Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 22

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110Tie Champion Mitn, Ot Wel. February 2t, 1973 Farmers potsto budget impact ___ 'lise budget asnoascod by Jota Turner Oie Meeiter o Finaure contamnei retecenco te severut itemof e major concers te tarmers" aid Fraik Watt. fist Vice.Peident of OFA. te a Bord ot Diectrs meeting held ai Feh 20. M. Walli uicated Oat Oe provisions made egrding fa-c trunaters hemeen ftOer asd son eing exempt reen capital gaies tas, the capital gainis tasesn quota riglt, tise mvntrY account concept regardithbasic herd plans. and tise nîateral rdutiessor remnovai o tacrif.q se fruits and vegetahies, amimals aid meata oece snacceptable te arsecs i Ohiesprsent isec. Support Stand The Bard o Dîecters uaimousiy supporte4 Watt's posten and passeil a reseities dremadsii that taeii reductios sot bc împlemlented until recîprocal roductions toc exprts cas bc segotiuted. lise Sord a"s istructed, . aA. and encis membur of Oie Sord, 70 contact their M.P. to protot tise inadequate mensures contained Oic budget regardeZ tuing Of quota rigisis, facen transters ad the emnstatement osicsr ierds as capital umsets. t1 have sent telegranet todaY 70 the leaders et it parties i Oe House and tise Minister of Fiance mndcatmng sur support for C.F.A.'s idetical position on Oese malIen swioci as muilod ta al mcmhers othtie fHuma yesterday,' sad M. Wat. "I urge ail cosccrnod armners 10 express their dispîcosure teOeir own M.P. as ssonas possible," ho eocladeil. Plans Western Fair farm show Sp A. M.Armsstrong esampes on macbînery anýd Did yes attend Oe Fro buldns. Machmnery mut b mpmetSoaiTrene nd disu nder tie headings of ~5îC atedi= point Ompurchsief, leasing, custom, t wuld recomnd ou attend hirînt, etc.- Guidefinen tor Oie Western Fir Farc oisw Decisien on Buildings spomaorei hyise Western Fais Management - steud I renovate Paciutiosamdtie Middlesse e habull ses," will aise bu Sil and Crsp Impreveinent diarusseil Assciaties aitishe Western Critiral topis? Faigrasdson March 6 7,f8, andl on 't'hscsday, a very critical 9i tpîc, landlume plamaitg and Oe Thefai'sishswas su ie open to farmer, iii hc dscusscd, Oe pubie on Tsesday, Wed- commrscig ait 130t p.m. which ursday aid Thursilay ree 1030 promises te hie a very aie. te 79. 30 p.m. ailes Friday informative and înerstinf ireo 1:30 a.m. te 430 p.m. 'lie pegraco. agenda mi iclude suds features s commercial eshisiits, On Frday tac feature prograco eductienal disptaYs. iste fecil grain situation. They demnstrutiiins, barrewshoiw ebuve aiseOishught efthtie ladies in dmsplays uterees andl evenine arranging Oie pregram. Each Oictre pregramse film day Oere is a special ladies presentations andl haking psograco sîta suchitlos on Oe exhisiit. agenda as fashiin shows. Of main interest ta siee leatierirait demnstratios ireedecs maut libu Oe Att Brenils disptays andl spendig yeur foodl iSine Sle te ta bllbTsdaY, dttr. Marris 6 t 1:30 p.m. Aise on Tuedaytieree. ettieg For iurthec information,. itetturvalefer dotarsuýpent. il cotact Oe agccutiicai office i bie di scusseil. usief relevant Milten. Fair board delegates ut annual convention Coset20 memisers ofHalton W Agricuturai tSciety attende Oe M twe-day conventian ni tie Ontario t Agricltucul ilocieties n mTrontos(s lat meeoi. resident Jas McKuy andl vice- pesident ileald Crton ere Control q of insects ' By Brke MeNeil 'liero are secerut ensecta tatt eus infect ynuc heusepianîn.1 Apiils, seales, aid shiteities are Oe mot commun. Insecs cas bu confrottedeil y. Il you buy es plants. ceck tat taep re free Ocamineci psta. 17 desel 705e ilong fsr apids oec misteflies te anft al Oe 'clean" plantasi yur tomne. To bu sure. bcop ses plantsna sepuirate Place unti you are cure taey are froc of