Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 8

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e The Chmpo,tMitten. Ont, Wed., Febroery 28, 1973 Perfect attendance I esuan OS 2. ~ pins are presented OO EIDN NWOIE A eea etn fteMlo rmtnLoscu ebr- ACCOUNTANTS CARPETS & DRAPERIES CONCRET! FUNERAL DIRECTORS MTRRWNDN SOMOLE Lions Club ots held in the Perfect attensfane NWCNRT OKMKR HN Chtres Hotel Mondoy, Fe. 19. zone cisarman Mrray Bood EARL G. BLACK DRAPERY NEWrlHoe t COCEEW23MKRSEPO e etBake Charlton prsenete 100 par centi prtot B Cm., R.IL, CA oiks. Stops, Bseoent tooos. Fc r Noot 878-4111 or 826-1223a -piedtfr Lion Chief Bond tenac oe c lb114 ManSt. Vice-pdacereoideeot te cubBROADLOOM RESURFA'CIO8G ' Mlo NADAIIN Dito. Cmayc Seonnel aho ta on holiday it members ho lied 100 par cent CotrdAcutstf loors, crsospatios verads. D Aahu *'iso Florida. attendance et club meetngs. 143 Ma St., Mlton * Resi<lentlal Gusaranteed bond Our 20t yeor of heljOtt ZoeCara n he ebr ftenwY hn aM2 * I utieFree ouiotate fromanconrete courteoonOservice. Electric Co. bd. SALELS sud SERVIOSL of Mlltsn was tbe guest s:eakeC. formed Campbeilville Lions Club Ready *. mode rapein stock. CATEcAlCOCTE.-45 Ifslpcmsorevîew f bis-are..m ut ttendance. A878IUM t5r C153mcBSesece RSTORAIdNLT. 2k- p-raofor tIse er and isAU IU c evc CosggratuCtions go to Mms. Ft C1 . 970-207 FOR 90050EHornby 878-4807 Ztirot53tCtrcilnAv.progrant. oNTmNTBLL BEARD___________ Tiere as ase o isit bY tIe Mtit of 31 CwrctheelybiAe.ngo ij PP)250 Martin Street GENERAL Depty District GoveritorRuasa MilonwIOWCteWoIsYbnt lc Grafton logether iîth îwo $750 jackpo on Fnb. 1. Windows & Door 878-6853 CONTRACTORS OPTICIAN GLASS ansd REPAIRS 228 Main St St-ctf __________ f____ ACTON PRECAST CONTRACTOR ACTON W.J.KSK CNREE& UPLES aRemodelittf Dspensing Optîdtufls Terminal Warehouse World Day of Prayer W.JaOK kt ONRT UPIS :Atrrtics cctu LfMlTED Septlc Tanks a Noea consruciton IIE 324 Steeles Ave. 87-945 Wel Tiles F-te bloe 0 itts el3B ..tractit Donestic Storage Sevcs*Plastic Semer Pipe GERRY DE WLDT Frivate Furnittare Lockers CAMPBELLVILLE- LOWVILLE KAISER ALUMINUM *ILONCAPETan ping Seice 878-3534 Webdas. 6 p.m. te 10 p.tm. Bondod Storage MIIN UHLTERY CPE andNG853-1529 21,-tfWeebccds,.10 am. toî6part. Frdy aCh2, 173 Sciffit - Facia, Widotas and -_______________E SRV p.m. Womneos Service St. Georges Doors, Awnces, Crport ansd FOR FREE ESTOMATF-S FLRISS 6isT'RAFALGAROADBne Anglican Chrch Forc0 EstclosursarRST Ralng.Evetouhn 60 RANNAGROAD AM83-32eAto LOWVILLE Rios uetogig Pînase Coul DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HRNY RIMUIN ODA 5322 c p.m. Famnily Service-St. David'5 FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 878-3074 PCNGREHOUSES LTD. 2te-tf 364-141 Toronto Preshyterian Chorch DP CANADA AOI GEN US L. CMBLVLEFoot ut Forsyt c St. (9 AJM. TO 6 P9d.)1 A. Triscter . TrensesIr. ________ OAVILEIl-lDead Stock Removal al88638A Min IPTNSNGOPTICIANS ALRIG-REA ALL CNO ATEINS GAscvni. ALL DENOMINATIONS WELCOME 845-0318 Ste-tf M8648 nyim ILTNSGOPTICIAL ALRIO-REA 2i-fCARPET CONTRACTORS o« dead or disabed Cattlr o test floral arrangerments. Oc & ac recrotety filled MEN'S ________________ asnd Hottes. oîmeer eenh us0O. 69 Main St., MittuonIORN BEUYSALON Supprlying and bone 416) 6914420 Biroul Free elvery878-4961 AORN _______________ . and Lie. No. 29MI 7 L2k-f er onDeliryR. t2-0d LERTIN Ipcait in hir stylisti. 