Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 4

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4 The Ci n pas ton, Ont,Wni ,Fbuacy 2f,1973 Locals claSh with Saitf leet Mitais Noctbtarirsu Rock- ot op y Mita senti Narinhs la tei er sey ta so n i h titeh lulltisoe uereettrmaia np viit earn a sot aithe Novice ito tiheOs A eCbuspionulip againt Sai- Il as in Oue elt. Oe lbraisfin Tise loaat sieieOnrange' fraistise tee vile n tie Iiri guse S-adY Oangvet iOs a 4-1 set. Tliey sean Ose tano goals second guse Fiday 52 bu and tiaIelis btled a cei tgt rontest ion the rangesile soi ti sen prpeiaisan par o01te Mark railE Biar. JeffGrahsamOa Tougis perd on ised tirp Ran Lcie sord iltn' Marks Isde anly gal o a irtpro o ,tdith Dosefosan soi Bries Acier- asseio l risurk ta tise Milan a t-I drose goint intolie second. "lTey iept Stan Pop rahetiion a lop oas a rut sitio bOs [sitl baîn teya novices s ,ecan wsudd5 priil,"r-ch Mrty Cpt rond peodt e aller tesesecond gorne. an ai 2-=ai Stayoend sscoring for od. Millestes i t perod wbrn be ' d prodtiat ctcked on a p ou tfroin Oint r Iob seay tane. ays tes cone en 'y..ckecking Mitnes seihlorOsonded. ys asd ptted Ed Gantas scored the esty got the trd tisaothOe secosd priod putting ,te tinte etd Milaon alieod 2-. Brry Reint test. snt Mdlton aieati 3- wbon be d Ganud rnade a rink tonsg dock sud it rigece sogls aydrtHardrock McCns assisted an 0101 play sud Foy d.CitCapot. oneted aJeff Grabihainaco 'lidle Ed Gatan, Oe lfourtbtestala4-tsin sud Oe and Stan Fay stine final. thcd periad. Mitao is kly ta ineet Sali- tied flent in Oe Novice A Finots Ois k ustiio sud it seekesd:liosever, tOese bdtde cd fougt firsi lad't linon drasen at prnss tone. CARL BABKER (14) shoota tise prk paoltishe serins 4-2. on Friiay aI Milton Os eY on 1-0 Biokelock goalie for Mitant second goal adseons lin Eas Hallon higit -1100o1 hokey Wedncsday. Tc Mitan Mstans, plaYing aI cninpiashsip. Otastle, sontbo fistof a seogane total goal (Plate hy S. Dils) ~tftp1oU Sportsfoie Rink has eye on Rurail loop 0 0orgonizes For Oe irti taon sinre Oe tast ndoides Jon FurIes, ead, 2 curling Cluisseas erected n 1964 a Ronald Rosley, second, Steve j Milton inis sea a Division rnier, vice, and Fred Bel Otario Crltng Association skip. Tise Junior Tanker Tearo event. won oser Sielinaran. Atna DCA paydasens slrled Feis.Dinon Teaoo A sud Dixie Teusn B,1 17. 1n 24. Tise Milto rink sud ml go on to Oe fbouts n osclades spre Ken More, eati Toronto C.S . sud C.C. Mardi 10. Mrley Rasinrry, second BOnis20. 173 10 roipele frtoc la- McFtad, vire Tain Carter anti Ontario Final. skip Denos Rasle. Tieir sin Tise Siopvy Heavy Weigisti Fris. 24 qualifon ie s en forchamsips Of 171-72 sean roonpetitos Mrris 4fin cornonîn in Oe 17273 playiostn Graveoisrst aguisot Dvsion 10 in Torono Canadian Ryais Club, inners anti if sarcessui Oe al- Friay aoi of 1l cnta frin Ontarioo nteciediato finals wil aroni Oe country Miton isk in plyni in Georgetowen Marris raine second inst rsnoers-sp 10. Fred Mrsloy mb kof