Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 1973, p. 11

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17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE ZTI HOMPSON REAL.EsTATE »IEmI $39,900 - Youchiace tîou -nmnatiraciv c,.îîîtap il buîcalî, wont hn auuîî- ment poteniol. Theiuuipcry,70li.lir,,cacc:is zccd commial., $32000 - Built tihe Gibraltaonl This supoco 2-stoney redt brick homse cffers spacinus anti digoiliedSntimocansition: lange living rton nuto fireptase, searono diotag eoni, fanily siax bitchen, square hall, nat stoittalo, 5 beomns. 2 4-pc. bouitmonnis. For monre inforniation anti an appoirrnnso Ioien, colt Stan Thomnpoon. $45.90- Brick ranch style 0010 attocheti garage, "L" liing anti dining rouie wiuth ieptase. 5 bedronins, 2 4-pc. hathrones tinisheli re. mmoni ntIs tieplace Bri b ae n , a dn.aeound poot 18' s 36'. Osener open tn nifers. viore, 006e SOI ~ egthy diarussion mi board I vvard Drownridge eesonn thse amontnt oI acre- ZONOI> COMMERCIAL - Large corner 124' n 131' on Mois St., inotoding 2 sinalt One Pornnle age needed for porks ini lte large hogloe.Naro K. P. Kelly -47912 Licensrd Auntioner devetopesent hoonded hy Ontario For this and other comimerciaf propecty, colt Stan Thonipson. Sc onisFores - Livestonh School for Oie Deaf and Highway Dam: Little Laurie 25, Deery Rd. and Third Uine. For Information on larger parcels and land values oulside towfl7 mne Fo~dorch 23190 aonsor Sae lIt deareles ave ladcnhee yeoc-oo Jtnso Phone 878-6730 pr ocreas but th tond olannirg For Personal and Confidenfial Assistance wifh Your Real Estate Broti by JhenNeetando, Appesisals - Att Types popsa OetantsM nicpa Planning Reurmnscall STAN THOMPSON - 878-2455 .Horniby, On. 20 Ceosultants, Moncl h oPlann shooid procide 27 arres for neigh- 442 Woodward Ave. MILTON, ONTARIO Phone 878-2455 20 AUICTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES hnrhond parko and playgroosds 17c46 ond onnther eight ocres for AbI9'iI!cosesnity " pacho. Mc- _________________________________________________ANTIQ UE____ AII# SALE Cocriston claiesed the 26 ocres AINl'...~U ~ ALE shaxîs os pacha on Oie plans i k 0F APPROX. 300 ITEMS 0F GOOI) COLLECTABLES AND) PRIM- tire acres more thon nrcrssary ITIVS, PRT O A RIVAE COLECTON. for local neighborhood parlas, ITIVOS PART 0FAaIAECLETO ccnrtlag 10 Ons interpretation of M * BES RalEstteBrk. The balance nuIt ta sotd ai a 101er dote in the Spring. Oie tanns hy-laws. th I3ESTrn Real Es Reinorrdi tron iher homie, sale 1 totOhl in MILTON, aith1e lise cnespony has desigord N []ReaItp anId 398 BelS IIn AR GROUNDS, i the AGRICULTURAL HALL. * nuaceLd Erevateti 3 torirooni bunga- for MRS. SHIRLEY PELLETIER N(G AW EY--. la owlrge -lvngntooin sep SATURDAY, MARCH 17, at 12 Noon 7lviou Ccioi ae,2 oielces, finihed FURNITURE FROM OUE- Doprossn glass; Colonial ag- RESE re.roni. onatk ont to double BEC, MARITtIMES AND ONT- ate rose; opIlesent vase; pair L...........e........J j caoe ~r garage, silsaîrd on 2 acr- ARIO - Syeol oral pîne toale of bond poiotrd vases; opotho- At a regular eseeting on t 26C M ai St M iton O n. os with o viilcotid rien. AsO- (RI.); on-yoko; niosi otinder cary lors, Boovr jar; 2 qutat Monday, March 