2In4stallingN tht& Sete Ctin, ol wvng tntng nsalin 6hLieHonb.25-tf KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR _________________________bleaeting, sigs, lts and Sir- THE BEST IN __________________ OPTOMETRISTS 202 main Strees thrntt' StVICt~ rctis. Sales__and__service. OPie. c Es e FLOOR COVERINGS DRAPERIES & FABRICS JANITOR SERVICE PHONE 8784472ct Mon. Toms & Wed. 9 - 6 a BROADLOOM Arthur A. Johnson, O.D. lct ST. PAULS CI4URCN THE PRESBYTIRIAN CHURCN bts 0 - il *acotLON & CUSlION LET US CUSTOM TAILORMLTN-1 MinS. TL SEVC Of IN CANADA Sts. &- F2 .ttt. FLOORS YOUR MILTON MLO 28Mi t. TL EVC OF CANADA MILTON VOGUE BEAUTY SALON K.W LMN Oroprt iIcet rp DANNY MARCUCCI Moto St. t James Si.Mnster 160A MiI Srerre eprfccmlne iN cER i C e s AppitstcsTILE SERVICE Sec. JohnM. Murray crs 0pred oeslmc D fvVICE Tse sdabtdy & Ft-lday At types of sealt & fluor tile Mcster Ogns:M.L aâoi 878-2461 & SON your honme. 54 Mill St. E. Atou, &93-2520 instafned. RevC.A.Hiner, B.AM.Di OgcîtMnLVl2tcec0t t23 Tbhomas Stret rtorecin- esr-oe OFFICES * INDUSTRIES Wedsesdoy & Saturday -r 8-37 rgniti and Cboir Leader,. F o re t- ysrfice *2-f 8838 Mrt. Horoldt Msgee SUNDAY. MARCH 4, 113 MILTON Cu8821 oa Complete Jocilonoal Servie 2kc-tf __ 11.00 a.m-Sermosn title, BICYCLE SALES and 88-19 88-19 UN8DAPRES87-68513 PANIN ad RNSORATO SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1973 SERtVICE 21L0te (2> DRtAPERIES__878-6388_______ 2k-t Sentrie"b smo if 2 tano SRIE _________ Milton PDECORAtfi AITIN aUSSCÎ-EDUL 1045 iio.-.M,,rocccWori 945 ato.-Seio, rc bsoa--bDCOATN 10.45 o.o.-Sundoy utiseeb So. FO PCVRNSBSSHDL Seisoo lS145oam-Jocior Chercot 4LIW FOOs or COERtINGS _____________ CLEEN - SWEEP mi GLVNOLN L'tE 0atu0î Nurseey fclte. 70 p.m.Young Peples BCYLEfromse section of: DRIVING SCHOOL nActsnhases ofîc.ictoingri or PAINTn I N Gam *10.1 Society. Sles & Srice e Qoality broadloon in eoofieidsralo A N I -., &-.15 ut., e-8M 1m., ORACEAICA HRC 1commercial. Perectionc s orb-.0pm AGIACNRNuNrsery tocilities. OAKVILLE Convetuont 51e Safety Driving ScIsool busiceis. Controctor Ar'Mlo-1.0a, 63 Milto, Dntario. ýCYCLE & SPORTS Cu5tioted tfaet viyls DOT. LIC. INSTRUCTORS Frc Estimolco p.,. o-730 p. Senior Se: SR. W. Poster OKQENML 434isalr ulCnrl INDUSTRIAL RESISSENTIAL AItION and KITCHENER BOSTON AND OMAON 'A UENML Our tolly qualified isalr t~ oerl 637-6888 INTF.RIOR EXTERIOR Lv. *6.35 pio. PRESBYTERIAN CNURCHIS M-fcon loy ymae ctsmcte fluor or ae 0-ly sued21C4tfArMilton -7.05 & .,a-ut. 5I SUNDAY, MARCH 4 1973 we can suppty tht matertalu for 