Teachers ask for moratorium on re-organization of staff Hallas Coaoly traclers pacseo tIse board rusus of lise ilalton Cousty Boanrd of Edscntion Fais. 15 te leur prenident of Haltan 0831F Tom Bamastarsings and Balles Elementaay Teabhea Asnociation Prealdent Joan Tiblault exprsa lise concerna of leaisers anrsa lise cnunty about lise buaad's plans for major chsanges in lise staff organsalion. ta bis peentalien Raman- sings caeol fer a twe year moatorium os tise acceptance of lise Staff Orgasinalion ami Dit- ferential Statfing reprt. He sald teepaas coald a lou lisoasig evalsutios of tise exlatlng structure in enci sueassdaap selsool talbe dune loy a eonslnttee, of trustees and secondary leacisers appeinled loy tise Distriat Executive af 033WF. Tise president questloned cleiser or ot fisere wauld le ny ederatiosul valse te le reeeived loy implensenlng lise recommandationstinlise report. Belis Bunautarings and Mas. Tiulut enpaessed aunceru aboeut tise use of paru Isofessionata. Rumautarsings sid 0831F sud not; oppose lise hiri4 of para prefosalesals but aC for sonne claifiation. Who goes "IfsBnteefuture lime, fer any ressun clelevea, lise situalion arises cisere a chsoie bau le le mande letween aedualng staff loy declaring redundant n leadher ln'esnly un permansent renteal orequicalent para-protesuounl Obituary assistance chat would le Oie plscy o tise Board? This quostiunnaines sol unly out of lise Federatauns cuneers for job- protection, but aatlea lasolise maOre faulansenil cosr as le ciselier or nthelo. ard regarde lise cuntacti leteeen profestonsal teacseas ami sisUdntsa semare lnntast in the educaiesal countttancountact letwnen siudente ami tay nmeul e ald, stdsuamnymne,"lise saldt. Ms. Thibault clalmed liseusue Of Para pfessoals acs lise ciiet ares nI conceru for lise HETA. HETA ngrees 011tiste concept Of a rodoploynsest ef tesclsing personnel and lise invlveset of a greter sumber etfmadulte te teaaling and nos-leaabing roies. It ost le lept ta mind lisat lise plan for differostiLaed stafftg eutiined inte ie iefla eSly une alternative and aller patterns of stafflsg mumit le invetgaled leforo any decisionsu are made at lise local levaI. pattmd e made loal inititive as muggested intes briet. Staff memiseas and lise cammaui mut le invlved ta tise deision usaklng proreun regardina lise impleusentatisenI structures involvlng liseusue of para-profesalueas. Aler ateiderable dicusaies lise board defeated les ami pauaed fu fan Mtise uMxrern- mnendalionsatlsey dealt citisat lise nmeeting flsursduy. Tise board deteated lise A.L. Chambers Albert Louis Chaumbers, 03, oI nsuncd uand davoled monofetis 62 Chals St., Mitoied Fois, S5 ime ta hisn orna. len 19U0 ie ai Mlton District Hospital alter acsed und aaced Jane Grallon, suffeacg laros a bief ilinoss. lisebinggesl moey cinner on thee M. Ciambers cas boas un circuit. Ma. 2, 1878 ai Ponsypeol, noaM. Ciamser.s once iseld top Peterboroughs. He woaisod as a chair tanlise local Orange Lodge. banler ta Peterboroughis anlt1906 Hccas predecossed b is li ie cisen ie moved te Mlton. Ha Albeta P. NavilIe. Ma. pnnciased a baiery liat one Canmbers cas ose of lS ciildren stood on Main S. cisera tee ceot oI Ma. and Mas. James osd of tee Ledit's store nowChasmbsers. standa. Ha ocsed andl operaleol lin baieay ina 30 penas. Ma. Cambesis tasrvived ly M. Chaumers cas a usmolealus sosOOWülmott otMlton and of theeI.100F. ina M8 peas as Louis of Niagara Fatis, Ontario. weas aservang on theeMiliton