Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1973, p. 15

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MDHS news Basketball squad stili in finals By StevessDiluo BOugiton. Tise tisai score efthtie Tise boys' jonior basetialsuidsoden deatit gose was 8-6 for teao oaSU sinuttise inalts oSer Milton. deteuting Perdue in tise senti- Tise josoor boys' basketisait finots tlut wsei, 82-2. ta the teasu Cotled teotntise Eastt stosiseo deatis gosse Graisam Hatton County higisst-boni Badaos as te lilgis orer dtasnpiaaiip toat weeis. te a two with 29 points. gosse, Sotaint eries Miltos Grade Il geograpisy sdento lest isy osty eigist pointa. toored tise Fard plant in Oakisle Tisrsdoy's gosse reoulted in o 40- les sneeis. 36 irtory for tise eSmpeting Lont Tuesday tise Mltos Blaisrocb bts sisile Friday M=a hsiscioy boom deeated iltaietocis sas 4945. TiseMilton Wi stels in tise semi-finals oad m= 1t.a1wt nosproceedtotatise dmot»Ateroatled game alt osy sessi-ti"nosod 1aMosaiay tetampaedhpb ul o mmevicoies. , Tlesday Sa treakite ls ol b ilagmatc emw Tuesay sare scared by RichIard te anmpetssg on Marris 1. Tise Mrray, Joins Vlpe s algirls bave set qaile oaiit of Barber. Assista sen t S Barber, tisse worisigout for tis Volpe, Stene MeCons osd Bai s sspetittsn. P ropose contest to design office 00(30 ANDERISON helpa t0-year-old Jeff tait- grounds ta Knox Presbyterian Chuitris, Goulding ofthtie 3rd Milon Cuis Pack pepare tetere Bey. Johan Murray condurboit a special for tise anottal Scout-Guide parade Sunday. Sceut-Oside Weeis chutris service. About 125 Scoute, Guides, Cote, Brownles and (Phoeto by B. Butttt) Rangers marctsed tromth8e Scout Mail atthse FtFTit MILTON SCOUT TROOP won tise W. Jackson. Fr-ontt-os: MiteVant Gorstlsot, Andy T. Met-ty siield for Oakioile District Bey Bonail, Pauol DM and Tet-ty Aseltan. Tise Semaut sintet- camp competition. In tise bat-l boys set-e at-desi 8-e shield for piaring fitst tos are rampera (t. Sa r.) Jotn as sa-s, PautluinoUl-reuosd instar camping. Van Getstisot, Don Matiseson, Cedsic Clark, (Phsot by S. Ditls) Tom last-ent-e, Kevin Blabetaris and Geordie Hlton Beias Coservation o Ath.fit, Zwttinnestigobottise posiiltty aofisolding a anabates atssng orcisiteebo in order ta anaeap witisa designfor lise ses bouidinaiotKeina Sa bouse HRCAà odjanstrobors and staff. F Tise aatisority isad erliert conidered a o rnmlttee i recosmsandatios te engagee Boseeand itienstro, Achitecteo aot oruSt oI $3,50 to pt-avide o prelindaary design. t-bat motian oaa renrinded te allas tise cosspetitios.- Terry Masseil ted saggested lise coanpetties wo0.d sot nove ony aney bot would altos tise auabority tesee differet designa. Oppese piseebane Acrordisg ta cessssittee inoboae fremthie t.Asd Use Advosory Board, membot- R. B. Day and tSos oliers lted appoaed tise parrbose et a ses bollA!g Day rgaed tbot parrbose at labelrost and escarpmest toopertian abaald roteiigiser priority tiso nwoffice and ise woodered iflsosds sould te proidedisy tise province for saris acrnosdaties. WbSle tise estlmated cont of lise bilding nwtandsaiot$180,00 Day predicted conss ssdd t-aris $250,000t. Manager Mrray iteptensauid 9teessuld te on udvonboge tSa osaidobo HRCA officran od bove t ender use anaf. Tseatbority rurrenstly rente 1,800 squar-e tant an Main Si. in Mdltonaniot$5Mpar mastis and pays lot- its asvn joniborint servires os oel as sabt- and bydro. Acanrding Se minates bom the Land Use Advinory Board, tseabers disrasaed the Keino site os the lotatoasoeth9e Auhority The Champion, bolton, Ont.. Wed., Febroary 28, 1973 ~iiampion MDHS news Friday game decides high school champions By Steven Dlii ise Miton Mustangs isocbey booss wil ploy a But-bagtes boom Ftiday lort-hie Haltes Cousty high sciseet bockey cbompiansip oter deteatssg T. A. Biaise=tri and sinning 8-e Eost Hottes cisaspionssip. Miltes deleobod Blakelocbt5-2, in a too gome total goal serins ployed Wednsady ued Priday. Wednsdoy's gatse played ut KnaisAt-su in abelle oaa sos by Miton 4-2. te us ottasdssg gosse sibo lotesIfuea support, Miton players put lotb as outtonding tram effort sitis everyose playing te capacity. off ire oiosabue bosspproved Blubelocis upenel 9-es isy 9-e ooboority aasa Oite os e bt-eab-aoay. teet cansnee and arresiity to 9-ensncered Milten's tirs 9-e general public. 