877-7792 Cai Non for Pree Estimateus am., *10.15 eau. Qiqa-m ud Minster: the do-it-yosrselfer. KICE PANNG 88617 L sdKTOEE 8.00q.igion SComon.Re. W. R. Lewsl.BA. B.. BUILDING 878-137 AL on. ICEE 0.0 .mHly osc 8 78M028 CONTRACTORSANle-tfLv o-SMain 930 aom-Jotaor (Suovit __________________ SesBox1t4, Miltt. .MILTON and HAMsILTON Scheel.t ,Moin SUNDAY, MARCH 4,1[973 JM R ELECTRICAL SERVICE MOENIEfsITO ndGILt Semiii OMIAGH CATHEA CONCRETE 1, . .ic ORKTHEMI________ LTON-iland.EL 1045 a os -Senior Caiech 10500 a.m.-Worsubip Service. RESTORATION LTD. 7W0 Main Street E..IMilton. McPHAIL ELECTRIC Loi os blp 500 plan yosir PLASTERING & STUCCO -Ailton c0p adaS. 11.0 an.-ol. CEutstaScOtoo - Addtions & Altertions 878-2351 LIMITED ki0c e retîciecy acd boa- *Dlyecp auday, Holdny li on.rHlyEcsoii& BOSTON - Rec. Rootns & ittiens 2c>Me-tf IIA uyinlcdioo cree Onisel nat - odyoiy. SeroscoI11.0 om.-Wordbip Srvice & - Generl Home Repaira sND uILsral bordsoool cobinets. Asb PIastering & Stucco -audy or ol'y. 'hor.ilyommuntiih, 0oeCon(Nrds obol, 005L e COG AMERCHOMES 'or a re brochutre ut Ait Types cf Stuocot b-Pclday. Hot Cmssocn lorertoiltiesî Ken Baiîey, 878-853 CTRN ARS&HMSNota Picoler, Repaires, c-Tises.. Thurs., SaL oaly. TuaMrh6 hoT.A cordiat invitation'is enedd Aller Hours 87«Z 0 ELECTIRIC HEÀNG ,îof[SL!tCaeeiig __________ Souas inOs 0 Shos' To INTAlATINS NUMER Aîdorshot Pîaîtoring Co. VACUUM CLEANERS 5ti.30w7pmo.eStpe kc We Cater To 66 Oartes St. Mitone~8821 o5SiCHroadodOt HISTLne C 0 ~< eParties eattci--878-9513 - 877-5795 70Main St. E., Milton. fîe 6 p.m., 009611 EMMANUEL. APTIST CHURCH Trafalgr e Bnquets e Weddings 2n tf 878-2351 Cl ollctELECTROLUX Commecia.îl Sreet, Mlton. Ari Minister: HOME0 REFAIIS Aod teature homea baked Bread, _________ 21-tf 21e4 ForS evc 87-90 7-54 ri RoselI 87.6Mst REMODELLING RoSIs and Fastties Con________ tELacMAtD -ALUIMINUM SIDING FARM SERVICES utP 878-9709D SeLrds Day SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1973 IINAI fDCJ LBRARNHOUS PLU78N9 2k-9 SUNDAYe %IARCH 4, 1973 10.0 .m.-Bible Scheel. JOE ELLSMERE DL.Ot P IN COMMOETE EL.ECTRICAL LBAR OR PUBN Itieni P,sii,. Dr Wlliam Clsses for ait aIes. 878-3316 CINSTIALWYNE&¶.AI C A IRS ane ibay or 9.4o5,DnîniBible cholîng 18.00am.-Mrecitg orsbei - - 2c4878-9229 or 878-5111 'Yosr laonessay Dealer" 'Mocday 12 Noonsto50 put. Pîumbinrs HeatinciWLDN 1145 ,im BbMSo sol .t i -Peing cf Ose 21opel.tf F ower Cboriog Equipmcatt for Tsesday- Wedocsday - REPAIRS, N W WORK A73 lSThoo e ornits oCrit. Gspl.Phliosobltz Be mIsaumes Iis abity, gr ows Esi-elost - Venietti urdysta- 0 m.5t.0 an. 878-2917 SWbDI NG 'The Lii ci AilMn.' MLON GOSPEL HALL voire ble. ExHllent Benti ty Tt ama ritATteL5.0TN87829T7WLI NG Rom n, 10 12 ý13 0306 Otaeio St. N. 87-2022 LacIs f nderstandisg caussoam6-26 veig 650 c os -Sona Service. Crxîio gthre f tserenre. I +. CU..0-16 .eits2104tf tOtohte Service) Il damet motter mht yoonareiRural Tesilay - Tho say -Friday 197 Mili St. 7.50 ic -Ercinuth Bokrt!. Chrics te od t s. + + Itbought te lh., but abat pou are. Maintenance Service 65 ..t i.8784676 Milton Sids icMa he om +ut+br+stSaturday PRINTIN;G DAStE DENNISOIlet Jo s" "Ti n tisos -Wo is ise enough te jtdf0 + 0-ee Estimtet No Dligatioc 10 am. te5 p.