Orog =î Tearus seio csipletenon00thOe final gaine oser Oe Dvson 9 Interniedoate Mlton is, iTe Milto rink payiowsowsere rangevitîn. carnevotof a it sos ee fine o. Grand Valey, Dii, Bramopton, Spare ni tise Milton tous sean Sieliorne, Board of Traie Jm Reoti seinpyni tseogfuses, WoniritgeBota, anti Milton. oble Roseey retrnni 10 Mitas Dinision 9 wloOfft ta inhan sinningth ie DCA. The Mitas Caring Cluis second nerosedooles. Leai Jeff Nurse, Dvsion 9 sin raine oaniay. n second Lec Fion, vire Brt Aton seien Junior Taniser Stewant ant Si p Denos Rosley wnnrswereraMiton teain Tie oece on aut risk Competitions over for club skiers Bp Eleasor Hadfild biorougly Jutint roonlie isndredsofol nsrortar peoplen oiso rongri lise slopes of tari anti I GienoEdeno ail eetani tise gond Future r]i ssno conditosansd inautifl la fun Osai oeatiterwurne coloyeti iy ail. tunboottor Officoai iner-lub rornpettitnt Grout ispl are oer for GinsEien touisforto a Brlongt Ohsn onoon, as non of Ilinin iave darongth ie omadeit inta tieseonn-itals. 'Tiey tasse of U have ail enoyei anti ienefiltedti ece are1 froin raipelonf, isasever, anti en tiese taIs ai sent er iOs great Frausere onsthOse nrnpbiis sHe miss an trainig, club rartef. ast in repi. Oe rase f Oe bot raers, quaiiying for Claso D caris. 'lie auiliacp trotint 5prograin ins thalyispo e seuila nif doon f aselopef us seOstaI seul ear tOece sent in a large cltaîce foc maso selectiaus. Mny petelhave akedus senupobobly secy 1m e il parsue il sery ac?" 'tie arit ee have ffusdaoOat it ies e Oe iais osnicntive oCher Oas 1551 burtiteg dosesbilt, sud n lise pocesu of learine bute t a cao clild's geoccl saC bil geatly inipreses, asie sao br seet set for aiftiea onjoabosile inter artivlty. lse C.S.t.A. ntsrts curcse fiaIntGins EainiousSaturday suddSiaday sas erined by tise tskng il as very baeeicill mi ly esisassîlut. Tise really morisedti ieos tauglitishentsentI. cls artiitons cao nmore sn seioua rornpetition. sn Centenolol Sports planning or s posoru gton Day on the ihl eapront arisool 1bra, in tRein Cosnonial. Ata rainons of a danre 10 ason io April. HIlo Rrald is annallLagan- eianat meti n a O an- izatoosomttiCntre atht pus., l'aesday arisntnre tay- resd asc r c J6lisnreporta. Foear Icrus-ik ntnrprs. Fteam estrom lsrareitiaO laaip, eterteGearetason, sd Panrriin. tequiries lave ienoreroived frain Sirnets- ville and a second leus to laay ouI of Oukville. Asy allier intecesinai parties are asini ho contact tlie secrntacy, Ridi Jaoslas ai 457-3014 or 87O4780 J. Toneili runs 23rd Mitas continental Fîpers' tep scorer John Tontl i aod 23rd in Ose Contratl(Ontario JuniorB longon ewtOs 21 goals and 2 assîsîs for te pointa. TonOsel a Ose oaly Miton player in Ose top 24 leatan srrng standiog. Briao Benntt ai Dokvite lh Ose leagan seitb 43 goals,e insista and 105 potinsebhil Hacold Radars of Brarnpl: taise ieond setîli39 goals,4 assist and 82 points. Bowling die' iîsI sOssOr Ssrusa gives oftaimselfis weil V.odec.O 0 ;7O 6 Oi lmy i'. re 73 OTOR AT Paquette's racing crew wins $2,100 at Uxbridge sutesoobile ractef crea, Ose Laseville Rocing Teain, bod o tarrifir seenkend of aircing ot Usbridge Soturdoy and Sesday. 