10 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, March 14, 1973 13 FOR RENT 13 FOR RENT 17 REA. ESTATE 17 R.EAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 6 BS. PPOTUNTIE 8 ELPWANEDFULLY EQUIPPED ULTRA MODERN Brethour ReaIiy Services carpMIS Et = & on- hstr laig fr WANTED UOM H LL(91 Vliic-pt satote. 00 er perote foior DENTAL HYGIENIST 3090 STEELES AVE, MILTON, ONT. LuAe -... *, PA G 'braitl rcao9s 8 78-3074. For a ver boxv dental prac- MAKE YOUR 1973 BOOKINGS NOW FOR Takes ploasuro in announcing the increase to their 1.I T E 0 IIIII 6c666tc nWest Oaks-ilI SM'a'y iii DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANQUETS! Sales Staff of: >n s' ,c, CONVENTIONS, ETC.iiiiIIlIIIIItIIItl Apple ombhard and nursery LAG 1 - bodcom topcct- UTRcso, birs& FRSL meqcîres scaployer focnr o m es,îomp Icy reodild adosits cildn m-rfrm Apl 1 o Nov. 30 irig. 'nd sioe,cextracsuncocm adSts evey .cusoay. 3 EHl 7, Gonerai larm or mecbaoîrai ex- andt carpori, doubcle eoOlonce, St Fauls Christian Cestre, pctieacc rcqoîred. dovotowncliralvieOe aaI Mais St., Milton. -Phone ooRlee aal545-5332. 19o3944Ot Appy y tlchoe, eteror chie imîncdîaiciy, iohdro beat __ ____ ___________ Appiyhy teephon i cad hydre. 978-3643. 13c46-4621 UI ESN 1_"___I)OO A4CORi3DION, GUITAR, PIANO ELO ANO 2 BEJ>ROOMAND VIOLIONELO CHUDLEIGH'S APARTMENTS Oser 15 yoacs' esperience Os RAl. 3, Miltos L9T 2X7. i AVAILABLE Pulic Socols 1 P rom $130. aod $145. mentît, 878-4287 Milton North End 1-416-878-2725 ly. in ACTON. Abolie isolodes 1546-tfo 8,4 ail aiitics, roloccd applioces, -- $39,900 drapes_ and bacn.Almosl nom brk book-spi 3 draes alcsy.MOLLIE MaciGREGOR 'nedroomo, hugec hee, bro- Acton 853-2197 SCHOOL 0F DANCING adlcm living mono, seporale Security Ofi- and -Modemn Ja ditsiog mom, oarmiig me. Saiary $3.8 lit3.20 per ou Action 853-0272 Childoco & AdoSo Classes omd mîb bar ad firopiacc, loess rate oodor revi,. Excrel- 1kc-Il Ballet - Top - HighlandI n.1 o c rage. lGon hmeiîîs e shîtili r Info. 878-9788 Nassagaweya North Goernd boal c.gve o p STUDIO, MILTON LEGION OnIy $600 Per Acre Procrerecii h gionic ir Ma fair ApartmentS Thur, Aftcrsonc & Evenings Beaclifol 70 arec corser prop- plîcot mrth previoco eoper- Y95 ONTARIO ST. 15041f orip hag fcoorage, ideot for iroeisonriy1r i bedroom aartment vil- traiing rack. Aisoonne ov-1 Telphoe 88-251 able îmmcdîctciy. Freecsauna, ci7 mondra, roiiing amcas, su- Teeh 8825 rco.rorcm, bkýý1e hobby 162 CARTAGE itah10 for home sites. for applicationi oms or appty cm toe pakn. 0e alobo by citter 101 h ave severali1 and 2bedroont 3 Miles From Acton Aý H BRIffON cparimcois a'caiiaOle doroîg the oreis2 l oi, ohn 3eaore Businrss AdmiisIrator nî toc- mootho. Costact ibe BLAKELOCK CARTAGE Grgvien 2 lot, y ohn 3 coIne ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR'Serieodents. M~r. and Mos. erHomo - Office- Apoosmneol solid ok cabinets, separatc THE DEAF 1De Bruyo, Apt. Moocofo dimang mrinm, gmacnd fionr fa- Muits, Ot. CAIL 878-3180 0cr Light Industrial mily room w-Obhflrepace, 4 604613c-f orComercil Deivere teedrooms, mýasncr bas buth 404î 1e- f or ianeo oDvcican en suite, doubele garage. Dismans'log W50 DO YOU LIKE for CocrtotsRService cad South of Campbeîîville WORKING Call 878-5222 Bridb ansd aligristose side-split WITH PEOPLE? 