5, niestars nI ing $59.900. wuth counrter; child's pin ro- Hor-ltcks iar ond orisers; as- Nassaganieya Towonihip Cosocil: CUSTOM BUILT HOME - Situated on o quiet nireet i Milton, .r Sasf cher; these 3 preceding iteins sortnient cf boulîes. no motconvonieni location. Thus sinafour Risc oo bi Pon ancrs te hoose th., e iboriginal ced finie. MS.sDitS i- -eie t dets h tadroni bro. cose 4' and HrsY. Pair nI toibit's cor chairs (but- IC IDOOES-Wo -eie aarrieOe c bungalon nutti double attached garage procide,.o 000i h 25. Ashiong$09.009 ornat. O.P.; pair of coopte dorsIconvo; grern Early Brant- haitace and soese ottar equip- the living coestort yoa deseror. Spacinas living romchairs; ornge pine chesi cÊ ford coornodo lycniccil; cOher ment al Bronhrille Hall for sale. nith fireptoco, dinfing oea, oarge, vieil planrd hitchen. .eror chnti nne-Te qipet olne tno hathroonis, hanement conipletety bonishrd. Recre: STELLA PARTON drawers, original yrtlosc onhre;bdon Ovbo onn-lt qieetbo ogr o ationroom 5 x 2. F/ cilheatig. Ths hoe hasbeenoakhsoonaos chosi. original; narc. ticari - shapcd toafte ttecesary due torenorationn a w ation roo n d 5s Fin oxeet t di tim on Thas iesd 878-6705Z Victorias gentlemn's ches of iroo; sadl iroos; botter ladies; te hall. nrlcesfoanisnecntoiositOs Tevntor-drovicro. Vicvcto to c ina dis butr p tonNS 4B-or nuIl tahe bach a fini niorigoge. Ashing $49,060. Colt 17c46i play cabinet ostOh roonded g ogy tenons largo Rienit boit toith -Reqaesed a statatory gront Mihe Lednutb for oppointesent tu vieni. doors. esirror backiground; th htvckrt dteti 1806 (peclocti; fronn the provincehased on roads OLDER HOME - Centrally tocated in Milton, close 10 1he Main CHRISTIE & WIsOODS er rosiot loroise; relfitixiard largo Ridgesenys solos naroro, espeodilares of $117.820 laot dl Street. This conifortoble honie has rerentty ben soin- ox-yviho, maodeo mb laonp. ladlc and plaiter; hcary Shef- pear. pelely rsosoid anti retircoroird. Large living msont titO RELETT ItTED fliOnvl1atr istina brick ciceplace, neporate dining eoes, hitchon, front rot- BOOKER FINE CHINA - Linioges ter oiarnicr; Malacca caoe anti -Agreed 10 send o regiutorei rance bail, three hedroonir andti hooe. Foul base 18 asScn IT Ncadlestîohn; diresser pots; In- oteci pair aI cricket bats; leIter to o renident seho appears nient. Neni F/A gos beaving synleni. Tanes 1297.32. Open dian Tree nilO pîtbrat hli o sengialieIprttaongagrgeooa 1o offer ai $31,900 - ternis avoulable. Colt Steran ne botet by Meakin anti Minton; tecli, 4 pair nf reti salin drap- resitene, and discoosedlanother Jaodo Alinipic for forir inforonation. nioustce cp; collection of es, miade on Englonti; borse bit siesiar caux in sehich a resident Town other nisgs; 14-pc. Borarian Cea anti benss; Chinesr watt bang- Oas tamn threalened seith legat COUNTRY HOME - Situoteti on a tnn acre lot in North Bar- set; bine ore; sisapeti bond- in bell, bond niade; otber boîta action. igton, close to Miltn. Tbis etegant, custoni but, ranch INCOME PEOPERTY painîrdl vase; assommeent of anti ny niore itenis, foo nu- style buegalow protides yoti nith aIl the feattares yos Futly renteti building, msain plates. cusps anti sasîcern (sortie ncrous ta Mntion in thin