'tie noebcesit boise aoasd $2,100 te cashs triuefo tran s GOItA suoctioeet "B" ineet. presidesi Paquetto ou eloted 8t Ose strùlofai icteries bis racers praduced. 'Eseryady ws rocteg selntiorlwe liotiaogreot seeekesd," the bard-seorbiot club presidest sai. Cliris Bradisg, drisise o palans. tank first te B rnadlfied, in c moddîied and C stock closos ù satardoy. lie returoed Soisly ta lobe second prines te A sud C ssodiied, second te C stock sud1 Osiird te B rodllled. Wlm stock races Joe Wteder, a Ski-Don driver, wthetec stock rcensd wss toird te E stocks a S iy. lHe rqe d tIe victories SsndY 10 conte bornme w tseo tinta sud bwon tirds. Anoibor Sk-DuO driver tes (Gront won Oe E stock clssa and corne second is D stocks clasm. GeorgeitoaAtIgli*t on a Thsunder-Jet swon tUneArnodified, saturdsy and seent back Sundsy for a finitplace in A modlfied sud second in B rnodified. Bradiq leader Dos Arbie nf Actes, aneliser Polaris driverseon tise B stock clam Saturday and Sssday. H8e "l"otootlirds in D oOdlflOd aud E rnodified on tse SuudaY. President Paquette reports Osime tve drivers curreutlY tend Ose club's oses points race. Bradine tlatiront seltis43 pits, Arbic bas 32, Wlodec 31, It ii25 sud Grant 24. aven indefec " 777--s Mc Fridal O by ocorin Ma oi atOsh added au SBan lrglfl est .LR. okl rpa G rgttss d n sda uil: se 10 o inltsaua ise .lsso tie ..e sor odaiOeOat porind tud ouI ueods scred tb m.To ta' tgolte e Ose t. ed od selOs b o = sins tryine lo pull lico doses narrose tiseinorgin. se sonkelo fumaedtenoaront si effort ogoitthOe Huskies toy tOin t oase51osi" deteated ttous te Tr-Cos5t on TIseesttnse es o 1tise Sackets seero drabbed ighf f0 3-3 fie ditons Pee Wno Optns su oinptaus fouglt il teao3-4 lina oinplton on Sesdoy afoforu be estire lesu pteyed seti an ' e dO s e p l y i t he s c u nd ai Ose ice forln eth e rp Oste gorne. Millesnseos neyer bebosd art esc OBor sud DooseSa mliteod ta look lter tise MIIIc ortet. Il wsa tirseith tNI os sesuasuisted sud fi lier, trainStock, selle Stas vrnd Ose Osird goal os a pi vin OBar. 'Tise praviosehrsdsy U opttetisseere irosunod 7-21 Okvloe. Scarteg for Milton toat gaoneseere Doag Dosr frain Steve Bloir sud Dua Steck train Join Loepricit. Edge select& Ou MondOy sigin Ose Opins infesatin th u aon M Slectu te o bord loaglitf sbolisg content by s 2-t os Dsug Doroey set up ki Opimiste gol whicliwee by Rick Asetan sd Stve0 For tinhetecta Ose inarksi ws Dose Bougitteson su fronRandy Mcttontdsund S Cale. le r floo tiples, Audrey 692, 6ast te 76, E Ososne son t for 36, Shirley tf tdie 4sfor20. ase e fo 1. WAtt plays DE BE.KAR (1501) us giveis oltte shove by o BlaiseacSk r us f rnt f tise Msttan goal d-srtg Wdssays gain Photo bySS. 1110) Jets in series with Collingwood Mites Jim nt-rt Jets oninlod Boriens tpes ta sin Oe guse CrpBordes Midgelu icoi n sd lin serins. Ditt lyoBf action on Oe Jets