Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 5

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The Champion, Milton, Cil., Wecd., February 28, 1973 5 Ho use Ieague happenings By Jobs MeLeas Novice Bechcb Brothers cdged Hcbckab.2-1 le eliminate tSacm 090 araigbl alêler lb. 090 clubs boid tougbl in a 1dram lu Sefr opcning game of Sac sertez. Rehekobu tracbfirst te Sate coolet as Gin GIllS arrd on a mls dasb ai lb. 16.05 mark outhSa opcing franne forSthe miy goal of Sac perild al.epIcGervain onmaed Sac casel aflr fOlaiog off a tiarec ay passisg pay iSa Bob Fmter and, Cifg Hart. WiSa ligbtlip onr four minutes lait110 the gomme Steven Jaysc Bircd Sac mlaoaiog goal as b.e cmvertcd passais f reuiDayne RiddcS mnd EpIc Gervaiseimtoa, nlctory. Milon Upbotery cvcued Saor semisaai a is mnd a ic ach as Saey dumncd Milton Lamn Sernico 1-0. Tfcfirsl periud mas ereleseves Soiagb botb 0dms unisscdt on seneral gmod cbanesc bt aller ootp a minute and 22 secondls hb.delspsed te Sac final iroie, Rau Locic arorcd Sac osdy goal of Sac gamne em o Soc sole effort. Jute Aseton prcscrncd bls "tolutforSthe Upolstaeraes be stopped as aardcd penalty ao.t laens by Brat OFlynmai Sa. 11:45 mark of lb. final saema. DuaaucWrth plsyaid aliceut as moS inteb Lacen Servie nt as bce mes omlp b.alen mare. Jef f Lambe led Daminion Hardmarc lui a 4-2 ictory oner Mobray Focls as bie comnted a pair of goals andb.lped setlup Sae oSer Imo. Brandy Cremmu mad Bran uAndercb.b er, lb. olber goal gettera for Sac iners milc oSer assiste mre earsmd hy Cremuon, Adercb.k, mnd Stoa lCogdm. Jti Prsuglil coreal Sac biraI Mobray marltcr on a solo dubh and Mark Teaadcl comlted Sac oSer on a paom fromt Bomay Kuypern. flic serins, a bondi of sevnonom sands ai Damionm Hardmare ladiug Mobrap 2-1. 10 meond round action, Fie.- mn leugletbck al Sa. map 10 ecarn3-3Mdraw iSa Sac Uions Club. Foul Rateun scoredal a titait goals for Lions, al on sol dashas.Lions ere ab.ad 2-0 acten BiSl Marr narromcdSthe gap o apas tram Rd Wrigglecm aortb. Bob Hipel brouglil Sac Fiemot10 a 3-2 coumt ai 10:01 mb.n lb. comecled ais apas truca Kevnu arbin amd Sacs ilS Sac Lamas plsyteg a man short Heipl cored thac equalizer on a bine solo des. le an exibition til, Ponliocs clipped S. Clair 4-2 as Randi PéellcS scred a pair. Ri Boyd amd Brant Wason wmcv Sac oliar corrs for the mluoeru ilS assista guteg lu WatotwIire and Bopd. Ted Vadenteune co rm mare for Sil. Clair mnd sel up the oliier goal by BiSl Lawnace. John Shields caraid ono autel for Sa: loscra. Pcc Wee Biley Fuels andl Milton Ast. Body ISl plsy Saeir fourlb gain lisouccom (Iaurndop) nigbt ib order le brak Sair deadluck am they arc nom 001 lied spoai w mnd a lic spieco. Beley leok a3. lad bfore Sa. Auto Body crevi startcd le figbl teck.Allons( (2isci aod BiSl Gocrc ec cored solo effort goals lu Sat