tist- -Askedth Oe ronds suporin- hase heen toshing for. Spaolos living roesi 12»4 n 34' Eoor, conieercial, plns 4 ap- miîniaturen) i ng. tondent ta lorentagate a flouding coiplte rsilb ston lireptace. diniitg rooes 12' n 16, four ortmnoî, excellenit location. Mediumi sice Western satiie penhîxes on the Firot Une talose large bedroonin, neti plannet hilotait, isco baibroonis, Torrs. Ankion $7911010. GLASSrWARE - Gond select- ançi britile, not an-tiqsue; hsiicb Third Sideroad. sont toinge 114 long. Waltuonallhtviatilooeslthroughout ionof5 prenseti glass. niuik anti ors block. escept hitchen anti bavheoni Occreation coi con139,060 futl itrice, oltier honie, TERMS ARE CASH OE IDENTIFIES CHEQUE. -Leornedth Oe Camestllrille ptetely finithei sciih brick fireplace. Hiot seatier nil fied centenlly locoteti, contoloing No roserons. Otoner is guring np bier collection, village trosteeo are conerned zoiset heating systeni. Tbernio patte windonis ast i te. 2 2-bedrouni aporimnicsn anti Property ns boing sotti. about rsof niater ai a sub- ninni lions anti icreens. Poli basemeni niih taonttry t bachetor apontient. Try to ho niutb on, for thm is a 0onti offering, espociatly fer division entoonce in Comptall- romr, tien, 2 cor bheateti garage. Monicipal renter snppty. 1 buildîng lt in town, serriceti. colîecclors Freioni fronain , ta. y nf saIn, ville whach is looding the nearby Oniners open tu oSfer - ternir oroilatote. Por Ririber Anhing $12,000. Lunch asoilable. hall part. Apparently Oie sb- detaîts cati Mîhe teisith. 20b46 Anctioneer: CHOIS A. SCHOUTEN 871-2376. division lien's enginrer is DENTAL OFFICE -For ORni. Silsatoti io o modern building Country -woring on that prohîres. in Milton. Ininediain possession. Rent 1210.00 nionthly Iniaactolate 3 - hodroson honir A U C I S A L eceiveti lettars Ironi Haltan inctading stilitics. on half cewt ai, U T O Countylloardof Education and ALLIANCE INDUSTRIAL MALL - Fi rsî clos. itl aconi pool, lioinbe rc. moont. Colt for JAMES S. HILL myerat norntdt rant inotition for reot in muoltiples of 2,0162 square Oec Ivn- My,tle McClcI'lao 878-190 or missprnedn rn cluties 10%4 hoisheti office space. scashoonis sprinkler 878-2095. cfTo sell by anctýion ai the fan, Luit t, Con. 5, on thr St0 tior McMilan and Oie cnads staff for ofEraniosa Tnp., nitoateti I mile soutih of Oochnooti, on No. 7 their efforts in Oeepiog rootin synteni. truck looding ranip, parking, lontincaping, att 95 acre fan nitO brick ouise, Higbrcay, on open turing Oie wntar. mansersices orailabin. barn, 65 acres norkole, bal. ~OeAtnot Si WANTED - Honies in Milton anti districti n ail price ronges. a,,, n hanb anti Posture SATURDAY, MARCH 17f h -anses h c adMlo Wr have clients roith substastial cash toron paynmnis rcîhtbsreaan. Cati Idyrile Me Comesoncing ai 12 Nouin. Fire Acea Consoittars 10 lno on utic client lists. Clellao 878-5190 or 878-2099. CATTLE (95 bradi - Ongirs porrer ft; Cockshti NO 110 linetun uffor office pruereldun WE'VE MOVED - Effective tonioran, Thsrsdoy, March 1510, 10s acres, faoes gond bore, tereti Hereford hufli, bet by fectitizrr anti grain drill, On a cont of $1 per oseholti, Irnes neov oesfo bsies i 6CMooimatin, buib, large brick Cyriti E. Little, Evin; 4 Hein- rablhnr. 