siti ses action agatesi teeekesd bt il sastutl staer Cllisgseaod bre Friday ai 8:30 Banitestralisced Ose luste O-f) for pli. Osir only sin o Oe series. Farîsg elisiiuatiau, Bordes taak advauiOge ai las focecbockteg sud pooc bock- GOLDEN FISH clteckteg ta sellsp Ose Jeta 6-f. matn ede th Bode h &es CHIPS of a repoitios aos taigarne selen Ostey stapped Camnp Bordes 156 Mill St.,Milton scorteg eurly te Ose gesse. Cusp W. ry Halibut onlY Barn susred lin tirst goal but B en Ose Jet bouded back iOs fonr matas 5BG esoinseeeal s.vem O NON G and f til f ....... RNG Mosebray srai red tainScot a \ysJ SHRIMP McKonie, Rick Bridgans rus KING - iKeu Pop oui Gceg Otocintacl an Mwbaya nf coin 878 392 Bidgrn and Pay pt Jeta abrnd 3-1 and Ken Pay euded Oe 8 8 3 2 seorteg or Miltos, coverite FOR FAST TAKE- paustooCbucbinscb and OUT SERVICE BoOs teoa ptyed exceltil 10:3B0 .m- 7 pin - hockey, eack sookiogthOeir sbare Fri.,9 pin of iinlkon bol Jetsisin e as ai nd BILL DNMRTY <jjs g4 S IO itE263 Main St. N-~ ue d S e Bill fa-ay for our car renta i eeds rk Special tonRFTY Week-end rle BUA AR Rates sin 8789725 ushonefsday thes eve fastr - -ds- Mni Dore. "sSieot ME" SrReg. &Cu teê2 Case -tsn ole usin 13MiStEMI OS 87-681 qaistpOir estHru Miles if eca mcarne w Up selOs- a sparkiteg perforanceosrmintOe Actes taursaeol but fel virtsto te a 4-3 deiest ai Oe hbudu ai ltitclseser te lin final gaine. Mnager Clarie Wtboett saii il sau Ose sinOstimnate40f our periad Oe club bod jteoned on tise ice siOs bo a gornoninu ptoyed bock la bock. lise telecta bad elirniated Barrie 42tistaseefl -fnd Actes 2-t osntise seyto lin finalS. Goal getters te Oe Barrieg useSOeve Cle Larcy Brases, Btty Gencuas Gin Young scoced siOs assista tougtot Brion Bell, Guy M arssll, Dornp Arnold, LrrY PiOsel, Resdy McDoald osd Bill Gonz. McDoald iOs a bat trick, Larry Wolbuell sitis Iseanod Guy Marshatlonea. Assista seonlte, Otece Cte, Doog Gibert (2, Dose Clarke, Dose Bougisinu sud Raudy McDonald. te Oe Actes gaine McDould scoced inOs geast ss sita gateg ta, GIn Stesuc, Dsuny Arnod, BOny Gouasn sd Grog Orpbes. inteOsenat gaine Bil Goecc scred selce and McDonatd once. Asigss eet ta Stevo Cote, Attooso Criari aud Rbert Vaughasu. Mark Canin aand Pout Mlegunsbared goattoudini (fstles and cause 'thsei supreoie effort te at 7a'gins Pee Wees defeat Th hosts in two games t» OU On teenkeutiMitasn Cmiii bt pîsyn nouataisor rtek o Ila PneweBoildogu rasel ini iOsariofioser ibl. otalte te boa NeseYoasd : d aninooIed ese ntnboys I a gue gainaithOe 1iboca ted ta buste te k.4 sar Ose plapeth seBuldgserbo' uaaao Buta nte l iiogu iy tise Ittecotaas. 