16et with viwcfGen Eden.Oe ___ ___ __ concptlivig ares, sken CIA, Otaro'sleaingauo isurr i grýin ridl. T deelo E ii 'on ronm h 'iooety tire- CIA, nlris oain ateinrlers rooig siiy T dceop17 REAL ESTATE pilice, diningmon, col-Osn business toc ils oîher locoranre products and te servire proseel h iblabro, lotige ce . roats wlth polcyones, IAGneds or reresnttivs.If ou reintr- HALLIDAY HOMES ilior 10 ceiliig firepiace, poliyosccClGnedsmro rcsstaicr IfsorilierEarty Btrd -EarlBild hoe 'math oct boorment, doublje coted and chigible, a permoanent ond o ardiog corser siud ha andl collage distous. Foc a lB garage. yous a CIG. ar uite. nfomatonpiese oM: Mated lame osaly, salie tsstsdreds peson aICIAO FocIsorelse »wtrsaas phas orl W. OJS T - DON VOUNGER ly BieoI - Rarly 36siM discmtss For catalogueond 5(d9 delails (519) 824-5054 Guelph (Oakville) 845-2863 olsit SBallioy Htomes DiOYl7 OR 0000, 551 Mopi Ave., BssOlurS CIAG INSURANCE tos, 6xta8et Openo emj&o. 854-9963 Campbellville 9e47 R1M5 17046 BOB TRIPP MILTON OFFICE 878-2361 NEAR HORNBY on iacre (10j x400) icchave ac Sycoeold largo fraeome cine.i 3 extremotif largo bedroomo. licing rocomi, dîoing rmomt and Eitbren Tbcre are lice boîbecomo: o full base- mn ith i partiaclr finsobd rcrolion mn and bicadicoon cl uer tecol. Don't ha disap- poioied bv a soid sîge, col noi osiv . 39,900 IN MILTON ibis large oldor 3 bcdrcom. Imo stores blouse bao manveelilenl feares ssîrba oa largo lt (66 0150), a bandvman sie garce, a s,n om buli nthebmrfer frreaig noysent and ail ronor irncervof sbopping, srcotis on i chrborrbearby. Gise os o cati, mouI ftl y0 more. $39.5800 COUPLES! o 700 desire space larger thon yourrpaeimoot0 We9i me fiai-e os idrol starter homor ce ,îeird roupies home ocor domelome. This 2 brdroomn home also bfis o osorchio ficeplore, 0cm hroodloom. and o compltely feced bach yard . 70v $5.000 doce, askîog ooiy __ $29.9800 FAMILY GROWING This 5-year-oid mcii pies- oedbhoe ofefrs lots ofiing spare Lorge living and dioiog ronnis, oal-ie kilrheo. 4 bedroosi Side-spil molb a boonlital recreoliermomt and boul-i fireptaro (cad ieoidootly en a quiet court). Con be yous for eniv . $49.900 GEC TORONTO LINE 826-1030 WARREN CRAWFORD iRGETOWN OFFICE 10 YEARS SERVICE IN NORTH HALTON AREA Major Oi Company sl prtieoId bcep Acomdtosu I 0 0YAS CNIUU EVC table. 80' s 26' dance floolr HAS LOCATION FOR LXS Piroo ligbtoingorno Okilean rapo Pla 1 cntc CExcllet ba aiiis m ic Real 'Estate Boards IN MILTON AA MH UA HNESOT MooemZ deiori Forba e ofrtalon ntct 827-0361 Foily eqoipped soond nystem MR. E. BRADY - 9046 Coplote air recyding fller nysîtm- ~ 1 CE Toronto 487-0951 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION & BOOKING ARRtANGEMENTS 1 CE 6C46 SERVICE STATION i Please Contact 878-9762, 90to 5 p.m. V tauhome mith attacbed garage, large stable for eitber moirage ATEDN or old accommodato 18 box stalls for bornes. Ood ATTNDNTor 878-3951, 878-6527 after 5 scater sopplo. Asking $50000. open to ail offers. Veodor Experieorr p ofrroat 13ctf miii lobe bock It mortgage at 8%. 