10e Joint Pire Prerention we ae oen or usiessad 6C ainStret betonees onewt 2 batbns. Asking fordhres rdSp. ee the Liqoor Store andtihOe Credit Union). This us aîenip- Foxn forag cdvete hniers bc- Sept.it Hem-te oraey tocatin tohule ne bulti a nen office conipteen 17,0.CaiMrl McCIct- [cd cen, breti Aug 26; More- 1-us cochad bayse oiupfo 2- ucit Cuesst orn. t ou ol ie at8flO or8829. focd librdSpt er ster coconbaibopukafo -Trntrqesaor-so ouotsl.cal. 500 Obs.; B.W.P. con, breti abore; ninchine is in ccal gond firnin Actun Foie Board anti CALL Sep.. br srercolOabiop rdor; A.C. bloncer. blesser pip- Hailton Federation of Agricutuie SERICEan SAISACTON 78209 bO.; 2 B.W. F. beife's, bets 9" nith bood Gehi self-un ocer tai Oie budiget eneseittan. FOR SRIEadSTSA TO87 205 Sept.. 9.W.F. con, dne before boadin0 wagon, 2boaters on CALL 8EST REALTY AT If Busy 878-6057 sale; B.W.F. beifer, breti Aug. beavy dsty woagon; Facinband -Decideti ta engage a solicitor î7cta Carooisbelor, tcei SPtsclf-untoadiog toagon; CccO ta repesant Oie mnicipohity ut lc 8Carlais 2nd ers cote . edt huhit 'No. 415 tractor mooscr, an Ontario Municipal Board MieL ih8 7 8-4 1 1i8 r , fore sale; Angloie~vid ide 7'cal For p.b., o î nier 7 heaingin Aprd, when Gardale MieLd ih878-4873 Art Peacock 878-6447 n l go Mbreti Oct.; black con. niing ccntitioner. wagoon and flat permission tu tomn a porrel nI Jim BaiIey 87-56BinBl 7-41 nirbeiJ e' Ob ryack; 2 icaîlers wsîeh flai yacks, tond nient nI the township office StevanELTO & aoaAipc 7-06. on con, don boo solo Sondi on, s - Case tanieer saut, loto a l'vllage reudential" zune. Steva & Jaoda Aimpic 878-386 nwite Shoriboor con, Oic, liho non, Maple Colefmnr Do-.. Shonchare cronetiow spceader, dtouable beater, ~ 2 UTO AE MEMER 0 TtoOAVILEROL STTObet Sept.; Holstin con, fresh 125 bus.; dotible tond panher; 20___________SALES 17c46 ausd iine fot l fl Pon, retond, a god5 -section bacccecs nidhsteeol 3,bdronnbrckbunalw, unane Holstein cono, bret Selpt. ticasbar, fock lit fuir bales; For Complete 3-bedrouini~~ bccboooaln so eien biliers, due rate Goodîron ail] steel tbrecting ,gond siarti lai, jusi onlideof tif e. miachine, diver belt 100'. Auction Service FOR ALL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS lasso, Lnshaped seving conin & teSIIEEF - 12 Oxflord cross Chi . Shue dunîng coon iureplase. large YOUNG CAIPUE - 2 Here- bird cnes, due bofoco sale, s, cn te carpeleti -faniily coonn plias an focrd steens, obont 90 Ibs;lct an Oxfordi reni (lbo s onls); AUCTIONE Phosnu: cxtra bcdrooni in basenient. Heceforti sîens, about 606to 7 blacli tooîleti ees seils CalîJacike Beccon unday foc 701bs.24 Hereford and Hnr- amss 17 NorthbConty Che- Sales of atltypes. MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 havdshec detaif s 871-4129. ford cosseti sters and he1-ticwecdue befmre saleboti Sales contsctcof acyueee. Representing Need a Large Home? sieif vea calves60.; o-cSful aillesî We haon it. Shetivoon brick 2- MORSES F ony niare, rus- Tel. 878-2576 CANADA TRUST REALTOR stuocey bonie, close tu plza HOOS w YchnLnioe ig eccuidu;ot R. 3, Mîbion, Ont. HATO ad EE DVIIO oaycie~.alJakiSea 2 ss witb lillers, 4 ritideut and tiîen andi gond.