Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 1973, p. 1

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fle ftneîbiau «ftampton'erve 7,200 VOL. 113- No. 46, MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 Tmeriy-Foor Poges-Ffteec Crois. N ew hi schoo l "TRAFALGAR SQUARE" MIL INCLUDE A BANK, REST REALTY, FOUR STORES AND OFFICE ACEOMMODATIO ON MAIN ST. (Skechb ly 1f sigos Groosp Threelixty Five) Bonk-store-offlco complex on Main St. Start "Trafalgar Square" soon "Trafalgar Square", a 15,000 the rear prlasn il 6e sali- iii 6e providrd îherr for the parking laI and iandseapissg Isirber sasd 16e brusscb moldd square fot, taose trey divsded la rent as bas, chrer or employer parking. are fbnbed, lien il mill afio e 6 e lay oen oils four bo six on cmmoercial and iffice buildisng four stcres. A centre mail The projeci milocipy the demaiisbed. siaff, and grawas a nerds deinand. mi 6e renstrueted Iis suonsier concet16 16 inte plans ami a aesl balf f1te bock bauaded by Spanerefe prods el Bent, asho is aise 1he mapar if aI the crner of Main andFaulaon croirai walsmay iii rua frein Maino, Fulton, Peranad Coiurt 'TrafagarlSquare silbea asteel Milon, sautdlbeaated 16e ceas Ils, as Mi tue. the front la 16e rear if the lii. 'Pie preoet Irol Rraity fabrîratedst sructsure mitb brick acliy la be se attractiveiy Brias lent, omier if lest buiidinig. office oc Mail. and laso private facieg. Cencrela niaba frein a draigiied, bnctiessiamiand egai Reaity andfnuranice Ld., la The 45W0oquare fmi iof office hbasinon Peari l S. ml 6e ras foralinsdussry, Spancreteaf building. "Il is ilsine e aon deveioping the buiidieg t a cool pacruaonbtherond tey miii e drmfissbed t ae, ase ay for QOtario, mil 6e used for tors msigb-as1eercs,"e if $25,00 la 131011. A nom rentsi16n izs o bmel teantcs' Traflgar Square.ad reilings. lalarlar mals mal srenurd. The building la set back franeb of Th6e Treste-Deineln nords. Demolition of 16e reai esiair 6e of glass la empbasioo lie upeni 20 fmit frein Mainsi1. and 20 fmIt Bank andi lest Reaity ii 6e 16e 50parkingnsparrs office and a garage formrriy cocept of 16eenrire bailding, frein PolaonSt.ad ii 6e cajierlteants, 6ie aid. A parkieg ft iih 36 spces asrd b> W. J. Konla Lis. mi Mr. lent sasd. iandseapad on bth 1dms. A The bilding mil 6e 95 b> 112 mil 6e provided t the rear ef 16e 6eg16 April 2 and 16 Ma> 16e Original>y a fll Im-tere> drirema> entrare froin Maie Sl. fmetîonthemain fleor ils a 446by buiding, fer 16e ane if hrer-siore> bouor ai the corner office buidinig as planned balt asubaprovided at theeasi sideeof 112 foot secomi slarey ecer the cuilainers. Mfr. lent sssd 6e ban of Faito ad Pearl miii 6e tabac lie apiier slarey mas reduced te lie bulding, ieadisg la lie rear east al f lie buiiding. 