Fire James tecLennas, George Departosent and tise Baltoni Bady, Ivan Clrige, George Agicultual Soiey.Beee esClapusan, Allosnby Jakteman sud Seea easo iton Cousci Dean Jaisustos coco pallleaers. until~ ~ ~ ~ ~i is oae aa aue Ie finnral service cas leld at untl h bcam Maorfora oe-tee McKerie FaneraI Home ta er teros ta 193. Milonocitis Rcv. Carles Bainar Lnvedleanoes off iciated. Inteament cas ai Eventuulip ie etiaed ram Eveagreos Cemetery. fllSscsog -Tlsat the liree ares obamen amosg tise assistant super- iteentendensa e aeate, le givun more anlhiaty, anal le given neoantedefLiiion cai ffluuaon mre eseacise nf une- culive leadeaship inth ie arua. -Tlsat, as a pliscy, successisl p iuipate sleuld romain sitis lhier scisuns for fan ar n elemetary nsunola amna oreit peas in seanndnry uso s, misees lieegondofthlie systeunasoa whle or the speciflo raquent of liheprincipal for transfer diataten consblernliun eofoalier chsanges. TI c foliocing motionsucere adopted: -Tisat ce stabiline tise situation of autenunsy nnd a- countateity of lise principal in lhier prosent forano rder to alleo pruclice te, develop more clesely te tleory. -That vtce-principals betore appocneot 1 principal sisaald bave: andeataisen detinite leadershsip training or bave aevekled outtanding lesdeans~ quali. ,s; leen ezercined i n= s tise p ram and instruction aipzes île pincipalu rote;;iseid a anion of espunubltty te tco ca more scbools and gicen evidence of expeaiesce or involvement in bolis panels or fivoeideere otfoliser accuns- Plsmentesetici s nlsfy lise ltlent oft liese concepts. -Tisat the proseut practiceofu nvouting prici ual ndvice- Principaels elen panels for stated perlids af limes le cmn- linued ami espaniled. -Tisut the preseut system of Paying assistant nuperintendens un the Lbasnof merit modltted loy esperiesce le cuninsod. To date unly sun-conteniom bses bave leen isunstedly lise board. Sane ofthlie cuntroveanlal issue$pet talbe deltcwili include A FORMER MAYOR e of Milon and u devate i honse laver, A. * Chambers, age 93, died on Feis. 15. Mr. Chamleas usainlainsed is lave tor goal boasos tbougboat is life. He ta picturee citb one oftise bornes ha taainsed ut Miton Fair Grounds. Local women speak at Day of Prayer Tco cousea rous Ose localt Peolecolal Aîîausbly ailbe speakers Friday chcn oraea tram lve Mdlton cisaacfss lold a oleppisg up 1inlthe ldalng et lara.proaeonls, lihe elindo-9 ullan of oloor department iseudn, thse plsung out et assistent depatisent bonds and a reduclion 1Inlise sumber of deparnolheads by placing lacer olergroopinga of solo- Dletor Jim Singleton bausulad dis boardi munt eltiser gel lise nsea rograus for lesu usoneyor1 nocre pragraus for lise suene i nmoue. Muny oethtie recous- mendaliosin hdu brietf dopted are expeclesi 10 cul enpeooeo. Botondary Uine confuslng fsenmiser of suggestions Sial isuve been msade aegading boundarp linos for lise propososi regiossai municipality af Halton mnp lance ecen Halton M.P. Terry OConnor centusedi. Ma. OConnor recentlp ad- dressesi ualer of esqory 10 lise tecu of Georgatowen, aller receiving u eller trous Noaval rosident, Mas. Murrany Coa, nsing for lin ineression in u dispute cis lise Crodit Vlley Conservation Aullooity. Ma. OConnoan lestter wnn ecenlually Pnused on 10, Esquesing cleris- Irensurer Dehnna Frencis isp lie tocn of Georgetowen engineering depnrlnsent. "Il's got me isfed cisy nn M.F could nend a ltter 10 lise to of Georgetonanbout paoperlp ta Esqaeolng," Beeve