______________ GodLies' ch. &.8.Lr'% Day otiers BIfa manmisuccessbfulegven 2kC-tf 2k-tf Stedo sday, 730 p=-.Prayer SUNDAY. 'MARCH 4, 1973hnseli the centtbIut ifise fadas andt Bible Snsdy. 1.30 m-Beaigof*red. mtise seIsames it on God. FARM BUILDING a__________ BROCHURES CHARLIE'S WELDING of te Lodtewdt Roof ' 1n15 . Repaies MUNICIPAL e BUSINESS FORMS ScIs Line' "Li P neriso h Hme7.tW p..-G.lSnaySulsooTECTIONPHONE EVENINOSPLSE_________ pmise. Wedesdoy. 8 pot. - Frauyer Waterdown 689-1086 TW 00ILO WEDDING STATIONERY CHS EK a n i" is Courts ulth and Bible resding. 1'.o Ms. otisrerly TW FMLO A Camnpletc Desin and 878-5365 FAY'S eorge . Harets. TELEPHONE NUOBES Production Service Mo-tf AttAre Wetcoute To These 2____Town______and______ HIOHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH IPDIServicessersot euirr____________ loal assesnbtyof FCrs IsS neEI_________ ncpecter ct Builings,878-2341 WOGT IO Fo*hitasehthoc LLCTIC ~Plsodbing. Trencees ______ The PentecostlAssetnhies Isclfer tr ins themut ifor iîte f AjucossiMON, of Cnada e tBeib FINISH CARPENTRY Plancing Biord .s DlsPntn tok n d n W.0 r oiG PeeS8Totao Ssceistecdont & Pubishing GaRiles-Ido odo Mi n// M"Rf24ODELNG Rereubion Oicec ' CaLt.ORotive Pster: Ses. M. <heltenuarwýRO. OM 745ý2&3C.Ld aRmDvdr Tel 05269ST DVID md RC.ROMSSieeetsvitlif263952 19t Mai St., Milion. CATHEA CONCRETE NASSAGAWEYA KITCHEN CABINET1S Seweogo Ptant 870-171 RSOAINLD Fdoy March - Storloi RRd TRA HHESC LT *VNTE crs oi 7-93ANTON VANDESKÀSAAN 7.30Pro r,2peca .&nld 9str: Wen pon go flshng ortake aà eEECTRICSERVICE uASiBORITF COUNTERS ire Chiel's Office 870-9251 SEWING MACHINES 20Mri t rensservice 41j pm. Rot.DosLonwry trpT onee r d freeuaom r NUSOEmeegency ire 87669OM Th sr'sDyeythteu Mlihappes 50 h MAINTENANdE CIFBARE oioSwn ahns 878-6853 Tho L, MRrdH 4 UDAY MR9H439t ouse If po'I h. n an ac. ELETRICL 87-9135 878-6969 SALES - tSE RVICECacii853-210- SUNDAY. MARGHMAR4, 197373 ecdent? Why nut INSURE and ECONTRIATNLkt r.A ..OI t87pnc8oJ9%1nte 9.43 .m.-Suday Scel. NASSAGAWRYA ltpencecofiminci art EECOTRACING8893 7-99SLS EVC l8321 6.00 po.-Paenily Prayer. h Se5e0OC & I4EATING île-tf PHM 7&MTO PLACE YOUR AD 7.W pfOtI-EWssf5fl ,Egef - Sermsonitigle, tertaintirs WATER I4EATER MFoOabR etr HS ETO tc service. (2) Our Se&t is Nt Good RNASMlo arcCnr NTI ETO Friay - Fasrsity Nioft. Etosagh.' ei ENAL AD INFORMATION TO PLACE YOUR AD 12 Martin Street Rual ye (te tro>t u d. AAPBELLVEL 818-2048 IN THIS SECTION DIAL 878-2341 aI Sereices and Repaire on 0F THE asd mordtP ip Boset is fout-11j5a _Wrd SevcFREETM ESalmkso wig ahns 91";mol r Ne iv toly. - î.îArcW SerniC & PmEETIAE DIAL 87-2341 CANADIAN CHAMPION 210-tf9 CANADIAN CHAMPION 1

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