'The prrbnrhase ei der bemes on doaso. A collage ee Pearl St. mO.ii al 16e dib if 1he lbuiiding. parking lot, sand liere iii fora baeb and real> offiremil eceipy lie et aidreof 'udton Il. ami 6e isrd for a eenstructiee office Wr astrd to grt amay fruin lie secomi estrace tb 16e parking the frenty75 feof 16e facilt andmi btial>y 14 mure parking spacen uebil laser 16 the iammcr ashen sqare baxconucept," uaid lent. lot aI Pearl St. The by-laas cais mhe Troela-DeminioBankk s for 45 parking upares ami a totl leasing 41.6 by 75 fret of spcer ni ef I50 are bieg provided. lie nmrth-mmi corner if the Te dole tere are no difite bulding. "Wr bave bad oea oye tenansnfer 16e sbires bat lest on Mlesnfer abaut tasa yrarn, snid be 16 currentfy eegetiitieg braecb develepasent itmilone possibie tlant. represestative Biiillabucer tld The buiding man deigeed b> The Campion. "10e are ver> brcai areitet Roert Trayeor of mxcilad abaut coming la Miton." Design Grop Thrm 1161>y Fiee pae nted the:t w0s ;;¶:z6i and neogitiios are cîrreetl> popuatin ws amajr fct 16in big carrird oit miib L. J. lie bae's deesies la lacala a Zueulia Canstruiotol act as ,. raecb berrr. me tome preoesitl> grorrif contracior. bas four buebs, a trust rempan> md comasil>creilueioo "Trafalgar" mas a logicai ofce. (Catisurd en Page 6) Theft, drug charges foIIow store break-in 107 VEAJIS YOUNG, Mallans oadent citizen greai-groodcbiidreo omi for greot-great Smon Henry Bavernlaek enjoyesi a fooily griodbidren. A relisrd bosb asser, ibrs. brlhda> party Satsrday aI Haltan Cenlennial lavrrslaek credîla is longevit> te a lifetime Manar, sebere lie bas lavesi for tise pasi 52 of bard uork asd fnesb air'. Hes op and abaout yearn. Henryn pibsrd asilli Ilicrogreot- evrry do> aI 16e Maser, îlliseigb confinesi la grondcbiids-on, Danna, Lissa ami Jo-Ansi a mbeicbair. He ebrs, sers iond eots ml md Dronis if Campbeiiie. Thse family bcîmies bas a gelS mener>. fourrsou andoadaugbbar, 2agrandchiidren, 53 (PhooabybR. Daons) Investigatbon of a breakie ai à MWi Sl. food market lant wmmb bave resifîrd is a serirs of break- a, lieRt, possession, meupan and dreg charges Millan Pler baie lad agaemst eyerai yeung Miltone A a resait oifinvetigations, lirer bave beecbargrd i16 freabng amd enbirieg and 16161, paossien of slies gonds aed passession if as soregisterrd. rentrscted frmarm. A asmedoff sbaigue mas oiord. Dnsg charges lavestigations irdlao a searcb of ornerai premiers and a large quaetity of drign, basbisb pipes and olser artiensaere sed. Taso charges of trifflckieg 16 drios and fivercbarges if pas- ssinof drags mere laid. Police suid apprenimaiel> 1170 morli if marijiana mas ieelodod as 16e oruord gonds. Investisgations follomed a break-se aI Alfieso PFru Market, 174 Miill t.rari> Maplehurst permit is biggest yet Busldieg permils totallîcg $ 12,W03,00asere issiesi b> Milte Buildsng Imspacier la> Olue lat monli. The Mapirburnt Regiocal Correctiossi Centre accasela for $12,000,000 asrls of contruction. mhere mas abaut $3,100morlb of construction diec on commercial -sd residetia resovatiues. To da in 1973 a totl of $12,039,000 orli of perseils bave baen issue or la asconstrucion se Mie. Armdy the telal malsn1973 a record yaar for permils, duiiar-mior. The previeua record yrar mas 1972 asban $9,216,431 morlb if emt asere seld. Tbr Maplebursi permit t1616e birgeol eerissuad 16 Milon. lharmia> mormong, Mardi 8. Pol6cr sud an estimaird 130 aserth if cigarettes, rigars, f ilm, flanbbuiba and aatrbbasds oas missieg asbe 16e staff arrived for mrk Tbrsday moreieg. When