--- HATO ad EL IVSIN 7c4t in87O-412. Cai nrce e- eksitid; 4surns, bedJan. itchldreo; netiotieary ton 87--4129.anob.; 1bYorkbhog; 8 toats,.îcanibarnss; 2owesnudd. AUCTION SA LE 100 Acres about 70 lOs. es, 2 nodtile telankets. foc Acton Store Building This for e Ooises o 10 -room TRACTORS andi IMOiLEM. MISCELLANEOUS - Wagon Contry Folrestaranst ~~*A M R nuAprmet utplce, gcod bore, sîreoni. ENTS -Ford 50f0 diesel troc- buon nulb stock racks; radar Oo Hrcy 5 ai u tdas, appro- ad 4.000 tage. 75% cleucd oti- i. e oot conditiuon; heat I race trss cctiac rails; et ,iucyhlva rrei r Heroftbusinessnsection front landi, 2 acces ol nursery huocr and palley; Ford SuperccattroilcrnibgOtuy box; alauodand Hy.25. andena enienncento42 .26, stockhandhas anideal local- Major dicsel tractor, un gootibuoppec for grn; fRi trailen, SATUI0DAY MARCH 17th WINTER steet floon pins basnonent ' ion vear Mi-lton. Fnicedti 1 ccli contionu; 'K' laten foc A/M scilI dnnic; 4, rels ofi son 12 Noun HOME BUYER front atOt reac exeranc on a ai $1.100 pec acre. Colt Ross trasct ccrcbtecs; John Deece fece; odd lattibor; caIlle ciler Freeers; fn0g.; niicrcrcti 6 longe ruenond aporrosent, ga- Cescon 878-4129 or 87&735. A.R. tracuur, con cents, Case hiog îrougbis anti hcat latops; lîkc n; 1 huledso :r rtals BO US roeacer. ~gas tasuoc, Fod4 fociuwsetrnolfscâes; coller; selcedaddionmachine;hrgssc oren gl 10die- nortgage monts. - Investmerit Propnrty pIon. Id" bostonis, trip beoron, hcoch sleighs; sonar ketite. mixers; dishir; slccnsac- andi Early oresStBGds- LISTED FOR $04909 Duplex nishi 2 2.Iocdoonn apart- 3 ph.; M.F. 44clroreu pOon 12" CA 44Prd Faîclane. olher gccccal inchidise lac ontos on non Braver homnes. Dw amn omrgg mnos. Excellenfinaning. botiunstrp beans3p.h.;M. A 94F restauanacndhonc Also i- Save on esorigage, inteeut ontd esnppsx 0eogg For fureher information Calt F. doudsle dise. 28-plate, 3 pI., FEE an 3,00 ob ofcbi initial investesent. Chnese fro551 renprd. ]Ross Cercon 878.4129 or 878- M.H. I - way dise, 9 plts on bot h 100 aes aif laie uccro:anies an o Oe5 re 93 evn2755. entabor; Allieti Vibra Sbont col- qoalîly tay; F0tno i lan to attend. nioet. oinone ss iat JA K OL EStrn, 3 p.h.; Cen. Whiiite cul- groin; nsaniity cof ensitage, in Logsestn lctorn reblh an ilitti an $200. tinsn ... WSnclîuded 20 Acres tirotor, on cuIibeta, 17 - mush. bosk silo. ies and pon con be in >nnac ne REAL ESTATE Acking josi $18.000 foc lOis buit- TERýMS: CASH ON DAY 0F SALE. home litis Sprùng. Gnt theftetsdigst thmn re& Norsre Fansl.OD AUT NER G nowt. Phone FRANK PINFOID REAL ESTATE BOOKER io ievihnayIn& N nes.PrsnM D UTO ERN tl fre atI 1809-26l.682 orfie nr floning npring. tuicotet Osroer or auctuoneer sot cenponitle for accuients day of sale. ALAN ODEN-BACIH, Aoctiunecr 1973 homnes candlogue. ACTON 853-1650 ouncountry enati near Ronhil ORDER 0F SALE: 'Misceltoneos Iespteeents. Car, Perd anti7-24 l7eOa 17a34-t0 wonot. Ca Il Bnci LniRy 676.,Liestock. Lonch araitatte by the Rochoo UJonettes. 8824 1cî4121) or 053-7i9. 