pesta. This is particulaely important sis Aricîas violets. One f Oe sonpiest sayn lu contrl muets s Oe use of aresl spray insecticides. A gardensuspply renter eil buve a miste section devoird te, "Piant Coc" items. lino a large crd- bourd bus te cnntasc tise spray. Wta the tes on 71 sde. place peur plant isîde. Then drec Oe spray inte lise carton. Rememis o 70170r insec- ticdes ie a col, entlated, and leciseillocation. Ittîs asporant in toop taecnosut of rans et chililcen and pts. voing detegutes fer HAS. mita Mrs. Lloyd Stlokes andl Mes. Fred Dixon delegatex for Oie ladies' section. The local agricidîxcai aociety sponsors Milton Faie. Queen un baud l'he 4-H qucon ofOthe ccl fua' Joyce Wison mas ose of 60ta'r îueenn înirodu ced is tise gathermg. Tbey mil rempete fsr thc ilmweetteaci efthOe Faims" csmpetitinie Augosi ai Oie CNE. Haiton's set of cslsrei lsides ni Oie fuir, tubes by Maurice Beadhead, mere enterel ia cumpeiiuefour fair picisees hat son no prises. The HAit directors aiso eetered an eshîhit ut pecie lista. ribteas aid pbutegcapbs. speakers inetudeil Ontarie's assistant deputy minîster nf Agricuiture Gordos Bennett und S.0 B.Williams, deputy mintes uf thc Canadian Deportinent ef Agriculture. Tise wmre delegates bail seporute sessions on baniîraita andl deccupoge. &AT.MOOREj INSURANCEI ICAMPBELLILLEI 854221 THIE HEAT WAS ON stais ise ct dectded pglefs andl keep wam undes teat lamp, not ole t the 10 ltlle piggies gel 86 sl. Tise cal espeially whenO tt mas lment neo otoide. feunn il coovemieot te sntsggle bu umeng tise (Photoeby J. Jeniofs) Suggests common complex for regional services Ail Cointy soldb in oî~e ne building ie a regienal gecernenent setup. Bucbungisn lpsty Reeve Dace Cuen tl tise coatys adisinis- iratise committee ai a meetiing Caos suggeted Oe Huttes Cbildre's Ai ilaid Haltes Ifegien Censervation AuOiritY souit bu bouisedin e Oat ibuilding as el. 'ise discusin ms trggeced shes mecoiers considered a $3770 item for ce ars toaa veranda ai Oe H4 80.heud- quarters fr taceCisidre's Aid. Ceem suggecteil Oe coanty staulde't put meney ileOut teildhi but ait a yer, vcrue the bufilme ad moce CAS lote a regîai beutiquarters. ecbers citeil a prsbteni ai receivîeg c-oprtions rom CAS on tht cost ie Oie ps. Ad sesestealur Grield Bcewn suid CAS ban mevedi te offices ai Oabville aid Burltnagaist e tise iii of Ceaty C .silandl buil tbumhed their nmase thOe ,f coascil. e New tallding a county fsuggtd witabulding suggested iaving CAS mono e rni sligtebuildin.Warden Mcrhrihee CAS bad rctect's sketches for a nom building. ille uggeted. Oat HlCA mas .egahenld siptanls tor a uit Kew and se mppoted Oie mave. "'lime People vbu vSeil list rata fer aeven yers and s- one ese i Oie cmai87 han lled Ste ibuat," she said. Regonsl headquarters Tise cemmittee dincusseil friefty taepossibility ut situating regianai eaudquartorsi a nese buldi nduilmiere it miglt bu J..t. Tise ides o huing Oie p'ovincial oficesn crue Oie coasty building on iteltas Ave. ans mece soutis as aIne discussund Tistmone o muhfre Oie existinit csasty building for egianal offires. Coons telil tbu counitteo Ohe decsion on miere regional Meail quartars oulil ta located mouit ta up to tbu regionul chairman and a egienal coancil. but se felt Bull eurns top owards Judge ias tieJreymiLIDLfisfmwsesaeedb tG PASinE 2X,Excellnt, lias ju beau declareai aGoulMedalSire iytise Canadian Jersey Cattle oainastie iigis production Ot tissas ot tes daugitters. Ilias bug bas 3o testei daugiters taut average 9,415 punds mls, 513 poueds fai, 3.45 per cent on th miature eqascient oi aithir records. tisa 27 classitsed dauoiter avuerage 83.8 pr cent oftwheiis16 are 0057 good, f are gaad plus anddtureoclaiaiY gond. Hisusire ls Linale Bijoua Fluis Excellent, a Gold ail Silver Moda, New Superlr Sire. Hus dam isaUndae Baosane 18G, Very Gsod, twse Tn aof i3old, Gold Malal semner t Il yeacs. Siselias a tîtetimoe production of 105,811 ruoas ao LIN fFLASHIE X mas fred isy Maurie Beatty. Hiton, as sndiy RandolpisDstn Cowansville, Quebor and iatterlY by Kart wber, Coseaimilte. Tise Jersey bul, LINDALE ECHO SPUTNIK, clanitied Encllent, lias aIsO eu declaral a Gotd Medai Sire isy Oie Canadien jersey Cattle Club on Oie iigis production ut tour ut liii daugiters. This ull lias 3f testei daugitrs Oat average 9,415 poasds mnilk. 