against garbage baise trucinti le 4 ono subaide tise township. "ine wiii banc la gine persaississ,t" belsre il cas happes,' he lCsuntil decideti tnpy msuld 7cetaîn prstessisnal isetp ta prepare a case againsl tise Inluosin proposai, recsgrnning Ibat emstissal reassning wsstd bane lle efleet on tise Ontario Municipal Bsard, misere tise prsposaisnuight ie pot hefsre tihe insus is suitnei. "Tise meeting mils baduimis mus disappsinting in lin lack sf infornmatisn frsin tise csrny," saiiCsancdlsrDickHsmitt. "inm ast rsnninced tise dumping mon't affectltinwster supply. They tais glihty absut rectiiying damsage bat t can't benee tem. I'd ise la nec tise towship, relais an eagieeer ami gel isaiependent atinice. If it gsesl liste .M.B. me isane Is hie prepareti mils tacbaicat reasors as misl as stisers." OBUS an township Deputy Reene tee Csee sait he tosis a segatine nsem sf te prsosai, no malter misat dtis isydi g gt. migst -Say, cssnplaining lin snus mas atmays sen tewssip la prsne lise prapsl were detriteentat ofea sons tissse miss maise tisem. He said il mas lin saine case milh hlastisg. "Why masta maeey-fiat tati tisaisime dse't wast il," saiti Cauncillsr Wilfrid Leslie. Thse tieputy reene saii ie teit tise tswnshsip hadti stisng pointasl tu igisth linldansein prsposala mitis-te inaler table S ig ni anti emission ai gaus fom tise bales of refuse. "Indusin says as nuetisane gas insutt be praducedinecarne linre mas bIttle asyges bat I insist ise 10 gel suher opinions se tits," saiti 0 a QcitseW HowitI. Cssncilsr Gesrge Malth rensinded lisose present tisaI the3 cesld ie onerruleti aI a isigi Springtevet ami hie mas gtad tisey lias suri slrong populur support loi titeir staind. Mach support Popotar support forcoruncit' opinions mas torlhcasaieg a ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS lise Fderatîea ;rn meaAnel__ _ _ _ HAVING A PROBLEM' convertsible mous tise bap dawm Marisie-playeca luke Wayne Te DO Backirney andt Glen Sinance dai their tlsisg sud sue youugTh felloin mas "gais dain tise csad" mitis bis coat slussg avec bis sisasider and spscting a big gris inien pbatogcaplsec Jute lv ton A m Jeenings meut looking for "siges af Spcing" in Marris is PICK-UP TRUCK sugigestion. lise oli prableins Ibis ineek. ___877-8522 __ TIÈES, TUNE-UPS, MUFFLERS, BRAKES- FRONT ENI ALISIMENT efficient mechanics? Stop in af SCOBIE'SZ and meet Gerry Scobie, Herb Dredge and Don Maînla foni grest serce ie Dredge Sasîna' andi shes ceailylSk eFront End e Brakos e lires e. hok TIESEVC Monday's mneeting mits Uitle ugiog, Actiot Oorothy Stose suggested rouanti get i toueS tt East Yorks ihere landiil propsi mere snce cansiderei the "ba ati3 and end ail" bal n lise suicipabty mas enperieuring dillicolties mitis sites mince tilt hadl been pul and nom inere ersding due ta metisane gan. Ex-Depuly Reene Ruossell Miler, miss la lakg an urie port in tigig lisegabe propasais, suggesedcuci canuitier passieî a hp-tam isarcing outbade gurbage frses tise laiship. He said ie lallsed mils George Kerr misa saiti tise township mas lasiis cata to a tise gurbage istiastry la turata is lin townshsip. He mas alacmned tise proposais soigit have mach siitar support in igiser circlen. Replying la Miller, lin reae said a hp-tam might lie, inpul if il agreeti mils tise Officiai Plan bat costd creata ditlicslties mits peisent garbage collection mine catieclars tied ta spbit tise loadu iselmeen Chiegsacaasy aed Esquesing dumpo since tisey cattectadl in bath tawnsis. Tise reene sai il t as bis imspression tise qaarry mautti bave ta ie reznet il ladusinis isantat l dusip haies ai