41-Sasd sistd i aateiiheaa offise t sa 7-f sictocy. f as Oe Miton ira surfacn sud tees 4-2. Deug ruse paceai Miton selOà Roisbin Csaspoon Iethetis Po goasoaoidlicenasisa. f Baildogsth gO Po gsefllamdeai Dsu alis oui Wally byoilLyansiliagol adisu MacE sel a-pir oncis seile M sitoue Prausenotclete so Cal a aadaiOne sle sOer Mitltotny.'tise Bloine ily. litOe att said Dose SeS pin e p tres of tOn ve Tletka sarei uhenestisdiltIr posattadoutolittinlocsls , chrines tenseat wssuot Th. l tal15in tneguse. ictoriosuenokend bt fllvneti secod gasue entrtci tp asu lin boys se en d Os Sudi o inoi e e binttedaiout sith Oe Ameinsu Bofllots fai Onthesaine tous hPayons.Se Split serles tiâ Tired Banfams drop fc1 firsf gaine in Ifhaca r MitasnLe-e os Botonuoit- te su etende scieeianes fened o 4-f os o t tco Newe siO Brnttan tetclobtitiind Yack intesefirt of a Pro fuse ta cone froin inini a 2-t infii serins Oe cltsnployai oser Ontheu a 3-3Mlie. seekeni mies Ose BastarnuDase Tre ire ail tiron madintOn trtp ta Uboa. MilatinteaiOs asista gine ta d 'Ieinocls arisnin ithacai3 Parry Cpuo, Bai Goaditg (2),& arn. anti mre ou tise ire ai 1t Deug SiraOs (2). S ai. Oste saine omor.itfor eir te anoe gause tat senekD birt gause Manager Jan WilsonBrainpton dealt Mitna Mn5 u.0 ) iiatdtiOenack of lend tis oin ue iglt leftitle Bantaros ut B por sdope lac Oe gusne. Bo ln 5 Tise follatint doy tOn locoto ifi as scoret a 3-1 sin siO Pte Rot,C OP Dos Zausto anti Dose Turner RATEPAYRSt 4 -nrnrincraarntncu. Assiss ient FeiseucetIl ýe t!i Kncr aid Jas Saina. Lies.laissOsls.OaemLittle 293 62 Manager Wilson sitiZoatt's lainiesih tile, ruaceLitle70 àe gol ao sautp. Mclterrdtise n'shlhsingle5t, Tom stu, n peck 01oitOn rorner asti lit mn ina tripe. Bonu tew lutor 43 oatamiso wsaurestiy ald 0hr ooj50 mulesarosoas?, oaa mailont on the sto apop il in. Btilu. ioIsOoiureloi Gusiotinsta esot rss'soedC, Bnîtl Milaon outsaot Oeir lats 32-t9 tiner t54. muaot e5uu Biltsttom.club yers fotranOe rnns,Lorsuck troriS iloolireOn Blanrassaid tle Fen Wen s, een rensi or72'Sul lisalit.u2 mh ilaie rade tise tripsere roc 65, Oao>y Happea 5 ton 65, bisitteotintItia isboules telle e nisnn se W parents, coachses anti manaeers wmrade Oe tip staped ai sn L55151' SPECCIL iotel. Coimnetint on tise Fbis20 ue Amenecan rtfercns seIta antiieti Laicainuh5 singleJos t ies 292. hia O thesn-Wilson,,saiti "Osny Ldies' hg lea id ii73 290 hve a loticileamoOhgodsnls Md o74 lst CAMPBELLVILLE BROWNIE-GUIDE-RANGERS MoMothers-Fiflds and plimw Ail Interested ýft aýt a real Fun Night. Gamnes galiore Al proceeds of Tupperseare Party seul go ta the Guiding Graups Auxllary. Door Prizes & SpeCial PrizeS Monday, March 5th 8 p.m. 854-2225 Home of Velma Ferrier R. R. No. 1, CampseliviIle. Baside Dd's Restuanst SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GUIDING GROUPS Cone Aind rig os o i nds ý Selects sparkle ~v~nan dtea championship WUNTER Hou luit orrived ...cgaoi . . and our busins tarting fi booming ai For fomlly $6990 fun, go From 20 ta 120 wlth a winner Horseposeer GO POLARIS We must move ur rernalnilg lnventory of 1973 Poaris sosemobles to save summer storage costs. Thaf means you cao buy a nese Plars qualify snowmobile nom at substantial savlogs. Harryin while the selectionls stili good. 9 Montgoery Lan, Miton 111E AGERPS ElBE hono87-41 WE SERVICE ALI MAKES 0F SNOWMOBILES 1 m WAD playe w i2

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