t6e arreola mere made Frida>, appronimatri> $1f3 morls of goodo s as recoverrd. open.ng un flî Design morb for a ceas bîgb qasirdramalîr. He sedcaled chai Dealiicg sib 1the ssie srbool or the Mlion areo il gel soi ooly sooid ltse school serve enroiboco report, thie board ocderasay laie iso yrar or in the oredo of Miio'o growiog rrocieded a motisie makicg Jaosary of 1974 and piaos rail for populaion, bol il woaid aiso provisioo for Ocnf8N pîpil place the orbool la opec or leplember provide relief bo M.M. Robioson 16gb scbool os ibe Gecerai Brocb Of 1975. and Wbhie Qako lrcocdary ie ibai oas la 6e bai for a isialy the sebool iii 6e bul Orboolo tbrosgb boscdary Sepiember 1971 oprciog. la bousse 1,20 oudensa. Ths oeil chaeges, if nceroary. The board aiso agreed sociode a speciai voraisocai wscg Correoily 190 Ndorth Haisor scooaog grade osner papi f rom servsng the credo of 400 siodecia. siodeolo Iravel b Borbogtoo and pari of 16e Nelofi1gb irbool Haloo Coaoty Board of Oabvie for opecial vocationai arerasilatend Croiral i 1gb Edsratioo receoiiy approîrd reqairemecisanad 16e ceas Wsog Irbool os Bsrlîogioo ta relirîr parcbaor if a 25 acre scboi silo in Mioonasoold alieviale rsress crraadiog ai Nelson. 16 Qakile aI 16e s16t-rasi travelliog for macy. Plans for a 1,041-pupil scooi bo corner af the Tlard Uior aod Maso Diversion be bul 0n1te Upper Msddle Rd., St. Iiwas aîsonoledcthaito a smaii Walbr'siUnesie o opensinl176 Dramaffr grcsclb degrer, relsef coud 6e prosided orre aiso approved. In us eroliosirerport 10 16e 10 Georgetownc Dstrict Hsgb The board is expersencsg board Tbsrsday , Assistant Irbool ai meil by dscertiig oome beaay gromth blimglac oorib Direcior Eras iavecder coled siadecîs f rom Esqaesng and of 16e Upper MiddIe Rd. ai mel grosels as Milaon ad become Acioc la Miton. as in 16e Milie area. 1130H LEAPS asd la-jiikn bigbligbîrd 16e 1416 aseuii casnival if the Milton Figure Skotiog Club Satordo>. Aiseeg the local girlo mbo prrfermed solo sambers serre Küm Stratb, pictirrd abeve doriog a lrap, and clowno Jennerilocklock deiog a comical turc oc skatcs. Aboli 185 skîaro froi the Multes club participaird on 16e corcival and four gucit artisti froco Prstoac jobard 16rm. Club profrîsiosal Mns. Nier> Noelsnuadd asistant pro Lia Areold bave be groomiiig 16e ikîtori fer the cîrsivol ser lait Oclaber and it mas a remardicg day as ripanit> audiences filied t6e arroi for aflrrooc and evrnicg performascei. Mere covonage on thr cîrnivai imside today's Champion. (Photos b> J. Jeocins) Education budget up by $3,OOO,O0 Accordieg tl aHilan Coual> leard af Edacalion forecasts, il milra aos inecrs$46010,110 b edîcate elemeetar> and seceedar> scobl sladrnts ifoeg ils lhse imschmola bar 16e trainabie relarded. The budget, cul yet inulioed, repreoeltana mnceor of jasi over $3,00,00 momparrd te lasi year. t3sasnsan of finance Erne ledearenoted ilis lie fîrni year in four Ibat the mili raie for edîcalie iii 6e screaird 0oa reset> average. H1e predsclad as averageîncrraie acroîo the eoaniy if .56 mlis ai the secrmiar> orbeol lecel asd .28 mills ai the elemeclar> scbooi levri. la recrol yeurs mail of 16e muescipahiisen ejoyrd msel rate docreases and ised the decrease la offset rismo coula cn 16e munscipalaoperaioe. Tmis wiî oai 6e possible 1616 year. mhe miîl rate decreases ai 16e lourd aI Edacabes dsd cal refleci a redociios in speodico, bis raiber an secreunsd shure of lhe bardee assomed 6> 16e provincial geveriseel. 