brut period and lb.u arly ilu Sa bndl frame Geec flutsecd offi pay iSa Ted Flemiegtma 10 gini Sac Fues Sac 3-0 advnminge William Hrkte scorcd ai16:30 c a pilestroma Dog Gibrt t10sao the Auto Body acoriug. Tmo minutes lter, GStbe: uarromcd lb. gop mbcu b emnecled on a omloucdasb. At th, 14 minue mark Scott Brading' miaoeffort païd off inte e I malter mnd Saougb boSa clubs ba seneral chaucns,nilier rendi breab Sac ic. Pop Pluuobiog lininalec ilon Marinc as Pays ted amwi and apair outdelin teir seies il gin. Shoamfour pots mbi Marine erc held t100apair of 1e by lb. surprisng icturs. ITb game on Iaturday esdcd ite acrcles dram as nelîbor goal bender could b.e bouton. Cr Vrsltraete for Marte.mnd SIre Announoe New I.aling Substaoos: Slorlnks Piles Excluiosivehaingsustance iprucar tousurinai hanirosoans es:l dueisoaci tisue. A reomed resoarcinnaOteha! tondsa iuoshuingsubostace it the atilt tlushri no nvernul niniessiy. it reom VSItChins 0anddis mee n eminois 00andaspsdei lealilos untheicinid, inins i caeoattaicane, mti l i) relicoina pai, actueli nsdootior Mat imPortant on lsuoti ma 50 hOo.gh 0,51 lis Imenm os miatiesd mer a perd of mon, lhis Mas aaismcuiaied altO avne esliiessubstmance(65-De)i mtni clicly ohlais Cmi Iinloclaeis Oiacaitis rnwofn cmactissus. N»o-BDyel ei intarsd le oc aid supoiailry 09v nailc Pri carsitman H. sa i tt *&il mir nMores. satisaction or yeueo Watkioa for tbe Plombera abared lihe potligbt as tbey eacb came Up aitIs outstanding performances. fTac Fay aqoad ISl nualmeet ocal 4970in leSa sma-final round. Vittorio Trento and ltandy pare Paya ELlectrie tu a 5-1 vlctory oer McCoalg lacurasace ood moved the Electricluna loto lb. aemil-flala agaloat cÉtber BalyFula or Millon Auto Boy. Gleno Youog addcd a siogltoe for Sac mlnncro ahle Trenoeand Murray Rut arned one asalt acb. David McCulIacIa bad hial boout bld spoled ISa oly fivo socondsa rmalnng wbcn Robrt Moora acorcd Sac lone McCuaig goal on a pusfrom Clif Baecblcr. Local 4970 laasaed Mlon Aaaomcrmg Srvce 8.0 lnana cexhibiion matcb. Gîco Swancc led Sace cloocco aISa four goals aod be alao pickcd Up one aoalat. Niclt Wolastone, Scn -oa, Rogcr Baecclr and .Jack Fecusra somrcd oac goal apicce whie aasista mre oaracd by Waync Ricbol (Srcc>, Pt Tbompson (two), Tom Smitha, Jlien Ktcbco, Steve Cole and Grog Glber. Baatamn Parton Roal Ealatc came up ilSa o aroog second priod 10 drop Hoods Clirbon Elogo 42 aod eeno Sair seresai a Inmc apiece. Brad Gilula opcned up Sac scoriog for Sac wteoera onaapuoa frornoRcbard Leslic ai Sac 5:30 marb of Sac opeulog frame. Fine minoutesa ter, Gary Dancc blaoted Sac lying goal oma a abo hat Jack McMlIoo Sac Partue laclocleuder till hbomI ucco. Dan. Arbir 1t0o8 of0on0afioe aolo dash which rmsultcd lu lb. go abead goal for Purlon athSa 8: 20 marb of the fioal ram.. Brod Glksl coooled bia second f goal of lb. gamc as bc complte a puisu friasRcbard t.eollc agate. TMnSmcllto ganc the wnoers a04-1 edge as bc flolubcu off o play wlb Bob Mogas ISh mne minute 1.01n toeSacgme. Ffeen secod laer Gary Dance *cooted hiesaecood goal wbco bi 0 drone in JIreFarrdil's poms, tu * mal te faeol scorc 4-2. BellBrobcra rcbomndcd mtb a e 3-1 upael oner Bnoncr Homes. 