17b462037 MAX STOREY, Anctineer, Rockwooti, Ont. 20646 LOutopor M ne Oo 0004ttendap fAsesSi Id fs/J fl Milton Planning Area, betng the Zoning By-taie of the Townm of Milton, hy-law No. 31-69, as aniended. By-taw 31-69 presently provtdes that nenclosed porches, hatronies, stepo and patios may projeet loto any required yard a niaootonues distance of 3 feet. ft hos been the Totwn s coperience that tthe 3 font projection is unreasonable'since the practîcat scidth of tOrse structures is usually greoter thon 3 fret. By-low No. 2-73 proposes to0 alloni unencloard porches, halconies, steps and potion tu projeci into reqoiced yards a msaximsumo n5 feel. 1n addition, By-low No. 2-73 proposes to ollote canopies orer front and roc cotrones tu project into reqaired yards a maximume of 10 lent. Any fucther infortnotion requied in cnnnectinn with ts By-taw con li ohtaincd by contactato the Clechos Office, Towen nîMilton. By-losc No. 31-69, os oniended, os alsa availahle for inspectin ai tie Cter's Office. 251 Main Street, East, Miton, Ontarin. SUCH OWNERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED AS ABOVE. -l"C4 'The 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL Sale tobe hel on TueiaY, Bocard tir SHERIFF'S SALE Match 27 , 1972, aI 11.00 a-es., UDRaI the fores of ERd Bcai, Lot OFPa DER AMI> 9V VIRTUE 25 Cnnnieoi 5, Tntooxtip oif 0 0Fo &rsc Fier! Fanion issu- Nassaganieya. eti oui of de Countp Cout sofl Horses ntay te seen boy ap- MM inneei Meon tt r ibfls Office, Miin 78-N00î Menstars of Miton Plonning ou P!ointiSf ant Donaltipciorton ,M9o, - Board and Miton Porto and tirs and ati nu HoIungsa arc the De- TERNMS: CASH. Recceation Connitter ave linO t-dan i 'have: -.icîcuu îhc la-c t.i3h1M PO~ planning a loint neeting cun hua unic t Tcculccs th Shlo- OERuIM PR Mach21tulortnout tie packl.danti sd Lîuwuty ufiaMotio neets un Oic toen's sauth-eaot plaj One Male Gsodung Atlet R. Spemnie At gothenî tanig or Manie: Paniols Enel -476016 Aurtuoneer. 1946 AtOnPaig Born Sure: Fronus Honorer mseeting Wednendap, Laew Mc- loi Dami: Jeanie K. ___ _______ Corristan representing R. V. - Foaled Aprit 24, 1961 20 AUICTION SALES tAnderson anti Ansociates, cn- Lifcirn eaffig:$5616200 ultants ta Victoria Wood - ;es changes ision parks t onmaîl park arean in Oie anti sut out one of Oie omettr elopesent, niont of toron park porcets. They frît tOe edhpy naronnoalhnans 'Mc seuoSr paretooldtaietoo sall s n approcuil 1:0 ther l ark Inn a hall :haiîntid anl :ilfi:ult tu iersnionderndifiltnooldot Nenihers of the pocks tatter ta Onilti aout four enernfttec nidi be inritolt tahOe ger ark instrtegc aeasPlanning Board's nent mieeting ta gem arkno frateic onasdis;cons il. b LEGAL 19 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYORS 0F THE TOIWN 0F MILTON AND TO THE RATEPAVERS 0F OSQUKOING TOWNSHIP AND THE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE SMO ARE OWNERS 0F PROPERTV ABUTIING THE TOWoN 0F MILTON. btNOTICE 0F APPLICATION ta The Ontario Municipal Board hyOe Corporation of the Toton of Milton for apprnral nf a Bytlan tu regolote landi use ponsid purnoant lu Section 25 of The Planning Act. TARE NOTICE thot tOn Cooictil of Oie Corporation of the Toton nI tin intrndn to opply to The Ontario Municipal Board pansuant ta nprovinionnnof Sectinn 35 of Thc Planning Act lue approsaI oI By-lani a.2-73 pannei un OienOth dsy of Janoary, 1973. A Cnpy nf the By-lani in etanhet