garbage ta bal aIner emeininof at ouncit moedered misether tise indonlriat designabion masî ti a serve lac garbage isodisi as ineti. -Itlcnqutnes rezosing wnavtt bav ýtlîfcCt chainc to ,rgut'- sand Counsoclon Hott but hae mas uronviaaed. Tise renne thougst; tin ofticiai plan manld pronide adequata protaction and ise eredictati it moatt ibe approneti by lise pronce in lin nearinuar fubu'e, prsbably witii a tein days. He allait pedictei an increana !s trucks trat lic il tedasin praposais mere accepled, a prediebion mics toond caadY agreemient front Mr. Miller, Sisonld plan Malcolm Freeman, inho tnst by one nota ta George Maitby ie tise test election, asised misaI plas caseicîl hat in tise evant opposition mas overrulei. He sutigestati tisaI cegional gavere' ment coultil mean lise regian maald decide ta darme tieir gacisage is lin Indaniin quarry and test cossiti sisosd te inig saine provision tac lise pomsibility. He aso mandereti misl the towsip mas gsisg la do misan tiseir tantitili site on lise Faurlis Une mas lilleti. Tise reeve cepieti tisaI thaebs ta admire train tise Depurlinent tisey had anatiser tiscee yeurs of use train tise Esquesisti daasp andtihie cony retaiseti saine consultants ta stutiy mante dînpsa miir dîd est necesnanîly banc ta ise tise sanitary tandfill inetisot. Mr. Freeman naggested vapptsg gacbagehaies is sealei pltastie migot eon te solto if tttny wace lovais ta taise tise garisage. "Let'stiis anat if lie ure stock mils il," iensait. Mstprene 'Wnonst prove csnclimively tise quaccy ns ns place fac garbage," tieclared tise depoly "t tiad lin pomiera sbaaid inae Tarants laok aitar its ain garbage" saîd Caeittor Maiby. Sheila O'Roarse, anoliser meinier ai tise depulalise, ssggesled tiamagen la lise csiny inigt resait il tise matar table mas polltti sucs as bati bapponei along 25 Highmay mince sise liveti. Il coat Beurd- more 95W,000 tai comltrset a pipo bac lt reicences atang lin luga- may, bie natati, anti ladumnis contti gel stuck mils pleety more. "It coutil even affect tise mater spply in Georgetomn anti Mtonta," tise reeve saggestati. Mca.' O'Rourke alanotstislne mas a dilterene is tise may people ta tise cilles lonbed allen the retuse tram, taga asnd cala, In tise contcy tisey anmew tinin ta ras sut an the fieltis bal in tise aities lisey bag il, anti il could aaeceivably bie part af tise refuse," aise saiti te laugistar. "Tisey've gaI lin Balle af Wsuised Koas an tise Unitati Staes but it asgist in tise BaIlle of tise Dolly inre," ain predictati. AST1tusTiNi-coLT-coRTnmA- DATSUN-FIAT-MAZDA-PUNTO- RENAULT-TOYOTA-VEGA- VOLKSWAGEN... ... are ail fine cars, But which one ils the besd buy? Datsun 1200 nw prices start ai $2245*1 There are a f ew economy cars that seem 10 cost $70 or $80 f ess But take à look al the features Datsun inciodes for that prnce Like reciining front bucket seats Front disc brakes Rear window defogger. High capacity 2-speed heater/defroster And much more, n the long run --when yOLIi ociode ail your operating, maintenance and depreciation Gos- the Datsun 1200 couic end up costing you iess I0 own Before you boy an economy Gar, RaIson Ihinks you owe il 10 yourself 10 check ouf ail] tha ood values on the market Read the consumer and trade magazines TaiS 10 Datson owners Then test drive a Dataun 1200 You may come 10 the same conclusion thousands and thousanda of Canadians have Daisun 1200 gives you ailf tha car you reaiIy need. And ail the savîngs you really espect a// vol oeH r K)WU N ! Thseaenore tsn 10005 Dsn daeao s Caa a n the Unib66Stst

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