7 WANTEO Appiy in person BUIDIN LO Mr. G. Fetter FURNISHEO tnnm for gentl- 17 REAL ESTATE BIDN O 3 - POINT biti, iracfor mo- 1reman, cool ally i caîed. 87&- ThreQuarter acrlot- Ony iba ne boue ofyorboie mor, prrirraly John Orem 2rcur l3r45-4630 Calil for forîber information ana prises. 7 p.m. 7&k6-4639 Militon Plaza 1 BBDIROOM aparimntin ille -Puoincbores, appros. 10 MILTON, Ont. Milto., certroils iocated. sinon- acrsositabir for building, pre- $WANTI?3N MILTON H ARDW OOO a d softm ood, ý 9h46 d atr pos srssion . 44-934 . frrabip r iiog soithf t res M is - soîlabir for scos iags. Good pri- 13r46-4576 sisooga 270-0046 &fter 2 pm. Lreodrbiko tn otvr on pca utne ces. '"l EwodMKbbon 17r46 Mro. JO JOHNSTON Mrs. FAY SMITH L afOoerirb or Pl ine bcedi.ooseca osoe R.R. 1, Roocmoci. 519-925-5301. COLO HFADING PLANT HAS FURNISHED rmuni, hitirbon 7ce-910 OPENING FOR QUALIFIEI) facîlîtios availabir, abstoiner, PRIVATE SALE iJe is oxeil koor tu ntcny in Fay 'boy bcd 00cr coco years 00 INSPECTOR rretraiiy loraîrd. 970-3531. itbr Milton arra. bhr cous for- eoperico.e in Rral EstoOre. FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AND BUNGALOW, apprex i-lf 13--2, -4698 Boick bease cib son Poitdb. mry boad of the Milton Lih- REAL ESTATE SERVICE q. fi., coder 10 vears old, îo br- BuerprintrradinE and draifting ELCRCHTWTRbroaicom îhroughol, 3 bod- rary for six yrars. Mcoed te en loi, moisibroitlt expet-iece an cset. AETRC HT T rmot, fioiobrd basorment, oin no ilrs of Artro. Coli col- H A RS wt fresvi. brick lîroplace, garage, rclodro al oect John 1-461-9183. 7c46-46201 RADTIUP Phone Milton Hydre 878-2345 sctf-cnîainod 1 bedrnom apari- Why flot coîl Jo or Fay for your Real Estate needs at C TRA-RUP 3cl65-tf ment opsîcîro sritb separaîr en- aDENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 ___________________ LIMITED 2- EIROOM afoartocent in 1,000ce, cestralv ioratrd. 878-412iOAVLE - 8-27 Ccli oodar Coleot Rc,od. soif renioincd, M9 a Rpl 8 HELP WANTED 416 -677-1536 nionth. availaoble April i. Phone Box 221 17c46 l7o45 _ _ &4 564226. 13b37-47441 Canadian Champion HOUSEKEEPER te rare o SUBLET i - bedooom 00,001- MILTON 3 children (2 orhoel agel. 79 mont in Milton, 300 floor, av- 17o-tf 4297. 4046-478, ailobi inseediately. 639-1453 MATRElad l bby it'9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Borbangton. 0e46-4723 girls, i srbool cge, in ear home, RýCM N E SA Mon: le, Foi. 79-9702. &r46-4645 l)FS RING. 879-196 03EAOEEU T- 9i4'ta GLEN EDEN COURT HANDrkoeofrr-ifl Wl iearoi 1 2 l 2BroomopSt.,oMillion HAk nO ese trni paort ilIon e a cr t lù 12d2 Bro Bat., iI Burlingien 634-3640. &-464 ro in rountry home, Tra01lg0 availobie in tbcor fine buidings Rd. 878-9964. 