9 Thelwo clubs foogblltua 1-1 drue allfer 20 amiautes bad elapacal bul San els ula cejalalg st Wito Ireaver lu Sa. acood tramne wbil ucoriug tbore Semislnm. Pelai Jacbson blioked thered lgbtlirai 'a ashe putBe'saaod aflteronI y 2:15 of Sac op.ning period aher il ho acceplcd s pau froci ie Camerm Goll. Roger Dat Ni h ltomcid up iSa Dan MaSaosoo a Sache14:35 mark 10 liceacthe d iSa Beaners lono goal 15th le gare. Briai Flou put Bdl' In baead toloty earlyin the fine ue toazaas b. cumplclcd auppis mth Wlter Pocorky. A repua performancue fromn Peter Jacboi o mnd Comerma Gal1 put tSa c i ke on lb. cake for lb. alunera. on Clor Your World wcnl obca is wre ai olul .lbilmea Police lic on upte gaes Saey fougbttloa1 .o 2 sawoff. A fine Srce va e paualug play fliabsed off by Pi 3o Haggarl and included Mai KcndIick aad tartod by Clru Smiath prouced Sac flrat goal for Cler Yoor World. WISa tees Sm Sarcminutele 10in10the opeoleg pcrlod, Pond Sbilbs put Police teck inuthe game au be acored 3u a greal sels ffort. Ghis Daffy put Sac C.Y.W. cccv abcad agate es bc dumpcd i100 GIns MAl. offering at Sac 1:45 mark of Sac Bond rame. Two mnutos lter Charles Graci leamed cop ISa Peter Jagt andCralglScbrciter lu, sgalu bnoul lb.conteal for Sac Policecrewc. Their serbes cmv slends ai a vlso and a ic for C.Y.W. wlel Police hanc but one lic le Iteir credt S5ldget Supcr Save leok a 2-0 lead oner Slin Aule Body micb Sacy belal mfiilb.he16 minute mark if Sac final tramc wb.n BiSl finaliy got mftracked mnd fougbl teck le aS2- 2 dram. Rob Farrell opmced Sac acoriaag for lb. Supcr Sanora as b. guI Sac mnly gond of Sae tiraI pcriod om a pus tram ArieSle Bourgeols. Midl way Sru Sac second porlud, Borgeois capped off a finc sls daub ihSuapr Savezsaecod goal. At 16:43 Pete Maro put B'so teck lu tteut as bo e s Saclrlggcroan on a i plsy iSa Dave Coultcr amd Mike 1 Ford. Euactly ose minute lttr,1 Muaro mas agate lb. goal gctrcr as Cmller settou up forSthe lylug goal. flair arica nom otandsaai Sallin iSa Srcc ponta le Super 1 San. iSa onc pont. Goallendiog mis Sac bey au Knigb's fougbl le a 1-1 draw ISa Harris. Steve Fumer for Kigt's t andl George MIllmvrailb for Harris ode numeroma topa lu kcep tbo score lom. Doug Tlcoerabfrcd theonly goal of the first period onoa solo effort le put i Harri aliad. WiSajusonr a minule remaniin lhlb.gome. d Sien. McCann buotled the d rmoteal iShaoSaer gmod solo as". Kigt'u bold a 3-I serieo e lad et prcamnt. d Mâtlim Tanel Service came up