31,130 efemensar> Accarding tb prelîmicar> budget figures il mil rosI as estimatedl$23,948,240 la educaleaa projected enroimeni af 31,130 aI lie eieoentary sebual irvel lias yrar as oppoe o$223,6113,40 for 31,199 todenla fail year. At theoeondar> Inn 16te cmit par papI 16 projecird la iecrcase tram $1.251 par pipA la $1272 per papIl. Enrobaient is rsprebied te jun mi as 02 lo1,5a nd pendtr tti la '0X t'as igui lop $25 r ' 'W ro 20,78,52 la2, as3,401.'Ou- 90 condomîiun, townhotuses proposedi Proposais far a 90-asti ucoedomunium iossnbousîeg prajectinusthe eortb-easl qoadranti0aI Mlonai preoroied ltMnse lanmning Boeard on Wediesday. Vctoria Woo e vrelapmeei Corparatio seeki permissioe 70 bauid the lassebauses ai the sarib-oesi corseroa ilWsvolvd. and WodwardîS.inth1e centre of the quadrant. The sasse campacy bas desugord, bush and coud lîitidreds ai sasulur codominiums as the Meadoorvule deceiapmooi îar16 ai Itrectsian ad Mac Paises, a campai> represeeîaice. ld1 members aI 16e Board tbe demad was sogreai'ssr juil cas'ildd 16em fastenoaaab Ai las requesi 16e plansoere turned ocer la 16e lame s coesaltants, Municipal Pamning Consulants, la tee boss 16ev momplyssu16ltheiooe'seoeug b>- lam. The lied 10 planerd for meedium deesul> developmeei and Viclaria Wood s lie fi-si compas> la propose medium Arnituy uitsinlbe quadrant. AI coodoosmias iss ssages, the, rsi ofîthebhomesluibere iasiead of ai ai osetinte. lesi La date bacc becnsisugle lamulo sasi the tlas s vaiemptasg. b resudeicos. balaece 16e caruet> aI bousasg Balancesvarirly designs provuded and mneh da rn seia member tlue capacity af the seasage ai the Plamning Board, avbed iccamneipantis knoomeuilmay Poulies waait7e compas> ssauld b e ercessur> b re-alaocate sa),yif issusasedto buildithe ca pulues se 16e planita s arsoos deselapers. The plantis1 L t rescoil> ucderqoueg a Docto hur expasionpmgram desgnerdla D o to ur r eluali> serve 1i,000 in accident bfreet:~omeV21su ut ho isas> people cas 6e eorrid, lhe Acuisig dcor framPsnglasd suid oic seriousi> asîured and a loverai decelapmeits bave fred's cor l6e bas barrossesi 005 bec allocaîrd capaesn asthe essolusbed oisa -ear collision plani espinsson. "There are as Hgbssa>4011aiuth1e CNR pauaubi> four dovelopero me mii acrpass ear Huigbsayl25early havelaositbdoaseauib .'tle sridav mareueg. Mayor sand Dr. >rederucb Crie, 46ssa M. Passe tldtheleoardsil rusbrU la bosputai follossasg tbe ssas Mtpracticai ta spîuî a O-mnil socident. Wuleesse s tld The Chamupion 1he doctrs car codomnuim developinent ieIe clhidrd wsss16 ser velacie on basa phases butithe decisioe moold lfugbaa401, ieaprd a gadalros i colst1e marbeting staff of mdplmmîr are an io-lahs cimpue>. Ho indcaird t and pumunted ver a embnk asouid 6e baller tla bodd ai 10 aI Ciallaued frein Page 6) ome. a o A

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