Tom BOI cosssntednaltstlnsl cnucil metig. "Ma. OConnor is't 100 sure of bis boundaay linos," added Conscilior Dicis Hocitt. "Be cannI is," thereeva replied. tise ancual Wrld Day of Prayer ser'vice at the Pcn(sta vla> Sgh- isay GospeiChurch onOntaioiSt. S. Mao. Orm utanle, dlspeuls at tbe afttrnoon chissdreo's service and ters. Ruth Ans, Crawford 0111 speais ttise tua adull services. Services are aclsadulad.aI 2:30 and 7:30 p. for aulîn, citb the apecial cbiddacn's service ut 4:3 p. Men arc also isvited 10 ptspae. Tiso poas sersicc of crip sous develodoed by a groap oftewZealand cames,. The day af prayar la leing ob- oerved in over 160 counes around lise globe. Local Peolacostal, Ramao Caîbolîr, United, Paeoloyterian and Anglcaacongregoîsons are particspating tins pear, anda jont cbair' cl sing. The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed, Febcuary 28, 1973 3 "Neyer on Sunday" council tells racers 1 here vii au noSunday rainga a>Toronto, Intern'atonal Dragway this summer. Esquesusg Council bas turned down a request from solicitors for thse dragway operators to amend ils racing by- lacs ta permit Swsday meets tram May 1 anti] September 30 and tront Manday ta Thorsday nights inclusive ta 11.30 p.m. Permission la bave gales open earlier tisan 11.30 on Sundays cas also requested. A resolution read at Monday night's council meeting stated simply Ibat township by-lacs 29-70 and 18-1 I w 001 ise amended as reqaested. Copies of the resolutian are ta ho sent to Peter Bocosan, Dennison Denny, Ellis Taylor, Chsarles Thomson, Charles Hldebrandt, G. B. Fisher and Alan Taneman att of whom expresseci concern la council about the reqoested amend- mentis. Help yoar Heart Fuad help 1ZU . YOUR heart. Corne one Corne ai 7hurdayMarch lst - to *Mlton Gardens Specilizig j~ VISIT OUJR BEAUTIFUL NEW DINING R00M31 Ionlay la Thursday 4 p.m. tlaara iuike-O~um.Orders 'Frday ad Strday 1a:.to 2 a. Nec Dicîaq roons enfracce off Browc Sf. SAT THE MILTON INN HOTEL : * 128 Main St. Milton Open en days a week * 878-4531 , For Fast Take-Out Service * modaytoThursdlay dpm. fol ao. CD *Frîday and SaturdaY 4 p. m f0o2 p.m 4 Sanday 4 p. fat 12 p.44 JOHN THE BAPTIST John oca, baptizest lnthe ciidernescancd preached the isapismi of repentace ata rocissiaa of ias. o.sdid Joha ont hib came? tes faIller said, "ais naacos John", butlfils waris nos h41 of bap iz iag.Just as one moa ans 001101 "EIysos theosorcerer" (Atn 13:8), and ather was oalied "isieoacder the copperscilh" (Il Tus. 4:14), sa lOiS Johnc .as called OC his cor k, John the haplîsor lOupist). Now the disciples of issus iapised eceacmore Ihae did John (Johna4:li )Vol Ihe scipiires do col record chaI lhey acre oalled uller Iheir cark of aI plioing as oas John. TOt nasce as applied only la Johns persoaelly and couac la ucy olier person, and ceaer lo theNew Tesament ohurclt. The disoiples of Jesus wcaalad "disciples' (Jahna4P 1 2) and "Chrisians" lAcs 1l:26). Thop isliaad in the îecassly of 14,10 bal ise ole called "Faithisls-,. bey believed ia bapliscc. bul cere ncal iled lv 1041 doctrina. Thenanlelhal 000 auialo hecallnsored Christ. "Il aIl loan sallar as a Christia, let ic, collbe shalced buI LIT HlM GLORIFY 000 IN THIS 5010E." IlPaler 4:16). Casce and carsllia 0,110us as GIrily Gool logtelar! Free-MaiI TODAY PlIc,.Pro,dr cro,,.1î CloraI of Chiest p.,cphiet 241 Kins C oirt DB.ileCarr-pondrcc, Cu,'c Mîllons.Ont. Plh. 878-6050 EP, ici' ,Bt,1 Sid, AiDDRESS PHONE CITY - -Pacu 1 f