a mllblbheir scond upse wi in a - rom loelimteate Jte'a Bdiards se as lb. bascanent biasig Tranel le squad drUppeal Jim's 5-3 lu Sis ýo game. RauGUp ae a ssnle marters wr ore frd tbe .. irh Case, Gcrry Tlmbcrs mnd w DoPupe. Watt Maltobo led Sac al as"stclumo iSa Srec. Hery rl Nadollu blpcd lmlcc and oingle e amiala mre esrned by Popc, Br Casecand Alsu Cooper. Kimo t Jenenu ad tmo goals for Jims' ly mASo RisseSl Price addcd one n and assiste ent lu TiasoPearsom, n WyatiEvnan d Steve Knoalco. on Carl Barber Sac caplelo of at Icolilca mas a"so Seir goal e aointg leader os b. urred Ire. ce imes mnd ausiuled on Sac oSacr 'oa goal by Crmig Bruwn as Scoicas ai stoppcd Pgmecnt4-3. Tbe tus ay liciaalc Pigment. Bromn ted a mi pair of assiste ogomlute isgoal on and Job. Ranitam also earoed g mne autelt. MiIcc Serariol mas Sa. top mau for Pigmient firlug 090 ad goals before b.lug ejecled from ed Sac gore.. Martin FarreSl added 2. Sac other Pigmentl goal mtle sy mliso mnl le Martin FarceSl ,ai mnd erg Mamzoroto twire ach k andaasingle belper to RchKing. Bowling MILTON GOAIE Mark Curtis goes domus 10d bockt o Cetrenitte shet duriof tisee cb.mpionshlp game of tise Acton ILegion, peemcv houe leogue tournamcul on tise %wnd.Mtonl 111 dreppedoa b.orttsreaking 4-3 Novice tourne, is lots of fun MilIou Noicc inlon buok port in lb. Peterborough Nonice lesrnament oner lb.epoo eekend. Albosgb lheb.11,31 didol relsco iSa Saeir division rup Saey liad lotsofu hockey ami enjoyed b.lug ilieted out ac homes of Plerborogh Mluor Hockey playeru. Of lb. lb... gane satey pîuyed Sa. Pnoeubet effort mss agateal Niagara-on-lb.-Laokc hm.u Sey efnoled by o 5-0 score. Milton murksmen acre Brion Seraflol iSa 090 goals, one umosulleal. Pasl Baller, uoauiald, Ino Zulin unusnsled anal Je. Gaelen. Belpers Assiola ment 10 Richard Biaoim, Eddie Loprirh amd Bocal Allcua. 10nlb.eoCher cames, Collngmood domneal Milon hy o 4-1 score. Eddie Loeopich noîrbeal Millenoldy tlSy ma an asumt trou Brent Akerea. Peterborough defeateil Milton 74 lu the f1000 gome. Bowling Lodp illva singale PinkOcoTei 259, ldies h gh0tripe sPinkTi"lTeui 010cr aduimaicu nNancy Auger s4n, Beliinon242, JeamilabLn 43. Qi h c, amitrilies NancyAugere5mi, Jeanmin ,50,7, oiaLuosa581. ,Ll -ns5lfor58, Mre osela. ilny 5 fer 73uandossmsh 2icr se Millocos goals car Philtipa, PotlBRl Seafralluanal lsd lerafini led in deperlaneul iSa t Gaenandl BlairP up ouan it eoch. Loogueai In regular tee Brampton deteated 2. Eddie t.eeprii opeser, u0055010 Geoepirboal op1 goal on a pous Flemioglen. On Monday nig andGOakille bot MUIlon galseeres Fleuningtou sud Assista ent t10 I Wayne MasDaufil and Doce Feming decision 10 Cetrenle te opite of surne excellent uetmteding by Curtis, miso llomeal ooby six goals te tour lournomneol fîmes. (D. Gibbons photo) by Bowling t EII:si 050. ensigAsc indliermi 5. ldies32, inh i e McipieGs uefroma Blair hei E),me'shih rileGu iberîn, Brion 0ihtngoodsjcîcolea, so.es,i , 'ic Loepricb. !