hereniOi. A note girung an esplonation oI Oie porpone and effecI of Oie Bp- nanti stati Oie landn affectrd tterehy bobalo furninheti herexith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MIAY, vaîthin foactees (14) dayn tee the date of tbis notue, sendi hy registecei niait or delivr ta thn erk of Oie Toien of Milton notice of kms objection tai approrof tIhOe Ad hy-lose, togeOir with a stateinent of the grounds nf sch oh- ctîon. e AyNYPERSON ieinhing ta osapport theapplication fnr approvat oI ed Byaroesoyr il forrtars(14) tiays tailer Oie tiate nI Oi notice nidhy egîterti iai nedrIer to thn ClerIs oI the Ton of Milton ice uflis support of approral of the oniti hp-laie togrOier srith a etoent for notice oI any tearng Ihat nay tae hetti giing also Oie aine anti atitrens lu nich sch notice nhoald tae giren. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD tony appre of Oie nad p-Ian but taluire tining sa it niay appoint a tinse anti plain nihen anc ojection ta Ihn hp-law ie touS tarnnidecet. Notice oI anc hearutg that iay ta helti il tie gîren nnly ta pcrons ieho have lleti an objection rnotice nf support anti nihu hase 1eRt eitO or detireret thOe ClecIs ndrigned Oie otidrens ta nihich notice of hearing in ta 0e sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FIUING OBJECTIONS ieilt tae Oie 2lnt ay of Narch, 1973. DATED aI Oie Toton of Milton this tOi dap of Narch, 1973. J. McGeactar, Oerh. Toien of Milton, 251 Main SI. O., MILTON, Ot. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON BY-t.AW NO. 2-73 A By-lan ta anient By-las Noîbtar 31-69 V H E R E A S thn Monicipal Cooscil of Oie CorporatIon oI the Tonwn c: ,Iiltn tenon ut otrînable 10 oment Bp-laie NMner 31-69, ai eendet. N0W THE RE FO RteonicplCocilof teCorporatioo te Town ut Milton ENACTO an talloien: 1. Thot Section 6:(22> uf Bp-taie Nonter 31-69îis herehy omentet by deltlng thenefrom subnection cf) mnita entirety anti nohstitnting Oiecelore Oie tolloieing nrew sutsection (c): (tUNENCLOSED PORCHES, BALCONIES, STOPS AND0 PATIOS: Notnîthstaadasg the yard provisions of Ohic By-Iani lu Oie colstcory, anenclonei porches, halconunn, nteps anti potion, enscreti or ncnceced, nioy project toto any reqairei parti anmium distance of 5feet provîiedthat inthe caseof porches. stepsuor paliosnnoch usen are ot msore thon 4 fret atore gruno. Potion nioy project este any requirer ar yard provîtet Oiny are not more thon 2 lent aooe grade." 2. Thot Section 6 (22) of By-lan Nontar 31-69 us herety omneid bý otitinif thereto Oie folloming neie nubneclîon :6g> CANOPIES OVOR ENTRANCOS: Nolttstontiing the yard provisionn of Oiis Bp-taie 10 Oie notrary. caoples ovr front and rear entrancro nioy projecI loto a front or roc yard a naimuno distance of 10 fret.' 3. This Bp-Inn nOol tacme effective on Oie dote beresf sobîci 10 neceîviag Oie opprosal of thn Onttario Municipal Board. REAO n FIRST anti SECOND TIME THIS OTH DAY 0F JANUARY, 1973. Brion Brst Mayor J. Mronachie Clerti REAO a TIOIRO TINO AND FINALLY PASSED THIS BOl DAY 0F JANIIARY, 1973. BinBs Mayor J. NcGeastae rHE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON SY-LAW NO. 2-73 EXPLANATORY NOTE f f

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