472 pondtuift, 5.01 per cent. tus 28 classitied daugitersavuerage 04.2 par cent, 16 are Very G.oud. 12 ara 60ed plus. Mis sire inLindale Bencon Enso, a Goid aid Siver Medil Nom Senior iluperior Sire. fil dam, Lindle Bi-ou P G Rute Ora, Supre nxcllent. miINDALE ECI4O SPtJTNIE Tilmanof Ciurcilli,anid tatterly by K. E. Huas, Wuodhsddge. --Ssilents are stsrtig t cSSil Oie days to thee mîd.winter selsaut iiohday week, Marris 7923. -Ms. Peggy Treahy of Georgetown recently cnsnpieted atraining course fer sieltereil reisubilitationn sorksisup personnel t tise Ntioal Iistiute os Mental Retardafles, Yark Unversity. Site saintise staff of ARC Indstitees, Hurssy. Bais Msrrapf Actn a= us o . acedprtlit2t H tl tise ansual ui s.aga Contest held ncneta eO thie selection et Ai-Caidial iltensuihe 1972 show seusus. There wre 483 ctries tram acros Canada andl 76isd pefe senrer. Judy Colea S astle PQ wsu selectoil asfise top aseard siesr i c de cmaf ie 76 pertect Cers S a ofC5êe Guli sm irut ia Ontario aMd in-adstise national drase. FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Yaar Sisefi Dealer BELL BROS. MILTON Lie ne , Bef B Btme oe wiOi coaty ceassit wisco be or die iappoiteil. -Champion clussif ieda iii niafe your phone ring. -Fete-secy s a shert monta ____________________________ jut 28 duys tis yeur. ORDER NOW FOR SPRING! NEw I19731/2 Luxury Gran Torino lTwo Door Hardtop Look ait the features.. place your order nowv... drive in comfort titis spring. r Exterior: Interior: *P'eak Paint Stripe e *Fiight bench seat in fan super-saff SB3right pestaittip e *Radiai piy tires otOpi mîfh orange accenfs 'Cet pife carpet I- *Coirkeyed rear bemper pad eWaadgrain cluster and instrument mOitai note hors d sColor-keyed bedyside cocuidings panel applique sienpraved saend package it eGdense Halo vinyf roof eDefexe sfeerfng seheel Coiar-Keyed base mheei cecers Torino .... the solid, mid-size car. Smooth ... strong ..quiet .. Get ail the details now from the friendly ones atÀ MOTORSD C.LD 409 Mains Sf. Eat MILION phm"l26 Of ANNUAL MEETING MILTON DISTICT HOSPITAL CORIPORATION TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting o the M ilton District Hlospital Corporation wiII be held n the Clinical Cassroom o the Milton District Hospital on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. A Cordial Invitation is Extended ta All Dated at Milton, Ointario tiis 28h day of February. 1973, by order of fhe Board of Drectars. . K. VAN SICKLE. Chairman. DONATIONS The Hospital wishes ta acknowledge cash donations amceunting fa $9487.00 wtich were received f ram the foiiawing: Dr. D. Aikenhead, Mrs. R. Edwards, Dr. L. Embracit, Dr. D. Hardie, Dr. R. Horn, Or. W. Kosiawskf, Dr. W. S. Legafe, Dr. R. A. MacKay, Dr. J. W. Mc- Cutchean, Mrs. F. S. McOuae, Mms. H. Powys, Mrs. J. Ramnsey, Mrs. H. Sawyer, Dr. S. Wagie, Or. V. R. Waldorf, Dr. G. L. Waodaif, Milton District Hospitaf Auiffary, Cof. Harfand Sanders Charitabfe Organization fnc., Estate of Myrtie B. Field, Est ate of Carence Patterson, and memaoriai donations in memnory ofthie fate Mrs. E. B. Cemnents, Mrs. G. M. Hood, Mr. E. W. Jacabs, fan MacNab, Miss A. J. Martin, and Mr. J. S. Mason. OM-m-M-Mwý .S ýe S. 'S )f id Di of m is ýe.

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