86The Champion, Milton, Onth Wedn.oday, March 14, 1973 ""r mz)Ih 1973 VEGA Standard 3 sý Sparty red -cantrasting black' interior- 2 dr. ecanamy 72 h.p. Iln low as '23953 1972 CHEVROLET ,3Vgaf 4 dr. sedan- Econamy 6 cycle Aulomatic trans. Power steering. Pawer brakes Automnatic, Radia Lic. 42832 Pced ta se,# aGît2 95 Joîn our happy family of saitlsfl.d owners Drap in to-day 1971 CAMARD 2 Dr. Hardtop Beautifli md metallc finish contrasting black nterior-Autamatic transmission, power steerlng, power brakes, 350 V-8 engine, White mail radial tires-Deluxe wheel discs. Stacked mith etras. Lic. DSN 773. Drive this beauty today and be convinced. No Doubt About It! That Sunny South Weather is on-i ans New Car Time, and Milton's Friendly & ReIiabtei Used Cars. Buy Withi :W Atter Ail!, They are Yoiir Now's the Time! Save$ -Expect aGood Deal'- 1200MLSANDIF NT £ IOE RNG N la Camplete details of the 1973 new car guarantee are dis- played on the window of every new car in aur show- littiiffe arthatbeads fthe othier guys attheirown game. IPERFORMANCE TEINE DE ETORy ;HE 34RICAN 2OTOeo Greli - -ih a6 lid, reli h, ith,,bech,,pia R U ER PROTECTION PLAN _1 hhnA-., nMh.- hhhh ph h A IeedIl'. h h h h.G. hhI k r 16 h h G f ih. h t hhh l p - hh h G hhhh Ahhthe, *. hhih h a n tel - ithhhh h i I h et 4 hyph G h h"hver h*pare ire h lke erreim G h ih hu aihh h ffe, hh T th h h ffh h h hh ." h-.hhke ilh hhhii, h 1. IND,ÎRI5'ING. HANOLINO & Gueav hec,,.nGhhhiknd PARKING hhhhhGGhhGdh Ilh h. dehhhh GhhhMhh hhe , dh.. ,,ihu h.hdle, . TNE PRICE Gh,21 We.h1T-hhhhh-Ar.-h et diffnth, ieh. GdhhhhhhYhh lefni 450hhph..hil. hhhhie,d h..hd hg- !IAMC Gremlun 1 care about your car long after the sale. Buyer Protection Plan proves that and our service facilities support it. Drop in this week-end and see for yourself what Gremlin offers. 1 George Clements ~.Turn Winter Blues to Spring Fever 1 With one of these beautiful new 1973 Ford Pintos or Torino Wagons After salesservice is our 1greatest asset along with ý;- - our own low interest finance plan - a satisfied k ~ customer is a happy customer - Chuck and the boys invite you to drop in for a f ree demonstration. Solid Sensible Carefree Pinta Wagon Tarnna the Beautiful Family Onle SFROM ~6O Plus Fremght and Lcense Plus highest trade-in allowance OUR OUARANTEE 15 AMA iA WHERE TRUST YDUR QUARANTE MOTOS1F8 F4U C. TD.A àMU MÂUAINST MLTN 78239 I .<' - . I L.~..L Y! ù