^ sioei n',Vnenheuvel 286, Gus 11,ie 2 ans*S ihîn1oid iplcî, Mici. cîolîe vh.Jo. 76'Paul Treviorr 0687und Chas Pllpu ltkea Mie Onisedee n or liemFracnk 1. Pd.1lla5lfer85, C.islyil Onapi 2 for sction "inch euv '53fo 9, Bl oago. action, Lîiiiis,c er 7 edth lb . ub 5. osTEPAnEnS [e ocored the Lai,, FiSh. O0 sied nd Je Lahe'i:ohsiîngile endaCardiceil ted. ad. 31,Iirs i, gh tiîple Sorna Mac- Mutos olber Mur phy 672. men 5h:gh singeiHenry la troni Don c ,li i.iii..e rittiple Gacy lilhiiiiodî:siles Gary L:ief,rx28 igl lb. Piutsl'l:MarshallI249, In SI . John248. led tooa2-2 tie Oeoond tripîle rFe iii1 scored hy Don . Jo. Gaeton. TracOliro-e0île, 9, Ail Sars 0 Eddie Looprich, ,.r Ili'LukySifr76, OBep Beeps ail, Poul Butter î:îîîi. Happye opprsi5îori70cnd iglou. 5 Oi fer 7,ni secepsaute I 201508 BownueOn y çO .28 4 chB. s 3 - 2, 51, 2 5 i th S e M5 0.1 2o c00 Wi, Ladica igh inecOîiieMcDissl M.0 sades' hieîtrplrre e Miec Outei68scingle' Ge"e Lîsle' 000. SGeM:, P co-îcca247, Mary Ami Ohte, odotiplesrc .iiLittle 671 Noie, MsMrply 66i. Syleia M are Aile'a on2 for32,'Sucsi Si Gli f21 a d, Lie:en, ils,- 19 CASABIOS SIETER GIRLS 0:00 csnle Ruth Toisa 264, 0:00 M ondîc triplVes r eipe! fis, , OagCîpel 644, ivoneO. es 62, isai,5, Osecaseis 2, Oug. 2 C,.eiclli0 a D-oka TOM GOODING, 23, son of MOr. and Mrs. Vero Gooding of 112 Robîowood Creso. graduated rccently wil.h a Hachelor of Science degree sperialiciog in geology 51 Rensellaer Polytechoical Institute in Troy, New Ycrk. Atter playing Imo yeors of junior hockey i Milton Tom won a sctiotarslep 13-cru. He io curreutty doiug s yeor's punI- graduote mork aI RFI. séwd S.Mwlt.-h au«l. sýv.Afttch- Rtâer &mth M«" S«Mfth srf- sýAý Charge it.... CHARGEX 3 1.47 45 .39 At M-t R.tA., Dimmer* 2-13 13,.- 2ý 2ý24 éfcM. - 59 3-1 47 13,_ 6, St- 092o 1.68 59ea eitMe:j, Swilch Fo, MI contol of you, 1,ghts 4 :Push-On Full Range 0 600 Watt Rome IndoorWire 200897 6.44 NMD-7 Copper 14/2 Gauge. "rye, and la er.,,,, Cords 5 5 j:00,:' SCREW IN FUSES 3 O .1oi9" Rniesocui 4 h- .2 c phliO ,qV&27 Over 1400 Store Buying Power Saves You Money - Il i Hardwar O'"epal D.,- oper I 200925 SPCFC IONS~ Milton Plaza Milton 878-92 6 HOM I I l' K 0iR oei omiSOfWat a u T4 0E40%.Y us *r,,.I JOHNSON'S BRAND NAME NEW MATTRESSES CHESTERFIELD SUITES OR $2488 Bauiu BOX SPRINGS SALE PRICE New 2 Pc. Set FROM4$3988 *BEAUTIFUL. $349 NEW BEDROOM SUITES FO 54" ATIRSSES3 Pcces. îucluding $ 13995 W' MATTRE AS sH - CARRY Bookcase Bed CONTINENTAL BEDS NEW box sdrng ands $4995 CHROME CHAIRS $449 mattress SALE PRICE ASSORTED COLONS Cas and Cary- FREE LOCAL DELIVERY REPRING AT REAR S*~ Sb Fontiipeiaiedrocker tye 297 1N Bq .-I

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