90964692 web b o fer yoc mony <acilitiesF OR PART timte cnd Oeil lime, ex ot Eomta on orber bnuildings ias prrcod rafeteria work. Cal HOUSEKEEPING po illsTioenvir ned for456 as 22,Codc hp on. rr sauna bottis - recrean- D. GODDUARD H FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD fo8poin74561 nox 22, g oui Chapieon. imrot lymns-spr 944613iosiyme l epr RESTAURANT mepfo ail-vsdplyaa - o ead R E A L TOR 22Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Plaza) 0Eg on tables, hall lime, $153 on ,hFRING rbioninpg, Irees roi & coiveretl parking free. Elecrl LIMITED hoco. Mikesestrantc,192ommed cti fiwod lee-heatioo witbi ividool rocna Main hi. E., Milice. 946-47O7'gihs il desîoed. 054-2640 aliter b filie=mo 15 ___ MAUR crc 1 rr frPan 9c46-46E9 CALU SUPERINTENDENT AT A r k 2 pre-orboolers whhite another1 OAY cr fo pre-school or 878-5375 Marke GNdo [ 0q W) 0V P E N Jaa oskrigdte 99 cnhmooadi i coa nI o comr, ccli 979i-5162. dition, sitoated on mner 30 6395 ho o96-962n 4uis 79-94 90647 ow oelodarItaa c-tf acres cf quaaiity gardes soil, _____scool bas on tbe doc. Ose Meet Your "Poesinl Real Estate Sales Team HhLP rcoiedforh SinceUnit MEDîCAL secrolay ,4 ycars' moret ai Mmater Fee s Research e periect, roaloires io My 1, 14 WANTEO TO RENT SmIAcegDaF oewnr Faim en Trafalgar Rd. Fermna- 134î1100 rea. 279-409 Miosisa- mlAcegDarH eon, soen. poitio fo7 the0 righli pej a 63. 9640 FARM, ape. 100 acres or cao bs 23rec aorerpscets o arer THE hPRINO MARKET bas begon 10 boom, so._al_77755 ___55 wiib somne buildings, Mitos v-- 4E rn nods 23ar 9pre wt rs ced mc need more gond listings. Ail types of GENEESU~400 protag reqcîred r8îy 97-44 140469 iogcocgrd cysoiymsiav cnly LOSORST. 14c46-Y69 home, emriteoît 2-sîcr barsn4 homecs are crgenly rcqoiced sn Millos and soc- o flor aes l mu27t have, LOTO T D wANTED by Mcm bI, 3bed- and 2crarage rit msrk roooding arcas. We hva comptsOt and host ch soliîconce $23 BICl n me fouseo, in osear Millon, sbop. saies staff lugice voit prompt and efficirntîso- Lcscs Leeis aaian r649 cirlyBA and, hitecs Av it e. couplbe Pit2 chlires, :Ce. Aiso e e osevrrai boyeossccitiog for Obe as t.8824 c669cndrly 4000 Lisen Sacle yve 4aoal. hn79-9532. New Listings rigbi house .1 r Icoild ha ors. Wby do1n -- andBel cholLieSuda. 4c46-4660 We have masy byers wit ex- vGu ogii.eus acallandiJetos sembhatyoobha, el ti MAUEPRO Asmers teBleoss Remord.9854- - eln cs,'iin o o clP Tbeîe is oourcoblhigation. Erening and ..- N 9996. l1e9-4703 TEACHER miliaires furns - meiinit sh, oit diog- %,ieknd appoinlmcntsorircome. Wr hopie tu WITH CHAUFFEURIS ed bachrico or 1 -bedrom t area. If co cm tinking of hoserve Oie-aleostat ri m li 10w 'and yin Y LICENCE REOUIE artOent. Relerences. Rcidy Box bpittg or seliigthfure i saclwediktomtvnt forrcleosop& malintneOiOduty j13 FOR RIENT 223, Caliadiali Cihamo, Mil-i' Yoorn oiocrmiy, Aoen 11. 14046-4ffE PLEABE H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. BILSAUTO BOY -hOE1rou,10E0.f GIVE ANNETTE A CL' [ 264' UT BD Mais hi, Milles.. 838-64.9 5 PRO MILTON 878-o051 MARE ONE EASY MOVE 29MiStMlo.6046 13ORON68 74-33 PE' IlA FOR A NEW HOME. - ROtlMcTORONTO 742-3036 17c46 ~'~ MîClio 9794d5 bard ier me pn INCOME TAX timsel For cea- ,o~Vs ALNWO APPLEn FARM65 WORtER 5 046 sociable rates, pless ph6one M 879-O O iPL -AR W RE13&497 Milton. 15c4363-If KEN MARSHALL LISTED CRYTOA 4997 e w (-,PRO THOMA PROPERTY