'It wsn eit anisted by Carl Barber.1 9-at tise onty people inconvenienred seuld te 8-e 9-pe fte Town et Milon and Stories of ththeojarity oaIhepeople wota bave ibusiness sits 9-e tenders for new bridge Tenders siti ie roiled sent oees by tise Mtnistry of Tronsporsasties and Commaunications lort-hie constrution et tise ses Credit Rive- Bridge os Higissoy 7 os 9-e tVsilage ofylorval, MPP Jin tsas aouoaeed. Castratt s inclade, in ad- dition Sa 8-e New Bridge, a t-uci rllssbing lanefor a distance et t.2 milea nd aine a reboinisg sali et 9-e Credit River Bridge. It is anttripated 9-e costrart wsll praceed for coantruction le lise enrly tipring et 1973. scoring MrCasn rst guet Barber success More and amore isappy Csompion claseitied odvertosers are t-epertog set-ceas sterian" aBter t-usstsg anespensve adns in tise pope-. Tihiss eka aun woeof- tered Sa do bousesors said sise ointes9t-e se-e 15 days in the weeis-tha's hbes any etters of sar shse rereived trots ber tittie ad. Ass9-er advertiser had se trouble setisg a t-boinsans, il sas gone wotin o day after tbe pope- lot the streeta. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TU E SDAY 9p.m Grace Anglican Parisv Hall HAVINO A P000LbEM? DOROP IN scsred bts second in tise second period, te pot Miton aisead 2-t. Barber scored wbite eues trots 005 sisortisanded. Tise tiird Miton goat, ota sSe n tise second persod, was by Bois Bougitos. Inotte tinrd period Bobi Cieesessue gos a tocisy sisot asay and scored Mdlto's toarsis guet. Blobetaris ptayers tises rusbed back and winte tbey biadt a ose mans advostage, scoreS thie secosd goal. Only ose goal Os Friday tisus gos toogiser ultîboagisMiton OOS ployssg os bosse ire. Jobs Votpe seored tise ssly guelt tisougisout tise gosse as 9.40 of tise tinrd pertod. He ous asssted isy Carl Bariser asd Steve McCaos. Tise Milton gosse alo proved te te rougis. Dsa'usg tise gosse e Miton tus strung op a dutsay wluis wos supposed to represeat o Btuisetocb ployer. ise dsonsy sore o Btubetocb ct-est os ite twatet-,dont belore tise end of tise gosse a Mston fus grabteil thse dutssy, started teorisg it to pseces and tessiog il touarda tise sec Tis pt-svoked tise Btabeoar lots and e scuttle Sagas. Ose tas cosstested, "Blabeloeb smust bhove resented a duasnsy,sepsenctiagoe ofti ployers, busgmng in a soose." Ttereswee oslyoatstsorsty oftie lots tsgbting but ssest of tise ressotsder ofthte crowd ws pusbssg. Aller tbe ganse Blabelocis osd Mltos fass ltsed i ousopposite ssdes of the mt-lsud odpelted snosblils ut eacb otiser. A Blebelocis student get it squat-ely os the sose anS bod to te belped iste tise reso for repurs. Officiai openlng at new dam 'Ise officiai opaning ufth9e Hilton Fols Dom and Reset-voir in Nassagaweya wMlBte iseld Ors. 11tat2 '35 pan.ZTeC projr 9-e osite eebo. It in anticipated tise dam and refavoir suS serve bobo as o satar conrst devire and as a tociity tor lissibod retreotionot -Mare saeslat; esseisand on 9-e oeeisend indirates tise groondbogs tredit-tion et an eariar spring bantcrme tue pet Fins Furniturs AT FACTORY TO YOU PRICt-v MILTON PLAZA FELECTRICITY * s lOur Business * Dont Sea sTieberer i athtElectricity. Cali an experttfor i, êeo Csruits 0 C dditonai DOutts 0 OutdoneLiht FEATHERSTONE1 I ELECTRIC 878-6378 See the HORNET Ifyouare oneeofthStse people wonsaidet-savùsg maney oison oS cosses te a cor ronsîder ose '73 HerseS. A compact 9-at's econanital tetus and mintinoand teatarea a 232teu. in. engine 3.litres. But seve botS merttias ecosassy inSa, our Harnt. Yo'tl i td9-lgs ise t-b kplUsiscarpeting 9tht-so ts ute slil. Ceanorlabte toaruesionei tronsseats. A gluve lacis bon. New ssergy-aoariing front bomper sith a speclal ruister botter trip se 9-at year tenders and iendLigisgel 9-at tsut-i mot-e protection. And ofute ear noyer Protection Plu.W se bodld tisean btter. 2 1 Youtb pge ALUMINUN DOORS/~/ custom e ma e o u peciicOons ý ~ :T:i Free Estinmates 00e seli l Aminum Doors, Windows, Awnings and Store Fronts SLIDERS eMIRRORS Ouss -IREPIR e SERVICE W.J. kOSkI Lm itd 3Seel A.itn 808-952 j Have you '0 claimed yourcredit,? Everi if Yoil (ton t pny taxes YOLI inay berietit from the 0ntémo (ioveriiiiif,,iit , new i Tax Credit Plan And cai) ori1ý api hy filinq :i 19U inconie Tax Ruturn V(ý d Si fnýiL1VP clium fotri) just for linat purpose, iii ynLir 1972 incoire lax kit AIng with ini explana- lion of the plan If you paid prnperty taxes or rent ast vear you may be eligilhle If YOU haven t tpceiveci YOUr kit in the mail pick one iip al any post office And senci iti hoth the tax relLirri and the claim form The S00ner YOLI file tire soorier you Il receive your i YOLir feceral District Taxation Office wil-1 be glad Io answer ariy questions yoij fnight have 1 he Ontario Property Tax Cred[t Plari VVe thought of if Biit vve d like YOU tO get lh(-ý Credit Ontario Hon. John White Hon. William G Davis Hon. Main Grossnian Tteasurer Prernier Minister et Revei ýý ic, George Clements

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